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09-18 投稿


jilt 发音

英:[dʒɪlt]  美:[dʒɪlt]

英:  美:

jilt 中文意思翻译




jilt 网络释义

vt. 抛弃(情人)n. 抛弃情人者(尤指女子)

jilt 短语词组

1、jilt noose ─── 屈服塞纳河

jilt 词性/词形变化,jilt变形


jilt 相似词语短语

1、silt ─── n.淤泥,泥沙;煤粉;残渣;vi.淤塞,充塞;为淤泥堵塞;vt.使淤塞;充塞

2、jill ─── n.鳃;及耳(液量单位);(蘑菇等的)菌褶;(家禽)下颚垂肉;(尤指森林茂密的)峡谷;少女;情人(等于gill);n.(Gill)(美)吉尔(人名)

3、milt ─── n.脾脏;鱼白;(雄鱼的)精液;雄鱼生殖腺;vt.使受精;adj.繁殖期的;n.(Milt)人名;(英、捷)米尔特

4、hilt ─── n.刀把,柄;n.(Hilt)人名;(德、挪、罗)希尔特

5、jilts ─── vt.抛弃(情人);n.抛弃情人者(尤指女子)

6、gilt ─── n.镀金;小母猪;眩目的外表;adj.镀金的;v.镀金(gild的过去式和过去分词)

7、lilt ─── n.轻快的动作;轻快活泼的调子;vt.轻快地动;唱轻快的调子;用欢快节奏唱;vi.轻快地动;唱轻快的调子;用欢快节奏唱

8、jolt ─── v.猛推,搡;使颠簸,使摇动;使震惊,使觉醒;使突然活跃(或有效);n.颠簸,摇晃;一阵强烈的感情(如震惊);一份(烈酒)

9、kilt ─── n.(苏格兰传统男式)短褶裙;女式格呢褶裙;v.(使衣服、衣料等)起竖褶;卷起(裙子等);敏捷地移动;n.(Kilt)(美)科乐特(人名)

jilt 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Jilt me right here shuddering in the wind ─── 丢我一个人在这里吹冷空气

2、Pulled to ascend to jilt to jilt together the beard of chest, hazily smiled, say: Float soft, be so self-confidence! ─── 拉登甩了甩齐胸的胡子,阴森森地笑了,说:飘柔,就是这样自信!

3、In the era of the wave that has a return to jilt that had been sold era, Time: yes, really is flesh... ─── 站在时代的浪尖以为已经把时代给甩了,一回头才发现早被时代给卖了;

4、BE depend on a leaf a round leaf's slice to turn movable property to living to leave a heart function, jilt liquid. ─── 是依靠叶轮叶片的转动产生离心作用,将液体甩出。

5、The funny light wear arm to squat down to drink beer to jilt poker in the shade under a tree. ─── 无厘头光着膀子蹲在树荫下喝着啤酒甩着扑克。

6、Monger:Big suffer a deficit, big bleed, big jilt to sell. ─── 商贩:大亏本、大出血、大甩卖。

7、When she take that offer to jilt Chen Qing Yang's car door to leave, she understood. ─── 在她拿着那张offer甩上陈青杨的车门离开时,她明白了。

8、C would be crazy to adopt the action of bicycle will make you dimmed eyesight confused, the Na Er Di Ni jilt of Ao tail action will also bilk you. ─── C罗会狂采单车的动作会令你眼花缭乱,罗纳尔迪尼奥的甩尾动作也会把你蒙骗。

9、He is a pleasant fellow,would jilt you creditably. ─── 他是个有趣的家伙,他会用很体面的办法把你遗弃。”

10、Again constant become a monkey head monkey brain, next time is jilt of still you? ─── 再不变成猴头猴脑,下次被甩的还是你?

11、Pulled to ascend to jilt to jilt together the beard of chest, hazily smiled, say:Float soft, be so self-confidence! ─── 拉登甩了甩齐胸的胡子,阴森森地笑了,说:飘柔,就是这样自信!

12、Male:"You think I can't?If it weren't for my this public Ci hand goes limp, early be like you to jilt big nasal discharge the ground jilted!" ─── 男:“你以为我不能?要不是我这人心慈手软,早就把你像甩大鼻涕似地甩了!”

13、Now is your time.Here are officers enough at Meryton to disappoint all the young ladies in the country.Let Wickham be your man.He is a pleasant fellow, and would jilt you creditably. ─── 你千万不能为了某一个人而改变原则,破格迁就,也不要千方百计地说服我,或是说服你自己去相信,自私自利就是谨慎,糊涂胆大就等于幸福有了保障。”

14、jilt a lover or a bride. ─── 抛弃一位情人或新娘。

15、How, haven't harvested?" Connect pure north to jilt fishing rod under go to. ─── 怎么样,还没有收获?”连清北将鱼竿甩下去。

16、Liu 翔 winks to jilt those good hand of top worlds in the behind, the lightning flash breaks through generally eventually line. ─── 刘翔眨眼间把那些世界顶尖的好手甩在后面,闪电一般冲破终线。

17、Jilt to Open Opponent to Create International Well-known Brand ─── 乐凯二胶:甩开对手,打造国际知名品牌

18、You challenge to jilt me, I quest elder sister, and the elder sister will definitely package you to me to bring behind to come! ─── 你敢甩我,我去找大姐,大姐一定会把你打包给我送回来的!

19、Recommend chain, but well-trained usage chain demand equal strong basic achievement.Therefore suggestion everyone more practice.To much do laundry by hand act as to jilt stem machine. ─── 推荐链条(主要是自行车的附加品例如车锁和车链),但是熟练使用链条需要相当强的基本功。因此建议大家多加练习。要多洗衣服,用手充当甩干机。

20、I actually think to jilt money on his face, then escalator to turn over chart to walk a person. ─── 我很想把钱甩在他脸上,然后掀翻桌子走人。

21、Hard to jiltjilted head, want to learn to this idea behind, but more want to think, and the more in your mind refused to leave. ─── 用力甩甩了头,想把把这个想法抛在脑后,可是越不想去想就,他就越是在你脑海里不肯离去。

22、Here are officers enough at Meryton to disappoint all the young ladies in the country.Let Wickham be your man.He is a pleasant fellow, and would jilt you creditably. ─── 他象上次一样隆重其事地告别了浪搏恩的亲戚们,祝贺姐妹们健康幸福,又答应给他们的父亲再来一封谢函。

23、jilt a lover ─── 抛弃情人

24、The mother of my classmate one day say:"Put the inside of the television to the clothes to jilt stem once". ─── 我同学的妈妈有一天说:“把衣服放电视机里甩干一下吧”。

25、Toward him say, (really good thank you.If it weren't for yesterday you to break up with me, I still not know how to jilt you. ─── 对着他说,(真的好好谢谢你。要不是昨天你和我分手,我还不知道怎么甩了你了。

26、From already the pass take out three greatest mouths in the house and Be take out and say:"You the arrant fool of this pig brain, don't jilt you to jilt who ah? ─── 把自已关在屋里,抽三大嘴巴,一边抽一边说:“你这猪头猪脑的大傻瓜,不甩你甩谁呀?

27、If you paid the kicker cost, Jilt deals 2 damage to another target creature."You're not my Hanna!?-Gerrard, to YawgmothIllus. ─── 若你已支付其增幅费用,则遗弃再对另一个目标生物造成2点伤害。

28、Jilt three bottom hairs, see a cellular phone screen to have what variety? ─── 甩三下头发,看看手机屏幕有什么变化?

29、Answer:Because touch a tiger bottom, once its tail jilt, will jilt the person's hand to the ground go up of, very painful of. ─── 答:因为摸到老虎屁股,它尾巴一甩,会把人的手甩到地上去的,很疼的。

30、Six, see you with another little girl walk together, little girl would happily with she is a friend;See you with another woman walk together, the woman will jilt your[one] box on the ear. ─── 六、看见你和另一个小女孩走在一起,小女孩会高兴地和她做朋友;看见你和另一个女人走在一起,女人会甩你一个耳光。

31、His a pair intentionally jilt whip son the Pa Pa ring and"year" be frightenedly strange to call and ran up mountain. ─── 他俩故意把鞭子甩得啪啪响,”年”惊恐地怪叫着,跑上山了。

32、Some also not exaggeration, fully jilt that runt to go out five meters far! ─── 一点儿也不夸张,足足把那小东西甩出去五米远!

33、He is a pleasant fellow, and would jilt you creditably. ─── 他是个有趣的家伙,他会用很体面的办法把你遗弃。

34、Three: Pig's occupy has no matter to jilt that carefully tail. ─── 第三:猪有事没事就甩着那条细细的尾巴。

35、Once above a time, she once swore to she, whole lives couldn't be making the other people jilt their own box on the ears . . . . . . ─── 在很久很久以前,她就对自己发誓过,这辈子都不会在让别人甩自己的耳光……

36、Wash away dirt a method:Use Shower Gel or Clean Jeju benefit to wash lightly, jilt stem water nature to dry in the air then. ─── 洗涤方法:用沐浴露或洗洁济轻轻手洗,甩乾水份自然晾乾即可。

37、Jilt three bottom hairs, see a cellular phone screen to have what variety? ─── 甩三下头发,看看手机屏幕有什么变化?

38、To reject or jilt. ─── 拒绝,抛弃

39、The man can not do it, seemed to take her, the woman of this kind of age can hardly jilt. ─── 男人做不到,就好像负了她,这种年纪的女人很难甩。

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