Trojan 发音
英:[ˈtroʊdʒən] 美:[ˈtrəʊdʒən]
英: 美:
Trojan 中文意思翻译
adj.古代特洛伊的; 古代特洛伊人的
Trojan 网络释义
n. 勇士;特洛伊人;勤勉的人adj. 特洛伊的;特洛伊人的n. (Trojan)人名;(德、塞、捷、波)特罗扬
Trojan 常用词组
trojan horse ─── [希神]特洛伊木马;特洛伊木马(一种计算机病毒)
trojan war ─── [希神]特洛伊战争
Trojan 短语词组
1、Neptune trojan ─── 海王星木马
2、Jupiter Trojan ─── 木星 ─── 木马
3、trojan games ─── 特洛伊木马游戏
4、Trojan (astronomy) ─── 特洛伊木马(天文学)
5、Trojan War ─── 特洛伊战争
6、Trojan horse (computing) ─── 木马(计算)
7、type trojan ─── 类型特洛伊木马
8、trojan generic ─── 特洛伊木马程序通用
9、Trojan horse ─── 特洛伊木马, 木马计, 内部颠覆者 [计] ─── 特洛伊木马病毒
10、Trojan horses ─── 特洛伊木马,木马计,内部颠覆者( Trojan horse的名词复数 )
Trojan 词性/词形变化,Trojan变形
Trojan 习惯用语
1、Trojan horse ─── (神话)特洛伊木马(特洛伊战争时希腊人做的木马, 希腊兵藏在木马腹中, 混入特洛伊城); [喻]内部的破坏集团
2、Trojan War ─── (古希腊传说中的)特洛伊战争(荷马史诗《伊利亚特》 Iliad 即以此战争为中心内容)
3、like a Trojan ─── 工作勤奋
Trojan 相似词语短语
1、trojans ─── n.特洛伊木马,木马程式;脱罗央群
2、troland ─── 托兰;见光度
3、trona ─── n.[矿物]天然碱;n.(Trona)人名;(意、塞)特罗纳
4、tropin ─── n.亲菌素;调理素
5、Trojan ─── adj.(Trojan)特洛伊的;特洛伊人的;n.(Trojan)特洛伊人;勇士;勤勉的人;n.(Trojan)(美、波、德)特罗扬(人名)
6、Trajan ─── n.图拉真(罗马皇帝,在位期间98-117)
7、troat ─── v.(雄鹿)吼叫,叫春
8、trocar ─── n.套管针
9、trogon ─── n.[鸟]咬鹃
Trojan 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、AKM Trojan.This Trojan allows attackers to access your computer, stealing pas... ─── AKM 进程类别: 系统进程 英文描述: lass.
2、Trojan Guarder can also provide assistance to protect and manage your computer: Windows Ghost and IE Doctor. ─── 同样它将会清理所有的系统连接文件以及注册表文件。
3、A Greek warrior, the attendant and friend of Achilles, who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War. ─── 帕特洛克罗斯:希腊勇士,阿喀琉斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳杀死。
4、The contents of a trojan can be a virus or a worm. ─── 特洛伊木马的代码内容可能是病毒或者蠕虫.
5、Sir , we are Greeks returning from the Trojan War, answered Odysseus. ─── 奥迪赛回答:“阁下, 我们是从特洛伊战争回来的希腊人. ”
6、Of 80 % pilfer case it is an user medium trojan virus. ─── 80%的被盗案件都是用户中了木马病毒.
7、Both factions accused each other of using the organization as a Trojan horse to advance their causes. ─── 两派都相互指责对方利用该组织作幌子以发展各自的事业。
8、Windows Task Manager taskmg.exe "Browser hijacker - identified by DrWeb antivirus as ""Trojan. ─── 601特洛伊浏览器木马!我靠,赶紧改密码去,靠网络吃饭的啊。。。。。。。。。。。。
9、Ice Trojan experimental invasion and protection. ─── 冰河木马入侵和防护实验。
10、Paris The prince of Troy whose abduction of Helen provoked the Trojan War. ─── 帕里斯:特洛伊王子,因诱走海伦而引发特洛伊战争。
11、If your computer encounters ARP virus and trojan,download implement while attack, how can you become? ─── 假如你的电脑遭遇ARP病毒和木马下载器的同时攻击,会变成怎样?
12、The king who lead the Greeks against Troy in the Trojan War. ─── 在特洛伊战争中领导希腊反对特洛伊的国王。
13、Do not download this program - it is a trojan and has a keylogger hidden within it. You will not receive any payments by downloading this file. ─── 不要下载该程序--它是一个木马,并且还内含键盘监控机制在里头,下载该文件你不会得到任何支付的。
14、Anti Trojan Elite(ATE) is a malware remover, it can detect and clean malware in disk or memory. ─── 反黑精英是一个享誉欧洲的专业木马移除软体,他可以侦测和消除在硬碟或记忆体的木马。
15、Tell from broad sense, the computer that encounters the trojan is atttacked all can be called " fryer " . ─── 从广义上讲,遭遇木马攻击的电脑均可以称为“肉鸡”。
16、The senior civil servant they arrested for spying turned out to be a Trojan horse, planted by enemy intelligence twenty years previously. ─── 他们逮捕的那位因进行间谍活动的高级文职人员,原来是20年前敌人情报机构安插的特洛伊木马。
17、The Melissa virus was a Trojan horse macro virus that propagated itself through e-mail messages in 1999. ─── Melissa病毒是一种特洛伊木马程序宏病毒,是1999年通过电子邮件传播的一种病毒。
18、Initial experiment shows this method is able to detection IceRiver trojan horse and Broadcasting girl trojan hores. ─── 初步实验结果表明,该方法可以有效发现冰河木马病毒和广外女生木马病毒。
19、Menelaus The king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War and the husband of Helen and brothter of Agamemnon. ─── 墨涅拉俄斯:特洛伊战争期间的斯巴达王,美女海伦之夫,阿伽门农之弟。
20、In the last few years we've seen major, big-budget movies about great tragic conflicts from the Trojan War through Operation Desert Storm. ─── 在过去的几年中,我已经看过一些大制作的电影,从《特洛伊战争》到《沙漠风暴》他们都是关于重大的悲壮战争。
21、They are defeated only because of the Trojan horse in their country. ─── 他们战败的原因只是因为他们国内有暗藏的敌人.
22、Anti Trojan Elite is a trojan/keylogger remover. ─── 1反木马精英是一种木马程式/键盘记录程序去除。
23、There is no evidence of a Trojan horse on your system. ─── 在您的系统中没有发现木马.
24、There is a vaulting horse in this week trojan website particularly notable, it is " the trojan downloads Andefu implement varietal DYF " . ─── 在本周木马网站中有一个木马特别值得注意,它是“安德夫木马下载器变种DYF”。
25、A Trojan Downloader may download adware, spyware or other malware from multiple servers or sources on the internet. ─── 下载一个木马Downloader的间谍,间谍程式或其他恶意程序从多种来源或服务器在互联网上。
26、Transmit any viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses, or any items of a destructive nature. ─── 传播任何病毒、蠕虫、缺陷、特洛伊木马或其他具有破坏性的内容。
27、The term Backdoor describes a specific group of Trojan Horses. ─── 任期后门描述的一个特定群体,特洛伊木马程式。
28、The king of Sparta at the time of the Trojan War and the husband of Helen and brothter of Agamemnon. ─── 墨涅拉俄斯:特洛伊战争期间的斯巴达王,美女海伦之夫,阿伽门农之弟。
29、Ghost in the Machine: A Trojan horse flashes insulting messages on the screen. ─── 一种特洛伊木马,它会在屏幕上闪烁一些侮辱性消息。
30、Is it a virus, a worm, a trojan? ─── “它是病毒,蠕虫还是特洛伊木马?”
31、I simulate what a virus, trojan, or other malicious program can do to your computer. ─── i模拟什么病毒,特洛伊木马病毒或其他恶意程式可以做你的电脑。
32、A terrible storm ensued, and the Trojan ships were driven out of their course towards the coast of Africa. ─── 一场可怕的风暴随之而来,特洛伊人的船被刮离航道,向非洲海岸漂去。
33、But instead of riding the PS3 as a Trojan horse, Blu-ray has instead hobbled it by increasing its price and delaying its introduction. ─── 但是相对于把PS3看作是特洛伊木马,蓝光则因提高价格和延迟上市阻碍了索尼公司。
34、They both concern the great defining moment of Greek culture, the Trojan War. ─── 它们都有关希腊文化伟大的决定性时刻,特洛伊战争。
35、Based on that, I designed and actualized corresponding trojan horse. ─── 此外,本课题提出并实现了的木马自删除和木马自升级技术, 设计并实现了相应的实验木马.
36、The ng of Sparta at the tme of the Trojan ar and the husband of Helen and brothter of Agamemnon. ─── 墨涅拉俄斯:特洛伊战争期间的斯巴达王,美女海伦之夫,阿伽门农之弟。
37、Odyssey relates the misfortunes of Odysseus after the Trojan War. ─── 《奥德赛》叙述特洛伊战争后奥德修斯经历的种种厄运.
38、They are always sending the Trojan horses to many countries in the world. ─── 他们总是向世界许多国家派遣奸细。
39、A timely gift – a Trojan horse – will serve the same purpose. ─── 一件适时的礼物,就像是特洛伊木马一样有效.
40、The superpowers are always sending the Trojan horses to many countries in the world. ─── 一些超级强权大国总是派遣许多间谍到世界各个国家。
41、FQ Trojan.This Trojan allows attackers to access your compute... ─── FQ Trojan 进程类别: 系统进程 英文描述: ntfs64.
42、you seen Tommy Trojan? ─── 你见过汤米·特洛伊吗?
43、A Greek warrior, attendant, and friend to Achilles, who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War. ─── 帕特罗克勒斯希腊一勇士,阿希莱斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克特耳杀死
44、Sir, we are Greeks returning from the Trojan War,@ answered Odysseus. ─── 奥迪赛回答:“阁下,我们是从特洛伊战争回来的希腊人。”
45、Athens must beautiful even only have a sunset view in the balcony. Wish to have a trip in future. Know seom history from movie "Trojan". Nice place! ─── 人其实是灰色动物,没有白与黑,只有更白一点和更黑一点,做人做事只是一个度的问题.我希望白色多一点
46、This Trojan is able to generate other Trojan programs. Security Storm! ─── 安全风暴,为你提供最新的安全资讯!
47、He wrote trojan program 2006, began the trade of purloin individual information from now on. ─── 2006年他编写了木马程序,从此开始了盗取个人信息的行当。
48、You can create a hash rule for a virus or a Trojan horse to prevent the malicious software from running. ─── 可以创建针对病毒或特洛伊木马程序的哈希规则,以防止恶意软件运行。
49、If this is a worm or Trojan horse the length represents the size of the file. ─── 如果这是一个蠕虫或特洛依木马则长度表示为该文件的长度。
50、They were defeated because of the Trojan horses in their country. ─── 他们被打败了,因为他们的国家出现了奸细。
51、They are defeated only because of the Trojan horse in their country. ─── 他们战败的原因只是因为他们国内有暗藏的敌人。
52、Of course, the project has not been performed for the purpose of understanding Homer's Iliad or the Trojan War. ─── 当然,该项目不是为了了解荷马的《伊里亚特》或特洛伊之战而进行的。
53、The prince of Troy whose abduction of Helen provoked the Trojan War. ─── 帕里司特洛伊王子,因诱走海伦而引发了特洛伊战争
54、For example, a trojan horse or a virus is considered malware. ─── 例如,一个木马或病毒被认为是恶意软件。
55、The graph is: The policeman is suspected of selling the suspect of computer trojan program in prejudication. ─── 图为:民警正在预审涉嫌销售计算机木马程序的嫌疑人。
56、Okay, so you have to tell us, what exactly is a computer virus? -Well, when you hear the terms “virus” and “worm” and “Trojan”... ─── 好的,那么你必须告诉我们,计算机病毒到底是什么?-好的,当你听到“病毒”、“蠕虫”和“木马”等术语时...
57、The ingeniously engineered Trojan horse was also his idea. ─── 那个天才的特洛伊木马同样也是他的主意.
58、In the year 1193 B.C., the Trojan prince, convinces Helen, Queen of Sparta, to leave her husband Menelaus, and sail with him back to Troy. ─── 公元前1193年,特洛伊的王子帕里斯(奥兰多.布鲁姆饰)爱上了斯巴达国王(布兰登.格雷森饰)的妻子海伦(黛安.克鲁格),并把她带回了特洛伊。
59、Is this gift a Trojan horse? ─── 这个礼物该不会是特洛伊木马吧?
60、Actually no more than undertakes to the trojan " add / exuviate " . ─── 其实无非对木马进行“加/脱壳”。
61、The traditional software that reduce toxin is nonfeasance almost to the trojan, because this needs new method bowstring vaulting horse. ─── 传统杀毒软件对木马几乎是不作为的,因此需要新的手段绞杀木马。
62、The fe of Agamemnon ho, th the assstance of her lover Aegsthus, murdered hm on hs return from the Trojan ar and as later murdered by her son Orestes. ─── 克吕泰涅斯特拉:阿伽门农的妻子,在情人埃癸斯托斯的帮助下谋杀了从特洛伊战争中返回的阿伽门农,后被自己的儿子俄瑞斯忒斯杀死。
63、Another of her lovers was the Trojan prince Anchises, by whom she was the mother of Aeneas. ─── 她的另外一个情人是特洛伊的王子安喀塞斯,与他结合剩下埃涅阿斯。
64、Operating systems can be brought to a halt by a Trojan Horse. ─── 操作系统可能会因为木马病毒的攻击而中止。
65、He helped Clytemnestra kill her husband Agamemnon upon Agamemnon's return from the Trojan War. ─── 他协助克吕泰末丝特拉在其夫阿伽门农从特洛伊战争中返回时将他杀害。
66、The Trojan war is one that women cross-dress as men to fight. ─── 特洛伊战争是一场女人扮成男人去战斗的战争。
67、Delete stubborn file directory force unlock, auxiliary crushing kill to remove viruses, Trojan files. ─── 强制解锁删除顽固文件目录,辅助粉碎杀除病毒木马文件。
68、Is it a virus, a worm, a Trojan, or a backdoor? ─── 判断任何任意的程序是一个病毒、蠕虫、木马,还是后门?
69、Patroclus A Greek warrior, the attendant and friend of Achilles, who was killed by Hector in the Trojan War. ─── 帕特洛克罗斯:希腊勇士,阿喀琉斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳杀死。
70、From there,a new approach based on multi-agent cooperative to realize trojan horse auto-detection is put forward. ─── 在此基础上,提出了基于多Agent协作实现未知新木马病毒自动识别新方法。
71、He had rid Trojan, and the loopholes patched up. ─── 他已经把木马清除掉,把漏洞补好了。
72、Gree arror, the attendant and frend of Achlles, ho as lled by Hector n the Trojan ar. ─── 帕特洛克罗斯:希腊勇士,阿喀琉斯的仆从和朋友,在特洛伊战争中被赫克托耳杀死。
73、When the Trojan War was about to break out he led his forces from Salamis army at Aulis. ─── 当特洛伊战争即将爆发时,他率领军队从萨拉米斯到达奥尔墨斯加入了希腊军队。
74、The son of Thyestes and lover of Clytemnestra. He helped Clytemnestra kill her husband Agamemnon upon Agamemnon's return from the Trojan War. ─── 埃癸斯托斯梯厄斯忒斯的儿子,克吕泰墨斯特拉的情人。协助克吕泰末丝特拉在其夫阿伽门农从特洛伊战争中返回时将他杀害
75、In Greek legend, the eldest son of Priam and Hecuba, the husband of Andromache, and the chief warrior of the Trojan army. ─── 希腊传说中,特洛伊国王普里阿摩斯和王后赫卡柏的长子。
76、All these are fully shown from the heroes in the Trojan War. ─── 这些都在特洛亚战争英雄的身上体现得淋漓尽致.
77、We use 360 Web browser, so you can reduce the threat of Trojan horse. ─── 大家用360网页浏览器,这样你可以降低木马的威胁。
78、He worked like a Trojan, and yet failed to get the project through. ─── 他埋头苦干,但企划案还是没能通过。
79、Backdoor-CYP is a Trojan that when installed, runs silently, no GUI screen or other message boxes appear. ─── CYP后门特洛依木马安装以后,运行时,不会出现其它的任何信息。
80、BHO trojan, infection frequency is above 500 thousand times. ─── BHO木马,感染次数为50万次以上。
81、Trojan tyke.Lin Miaoke, 9, was fronting for Yang Peiyi, 7, the girl with the best voice but imperfect teeth. ─── 一个淘气的小孩子,林妙可,九岁,淘汰了一个七岁没有完美牙齿但有好听的声音的女孩杨沛宜。
82、A Trojan horse that fools the user into believing an IR receive process has been activated. ─── 一种特洛伊木马,它可以欺骗用户,使之相信红外接收过程已经被激活。
83、Trojan horse may be widely redistributed as part of a computer virus.The term comes from Homer's Iliad. ─── 一个特洛伊木马(程序)也可以再次被复制从而更广泛的传播开来,就像某些计算机病毒一样。
84、Last week, I was a film name the Trojan war. ─── 上个星期我看了一部电影,名叫“特洛伊战争”.
85、This virus of early-warning is given out below, it is a trojan download that uses BHO transmission implement. ─── 下面发出预警的这个病毒,就是一个利用BHO传播的木马下载器。
86、Make it a point to use condoms of reputable brand names such as Durex, Trojan or Magnum to ensure quality protection and to prevent unwanted accidents. ─── 坚持使用知名安全套品牌,如杜蕾斯,特洛伊或玛格侬能提供高质量的防护还能防止意外的事故。
87、Don't use public computers for anything you need to type in your logins, they usually have Trojan horses that capture your passwords. ─── 不要使用公共电脑输入您任何您需要的登录信息,他们通常有特洛伊木马,因而您的密码会被窃取。
88、Trojan horse kill switch may already have been used. ─── 可能已有人使用过特洛伊木马这种破坏开关.
89、The king of Ithaca, a leader of the Greeks in the Trojan War, who reached home after ten years of wandering. ─── 奥德修斯伊萨卡的国王,特洛伊战争中的希腊首领,在十年的漂泊后才回到家
90、The victim restarts computer by this clew, who thinks this mysterious webpage is hiding unexpectedly trojan program. ─── 事主便按此提示将电脑重启,谁想这个神秘网页竟暗藏着木马程序。
91、Can monitor the registry changes, it found the Trojan and important. ─── 可以监控注册表的改变,发现木马和重要呀。
92、They survive and propagate by tricking the cells of a host organism into bringing the virus inside, rather like a biological Trojan horse. ─── 它们就像生物学中的特洛伊木马,可以蒙骗宿主的细胞,使细胞把病毒纳入细胞,然后病毒在细胞中生存繁殖。
93、After checking vendors told me that there is a loophole in the server, the Trojan has been preaching. ─── 供应商检查后告诉我,服务器出现漏洞,被上传了木马。
94、Odyssey relates the misfortunes of Odysseus after the Trojan War. ─── 《奥德赛》叙述特洛伊战争后奥德修斯经历的种种厄运。
95、Trojan virus, like a Trojan horse, is a program that appears safe -- but smuggles in a worm or virus. ─── 和特洛伊木马一样,特洛伊病毒看似安全,但是却暗藏有蠕虫或病毒。
96、Was Colombo the emissary of Pope Paul, his Trojan horse within the Commission? ─── 科隆博是教皇保罗的特使吗?是他在委员会内部设下的卧底吗?
97、Hackers often use Trojan - horse programs to break into computer systems. ─── 骇客们常用木马程序来入侵计算机系统.
98、The Odyssey describes the return of the Greek hero Odysseus from the Trojan War. ─── 《奥德赛》描述了希腊英雄奥德修斯从特洛伊战争的归来。
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