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09-18 投稿


incurrence 发音

英:[ɪnˈkɜːrrəns]  美:[ɪnˈkʌrəns]

英:  美:

incurrence 中文意思翻译



incurrence 短语词组

1、incurrence of liability ─── 责任的发生

2、incurrence of ─── 发生

3、incurrence of liabilities ─── 负债的发生

4、incurrence covenant ─── 发生契约

5、incurrence test ─── 发生试验

6、incurrence covenants ─── 发生契约

incurrence 相似词语短语

1、occurrence ─── n.发生;出现;事件;发现

2、incoherence ─── n.不连贯,无条理

3、concurrence ─── n.同时发生;赞同;合作

4、concurrences ─── n.同时发生;赞同;合作

5、recurrence ─── n.再发生;循环;重现;重新提起

6、intercurrence ─── 中间电流

7、incurrences ─── n.招致;遭受

8、concurrency ─── n.[计]并发性;同时发生

9、incurrent ─── adj.流入的;向内流的

incurrence 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Cost center: a cost center is any responsibility center that has control over the incurrence of cost. ─── 成本中心:成本中心是能控制成本发生的任何责任中心。

2、The controlling power changing and incurrence share change currency share are all influence controlling power avails. ─── 控制权转移和非流通股转化为流通股对控制权收益均有重要的影响。

3、The incurrence of damage or loss of a ship or a cargo at sea. ─── 海损损失因海损使船货受损的情况

4、We consider the likelihood of loss or impairment of an asset or the incurrence of a liability, as well as our ability to reasonably estimate the amount of loss in determining loss contingencies. ─── 我们考虑财产的损失或损伤可能或责任的招致,以及我们的能力合理地估计相当数量在确定损失意外情况的损失。

5、The innovation is propitious to solving the problem of insufficient supply of catastrophe incurrence and allows more flexibility in risk retention for the insured, so as to improve consumer welfare. ─── 该问题的提出有利于解决巨灾保险供应不足的弊端。对保户而言,这一创新将拥有更大的弹性,进而改善其福利。

6、Research into the Incurrence Rate and Prognosis of Placenta Praevia ─── 前置胎盘发病率及预后相关因素的研究

7、Credits with protective covenants such as debt incurrence limit, fixed charge interest coverage or change of control clauses. ─── 带有保障性契约的信贷,例如债务限额,固定费用利息偿付或控制条款的更改。

8、Conclusion Pertinent to those correlation factors of incurrence of algor, preventive nursing measures man lower the rate of algor. ─── 结论针对剖宫产产妇术后发生寒战的相关因素,进行有针对性的预防护理措施,可降低剖宫产术后寒战的发生率。

9、A cost center is any responsibility center that has only control over the incurrence of cost and has no control over either the generating of revenue or the use of investment funds. ─── 成本中心就是指仅能对成本的发生进行控制,而不能控制收入的实现和资金的应用的一种责任中心。

10、7. A responsibility center is any point within an organization where control over the incurrence of cost or the generating of revenues is found. ─── 责任中心即在某一企业内能控制成本的发生或收入产生的任何点。

11、This enables "what-if" analysis, without incurrence of the overhead that accompanies implementation of an actual configuration, before tuning. ─── 这将启用“假设”分析,而不会在优化前引起实施实际配置所带来的开销。

12、Credits with protective covenants such as debt incurrence limit, fixed charge interest coverage or change of control clauses. ─── 带有保障性契约的信贷,例如债务限额,固定费用利息偿付或控制条款的更改。

13、The income which is added back in accordance with Subparagraph 10 of Paragraph 1 and with the incurrence of a loss may apply mutatis mutandis to Paragraph 2 if prescribed by the Ministry of Finance. ─── 依第一项第十款规定加计之减免所得额及不计入所得之所得额,其发生之损失,经财政部公告者,准用前项规定。

14、the incurrence by the company of a major deficit or a major loss; ─── 公司发生重大亏损或者重大损失;

15、Cost Incurrence and Locked-in Costs ─── 成本发生与锁定成本

16、net incurrence of liabilities ─── 发生的负债净额

17、Credits with protective covenants such as debt incurrence limit, fixed charge interest coverage or change of control clauses... ─── 信贷投资流程也将包括出立票据的契约结构?

18、Conclusion Tight control of the dripping rate of intravenous ciprofloxacin can decrease the incurrence of phlebitis in a marked degree. ─── 结论严格控制环丙沙星静脉点滴速度可以显著减少静脉炎的发生。

19、Abstract: The incurrence of stroke in youth is increasing year by year,the high mutilation resulted from the stoke in youth has attracted more attention from all walks of life. ─── 摘要: 青年脑卒中的发病率逐年增加,其最终导致青年人的高致残率已备受社会各界的关注。

20、incurrence of liabilities ─── 债务的造成

21、Again, any incurrence of indebtedness by Liverpool Football Club needs full Board approval. ─── 任何关于利物浦俱乐部债务的问题都需要经过全体董事会同意才能进行。

22、Any incurrence of a major debt in the company or default on an overdue major debt; ─── (四)公司发生重大债务和未能清偿到期重大债务的违约情况;

23、5) the incurrence by the company of a major deficit or a major loss; ─── (五)公司发生重大亏损或者重大损失;

24、Any incurrence of a major deficit or a major loss in the company; ─── 公司发生重大亏损或者重大损失;

25、Conclusion Pertinent to those correlation factors of incurrence of algor,preventive nursing measures man lower the rate of algor. ─── 结论针对剖宫产产妇术后发生寒战的相关因素,进行有针对性的预防护理措施,可降低剖宫产术后寒战的发生率。

26、Cost Incurrence describes when a resource is sacrificed or forgone to meet a specific objective. ─── 所谓成本发生系指资源实际消耗(效益消失)于某一特定标的时。成本制度之重点即为成本发生。

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