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09-18 投稿


jubilantly 发音

英:[ˈdʒuːbɪləntli]  美:[ˈdʒuːbɪləntli]

英:  美:

jubilantly 中文意思翻译



jubilantly 词性/词形变化,jubilantly变形

名词: jubilance |副词: jubilantly |

jubilantly 相似词语短语

1、sibilantly ─── 西伯利亚

2、jubilancy ─── n.喜气洋洋;欢呼

3、jubilance ─── n.喜洋洋;欢呼

4、jubilated ─── vi.欢喜;扬声欢呼;n.欢呼

5、jubilant ─── adj.欢呼的;喜洋洋的

6、jubilatory ─── 欢腾的

7、jubilate ─── vi.欢喜;扬声欢呼;n.欢呼

8、ruminantly ─── 反刍地

9、jubilates ─── vi.欢喜;扬声欢呼;n.欢呼

jubilantly 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、People jubilantly took part in the festival celebrations in the parks. ─── 人们兴致勃勃地参加游园活动。

2、Three, you personally weave of the sweater is to the dog dog, it would jubilantly the darling put on, in no case would suspicion this suspicion that. ─── 三、你亲手编织的毛衣给狗狗,它会兴高采烈地乖乖穿上,绝不会嫌这嫌那。

3、Indeed it gave the zealous Aryans the battle advantage they so fervently desired, and they jubilantly increased its usage, with support of most of the populace. ─── 事实上,这为雅利安人带来了他们热切期望的战争优势,在大多数民众的支持下,他们高兴地增加了其使用率。

4、Once the American listen to jubilantly happy and compete first say:"I a wishes want much money and two wishes still keep wanting much money." ─── 美国人一听欣喜若狂,抢先说:“我的第一个愿望是要很多的钱,第二个愿望还是要很多的钱。”

5、* Herzliche Gratulation zum Jubil?um. ─── 衷心祝贺 (就职) 周年纪念日!

6、The twins looked at each other jubilantly but with some surprise. ─── 哥儿俩你看着我,我看着你,心里乐不可支。可是不免带几分惊异。

7、People jubilantly took part in the festival celebrations in the parks. ─── 人们兴致勃勃地参加游园活动。

8、Soon, a goods round discovered them, proper when they are jubilantly happy, a group of sharks appear, the girlfriend shout loudly:'We make an effort to swim together, will has no matter!" ─── 不久,一艘货轮发现了他们,正当他们欣喜若狂时,一群鲨鱼出现了,女友大叫:'我们一起用力游,会没事的!"

9、Jubilantly they field into the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. And smiles broadened as the students noted there were only five essay-type questions. ─── 他们满心欢喜地走进了教室。教授把试卷都发了出去。当同学们看到卷面上只有五道论述题,个个脸上都绽放出灿烂的笑容。

10、21 He jubilantly paws the plain and rushes in his might against the weapons. ─── 它在谷中欢跃奔驰,勇往直前,冲锋迎敌。

11、Too liked" the small YING is jubilantly happy to call. ─── 太好了"小樱欣喜若狂的叫起来。

12、Jubilantly, they filed into the classroom. ─── 他们兴高采烈的排队进入教室。

13、The member thought that will not dispute enters eight, after the game takes a group souvenir photo jubilantly. ─── 队员以为将毫无争议地进入八强,在赛后兴高采烈地合影留念。

14、"Now that", said the contractor jubilantly, "is what I call a darn good wall." ─── 承包商喜气洋洋地说:“那正是我所说的一堵好墙啊。”

15、The ceremony included an Air Force Thunderbirds flyover as graduates jubilantly tossed their hats in the air, a traditional ending to the event. ─── 作为此项典礼的一个传统结尾,毕业生将军帽喜气洋洋地抛向空中,与此同时有雷鸟战机在上空飞过。

16、Through discussion, the greatly household-use oneself accumulates at ordinary times of zero spent money to buy some seedlings and tool, rush toward the park jubilantly. ─── * 经过讨论,大家用自己平时积攒的零花钱买了些树苗和工具,兴高采烈地向公园奔去。

17、Pretty soon though, it was Barton and Robbie Fowler who were jubilantly celebrating following City's unexpected equaliser. ─── 不久,巴顿和福勒就开始喜气洋洋的庆祝曼城的扳平入球了。

18、The paper he waved jubilantly on the UN podium is now being perused by a committee, where it could be stuck for weeks or months. ─── 某委员会正在研究他在联合国大会发言台上兴高采烈挥舞着的申请书,申请进程或将停止数周乃至数月。

19、参考译文:Recently, the friend jubilantly said: The house reduced prices finally! ─── 近日,朋友兴高采烈地说:房子终于降价了!

20、The tide of the Confederacy's fortune was running strong and full now, sweeping the people jubilantly along on its flood. ─── 现在,南部联盟走运的形势发展到了极盛的高潮阶段,它席卷着满怀喜悦的人们。

21、"Now that" , said the contractor jubilantly, "is what I call a darn good wall. " ─── 承包商喜气洋洋地说:“那正是我所说的一堵好墙啊。”

22、Jubilantly they field into the classroom.The professor passed out the papers. ─── 他们欢快地进了考场,教授把考卷发给他们。

23、The father sighs, enters the garage, discovered actually that optimistic child jubilantly is pulling out any in the horse dung. ─── 父亲叹了口气,走进车房,却发现那乐观孩子正兴高采烈地在马粪里掏着什么。

24、The businessman is jubilantly happy , can't help being self engaging in business deals genius but grandiose. ─── 商人欣喜若狂,不由得为自己的经商天才而沾沾自喜。

25、In 1996 the Galatasaray manager jubilantly grabbed a huge club flag and stuck it on the Fenerbahce pitch after the Turkish Cup final. ─── 1996年,时任加拉塔萨莱伊主教练的他在土耳其杯赛决赛之后,高兴地抓起一面巨大的俱乐部队旗,插在了费内巴切的球场上。

26、Pretty soon though, it was Barton and Robbie Fowler who were jubilantly celebrating following City's unexpected equaliser. ─── 不久,巴顿和福勒就开始喜气洋洋的庆祝曼城的扳平入球了。

27、Good, you just stay there and watch. Please be careful. Don't fall off. " The police jubilantly walked away. " ─── “好,你就在那看吧。小心点儿,别摔下来。”警察心情愉悦地走开了。

28、The various races populace from all walks of life wear the bright national dress, harbors the incomparably joyful mood, comes to the Bateer stadium jubilantly. ─── 各族各界群众身着鲜艳的民族服装,怀着无比喜悦的心情,兴高采烈地来到巴特尔体育场。

29、Fan family's old rate to kill one of broken red, were jubilantly went to the home front. ─── 老范率全家人踩着一地的碎红,喜气洋洋地来到了新家楼前。

30、"Now that", said the contractor jubilantly,"is what I call a darn good wall." ─── 承包商喜气洋洋地说:“那正是我所说的一堵好墙

31、A group of pupils were celebrating in the field jubilantly after emerging as the champion of the school's Sports' Day Soccer Competition. ─── 一群小学生兴高采烈地来到草坪上,庆祝刚获得的学校运动会足球赛冠军。

32、Their parents watched the program through the Temples windows and were pleased to hear the young people laughing jubilantly. ─── 他们的父母从窗外听到孩子开朗的笑声,都感到很欣慰。

33、A few more days later, the servant comes back and reports jubilantly ─── 又过了几天,仆人兴高采烈地跑来禀报。

34、Six elder brothers seeing by the red and swollen fast wane in the mirror and can not help jubilantly merry, dancing and ticket. ─── 六哥看着镜子里面的红肿迅速的消失,不禁欣喜若狂,手舞足蹈起来。

35、From the East to the West, the whole world is jubilantly celebrating the coming of year 2000. ─── 从东方到西方,全世界都在喜气洋洋地庆祝2000年的到来。

36、she says jubilantly. ─── 她欢快地说道。

37、* Herzliche Gratulation zum Jubiläum. ─── 衷心祝贺 (就职 )周年纪念日!

38、A week later, Rod called the Topps. "The Puppy Express starts tomorrow. Snoopy's coming home!" he told Nancy jubilantly. ─── 一周之后,罗德打电话给托普家。“小狗快运明天开始,斯努皮要回家了!”他兴奋地告诉南希。

39、The twins looked at each other jubilantly but with some surprise ─── 哥儿俩你看着我,我看着你,心里乐不可支。可是不免带几分惊异。

40、Harry Truman Jubilantly Displaying Erroneous Chicago Daily Tribune Headline "Dewey Defeats Truman" ─── 这个人在芝加哥每日论坛上发布错误头条:杜威击败了杜鲁门

41、Craftsman returns the home to say jubilantly to the wife: "I have two kinds of special craft, can send big money! ─── 手艺人回到家喜洋洋地对妻子说:“我有两种特殊手艺,可以发大财了!”

42、Jubilantly they fielded into the classroom. The professor passed out the papers. And smiles broadened as the students noted there were only five essay-type questions. ─── 随后他们兴冲冲地涌入考场。教授开始发试卷。当学生们看到试卷上只有五条问答题时,他们发出舒心的微笑。

43、As the pair jubilantly embraced, there was no hint of bad feeling. After all, both will profit if the Red Devils can keep their present run going. ─── 这两个人进球后快乐的拥抱在一起,看起来曼联内部没有问题。毕竟,如果曼联能够继续目前的表现的话对谁都好。

44、Their parents watched the program through the Temples windows and were pleased to hear the young people laughing jubilantly . ─── 他们的父母从窗外听到孩子开朗的笑声,都感到很欣慰。

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