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09-18 投稿


illusive 发音

英:[ɪ'l(j)uːsɪv]  美:[ɪ'lusɪv]

英:  美:

illusive 中文意思翻译



illusive 网络释义

adj. 错觉的;幻影的;迷惑人的

illusive 短语词组

1、illusive man ─── 虚幻的人

2、illusive crime ─── 虚幻犯罪

3、illusive delusion ─── 错觉

4、illusive skin ─── 幻觉皮肤

illusive 词性/词形变化,illusive变形

副词: illusively |名词: illusiveness |

illusive 相似词语短语

1、allusive ─── adj.暗指的;引用典故的

2、illusively ─── adv.错觉地;幻影地

3、illusion ─── n.幻觉,错觉;错误的观念或信仰

4、inclusive ─── adj.包含的,包括的;包含全部费用的;包括提到的所有……在内的;范围广泛的;一切服务包含在内的;包括明示界限在内的;不排斥任何一方的;有意避免性别歧视的;兼收并蓄的;adv.包括一切费用在内地

5、illative ─── adj.引出推论的;n.推论词

6、illumine ─── vt.照明,点亮;启发

7、delusive ─── adj.欺瞒的;使迷惑的

8、elusive ─── adj.难懂的;易忘的;逃避的;难捉摸的

9、collusive ─── adj.共谋的

illusive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、, Delessert, Etienne, illus. ─── 供稿: Holt, Norma, illus.

2、Main body lamp is usable of laser glass piece droplight, after electrify but the 7 prize that diffraction gives your person to be intoxicated are illusive. ─── 主体灯可用装有镭射玻璃片的吊灯,通电后可衍射出令人沉醉的七彩幻影。

3、Then the author warns the readers that it is just an illusive bubble which will bust sooner or later. ─── 其实这篇东西和我之前写的两篇有关黎巴嫩的中文文章有点儿相似,可以对照着看。

4、The viewers could sense the illusive light and shadow, right away when they stand by, being reflected upon by the surface. ─── 观者一旦置身其中,雕塑表面就会对观者形体产生反射,使其陡然感受光和影的虚幻。

5、Specifically, a sample is given to illu strate the proposed forecasting method. ─── 最后给出一个例子对此予以说明。

6、Though it is a bit mysterious and illusive after historical change, its groundwork is true. ─── 桃符在长期的流变中带上了几分神秘和虚假,但它的根基是真实的。

7、The Taiwanese media reported the scandal at great length and netizens criticized him for creating an illusive healthy image as a fae of his true self. ─── 台湾媒体大肆的报道而网民也批评他在制造一个健康形象的假象,为掩饰真实的自己。

8、illusive hopes of of finding a better job; Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy ─── 找到好工作是无望的;秘密的行动给总统提供了迷人但常常虚幻的允诺,认为他们可以在没有令人烦恼的争论和公开的决定这些民主的重要成分的情况下达到外交政策的目标

9、From Publishers Weekly In Make Your Own Halloween Treats by Sonali Fry, illus. ─── 在这本书中,小朋友可以动手布置万圣节的食物喔!

10、For this reason, during the delivery and the exercise period, the training and practise on the illusive action should need more concern by both the trainer and the trainee. ─── 为此,教练员和运动员在教学和训练过程中,应当对假动作的培养和训练给予高度重视。

11、Buddha adopts different way.He holds that five skandhas are empty and all the worldly temptation and stimulation are illusive and unworthy. ─── 世尊则采取不同的方法,世尊认为五蕴皆空,所有世间的诱惑刺激,都是虚幻而不足取的。

12、This is not a likely match. The Illusive, fickle Gemini will drive you to distraction, which in turn could bring out your vengeful side. ─── 天蝎-双子:这两个星座的人不太可能在一起。善变且充满幻想的双子座人经常分散你的注意力,另一方面,你记仇的个性也不适合对方。

13、I estimated that he would like to feel out if our price is illusive or real from his question. ─── 不要很专业的人光凭看产品外观图片是很难比较个一二三来的。

14、The sun appears to go round the Earth but it's an illu -sion. ─── 太阳看起来好像绕着地球转但这只是个错觉。

15、illusive image ─── 梦幻意象

16、Their illusive idea of breaching "karma pass" in fact leads them to the gate of hell. ─── 他们自以为突破了“病业关”,实际走向了鬼门关。

17、It’s unpretentious, simple yet very illusive and touching. ─── 我觉得这是麦卡尼最好的作品。

18、The Illusive Political Ideal of LI Bai ─── 李白虚幻政治理想论

19、We refuse to partake in the production of illusive advertisements. ─── 本公司拒绝承做虚假广告。

20、"It's not what you ask for, but how you ask for it.?Illus. ─── 任何玩家都可使用此异能。

21、The physical world becomes a completely illusive one after it is fi lmed, though they are seemingly alike. ─── 摄 (录 )像机面对物质的真实的结果 ,是貌似神离的另一个世界 ,一个完全虚幻的世界。

22、He was fond of calling his detractor illiterate, denouncing his scientific theories as illegitimate and illusive. ─── 他喜欢把他的恶意批评者称作文盲,公然抨击他的科学理论是非法的,迷惑人的。

23、He was fond of calling his detractor illiterate, denouncing his scientific theories as illegitimate and illusive. ─── 他喜欢把他的恶意批评者称盲,公然抨击他的科学理论是非法的,迷惑人的。

24、Artists and musicians often go weeks without sleep trying to use this device to catch the tail of the illusive creativity dragon. ─── 艺术家和音乐家通常几个星期不睡觉试图用这个方法来抓住虚幻的创造力龙的尾巴。

25、"Tao", the highest category and an illusive imagination beyond specific matters, is mysterious and beyond words in the Taoist philosophy. ─── 在道教哲学中,“道”是最高的范畴,是一种超越具体物象的虚幻之象,神秘而不可言说。

26、When images betray our vision, not only are they pointing out the illusive nature of reality, they are also rebelling against painting as a way of expression. ─── 每一对画面都值得观众仔细观察和比较,时间所代表的生命意识是特别值得咀嚼和玩味的,而艺术家杰出的绘画才能让画面更感人,更显示出迷人的力量。

27、illustration(abbr. illus.) ─── 图解,例证,具体说明

28、Optimism goes a long way for Laker fans these days, but with the addition of Lamar in the lineup, they will gain a sense of confidence that may very well take them over that illusive hump. ─── 喇嘛明显具有全明星的实力(他发挥了自己的天赋),但是过去几年他的潜能被慢慢破坏了。

29、Ascetic practice is the best way to expel erroneous and illusive thoughts. ─── 76修苦行是去除妄念最好的方法。

30、Everyone knows that fairy isles are delusive and illusive things. Still everyone wishes they were real ─── 明知神山缥缈,却愿其有

31、He used to preset a corresponding context, either real or illusive, of time and space for the figure he would depict, to interpret better the theme of the work. ─── 他在创作中会为人物预先就设定好对应的时空环境,既有真实的,也有虚幻的场景,但无论怎样,这种背景都是为了更好地诠释作品主题。

32、In each container the ceiling and the wall are covered with white corrugated metal boards.The uniformity of material creates an illusive effect that the space in a VIP room is extended. ─── 天花和墙面同样的饰以白色坑纹金属板,相同的物料带出特殊的错视效果,延展了VIP房的空间。

33、All of us hope for success, but it is illusive and hard to keep. ─── 我们都希望成功,但成功确是虚幻且难以维持的。

34、, Rogers, Dick, illus. ─── 供稿: McIntosh, Jon, illus.

35、- I sense something...illusive. ─── (我好像感觉到。。。

36、years later, we are in name brand clothes, a touch of somber mood arising from this kind of illusive luxury. ─── 十年后我们穿着名牌的服装,华贵中流露出的是淡淡的忧郁。

37、In the past the illusive singer kept the paintings to himself. ─── 在过去,作为歌手的他一直保守自己绘画的秘密。

38、If something of this sort is assumed, it must be that either the sunnah in question is not authentic or that our understanding of it is not right, or that the said contradiction is illusive, not real. ─── 假如出现此类情况,要么此段圣训是不可靠的,要么我们的理解是有误的,要么矛盾本身是虚假的,不真实的。

39、There is always a dream on our back fro us to imagine and explore, which is only a step far away from us with illusive temptations. ─── 我们的背后总有一个让我们想象与探究的梦,它离我们仅有一步之遥,带着梦幻的诱惑。

40、People will find themselves in a mysterious and illusive universe while walking in. ─── 建筑内部的空间连续,表现出强烈的流动感,如同步入神秘而梦幻的宇宙空间。

41、It causes no pain but an illu sion of unimaginable picture. ─── 你感觉不到痛苦,只是看到一幅不可思议的幻影。

42、The arrestment conditions enacted by the existing law are excessively and illusive, which result in bringing about the arbitrary to the conditions of arrestment. ─── 摘要现行法律对逮捕条件的设置过于抽象,难以把握,易导致逮捕的随意性。

43、We are in name brand clothes, a touch of somber mood arising from this kind of illusive luxury. ─── 十年后我们穿着名牌的服装,华贵中流露出的是淡淡的忧郁。

44、Inspired by the famous 2d drawing of the optical illusive bookshelf. ─── 著名的2d视错觉绘图启发而设计的书架。

45、He issued the card of recruit hacker on illusive forum. ─── 他便在幻影论坛上发出了招募黑客的帖子。

46、And the conclusion is characterised by two features: illusive reality and natural reality. ─── 其团圆的结局呈现出两个特点:“虚幻的真实”和“自然的真实”。

47、The reason that happiness can seem illusive is because it is a bi-product of serving others. ─── 幸福的原因看起来是虚幻的,因为高兴是一个为其他人服务的双向产品。

48、This is not a likely match. The Illusive, fickle Gemini will drive you to distraction, which in turn could bring out your vengeful side. ─── 天蝎-双子:这两个星座的人不太可能在一起。善变且充满幻想的双子座人经常分散你的注意力,另一方面,你记仇的个性也不适合对方。

49、During the civil tort responsibility suit, the consequence between the illusive state arid the loss is the necessary document.The accuser must prove the illusive state and the loss fact. ─── 在虚假陈述民事侵权责任的诉讼过程中,虚假陈述与损失之间因果关系是构成侵权责任的必要条件,原告需就虚假行为本身和对损害事实进行举证。

50、"Hmm ... maybe lotuses this year.?Illus. ─── 之后将你的牌库洗牌。

51、10 years later, we are in name brand clothes, a touch of somber mood arising from this kind of illusive luxury. ─── 十年后,我们穿着名牌服饰,却感到虚幻奢侈带来的忧郁情绪。

52、It is the smallest of the Great Lakes, but compared with the other lakes, Ontario is more illusive. ─── 安大略湖是五大湖中最小的一个,但与其他的4个湖相比,安大略湖更加迷人。

53、Finally, the alg orithm solving the equilibrium outcome is given and an example is given to illus trate the algorithm of the unique equilibrium outcome. ─── 最后,给出了均衡结果的算法,并举例说明唯一均衡结果的算法.

54、Using revenue voluntary theories, utilitarianism and psychological contract theories, the problem of illusive Demand Curve resulted from free riding was analyzed. ─── 摘要运用税收自愿论、功利主义伦理学和心理契约理论分析“搭便车”造成的虚假的需求曲线问题。

55、During the Cultural Revolution, being equally poor was the unintended result.Later, Deng Xiaoping had envisioned a China with her people equally rich, but that has proven to be illusive goal. ─── 中国文革造成了全民共同贫穷的结果,尔后,邓小平提出共同富裕的理想,但至今这目标显然仍距离遥远。

56、illusive hopes of of finding a better job; Secret activities offer presidents the alluring but often illusory promise that they can achieve foreign policy goals without the bothersome debate and open decision that are staples of democracy. ─── 找到好工作是无望的;秘密的行动给总统提供了迷人但常常虚幻的允诺,认为他们可以在没有令人烦恼的争论和公开的决定这些民主的重要成分的情况下达到外交政策的目标。

57、They suggest the consumer not to be cheated/misguided by illusive advertisement/commercial. ─── 他们建议消费者不要被虚假广告引入歧途(误导).

58、Economic analysis of celebrity's illusive advertisement ─── 名人虚假广告的寻租经济学分析

59、Unlock the secrets of the deep A wonderfully illus... ─── 一款以海底为背景的纸牌游戏。

60、Additional, seek sexual skill overly, the likelihood lets a man arise " whatever moment, want to come according to skill only, can make the other side excited " illusive. ─── 另外,过分追求性技巧,可能让男人产生“无论什么时候,只要按照技巧来,就能令对方兴奋”的错觉。

61、The flying waving in the wind, turn the illusive Buddhism country into the vigorous world. ─── 飘舞的飞天,将梦幻佛国变成生机的世界。

62、If be in door backside mount together like the door the mirror of size, the door in the room is met " disappear " , what your vision greatened with respect to conference occurrence room is illusive. ─── 假如在门背后装上一块与门一样大小的镜子,房间里的门就会“消失”,你的视觉就会出现房间变大了的错觉。

63、He sees that the distinction between himself and others, which to the bad man is so great a gulf, only belongs to a fleeting and illusive phenomenon. ─── 他将发现,人我之别,在坏蛋看来如此巨大,其实只是无常虚幻。

64、illus niger~ Total antioxidation ─── 总抗氧化能力

65、Powerful 2D design, drafting and technical illus... ─── 一款极强的图纸设计工具,易用性强。

66、Are we living in a land which is not fertile for spirituality or we are running after some things which are illusive? ─── 我们正生活在灵性的不肥沃的土地上或是我们正在追寻虚幻的事物吗?

67、The patient when medical personnel wants to care and sympathize with, but want just right, can become to ill man-made otherwise " be in a bad way " , even " die to befall " illusive. ─── 医务人员时病人要关心和同情,但要恰如其分,否则会给病人造成“病情严重” ,甚至于“死到临头”的错觉。

68、Study on "the illusive concepts" in the new curriculum chemistry and related countermeasures of education ─── 新课程化学"迷思概念"的研究和教学对策

69、Hidden in the abstract, illusive and blurred patterns and images, one can be fully immersed in the romanticism and mysticism of the Oriental. ─── 大我“妙墨”艺术。是以纯笔墨的非理性宣泄,激扬东方艺术(书、画、舞蹈、音乐、建筑)中本体的生命之美。

70、with illus. ─── 排页: v.

71、This paper explores the illusive and real pressure of RMB appreciation from the perspective of real competitiveness of China's economy. ─── 摘要本文从中国经济实际竞争力“成实转换”的视角考察了“双顺差”造成的人民币升值压力的“虚”与“实”。

72、But the killer applications for personal robots remain as illusive as ever. ─── 关于私人机器人的杀手级应用却依然扑朔迷离。

73、Personally I do believe you can love things, but I guess it's a sort of loving illusive term, just because you love what they give to you. ─── 我个人相信你可以爱东西,但我觉得这是爱迷幻的词,只是因为你爱它们给你带来的东西。

74、A Study of "the Actual Image" and "the Illusive Image" in Classical Chinese Arts in the Light of the "Images" of Chinese Characters ─── 从汉字之“象”论古典艺术中的“实象”与“虚象”

75、If we observe our experiences carefully, we will realize that it is just as illusive and ungraspable. ─── 如果我们仔细的观察我们的体验,我们将了悟那也一样是虚幻及无可执的。

76、"But as other related dialects have become extinct, Illu is now viewedas a distinct language," Holton said."Thus, what was once a dialectbecomes a language. ─── “这些人有一些特定的语句,可以在没有任何现代设备的情况下,在几千里没有海图的海洋上导航。”

77、I just hope my works could halt the instantaneous reality behind the hazy light and shadow, it is what I'm chasing through the illusive scenes and as well as what I have to do. ─── 我希望我的作品在虚无的光影之后,能有一刻停驻的真实,这是我穿越迷离的光影变幻和虚无的镜花水月所渴望探求的,也是我必须去做的。

78、The sun appears to go round the Earth, but it's an illu -sion. ─── 太阳看起来好像绕着地球转, 但这只是个错觉。

79、Luciano Spalletti's side have been making the odd adjustment as they bolster their squad ahead of the new season but signing a striker has proved illusive for the bald-headed tactician. ─── 斯帕莱蒂的队伍想在新的赛季继续有所斩获,就需要进行人员上的调整,但是目前在锋线球员的选择上,依然是无所收获。纵看阵型,队伍就像个“无头大将”。

80、illusive component ─── 伪分量去除

81、Ding fang can also be recognized as a typical representative of elite intellects who took human redemption as his own duty, while in 1980s the illusive idealism became mainstreams. ─── 丁方也是在80年代成为主潮的虚幻的理想主义,以拯救人类为己任的精英知识分子的一个典型代表。

82、Cynics might say that's a devolution, but in the dynamics of fame, reality is always illusive. ─── 玩世不恭的人可能会说这只是一种权力的转移,但在名利动力学中,现实总是虚幻的。

83、The proposed algorithm can be proved to be globally convergent.Finally, a simple example is given to illus trate the application of the method. ─── 提出的算法具有全局收敛性,并通过一个算例说明了算法的求解过程。

84、Patient unconsciousness, companion hair is illusive, psychedelic at the same time with thinking obstacle. ─── 患者意识不清,同时伴发错觉、幻觉与思维障碍。

85、The illusive color by refraction glares so much that make me feel dizzy. ─── 折射之后的幻彩刺目得让人眩晕.

86、To us, the so-called sharing and confession merely pander to the sense of satisfaction from our illusive superiority. ─── 所谓的分享和倾诉对于我们来说,只是迎合了我们比他人优秀的臆想而带来的满足感。

87、Everyone knows that fairy isles are delusive and illusive things. Still everyone wishes they were real. ─── 明知神山缥缈,却愿其有;

88、"Fear this no more!Illus. ─── 它不能重生。

89、Because his psychological type is the introversive intuition type,his poems have the character of daydream,and his standpoint is novel and illusive. ─── 因为他的心理类型是直觉内倾型,所以他的诗歌是白日梦性质的,他的观点新颖而虚幻。

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