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09-18 投稿


juke 发音

英:[dʒuːk]  美:[dʒʊk]

英:  美:

juke 中文意思翻译




juke 网络释义

n. 自动唱机音乐(等于jukebox)vt. 用假动作诱使;佯攻vi. 做假动作;携异性伴侣沿公路逐店闹饮;和着自动唱机音乐跳舞

juke 反义词


juke 同义词

naughty | scandalous | exciting | salacious | gamy |succulent | red-hot | racy | ripe | blue | vivid | voluptuous | sensational | spicy | toothsome | fat | luscious | risque | interesting | gamey | moist | lurid

juke 词性/词形变化,juke变形

动词过去式: juked |动词过去分词: juked |动词第三人称单数: jukes |动词现在分词: juking |

juke 短语词组

1、juke-boxes (juke-box ─── 的复数) n. 自动点唱机(小餐馆、酒吧等 ─── 的投币选唱机)

2、juke joint ─── 备有自动唱机的小酒吧(或小餐馆、小舞场)

3、juke-box n. ─── 自动点唱机(小餐馆、酒吧等的投币选唱机)

4、juke house ─── [网络] 点唱机房

juke 相似词语短语

1、jube ─── n.祭廊;教堂十字架的围屏;n.(Jube)人名;(英)朱布

2、joke ─── n.玩笑,笑话;笑柄;vt.开…的玩笑;vi.开玩笑;n.(Joke)人名;(英)乔克;(塞)约凯

3、juked ─── n.自动唱机音乐(等于jukebox);vt.用假动作诱使;佯攻;vi.做假动作;携异性伴侣沿公路逐店闹饮;和着自动唱机音乐跳舞

4、cuke ─── n.黄瓜(等于cucumber);黄瓜之果实

5、duke ─── n.公爵,(公国的)君主;公爵(种)樱桃;n.(Duke)人名;(西、俄、瑞典、英)杜克

6、jukes ─── n.一个假想的疾病、贫穷与犯罪数代相传的纽约家族

7、Luke ─── n.卢克(男子名);路加(基督教早期信徒之一);路加福音

8、jake ─── adj.(非正式)顺利的,令人满意的;n.家伙;消防队员;n.(Jake)杰克(人名)

9、juku ─── n.学塾

juke 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Look at her! She's a fox! See, the redhead by the juke box. I'm gonna try to pick her up. ─── 看她,真性感!看,在自动电唱机旁的那个红头发女孩,我想试着去和她聊几句。

2、There is even a Bible-based juke box that plays your favourite biblical passages. ─── 甚至还有一种基于《圣经》的投币式自动播放点唱机,可以演唱你最喜欢的圣经段落。

3、Saxophonist Corbett Wall's latest music project brings you back to the late 60's funky juke joint get down shake your thang go-go clubs somewhere in Memphis, Reno, or Chicago. ─── 高培华和他的音乐夥伴们将要带给您60年代的放克摇滚爵士.只要您穿上白色阿哥哥超迷你短裙入场,马上获得一杯免费特调饮料喔!!

4、So, as the song says, "Put a dime in the juke box, baby." Let's listen to the music! ─── 所以,当歌曲中唱到”亲爱的,放一毛钱在自动电唱机里”让我们来听这首歌.

5、juke box ─── n. 投币式自动点唱机

6、He picked images of Americans rich and poor working and idle northern southern and western.There were urban landscapes and rural diners and flags and juke boxes kids and cars. ─── 他选取各种各样的美国人的影像:穷人的、富人的,工作的、闲散的,北部、南部和西部的。

7、JukePix. Com - Juke Your Pix - Funny Image Creator! ─── 制作搞笑图片,有大量模板。

8、Special music Juke Box function, play music files stored in hard disc directly. ─── 特有音乐盒功能,直接播放硬盘上储存的音乐文件。

9、The pearlescent white tables and tan and cream tube chairs complete the total look, and are complemented by a coin-operated juke box where you can pick your tunes, old or new, to suit the mood. ─── 店中的白台、白色及奶茶色椅子跟整个diner look设计互相配合,并设有自助jukebox 唱机,任由顾客选择播放昔日或今天的流行曲。

10、Juke to create high quality with professional spirit for many years.Sincerely welcome to join the factory. ─── 多年来,粤兴宁液压机械一直以专业创造品质,诚意邀请各界人士加盟!

11、For company he hiked across the river to Windsor, Vt., and passed the time with teen-agers in a juke joint called Nap's Lunch. ─── 他徒步越过河流到了佛蒙特州的温莎去找同伴,他与一些青少年孩子们一起在一个叫小憩午餐的小酒吧度过时光。

12、comment4; ringtone juke box :-]; skill online-sex poker 58960; top rated online gambling casino >:-PPP; auto insurance quotes 795; ─── 作者:匿名时间:2008-11-2400:08标题:最烂手机,服务最差手机-厦新手机,千万别买厦新手机,会后悔,会气坏身体!

13、Use DirectX plug-ins to turn Juke into a professional music production system with an equalizer, compressor and limiter. ─── 使用DirectX插件,把juke成为一个专业音乐制作系统,具有均衡器,压缩机和限制器。

14、Those juke joints were a great education and I was really happy. ─── 真是快乐的一年,也学习到很多东西。

15、, Ltd is a new high-tech company located in Shanghai Juke Biotech Park. ─── 需要手性催化剂的可以看看我司网页www.chiralchemcorp.com上海奥普迪诗化学科技有限公司及其子公司上海手性化学科技有限公司是新型高科技企业,位于上海聚科生物技术园区。

16、Design a musical juke box using object oriented principles ─── 采用面向对象的设计方法设计一个音乐盒。

17、So, again, the technology is still being used. Let's see how he did on the last one: the Ferrite Core memory from the juke box. . . ─── 于是乎,这项技术还在应用。下面咱们来看看他怎么回答最后一个:电唱机的铁氧体磁芯存储器。。。

18、Don't you think the person whoever wrote this piece of juke should go back to school? ─── Oh, by the way, what makes you beleive that "正是湖南人的选择成就了北京的首都地位"?????????????????????????????????

19、There is even a Bible-based juke box that plays your favourite biblical passages. ─── 甚至还有一种基于《圣经》的投币式自动播放点唱机,可以演唱你最喜欢的圣经段落。

20、You want to turn down that juke box....loud in here" ─── 客人:嘿,把那该死的点唱机关掉,你,把点唱机关小点,在这。。

21、order male++enhancement+oil online, =(, order breast+augmentation, juke, ─── 如需要留言请点击或进入留言薄发布日期:2008-6-205:11:54

22、His big, deep voice rumbles out of radios and juke-boxes across North America. ─── 他的大,深远方有隆隆的声音从收音机和自动唱片点盒北美各地。

23、Two main part : the explorator and juke box part. ─── 两个主要部分: explorator和juke方块的一部分。

24、It wasn't strange to us to hear things at night.Sometimes the juke box would come on; ─── 我俩共用一个房间,晚上听到动静对我们来说并不是什么新鲜事。

25、In the bar upstairs, a juke-box started up loudly. ─── 在楼上的酒吧里,一个自动点唱机响了起来。

26、Holding hands, making all kinds of plans while the juke box plays our favorite songs ─── 唱机里播放着我们都喜欢的歌曲,我们手拉着手,一起做着各种各样的计划

27、juke box system ─── 自动电唱机系统

28、The lyrics describe the stress and drudgery of a high school student's daily routine, and the sense of release that comes from dancing at the local juke joint after school. ─── 全美国做著音乐梦的青年便都以为这首歌讲的是他们的故事,使这首1958年的歌成为摇滚乐史的钜作。

29、Sometimes the juke box would come on; sometimes you could hear voices and laughter coming from the bar. ─── 有时候是唱片点唱机,有时是从酒吧传来的谈笑声。

30、There were urban landscapes and rural, diners and flags and juke boxes, kids and cars. ─── 有城市的风景,也有乡村的,有进餐者、国旗、自动点唱机,有小孩和汽车。

31、I remember the lyrics to songs, like the rancheros I heard played on the juke box in the cantina across from where I slept in Mexico, and the names of special foods I like to eat and therefore want to be able to order. ─── 我会记得歌词,就像我以前墨西哥住处对面一家餐厅内点唱机常播放的歌词,还有我喜欢的特殊食物名称,因为这样可以让我在点菜时用上。

32、Some of the African words in Gullah have become English words, such as cooter ("tortoise"), goober ("peanut"), gumbo ("okra"), and juke (as in "jukebox"). ─── 而古勒语中的某些非洲单字后来则成为英文单字,如:cooter(乌龟)、goober(花生)、gumbo(秋葵)及juke(自动唱机("jukebox&quov的字根之一)。

33、juke joint ─── ph. 备有点唱机的小酒吧或舞厅

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