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09-18 投稿


sensationalism 发音

英:[senˈseɪʃənəlɪzəm]  美:[senˈseɪʃənəlɪzəm]

英:  美:

sensationalism 中文意思翻译



sensationalism 词性/词形变化,sensationalism变形

形容词: sensationalistic |名词: sensationalist |

sensationalism 短语词组

1、sensationalism journalism ─── 耸人听闻的新闻

2、sensationalism sales ─── 耸人听闻的销售

3、sensationalism photo ─── 耸人听闻的照片

sensationalism 相似词语短语

1、sensationalising ─── v.使引起轰动;以耸人听闻的手法处理(sensationalise的现在分词)

2、sensationalize ─── vt.以耸人听闻的手法处理;使引起轰动

3、sensationalist ─── n.感觉论者;哗众取宠

4、sensationism ─── 耸人听闻

5、sensationalises ─── vt.使引起轰动;以耸人听闻的手法处理(等于sensationalize)

6、sensationalised ─── v.使引起轰动;以耸人听闻的手法处理(sensationalise的过去式和过去分词,等于sensationalized)

7、sensationalistic ─── 哗众取宠的;吸引眼球的;感觉化的

8、sensationalise ─── vt.使引起轰动;以耸人听闻的手法处理(等于sensationalize)

9、dispensationalism ─── n.时代论;时代主义;时代派

sensationalism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A physical sensation produced by compression of a part of the body. ─── 压迫感身体上某一部分由压迫而引起的生理上的感觉

2、The report criticizes the newspaper for sensationalism. ─── 这篇报道批评了报纸哗众取宠的作风。

3、She made a sensation in the drawing-room. ─── 客厅里被她引起一阵骚动。

4、Is there any sensation of numbness in the upper limb? ─── 上肢有麻木的感觉吗?

5、A strange sensation played over his skin. He shuddered. ─── 他感到皮肤上有一种奇怪的感觉,不禁打了个寒颤。

6、What was the piece of tabloid sensationalism you sent me? ─── 你给我的那份耸人听闻的小报是关于什么的?

7、Having or causing an itching sensation. ─── 发痒的有或引起痒的感觉的

8、A strange sensation was crawling through him. ─── 他周身有一种奇怪的感觉。

9、He is a singing sensation in his home country. ─── 他在他的祖国是一位天才歌手。

10、Some sensationalism did come from intense competition, but it merely reflected a stage in the evolution of American news industry journalism. ─── 一些耸人听闻的新闻报道确实来自激烈的竞争之中,但它只不过反映了美国新闻事业发展史上的一个阶段。

11、Any radiation capable of causing a visual sensation direct. ─── 可导致视觉感觉的任何辐射。

12、News of his arrest caused a sensation. ─── 他被捕的消息引起了轰动。

13、A sensation, almost of faintness, had seized upon him. ─── 一阵难受的感觉袭上心头,他简直要晕过去了。

14、He felt a pricking sensation in his throat. ─── 他感觉喉咙有点刺痛。

15、Her appearance created a sensation. ─── 她的出现曾轰动一时。

16、Night time sharpens heightens each sensation. ─── 夜色升华了感情。

17、Avoid stereotyping, sensationalism and perpetuating myths and misconceptions when reporting on mental health issues. ─── 在报道精神卫生问题时避免陈旧观念、追求轰动效应以及历久不衰的神话和误解。

18、Most describe the treatment as a prickling sensation. ─── 作为刺治疗形容最为轰动。

19、They were an accident of my distraction and a product of news sensationalism. ─── 它们是由于我的分心造成的失误和新闻炒作的产物。

20、"Luigi felt a sensation hitherto unknown arising in his mind. ─── “罗吉觉得他的头脑里浮起了一种以前从未有过的感觉。

21、The tabloids relied on sensationalism to maintain their circulation. ─── 小报依靠耸人听闻的故事维持读者群。

22、Resident: How about the strength and sensation? ─── 住院医师:肌力和感觉怎样?

23、Is pleasurable sensation what kind of? ─── 快乐的感觉是怎样的?

24、She seemed to have lost all sensation in her arms. ─── 她的两条胳膊好像完全失去知觉了。

25、Though reluctant to respond to what was felt to be a wave of harmful sensationalism, the information was given. ─── 公司尽管很不情愿,感到这是追求危言耸听的有害浪潮,但还是提供了有关情况。

26、A stinging or smarting sensation. ─── 刺痛感剧烈刺痛的感觉

27、Agedness comes with no sensation. ─── 3. 不知不觉老年就来临了。

28、Her appearance created a sensation . ─── 她的露面引起轰动。

29、What kind of is pleasurable sensation? ─── 快乐的感觉是什么样的?

30、He felt a pleasantly victorious sensation surge through him. ─── 一种胜利的喜悦浸透了他的全身。

31、A remembered or imagined feeling, emotion, idea, or sensation linked to a person, object, or idea. ─── 回忆或遐想指与另一人、物或观点联系在一起的记忆中的或想象的感情、情感、观点或感觉

32、To cause a tingling or pricking sensation in. ─── 刺痛使在其中感到刺痛

33、Hear Light. You use auditory sensation to see. ─── 听光术:你的听觉具有视觉能力。

34、Partial loss of sensation;diminished sensibility. ─── 局部麻醉部分地失去感觉;缩小的敏感性

35、Fulfillment is a sensation of the heart. ─── 实现是一种心灵的感觉。

36、But it's not sensationalism. ─── 但是那并不是哗众取宠。

37、Channel 4 said the experiment had a scientific purpose and had not been done for sensationalism. ─── 第四频道电视台表示,该实验有科学目的,并不是仅仅为了追求轰动效应。

38、The style of writing often held to be characteristic of newspapers and magazines,distinguished by clich?,sensationalism,and triteness of thought. ─── (低劣的)新闻文体常常被认为是报刊杂志所特有的文体,以陈词套词、追求轰动效应、及思想陈腐为特征

39、Having no physical feeling or sensation; insentient. ─── 失去知觉的没有肉体感觉或知觉的;无知觉的

40、You learn new ways to receive and understand sensation. ─── 你学习新的接受和理解感觉的方法。

41、Her new novel made a big sensation in the whole country. ─── 她的新小说在全国引起轰动。

42、The sensation of being at work again was luxurious. ─── 又有工作了,心里觉得非常舒服。

43、How about your sensation of your hands? P: Sometimes I feel numb. ─── 您的手感觉怎样?患:有时感觉有点麻木。

44、As with any famous location, sensationalism by the press often distorts the facts. ─── 像在其他著名地点发生的一样,媒体追求轰动效应的做法经常歪曲了事实。

45、Don't Be Led Your Nose by Sensation! ─── 不能跟着感觉走!

46、It's the best activity that can help your sensation recovery. ─── 医:这是帮助你的感觉恢复的最好的活动。

47、His arrival produced a sensation. ─── 他的抵达引起了轰动。

48、It was this combination of sensationalism and rationalism which became one of the basic elements in the philosophy of the Enlightenment. ─── 正是这种感觉论和理性主义的结合,成为了启蒙运动哲学的基本要素之一。

49、He lost all sensation in his legs through cramp. ─── 他的腿部因抽筋而失去知觉。

50、Partial loss of sensation; diminished sensibility. ─── 局部麻醉部分地失去感觉; 缩小的敏感性

51、I love the warm sensation as they ooze between my toes. ─── 当虫子小小的躯体在我脚趾间被挤爆时,我喜欢那种温暖的感觉。

52、Outside, the cold wind gave him a sensation of lightness. ─── 出了澡堂,被凉风一飕,他觉出身上的轻松。

53、Afterwards, sensationalism places its root in Hong Kong media. ─── 从该时开始,煽情主义在香港植根。

54、In my dream I had the sensation that I was falling. ─── 在梦中我有一种正往下坠的感觉。

55、Une sensation de jambes lourdes est normale. ─── 产妇感到大腿称重是正常反应。

56、People believe that sensation is an immanent act of the senses. ─── 人们相信感觉是五官的内在活动。

57、The Chinese fashion show caused a sensation in Moscow. ─── 中国时装表演在莫斯科引起轰动。

58、Reminiscence in practice and sensationalism in research break up the history relation of the theories. ─── 实践中的“怀旧”和研究上的“追新”实际上割裂了理论的历史联系。

59、His downfall was a great sensation of the day. ─── 他的垮台是当时耸人听闻的大事件。

60、His speech created a sensation among the audience. ─── 他的演说在听众间引起轰动。

61、Some editors focus on sensationalism, while others present current events in a serious, objective way. ─── 一些编辑追求轰动效应,而其他编辑则以严肃客观的态度报道即发事件。

62、In the 20th century competition for readers often led to sensationalism,and gave rise to the so-called tabloids. ─── 二十世纪争夺读者的竞争通常会导致他们报道一些耸人听闻的信息,于是所谓的小报才得以盛行。

63、The sensation of having been stung by nettles. ─── 刺痒用荨麻刺激产生的感觉

64、It gave him an odd sensation to reflect that. ─── 想到此,他便有一种异样的感觉。

65、In Vienna, London, and Paris he was a sensation. ─── 在维也纳,伦敦、巴黎,他是轰动一时的人物。

66、Characterized by a sensation of cutting, piercing, or stabbing. ─── 剧痛的以被撕裂、刺入或戳入的感觉为特征的

67、The pain gives me a burning sensation. ─── 像灼烧一样地疼。

68、To produce a stinging or itching sensation. ─── 产生痛痒或刺痒感觉

69、Do you have the sensation of ants crawling over the painful place? ─── 您是否有蚂蚁在疼痛处爬行的感觉?

70、A prickly or stinging sensation. ─── 刺痛的感觉。

71、Channel 4 said the experiment had a scientific purpose and had not been done for sensationalism. ─── 英国第四频道电视台表示,该实验有科学目的,并不是仅仅为了追求轰动效应。

72、Sensation The first tests on the Solent in 1959 caused a sensation. ─── 1959年,在苏伦特海峡进行的首次试航引起了轰动。

73、He likes to see the film that produced a sensation . ─── 他喜欢看那部轰动一时的电影。

74、Sensation and reflection are the fountains of knowledge. ─── 两大源泉。

75、Their arrival created a sensation. ─── 他们的到来造成了轰动。

76、But he had a sensation that T was treading on dangerous ground. ─── 但是他有一种感觉,T这件事干得可悬乎。

77、In general, the crowding of the market encourages shallow sensationalism, not consideration and depth. ─── 总体上说,拥挤的市场催生了浅薄的轰动效应,而不是思想的深度。

78、Several pop-stars'arrival created a sensation. ─── 几个流行歌曲明星的到来,造成轰动。

79、He had the eerie sensation of being watched. ─── 他不安地感到有人在监视他。

80、A sensation, stimulation, or perception of the sense of smell. ─── 嗅觉的感受、激发或感觉

81、The band became a sensation overnight. ─── 一夜之间,这支乐队名声大振。

82、Though reluctant to respond to what was felt to be a wave of harmful sensationalism, the information was given. ─── 公司尽管很不情愿,感到这是追求危言耸听的有害浪潮,但还是提供了有关情况。

83、He had a sensation of dizziness. ─── 他有一种晕眩的感觉。

84、He was a real sensation as Hamlet. ─── 他因扮演哈姆雷特一角而大轰动。

85、He could feel no sensation in his arm. ─── 他的一只臂膀失去了知觉。

86、I like the warming sensation when my lips are really chapped. ─── 当我嘴唇很干时,我喜欢它擦在嘴上温暖的感觉。

87、In fact, sensation and emotion had left him. ─── 事实上,知觉与情感早已从他身上消失了。

88、His unexpected success caused a sensation. ─── 他出人意料的成功引起了轰动。

89、Having a reeling, lightheaded sensation; dizzy. ─── 头晕的,眼花缭乱的有旋转或晕眩感觉的;眩晕的

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