incognita 中文意思翻译
incognita 短语词组
1、Oxyuris incognita ─── [医] 未定尖尾线虫(大约为住根异皮线虫)
2、terra incognita ─── [拉]未发现的地域, (知识上的)未知领域
incognita 相似词语短语
1、incogitant ─── adj.无思想的;粗心的;不体谅的
2、incognisant ─── 未知的
3、incognisable ─── 隐姓埋名
4、incognitas ─── n.隐姓埋名的女人,改用假名的;adj.女人隐姓埋名的;adv.女人隐姓埋名地
5、incognizable ─── adj.难觉察的;不可知的,不可认识的
6、incognizant ─── adj.没觉察到的;缺乏知识的
7、incognito ─── adj.伪装的,隐姓埋名的;adv.隐瞒身份地,化名地;n.虚假身份
8、incognitos ─── 隐姓埋名
9、incognisance ─── 未知的
incognita 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Study on the pathogenicity variation of Meloidogyne incognita race 1 to tobacco resistant varieties ─── 南方根结线虫1号小种对烟草抗病品种致病性变异研究
2、Resistance to Meloidogyne incognita ─── 抗南方根结线虫
3、In Berlin, East Germans huddle over subway maps as they head into Western terra incognita, ─── 在柏林,东德人进入陌生的西德领域时,挤在地铁车站地图前面端详,
4、International TV progamming is the great terra incognita for American viewers. ─── 国际电视节目对美国观众而言是全然陌生的领域。
5、Inhibition and nematocidal effect of plant extracts on Meloidogyne incognita ─── 植物提取液对南方根结线虫的抑杀作用
6、She went to Paris incognita. ─── 她化装到巴黎去(了)。
7、a vast and virtually final terra incognita left to terrestrial explorers(bDavid F.Salisbury) ─── 留给探索家们的最后一块巨大的未知的土地(b戴维F.索尔兹伯里)
8、Fig.10: Meloidogyne incognita infected lettuce young plant showing stunting and root galling. ─── 图十、莴苣幼株罹南方根瘤线虫后根系结瘤,植株矮化。
9、The Comparison Among Three Control Factors to Embryogeny and Two-Instar-Larva of Meloidogyne Incognita ─── 三种防治因子对南方根结线虫胚胎发育及二龄幼虫作用的比较
10、17 species of plant nematodes which belong to 10 genera were identified from the roots and rhizosphere soil of to-bacco. Meloidogyne incognita, M. java nica, Helicotylenchus Dihystera, Tyenchorhynchus annulatus and Paraty-lenchus spp. ─── 从烟草根部和根际土壤中分离鉴定出植物线虫10属17种,较具经济重要性和分布较广的有南方根结线虫、爪哇根结线虫、双宫螺旋线虫、饰环矮化线虫、针线虫。
11、Effect of Soil Characteristic on Density of South Root-knot Nematodes, Meloidogyne Incognita, in Ginger Field ─── 姜田土壤特性对南方根结线虫密度的影响
12、Screening of Antagonistic Streptomycete from Soils Against Meloidogyne incognita ─── 南方根结线虫拮抗链霉菌的筛选和鉴定
13、Growth and quality index of cucumber were tested after cucumber was infected by Meloidogyne incognita. ─── 对感染南方根结线虫的黄瓜植株的生长和果实品质指标进行了测定。
14、Abstract: A pot experiment was conducted under greenhouse conditions to study the influence of AM fungi inoculation on infection of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) in cucumber plant. ─── 摘要: 采用盆栽试验的方法研究了丛枝菌根真菌对黄瓜根结线虫的防治作用。
15、root knot nematodes ( Meloidogyne incognita ) ─── 根结线虫
16、M incognita ─── 化生根结线虫
17、Less than two centuries ago, new nations could still be staked out on terra incognita. ─── 迄今不到200百年以前,新的国家还只能在无人认领的处女地建立。
18、Comparison of Growth Characteristics and Resistance to Meloidogyne Incognita of Different Tomato Rootstocks during Seedling Stage ─── 不同番茄砧木抗根结线虫苗期生长特性及抗性比较
19、a vast and virtually final terra incognita left to terrestrial explorers(David F. Salisbury) ─── 留给探索家们的最后一块巨大的未知的土地(戴维F.索尔兹伯里)
20、"a vast and virtually final terra incognita left to terrestrial explorers" (David F. Salisbury) ─── “留给探索家们的最后一块巨大的未知的土地”(戴维F.索尔兹伯里)
21、Meloidogyine incognita ─── 南方根结线虫
22、"The landscape of the human gut is truly terra incognita," says Jeffrey Gordon, a genome scientist at Washington University in St.Louis whose research team is spearheading this effort. ─── 圣路易州的华盛顿大学基因组学专家Jeffry说:作为地主的人消化道的确是未知领域,他的研究组是研究这一领域的先锋。
23、Happily, as is often the case with such forays into terra quasi-incognita, the serendipity factor comes into play. ─── 可喜的是,像冒险进入类似未知领域最常见的情况一样,机缘凑巧开始起作用。
24、"All the nobility of Rome will be present, and if your fair incognita belong to the higher class of society, she must go there." ─── 假如你那位无名美人是上流社会中的人,她也一定会到那儿去的。”
25、For me, Hong Kong was at first 'terra incognita', considering that I come from Zimbabwe, a nation of some 13 million people in the heart of Southern Africa. ─── 我来自津巴布韦,一个坐拥一千三百万人口在南非中部的国家。初来香港,彷佛到了未知之境。
26、Keywords Ginger;Laipi disease;Meloidogyne incognita;Growth and Development;Yield and Quality;Physiology Characteristic;Ressistance Reaction; ─── 生姜;癞皮病;南方根结线虫;生长发育;产量品质;生理特性;抗性反应;
27、The Fischerinsel (Fisherman’s Island) is the terra incognita of the fast-changing urban fabric of downtown Berlin. ─── 不论是自己向往,还是因为其他的原因来到国外,从到了异国他乡的第一步,我们就有了一个共同的名字,外国人。
28、As late as the end of the second century B.C., India was terra incognita to the Chinese. ─── 直到公元二世纪末,中国人还不知道印度的存在。
29、all the nobility of rome will be present , and if your fair incognita belong to the higher class of society , she must go there . ─── 罗马的贵族全体都会到的。假如你那位无名美人是上流社会中的人,她也一定会到那儿去的。
30、She went to paris incognita . ─── 她化装到巴黎去了。
31、Observation on histopathological changes of different resistance tobacco varieties infected by Meloidogyne incognita ─── 南方根结线虫侵染不同抗性烟草品种的组织病理学观察
32、Berlin has potential, power and something of the terra incognita. ─── 柏林有潜力,有力量,还有未知领域的神秘。
33、Today Mars looms as humanity's next great terra incognita. ─── 如今的火星织机作为人类的下一个伟大的未知领域隐约出现。
34、Fig.11: Meloidogyne incognita infected gherkin plants under structural cultivation. ─── 图十一、设施园艺内遭南方根瘤线虫危害之小黄瓜园。
36、Growth and quality index of cucumber were tested after cucumber was infected by Meloidogyne incognita . ─── 对感染南方根结线虫的黄瓜植株的生长和果实品质指标进行了测定。
37、He had recognized by certain unmistakable signs, that his fair incognita belonged to the aristocracy ─── 他已从某些蛛丝马迹上看出那个无名美人是贵族社会中的人。
38、Histopathological changes of resistant variety K326 arid susceptible variety HONI) I)A infected by Meloidogyne incognita were studied. ─── 摘要利用烟草抗病品种K326和感病品种红花大金元,研究了南方根结线虫侵染过程中的组织病理学变化。
39、At one point they were out of sight of land for almost two months.But the terra australis incognita, the unknown "south land," didn't exist, just as Cook suspected. ─── 他们一度近两个月看不见陆地,但是未知的南大陆并不存在,正如库克所怀疑的。
40、The Bio-control of Meloidogyne incognita by Antagonistic Microorganism in Cucumber ─── 黄瓜根结线虫拮抗菌筛选及作用机理初探
41、The terra incognita, usually populated with monsters, mermaids and camels, inspired generations of explorers to set out for adventure. ─── 未发现的地域,通常到处都是怪物、美人鱼和骆驼,激励着一代又一代探险家出发去冒险。
42、I even journeyed one long summer's day to the summit of the most diatant hill, whence I stretched my eye over many a mile of terra incognita, and was astonished to find how vast a globe I inhabited. ─── 一次,在一个漫长的夏日天气,我竟漫游到了一座远山之巅,登临纵目,望见了数不尽的无名广土,因而惊悟所居天地之宽。
43、Oxyuris incognita ─── [医] 未定尖尾线虫(大约为住根异皮线虫)
44、It is distinctly different that the resistance of tested materials to Meloidogyne incognita race 1 and it is not directly relative to each other between the resistance and karyotype. ─── 供试材料对南方根结线虫1号小种抗性表现出明显的差异,抗性与材料的染色体组型没有直接关系。
45、Tomato seedling was infected by root-knot nematode( Meloidogyne incognita) at different soil and different inoculated number. ─── 试验对番茄苗在不同湿度、不同根结线虫接种量条件下感染根结线虫病的情况作了初步研究。
46、terra incognita ─── n. [拉]未发现的地域, (知识上的)未知领域
47、Effects of Meloidogyne incognita initial inoculation density on ginger growth ─── 南方根结线虫初始接种密度对生姜生长的影响
48、Effectiveness of Plant Extracts for the Control of Meloidogyne incognita ─── 植物提取物对南方根结线虫的控制作用
49、Screening of Chinese Grape Species Resistant to M. Incognita ─── 中国葡萄抗南方根结线虫野生资源的筛选
50、Two class, two order, nine subfamily, fifteen genera of nematode were isolated around sweet potato roots in Sichuan province of China. They were distributed in 23 counties. In them, Meloidogyne incognita, Pratylenchus spp. ─── 经鉴定,四川甘薯根围线虫隶属于2个纲,2个目,9个亚科,15个属,其中以根结线虫Meloidogyne incognita、短体线虫Pratylenchus spp.
51、Fig.9: Damages to vegetables caused by Meloidogyne incognita at vegetable specialty farming area. ─── 图九、蔬菜专业区遭南方根瘤线虫危害之菜圃。
52、I must avoid my pre-existing knowledge and constructs, and enter my personal terra incognita. ─── 我不得不绕开原有的知识与观念,进入自我的未知领域。
53、She went to Paris incognita ─── 她化装到巴黎去。
54、Permanent Terra Incognita removed and replaced with impassable regions. ─── “国家重心”系统?专注某个区域的发展?
55、"The landscape of the human gut is truly terra incognita," says Jeffrey Gordon, a genome scientist at Washington University in St. ─── 当食物经过你的肠道内壁,经蠕动搅拌后,细菌、真菌和其它微生物开始分享这份赏赐。这不是一种单向的关系。
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