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09-18 投稿


jupe 发音


英:  美:

jupe 中文意思翻译



jupe 网络释义

n. 上衣;女裙;胸衣n. (Jupe)人名;(德)尤佩

jupe 短语词组

1、a pet for jupe ─── 朱佩的宠物

2、vendue jupe ─── 卖裙子

jupe 相似词语短语

1、jape ─── n.嘲弄;玩笑;vi.开玩笑;vt.嘲弄

2、juke ─── n.自动唱机音乐(等于jukebox);vt.用假动作诱使;佯攻;vi.做假动作;携异性伴侣沿公路逐店闹饮;和着自动唱机音乐跳舞

3、jupes ─── n.上衣;女裙;胸衣;n.(Jupe)人名;(德)尤佩

4、Lupe ─── n.卢皮(波利尼西亚一种果鸠);n.(Lupe)人名;(罗)卢佩

5、Nupe ─── n.努佩人(非洲西部民族);努佩语;adj.努佩人的;努佩语的

6、jure ─── v.宣誓;n.法律体系(苏格兰英语废词);n.(Jure)(克)尤雷(人名)

7、jube ─── n.祭廊;教堂十字架的围屏;n.(Jube)人名;(英)朱布

8、dupe ─── n.上当者;易受骗的人;vt.欺骗;愚弄(等于duplicate)

9、jute ─── n.黄麻;黄麻纤维

jupe 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Be sure you know your own mind , Jupe, " Mr. Gradgrind cautioned her. ─── “你要拿定主意,朱浦,”葛擂硬先生警告她说。

2、of you, Jupe, and to educate you, and provide for you. ─── 我愿意照管你,朱浦,教育你和抚养你。

3、Asked Mr Gradgrind. 'Jupe, was this boy chasing you? ─── 先生问道,“朱浦,是这个小孩追你吗?”

4、"Be sure you know your own mind, Jupe," Mr. Gradgrind cautioned her. ─── “你要拿定主意,朱浦,”葛擂硬先生警告她说。

5、jupe petale ─── 花瓣裙

6、Our company is specializing in the manufacture and export the coat, scarf, bag, jupe, garment, trimming, collar, cushion and other products made by leather and fur of rabbit, fox, mink, shee...... ─── 本公司专业生产由獭兔,兔,银狐,兰狐,貉子,貂,绵羊皮毛制作的各类皮毛服装,帽条毛领,时尚包,靠垫...

7、'Sissy Jupe, sir, 'she said. ─── “西丝·朱浦,先生,”她说。

8、No, Jupe , no, " said Mr. Gradgrind, shaking his head in his profoundest and most eminently practical way". ─── 不,朱浦,不,”葛兰格瑞德先生带着他那深不可测的,非常实际的态度摇摇头说。

9、To get rid of the cap, and with the jupe in the waist of the skirt, also more open, making it easier for action, but the length skirt still has not changed. ─── 去掉了帽饰,上衣也被束在了裙腰里,裙摆也开放些,使得行动更容易,不过裙子的长度依旧没有变化。

10、"No, Jupe, no," said Mr. Gradgrind, shaking his head in his profoundest and most eminently practical way. ─── “不,朱浦,不,”葛兰格瑞德先生带着他那深不可测的,非常实际的态度摇摇头说。

11、'I'm afraid so, 'Mr childers replied. 'He and the girl were very close. But Jupe was getting too old for circus work. He felt ashamed. ' ─── “恐怕是这样,”齐尔德斯先生回答说。“他和这女孩相依为命的。可是,朱浦越来越老,演不了马戏团的节目了。他感到羞愧。”

12、'I'm afraid so,'Mr childers replied.'He and the girl were very close.But Jupe was getting too old for circus work.He felt ashamed.' ─── “恐怕是这样,”齐尔德斯先生回答说。“他和这女孩相依为命的。可是,朱浦越来越老,演不了马戏团的节目了。他感到羞愧。”

13、I am willing to take charge of you, Jupe, and to educate you, and provide for you. ─── 我愿意照管你,朱浦,教育你和抚养你。

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