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09-18 投稿


imprest 发音

英:['ɪmprest]  美:[ɪm'prɛst]

英:  美:

imprest 中文意思翻译



imprest 网络释义

n. 预付款adj. [会计] 预付的

imprest 短语词组

1、imprest fund system ─── [经] 定额备用金制

2、store imprest account ─── [经] 商店预付帐, 仓库预付帐

3、imprest system ─── [经] 定额备用金制度, 定额预付制

4、petty cash imprest fund ─── [经] 定额零用金

5、imprest basis ─── [财]定额制

6、imprest bill ─── [经] 预付票据, 预付支款单

7、imprest account ─── [经] 预支帐户

8、imprest bank account ─── [经] 定额银行存款

9、imprest amount ─── 定额备用金金额

10、imprest money ─── [法] 预付的公款, 垫款

11、imprest holder ─── [法] 垫款受领人

12、imprest fund ─── [经] 定额备用金

13、imprest warrant ─── [法] 垫款许可证

14、imprest balance ─── 定额备用金余额

15、petty imprest ─── 小额预付款

16、imprest method ─── [经] 定额预付法

17、bill of imprest ─── [经] 预付票据

18、imprest cash ─── [经] 定额备用金

19、imprest cash account ─── [经] 定额备用金帐户(科目)

imprest 相似词语短语

1、imprests ─── n.预付金;(机关部门等)定期预付备用款

2、impurest ─── 不纯的

3、impresas ─── n.箴言;题铭;箴言牌

4、impreses ─── n.座右铭(等于impresa)

5、imprese ─── n.座右铭(等于impresa)

6、impresa ─── n.箴言;题铭;箴言牌

7、impress ─── vt.盖印;强征;传送;给予某人深刻印象;vi.给人印象;n.印象,印记;特征,痕迹

8、-murest ─── 担心

9、impresse ─── 不速之客

imprest 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Families need to increase the imprest. ─── 家庭备用金需增加。

2、imprest cash ─── 定额备用现金

3、imprest account, fund: an account or fund maintained for payments made in cash, commonly used as a petty cash fund. ─── 预支帐户:用来支付现金的帐户或基金,一般作为小额现金基金

4、A3. Imprest reception for guests interim payments, no department for any reason other purposes. ─── 前台备用金用于客人的临时付款,任何部门不得以任何理由挪作他用。

5、SOHO of 2 people above does not need pay one-time imprest gold; Have the SOHO of 1 person only, attend medical treatment insurance by method of personnel of flexible obtain employment, want pay one-time imprest gold. ─── 2人以上个体户不需要缴纳一次性预付金;只有1人的个体户,按灵活就业人员办法参加医疗保险,要缴纳一次性预付金。

6、All major disbursements are made by checks , and an imprest ( fixed amount ) fund is used for petty cash disbursements. ─── 所有主要支出都是使用支票,对零星的现金支出则另设(定额)预付资金。

7、2. That means cash receipts are deposited intact in the bank,and major payments are made by check and an imprest fund is used for petty cash disbursements. ─── 这就是说,所有的现金收入要如数存入银行,一切的主要支出都使用支票,并设立预付资金来用于零星的现金支付。

8、In this one process, elegant cruel is spatio-temporal meet gradually with the city imprest cost consumer and businessman conformity are on his platform. ─── 在这一过程中,雅酷时空逐渐会把同城预付费消费者和商家整合在自己的平台上。

9、No need to make a big change in the fund, to reduce investment in stocks to add to the family and imprest bank financial products. ─── 基金无需做大的变动,可减少股票投资,补充到家庭备用金及银行理财产品上。

10、store imprest account ─── 备用材料帐

11、petty imprest ─── 小额预付款

12、Then appeared multifarious preferential price (wait like big imprest privilege, cash privilege, rake-off) . ─── 继而出现了五花八门的优惠价(如大额预付款优惠、现金优惠、回扣等)。

13、imprest warrant ─── [法] 垫款许可证

14、That means cash receipts are deposited intact in the bank, and major payments are made by check and an imprest fund is used for petty cash disbursements. ─── 这就是说,所有的现金收入要如数存入银行,一切的主要支出都使用支票,并设立预付资金来用于零星的现金支付。

15、imprest fund ─── 定额备用金

16、Have the SOHO of 1 person only, attend medical treatment insurance by method of personnel of flexible obtain employment, want pay one-time imprest gold. ─── 只有1人的个体户,按灵活就业人员办法参加医疗保险,要缴纳一次性预付金。

17、Is the payroll bank account on an imprest basis? ─── 工资银行帐户是否是贷款性质的帐号?

18、imprest cash account ─── 定额备用金帐户

19、Imprest imprest claims processing enterprise management system according to the different variants. ─── 备用金报销的处理依企业备用金管理制度的不同而有所区别。

20、imprest money ─── [法] 预付的公款, 垫款

21、In addition, the imprest consumption that expend type also is to complain heat, reflect wait in hairdressing, fitness. ─── 此外,预付费式消费也是投诉热点,体现在美容、健身等。

22、Last year second half of the year, the net that when he gets online, sees an imprest bail makes money earns an activity, 20CLICK website rolls out this activity. ─── 去年下半年,他上网时看到一个“预付保证金赚钱”的“网赚”活动,这个活动是“20CLICK”网站推出的。

23、Mirrorring to Zhang Wu is imprest more, one is to handle number of due of Zhang money, other bigger. ─── 反映到账务上一个是预付款较多,一个是应付账款、其它应付款数额较大。


25、"Through Yi Bao such disbursement platform, the user can pass imprest card to swim to mobile phone net directly charge a cost. ─── “通过易宝这样的支付平台,用户可以直接通过预付卡给手机网游充值。”

26、Incl.: Imprest Account of ADB Loan ─── 其中:亚行贷款周转金账户存款

27、Regard the commerce of imprest cost as mode, "Give delay income " be regarded to be Alibaba all along the crucial index of prospective accrual. ─── 作为预付费的商业模式,“递延收入”一向被看作是阿里巴巴未 来收益的关键指标。

28、Set aside 3-6 months of family living expenses (1 million) as a family emergency imprest, can be configured in demand deposits or currency fund. ─── 预留3-6个月家庭生活费(1万元左右)作为家庭应急备用金,可配置在活期存款或货币基金上。

29、Need of this website clew just can take the place of after imprest first hair, and enjoy corresponding privilege according to the grade of imprest. ─── 这个网站提示需要先预付款之后才能代发,并且根据预付款的等级享受相应优惠。

30、Interest earned (if included in Imprest Account) ─── 利息收入(存入周转金帐户部分)

31、The Creative Study and Practice of Curriculum Construction Imprest Principle of Architectual Engineering and Budgetary Estimate ─── 建筑工程定额原理与概预算课程建设的研究与实践

32、We think, the pattern of trade of imprest membership due of this company ensures its cash flows abundant reach good run to harvest prospect. ─── 我们认为,该公司的预付会费商业模式确保其现金流充裕及良好的营收前景。

33、imprest holder ─── [法] 垫款受领人

34、imprest basis ─── 定额制

35、Imprest Calculated Method Comparison with Standard Cost Calculated Method ─── 定额法与标准成本法之比较

36、imprest system ─── 定额备用金制度, 定额资金预付制

37、petty cash imprest fund ─── [经] 定额零用金


39、8. That means cash receipts are deposited intact in the bank, and major payments are made by check and an imprest fund is used for petty cash disbursements. ─── 这就是说,所有的现金收入要如数存入银行,一切的主要支处都使用支票,并设立预付资金来用于零星的现金支付.

40、Groom after appraisal is eligible, imprest gives return entirely. ─── 培训鉴定合格后,预付款予以全部退还。

41、Investment, has been retained in sufficient imprest on the premise of an emergency, could be the end of the year awards Investing in high-risk, high-yield equity funds or direct investment in stocks. ─── 投资方面,在已保留足够的紧急备用金的前提下,可将年终奖投资于高风险、高收益的股票型基金或直接投资股票。

42、4, beware of is imprest cost risk. ─── 四、提防预付费风险。

43、In addition, hairdressing beautifies hair the service consumes common occurance compulsively, imprest cost store risk of the consumption that be worth card is high; ─── 此外,美容美发服务强制消费屡见不鲜,预付费储值卡消费风险高;

44、We think, the pattern of trade of imprest membership due of this company ensures its cash flows abundant reach good run to harvest prospect. ─── 我们认为,该公司的预付会费商业模式确保其现金流充裕及良好的营收前景。

45、Where the parties have no contractual stipulations on the imprest interest, the contractor's request for the interest shall not be sustained. ─── 当事人对垫资利息没有约定,承包人请求支付利息的,不予支持。

46、imprest bank account ─── [经] 定额银行存款

47、No matter whether had attended medical treatment insurance, the personnel that do not have course of study deals with an individual first when freewill pay cost attends primary medical treatment, must capture is one-time imprest gold. ─── 无论是否参加过医疗保险,无业人员首次办理个人自愿缴费参加基本医疗时,都必须缴一次性预付金。

48、All major disbursements are made by checks , and an imprest ( fixed amount ) fund is used for petty cash disbursements. ─── 所有主要支出都是使用支票,对零星的现金支出则另设(定额)预付资金。

49、All economic transactions with other units shall be settled among banks except that petty cash disbursement can be made by imprest. ─── 与单位之间的经济往来,除零星小额的支付可以使用现金外,必须通过银行结算。

50、The reporter understands, consumer beautifies hair to hairdressing first quarter wash bath kind complain rose 6.9% , it is the dispute that imprest cost means brings about more among them. ─── 记者了解到,第一季度消费者对美容美发洗浴类的投诉上升了6.9%,其中多为预付费方式导致的纠纷。

51、3) there are preparations in peacetime accident emergency imprest. ─── 3)还有准备平时的意外应急备用金。

52、1.After coming to measure first, imprest and certain measurement designs cost;2. ─── 1.先上门测量后,预付一定的测量设计费;

53、Is the payroll bank account on an imprest basis? ─── 工资银行帐户是否是贷款性质的帐号?

54、Additional, the business type that contains as a result of the net is membership fee mode, should be imprest is in the majority. ─── 另外,由于网盛的业务类型是会员费模式,应该是预付款居多。

55、imprest fund system ─── [经] 定额备用金制

56、already the one-time imprest gold of pay whether return or touch capture of pay month by month to expend amount? ─── 已缴纳的一次性预付金能否退还或抵缴逐月缴费金额?

57、That means cash receipts are deposited intact in the bank,and major payments are made by checkan imprest fund is used for petty cash disbursements. ─── 这说,的现金收入要如数存入银行,一切的主要支出都使用支票,并设立预付资金来用于零星的现金支付。

58、Imprest emergency to protect the rainy day. ─── 应急备用金用来保障不时之需。

59、"imprest account, fund: An account or fund maintained for payments made in cash, commonly used as a petty cash fund. " ─── 预支帐户:用来支付现金的帐户或基金,一般作为小额现金基金

60、While retaining the necessary imprest, the use of the monthly balance is scheduled to vote to fund operations, will save up a few hundred dollars a month. ─── 在保留必要的备用金之后,利用每月结余进行基金定投业务,将每月几百元积攒起来。

61、imprest replenishment ─── 定额备用金的补充

62、Such-and-such, till the imprest expenses till 3000 money came to an end, fizzle out to need to continue to pay the imprest fee of at least 1000 money beforehand every time later. ─── 如此这般,直到3000块钱的预付费用完了为止,之后黄每次需要继续预交至少1000块钱的预付费。

63、imprest bill ─── [经] 预付票据, 预付支款单

64、Groom after appraisal is eligible, imprest gives return entirely. ─── 培训鉴定合格后,预付款予以全部退还。

65、Alibaba undertakes client imprest amortize inside a year of time (defer income to affirm time) namely, free cash flows (FCF) shows Alibaba this year gain. ─── 阿里巴巴将客户预付款在一年时间内进行摊销(即推迟收入确认时间),自由现金流(FCF)显示阿里巴巴今年将盈利。

66、Utilization and management of imprest account of ADB loan in water resources projects ─── 浅析亚行贷款周转金账户在水利项目中的使用管理

67、The remaining 500 yuan per month, can be used as the daily life of imprest, for emergency use. ─── 每个月余下的500元,可以作为日常生活的备用金,以备不时之需。

68、Gain is connected is to business door system of offerred imprest expenses management and network service product, one of stresses that after becoming elegant cruel, develop. ─── 盈利通是向商户提供的预付费管理系统与网络服务产品,将成为雅酷以后发展的重点之一。

69、imprest account ─── [经] 预支帐户

70、bill of imprest ─── [经] 预付票据

71、imprest method ─── 定额备用法

72、In addition, the fourth quarter gave Alibaba last year delay battalion to close with client imprest Ji Huan comparing rises 10% , grow 18% compared to the same period; ─── 此外,阿里巴巴去年第四季度递延营收和客户预付款季环比上升10%,同比增长18%;

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