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09-18 投稿


indemnity 发音

英:[ɪnˈdemnəti]  美:[ɪnˈdemnəti]

英:  美:

indemnity 中文意思翻译



indemnity 短语词组

1、double indemnity ─── [经] 加位补偿

2、contract of indemnity ─── [经] 赔偿损失的合同

3、double indemnity clause ─── [经] 双倍赔偿

4、financial indemnity ─── [经] 财务补偿

5、demand indemnity ─── [经] 索赔

6、indemnity for risk ─── [经] 风险赔偿

7、action for indemnity ─── [经] 损害赔偿的诉讼

8、indemnity for damage ─── [经] 毁损(损失)赔偿

9、indemnity bond ─── [经] 赔偿(补偿)保证书

10、demand an indemnity ─── [经] 要求赔款

11、indemnity clause ─── [法] 赔偿条款

12、deed of indemnity ─── [经] 赔偿证书

13、indemnity contract ─── [法] 赔偿契约

14、act of indemnity ─── [法] 特赦行为, 赔偿法, 免罪法

15、indemnity agreement ─── [经] 赔偿协议

16、claim indemnity ─── [化] 索赔 ─── [经] 索赔

17、freight indemnity ─── [经] 保证偿付运费

18、counter-indemnity ─── 背对 ─── 背担保

19、indemnity for defamation ─── [经] 毁坏名誉的赔偿

indemnity 词性/词形变化,indemnity变形


indemnity 常用词组

claim indemnity ─── 索赔

letter of indemnity ─── 损害补偿保证书

insurance indemnity ─── 保险赔偿

indemnity 相似词语短语

1、indemnities ─── n.赔偿(indemnity的复数);保障

2、indemnitee ─── n.接受赔偿者;接受保障者

3、indefinite ─── adj.不确定的;无限的;模糊的

4、indignity ─── n.侮辱;轻蔑;有伤尊严;无礼举动

5、inhumanity ─── n.不人道,无人性;残暴

6、indemnify ─── vt.赔偿;保护;使免于受罚

7、indigenity ─── 本土化

8、indemnitor ─── n.保障者;赔偿人

9、indemnitees ─── n.接受赔偿者;接受保障者

indemnity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Should you receive any correspondences from third parties, summons and writs, please forward the same unanswered to us as soon as possible. Otherwise, your right of indemnity will be prejudiced. ─── 倘閣下收到第三者索償文件、法庭令狀及傳票,請勿回覆及盡快提交保險公司處理,否則閣下保單之保障權益將會受到影響。

2、The Supplier's indemnity obligations shall survive the expiration or termination of this Agreement. ─── 供货商的赔偿义务将在本合约期满之后或终止之后继续存在。

3、Marine cargo insurance is based on the principles if insurable interest, utmost good faith, proximate cause, and indemnity. ─── 保险合同的四大原则:保险利益、最大诚信、近因和赔偿原则。

4、An insurer refers to an insurance company which has signed insurance contracts with the insurant and undertakes the responsibility to pay indemnity or insurance money to the latter. ─── 保险人是指与投保人订立保险合同,并承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任的保险公司。

5、Payments on account will be made to the Insured monthly during the Indemnity Period if desired. ─── 如予要求,本公司在赔偿期间可以每月预付赔款。

6、Life insurance contracts are not contracts of indemnity as they do not compensate for a loss that must be calculated. ─── 人寿保险合同不属于赔偿合同,因为(保险人)并不是对一笔可计算的损失进行赔偿。

7、The victims can not only claim indemnity of the unit(hospital)which caused the malpractice but also find out ... ─── 凡发生医疗事故的,受害者不仅可以依法向医疗事故单位(医院)索赔,而且可以依法追究医疗事故单位的其他法律责任。

8、Double Indemnity for Bodily Injury due to Public Conveyance Accident. ─── 公共交通工具意外双倍保障。

9、The insurer shall accordingly pay the balance after the amount of indemnity or of the payment of insurance benefits is finally determined. ─── 保险人最终确定赔偿或者给付保险金的数额后,应当支付相应的差额。

10、he received his first role as a heavy in "Double Indemnity." ─── 他接了第一个角色,在影片《双重保险》中扮演保镖。

11、The latter will be expected to offer professional indemnity insurance products because the trustees for MPF schemes will be required to take out such insurance. ─── 我们预期一般保险业会提供专业弭偿保险计划,因为强积金计划的受托人必须为计划投购这类保险。

12、The addressee has stated to reserve the right of indemnity at the time the partially damaged or pilfered mail item is received. ─── 二邮件一部毁损或被窃,收件人收受其馀部分时,已声明保留求偿权。

13、Although traditional law of torts attaches importance to the indemnity for damages, removing endangerment should be widely applied in this field. ─── 传统侵权法注重赔偿损失,在环境侵权领域应倡导排除危害之广泛适用。

14、Evidence produced by the addressee that the right of indemnity has been delegated by the sender to the addressee. ─── 一收件人提出证据,证明已由寄件人授与求偿权。

15、The Indemnity System for Punitive Damage ─── 惩罚性赔偿刍议

16、I was also given an indemnity form, which I duly completed and returned. ─── 我还收到了一份赔偿表,我按时填好并交了回来。

17、Is insurance arranged on your behalf in the USA or Canada in respect of Products Liability? If yes, please provide details of the insurers, indemnity limit and expiry date. ─── 在美加是否以您的名义安排了产品责任险?如是,请提供保险公司的详情、赔偿限额、保单到期日。

18、The Indemnity Clause under Time Charter ─── 定期租船合同下的使用与赔偿条款

19、Introduction of blood-pressured source, Definition of dynamic index in clinical un-wound blood-pressure monitor. Make theory and technique indemnity for control quality of un-wound blood-pressure monitor. ─── 介绍了血压溯源问题,无创血压监护仪的临床试验和使用中的无创血压监护仪动态指标的确定等问题,为有效控制无创血压监护仪的质量,提供了理论论证和技术保障。

20、PROVISO: The sum or sums of indemnity provided in the indemnity Scale shall be dealt with according to the following proviso. ─── 一、在保险有效期内,不论发生一次或多次赔偿,本公司赔偿累计以不超过保险金额为限。

21、Where the sum insured is less than the insurable value, the insurer shall bear obligation for indemnity pro rata of the sum insured to the insurable value, unless otherwise stipulated in the contract. ─── 如果建筑物的价值超过约定保险价值(例如,超过130平方米的建筑物或豪华建筑物),业主可以将溢额部分向保险公司投保。

22、The systems deriving from the principle of indemnity such as subrogation, abandonment and double insurance are also analyzed in the part v. ─── 对于损失补偿原则所衍生的具体制度,例如,代位求偿权、委付与重复保险等,在本文的第五部分也进行了简要的研究与分析。

23、Indemnity under this Policy shall be based upon the sound market value of the property prevailing at the time of loss. ─── 受损财产的赔偿按损失当时的市价计算。

24、Clause Protection and Indemnity clause ─── 保护和赔偿条款包裹邮寄

25、The Distributor shall not be entitled to any indemnity or compensation by reason of the expiration or by termination made by the Company under conditions of the Agreement. ─── 分销商无权因此协议期满或由于本协议所属的原因被公司终止协议而提出任何索赔或赔偿的要求。

26、After 1974, Maryland processors needed only to submit an indemnity agreement in which their suppliers certified their own rights to the hulks. ─── 在1974年以后,马里兰州废品收集者只需提交免罚协约,在协约中废品的提供者要证明他们与废品之间的关系。

27、When death or disability occurs, the indemnity will be payable within 10 working days since the claim documentation is collected. ─── 当发生死亡和伤残时,在收到完整资料后的十个工作日内付出赔款。

28、The majority of contracts of insurance are based on the indemnity principle. ─── 大多数保险合同以赔偿原则为基础。

29、And as you know, in 1928, the American Indemnity College became Tsinghua University. ─── 而正如你们所知,在1928年,美国赔款学校成为清华大学。

30、If National Indemnity made money, he could send those profits out to buy other businesses and stocks. ─── 如果国民保险公司赚了钱,他就可以拿那些利润去买其它企业和股票。”

31、Short-term Accident Hospital Indemnity Rider ─── 意外住院给付

32、But if you are covered by traditional indemnity insurance, well-baby visits may not be covered at all, or only a percentage may be covered. ─── 如果你有传统的赔偿保险,孩子的看护费用将不需要支付,或者支付一小部分。

33、The rate of the indemnity system of maternal and child health care was 41.4%. ─── 参加孕期保健保偿的比例为41.4%;

34、As might have been expected, the Council spent much of its time discussing the Willis Report on the future of the professional indemnity scheme. ─── 一如所料,理事会花了很长的时间讨论与未来的专业弥偿计划有关的韦莱报告书。

35、After that, however, Americans' impression of China underwent a great change, which created a favorable exterior condition for America's remitting Boxer Indemnity so as to subsidize Chinese students to study in the U. S. ─── 但是此后,美国对华印象有了转变,为美国政府决议退还部分庚子赔款、资助中国学生赴美学习创造了良好的外部环境。

36、To prevent overpaying for policyholders' losses, the insurance industry has established a rule of indemnity . ─── 为防止对投保人所受损失的超额赔付,保险公司已建立了一套赔偿规则。

37、It may be appropriate to accept assignment on a Medicare claim or not pursue a copayment or deductible on an indemnity claim. ─── 它可适当接受了医疗保险索赔转让或不能搞一个部分负担,或在赔偿索赔中扣除。

38、I love Christopher Walken.I’ve watched Donnie Darko and the other day I watched Double Indemnity which was really cool. ─── 你看(指他自己现在穿的牛仔裤),这里裂了,因为一只大狗抓了我。

39、professional indemnity insurance ─── 专业弥偿保险

40、Limit of indemnity in respect of any one accident or series of accidents arising out of one event. ─── 一次事件或引起的一连串事故的赔偿限额。

41、Life insurance and personal accident policies are not indemnity contracts. ─── 人寿保险和人身意外保险的保险单不是赔偿合同。

42、The Agent will lose the right to indemnity if he does not claim the indemnity in writing within one year from contract termination. ─── 如果在合同终止后的一年内,代理人未书面提出补偿的要求,其要求补偿的权利即告丧失。

43、The bills of lading are turned over to the shipper, who will surrender the letter of indemnity to the bank. ─── 将提单转交给承运人,承运人再将保证函交给银行.

44、He have to pay an indemnity of&100. ─── 他必须支付100英镑的赔偿。

45、An insurer refers to the insurance company which enters into an insurance contract with an applicant and is obligated to make indemnity or payments of the insurance benefits. ─── 保险人是指与投保人订立保险合同,并承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任的保险公司。

46、In settling the issues about claim indemnity in carrying out 1&2B contract works, the interests of both owner and contractors were fairly and reasonably considered by supervisory engineers. ─── 1&2B标在实施过程中出现了为数不少的索赔,监理工程师在处理索赔时,慎重考虑了业主与承包方双方的利益。

47、Where the compensation obtained by the insurer from the third person exceeds the amount of indemnity paid by the insurer, the part in excess shall be returned to the insured. ─── 保险人从第三人取得的赔偿,超过其支付的保险赔偿的,超过部分应当退还给被保险人。

48、If expity and opposing party will not on time , we will closedown contract and lodge claim indemnity. ─── 如贵方到期未能按时付款,我方将中止合同并提出索赔.

49、The first choice of the concrete means is the special judicatory explanation proclaimed by the supreme court, the second one is to modify the State Indemnity Law. ─── 具体的途径选择第一是由最高人民法院发布专门的司法解释。 第二是修改国家赔偿法。

50、Political exiles had not been given indemnity from prosecution. ─── 政治流亡者还没有被给予免于起诉的保证。

51、Life insurance contracts are not contracts of indemnity as they do not compensate for a loss that must be calculated. ─── 人寿保险合同不属于赔偿合同,因为(保险人)并不是对一笔可计算的损失进行赔偿。

52、The authors think that Chinese law should realizingly distinguish the right of subrogation from the right of indemnity. ─── 因此,我国法律应当明确区分并分别规定保证人的代位权与追偿权。

53、The insured or the beneficiary of the direct insurance shall not claim for the indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits from the reinsurer. ─── 原保险的被保险人或者受益人,不得向再保险接受人提出赔偿或者给付保险金的请求。

54、Unless otherwise specified in the contract, in the event that the sum insured is less than the insured value, the insurer shall undertake the obligation for indemnity pro rata of the sum insured to the insured value. ─── 保险金额低于保险价值的,除合同另有约定外,保险人按照保险金额与保险价值的比例承担赔偿责任。

55、I'm here to express my apologies to you on behalf of our housekeeping. We'll pay you an indemnity. ─── 我代表房务部向您表示歉意,我们会给您赔偿的。

56、When a country defeat in war, it sometimes have to pay an indemnity to the winner. ─── 战败国有时必须向战胜国赔款。

57、It shall be liable for paying indemnity for the losses caused by an insured accident within the scope of the insured amount. ─── 对于保险事故造成的损失,在保险金额的范围内承担赔偿责任。

58、PICC Protection Indemnity Clause ─── 中国人民保险公司保障与赔偿条款

59、Limit of indemnity in respect of any one accident or series of accidents arising out of one event. ─── 一次事件或引起的一连串事故的赔偿限额。

60、Because the fate to restore through indemnity on the earth remains, Jesus comes looking for you to have you go through the course in its original condition in which he was crucified. ─── 因为在地上,通过荡减的复归仍然存在,耶稣便前来寻找你们,并且让你们经历一下耶稣被钉在十字架上的那种相同的路程。

61、General provisions as to measure of indemnity ─── 关于赔偿限额的一般规定

62、All teams must register and have their members indemnity forms signed at least thirty minutes prior to the opening of the race. ─── 各队应于首场比赛开始前30分钟完成检录报到手续并签妥责任保证书。

63、The document shows the respect between people, and it is also the adjuration and indemnity of droit and duty.It is the important nad necessary knowledge especially in the modern society. ─── 1. 应用文书是人与人之间相互尊重的体现,也是权利义务的宣示与保障,为现代社会非常重要与必要的知识。

64、The insurance companies paid an indemnity of 70.7 billion yuan as reparations in insurance programs,of which the indemnity of life insurance was 22.5 billion yuan,and that of health insurance was 5.0 billion yuan. ─── 保险公司支付各类赔款及给付707亿元,其中,寿险业务给付225亿元,健康险赔款和给付50亿元。

65、Furthermore, two problems as the subrogation right of reinsurer and the original insured"s direct claim against the reinsurer were studied in connection with the principle of indemnity. ─── 关于损害补偿原则,具体讨论了再保险人的代位求偿权及原保险人的直接请求权两个问题。

66、Upon indemnity, the Insurer is subrogated to all the Insured’s rights or recovery against the responsible party subject to the amount paid by the Insurer. ─── 在保险人向有关责任方行使代位请求赔偿权利时,被保险人应积极协助并提供必要的文件和所知道的有关情况。

67、Members undertaking SMSF audits will also need to hold a practicing certificate issued by one of the three bodies and have relevant professional indemnity insurance. ─── 同时,承接“自治养老基金会”审计业务的审计人员必须持有上述三大会计团体所颁发的执业资质证书,以及相关的职业赔偿保险。

68、Payment against letter of indemnity ─── 保结式付款

69、The range of the right should be confined to the amount of indemnity the insurer has paid to the assured. ─── 保险人诉讼权利的范围应以其保险赔偿额为限。

70、We will cease the agreement and request for indemnity if you did not pay in due time. ─── 如贵方到期未能按时付款,,我方将中止合同并提出索赔..

71、We agree to pay all legal costs and disbursements incurred by you in recovering amounts due by us on a full indemnity basis. ─── 我方完全承诺,贵司因追讨我方到期应付未付款所产生的一切诉讼费用和相关支出,由我方承担。

72、If the insured, without the insurer's consent, waives the right of indemnity against the third party after indemnity is made by the insurer, the waiver of the insured shall be regarded as invalid. ─── 保险人向被保险人赔偿保险金后,被保险人未经保险人同意放弃对第三者请求赔偿的权利的,该行为无效。

73、The Four Big Changes of the Boxer Indemnity ─── 庚子赔款的四次变故

74、Seen from the judicial fulfillment of the medical treatment indemnity,there exists a lot of dissatisfaction,which derives from the wrong application of law to a great degree. ─── 从医疗损害赔偿的司法实践来看,存在许多令人不满意的地方,这很大程度上源自法律适用的混乱。

75、The doctrine of subrogation applies to contracts of insurance that are indemnity contracts. ─── 代位行使原则适用于保险合同中的赔偿合同。

76、Hope ability is later the spirit indemnity of the lawmaking provide to draw lessons from. ─── 希望能为以后精神损害赔偿的立法提供借鉴。

77、Double Indemnity for Public Conveyance accidental death? ─── 公共交通事故身故双倍赔偿?

78、Indemnity Buddha Cave, located on a hill surrounded on three sides by the original soil. ─── 弥佛洞,坐落在一处三面环山的土原上。

79、We represent insurers and re-insurers to handle subrogated claims, liability and professional indemnity claims. ─── 我们代表保险及再保险公司处理代位索偿、责任及专业弥偿等索偿。

80、Trust receipt; letter of indemnity ─── 信托收据,担保书

81、You will get the sum of the indemnity if the freight were procrastinated. ─── 如果货运耽搁,,你会得到全额退款..

82、It would also find it easier to negotiate an indemnity against capital losses on asset purchases. ─── 它也能更容易谈妥补偿金,减少购买资产引起的资本流失。

83、Case Management in Health Insurance Indemnity ─── 个案管理在健康保险理赔管理中的运用

84、protection and indemnity association ─── 保护与赔偿保险协会

85、Indemnity of Delay in Delivery of the Vessel ─── 延迟交船赔偿

86、Corporation shall use all reasonable efforts to obtain from its venders and suppliers the most favorable indemnity protection for the Purchaser hereunder. ─── 公司必须尽可能地为买方从公司的卖方和供方处争取最优惠的保护补偿。

87、Should one party violate this Contract, the other party shall have the right to claim indemnity according the provisions specified in this Contract. ─── 如一方违反本合同,另一方有权按本合同规定索赔。

88、They paid an indemnity to the victim after the accident. ─── 他们在事故后向受害者付了赔偿金。

89、Indemnity A contractual agreement made between different parties to compensate for any damages or losses. ─── 合约方协议就对方的损失或损坏作出补偿。

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