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09-17 投稿


isotonic 发音

英:[,aɪsə(ʊ)'tɒnɪk]  美:[,aɪso'tɑnɪk]

英:  美:

isotonic 中文意思翻译



isotonic 词性/词形变化,isotonic变形

名词: isotonicity |副词: isotonically |

isotonic 反义词

isometric | hypotonic |hypertonic

isotonic 同义词


isotonic 短语词组

1、isotonic exercise ─── [医]等张运动,动力训练,等张锻炼

2、isotonic solution ─── [化] 等渗溶液 ─── [医] 等渗溶液

3、all isotonic contraction ─── 全等张收缩

4、isotonic contraction ─── [医] 等张收缩

5、isotonic muscle ─── 等张肌

6、isotonic pressure ─── 等张压力

7、isotonic dehydration ─── 混合性缺水等渗性缺水

8、isotonic sodium chlorrde solution ─── [医] 等渗氯化钠溶液

9、isotonic eye solution ─── [医] 等渗眼溶液

10、isotonic training ─── 动力训练;等张训练

11、isotonic lever ─── [医] 等张杠杆

12、isotonic fluid ─── 等张流体

13、isotonic annealing ─── 等渗退火

14、isotonic saline ─── 等渗盐水

15、isotonic operator ─── 等渗算子

16、isotonic regression ─── 保序回归

17、isotonic coefficient ─── [医] 等渗系数

18、isotonic concentration ─── 等渗浓度, ─── 等渗压浓度, ─── 等压浓度

19、isotonic expansion ─── 等张扩张

isotonic 相似词语短语

1、isogonics ─── adj.等偏角的(等于isogonal)

2、isotopic ─── adj.同位素的;同位旋的

3、isotropic ─── adj.[物][数]各向同性的;等方性的

4、isotone ─── n.[力]等渗性;[核]同中子异荷素

5、isogenic ─── adj.[遗]同基因的

6、isogonic ─── adj.等偏角的(等于isogonal)

7、crotonic ─── 巴豆

8、vasotonic ─── 血管紧张

9、isotimic ─── 等值的

isotonic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Gluteal muscle;Contracture;Meperidine;Intramuscular injection;Isotonic contraction; ─── 关键词臀肌;挛缩;度冷丁;肌肉注射;等张收缩;

2、Because L- bacterium is in,low ooze or isotonic are fostered base in grow not easily, ordinary make water fosters negative. ─── 因为l-型细菌在低渗或等渗的培养基中不易生长,一般尿培养阴性。

3、Patients were independently reviewed, and the mean postoperative isotonic hamstring strength was compared with that on the uninjured side. ─── 患者均单独接受检查,损伤侧肢体的术后平均等张腘绳肌力将与对侧未损伤肢体进行对比研究。

4、isotonic eye solution ─── [医] 等渗眼溶液

5、isotonic sodium chloride solution ─── 生理盐溶液

6、determining dosage of regulator isotonic sodium chloride. ─── 确定了等渗调节剂氯化钠的用量。

7、Sodium chloride, solution for infusion, 0.9%(isotonic),1-litre bottle + infusion-giving set, sterile, single use ─── 生理盐水输液,0,9%,容量1升,带静脉注射输液装置,无菌,一次性

8、We say that sea water is isotonic to their cytoplasm. ─── 我们说,海水对它们的细胞质是等渗的。

9、isotonic muscular force ─── 等张肌力

10、An isotonic saline solution. ─── 与血液浓度相同的盐溶液

11、Keywords Acute myocardial infarction;Isotonic contraction exercise;Hemodynamics;Nursing; ─── 关键词急性心肌梗死;等长收缩运动;血流动力学;护理;

12、Isotonic regression by convex program ─── 凸规划下的保序回归

13、Because L- bacterium is in, low ooze or isotonic are fostered base in grow not easily, ordinary make water fosters negative. ─── 因为l-型细菌在低渗或等渗的培养基中不易生长,一般尿培养阴性。

14、isotonic and low intensity ─── 等张低强度

15、isotonic transduce ─── 等张收缩传感器

16、We replaced the infused isotonic sodium chloride with carbon dioxide to keep the plug at the base of the bladder. ─── 后来我们改用二氧化碳气体灌入膀胱,让塑胶套管掉在膀胱底部,不再乱漂。

17、isotonic solutions ─── 等张溶液, 等渗溶液

18、an isotonic solution of sodium chloride and distilled water ─── 氯化钠和蒸馏水构成的等渗压溶液

19、isotonic endurance test ─── 等张耐力试验

20、isotonic expansion ─── 等张扩张

21、isotonic mapping ─── 保序映射

22、A quantitative method of isotonic strength. ─── 北体学报,第16期。

23、isotonic training ─── 动力训练

24、Keywords anterior cruciate ligament rapture;reco nstruction;postoperative rehabilitation;isotonic muscle strength assessment; ─── 前交叉韧带损伤;重建;术后康复;等张肌力测试;

25、isotonic transducer ─── 等张传感器

26、We put cotton pellets which were dipped in 0.04% mitomycin solution on conjunctiva about 3 minutes, then douche conjunctival sac by 20 ml isotonic Na chloride. ─── 用一块经0.04%丝裂霉素溶液浸泡过的棉片,填压在结膜下3分钟,然后用20mL生理盐水充分冲洗。

27、isotonic regression probability ─── 等序回归概率

28、Responses of Blood Lipid and Plasma Endothelin to Isotonic Exercise and Isometric Exercise in Hypertension ─── 等张运动与等长运动对高血压患者血脂及内皮素的影响

29、Other innovative developments including spout fitments for gable top juice containers and hot fill closures for isotonic drinks. ─── 其它的创新开发包括人字形果汁容器喷嘴及等渗饮料热灌装瓶盖。

30、isotonic exercise; ─── 动的运动;

31、We compare the result calculated by solving method for Isotonic Regression with MATLAB that we proposed with the result calculated by PAVA.4. ─── 3.用MATLAB给出了保序回归的一个求解算法,并利用此算法计算实例与以前的PAVA算法结果进行了结果比较。

32、isotonic shortening ─── 等张缩短

33、isotonic vehicle ─── 等张赋形剂

34、The paper investigate the applications of algorithms for best approximation from polyhedrons in isotonic regression. ─── 摘要研究了多面体最佳逼近算法在保序回归中的应用。

35、isotonic line ─── 同调线

36、Acid,syrup and atc were added to Litchi juice.The Litchi sport drinks,which is flesh red isotonic drinks,harmonize,sterling and fit to drink,has been developed.Its technique is simple. ─── 用全荔枝原汁进行调配,研制出荔枝风味突出、色泽鲜红、酸甜适口、等渗的全荔枝运动饮料,工艺简单。

37、Other innovative developments including spout fitments for gable top juice containers and hot fill closures for isotonic drinks. ─── 其它的创新开发包括人字形果汁容器喷嘴及等渗饮料热灌装瓶盖。

38、Methods Isotonic contraction of vessel smooth muscle was recorded. ─── 方法应用血管平滑肌等张收缩的方法。

39、WCUP’s isotonic drink is sold in cycling shops, fitness clubs, and football clubs in much of western Europe. ─── WCUP的等渗饮料是在自行车销售商店,健身俱乐部,足球俱乐部,并在许多西欧。

40、isotonic lever ─── 等张杠杆

41、isotonic regression function ─── 保序回归函数

42、isotonic anoxemia ─── 等张[的]缺氧血症

43、generalized isotonic regression ─── 多维保序回归

44、Symmetry in spectrum space of isotonic oscillator and two-photon parametric model ─── 同调谐振子谱空间上的对称性和参量双粒子模型

45、A part of muscle exercise is separated into both isotonic and isoimetric exercise. ─── 局部肌肉运动分为动和静两种运动;

46、OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential of nasal isotonic saline application to prevent reappearance of cold and flu in children during the winter. ─── 目的:对冬季使用等渗盐水清洗鼻腔控制儿童感冒症状的效果进行评估。

47、When separated by a semipermeable membrane (e.g. a cell membrane) water is lost by osmosis from the hypotonic to the hypertonic solution.Compare hypertonic;isotonic. ─── 当用半透膜(如细胞膜)将其隔开,水分就会在渗透压的作用下从低渗向高渗溶液流动。

48、We say that sea water is isotonic to their cytoplasm. ─── 我们说,海水对它们的细胞质是等渗的。

49、The current understanding of airborne pathogen spread in relation to the new methods of suppressing exhaled bioaerosols using safe surface-active materials, such as isotonic saline, is reviewed here. ─── 本报告以文献回顾方式,整理气悬病原体散布及抑制呼出生物气胶方法之新知。

50、Whichever isotonic drink you choose, remember to use the same one through training and competition. ─── 一旦选定一种等渗等压型饮料,训练和竞赛都不要更改。

51、5.an isotonic solution of sodium chloride and distilled water. ─── 氯化钠和蒸馏水构成的等渗压溶液。

52、A transformation to isotonic regression and its numerical method ─── 保序回归的一种变换及其数值解法

53、WCUP's isotonic drink is sold in cycling shops, fitness clubs, and football clubs in much of western Europe. ─── WCUP的等渗饮料是在自行车销售商店,健身俱乐部,足球俱乐部,并在许多西欧。

54、normal isotonic exercise ─── 正常等张性训练

55、And drink a glass of fruit juice (diluted if you prefer), a smoothie or an isotonic sports drink. ─── 再喝杯果汁(最好冲淡)或思慕雪等综合性饮料。

56、Study on the Acoustic Spectrum Characteristics of isotonic and isometric Contraction of Muscle under Load ─── 在负荷状态下肌肉等长、等张收缩声谱特征的研究

57、isotonic maximal tension curve ─── 等张最大张力曲线

58、isotonic handgrip test ─── 等张握力试验

59、OPC-10 is nutritious and delicious isotonic OPC drink; ─── OPC-10是一种营养丰富的等渗OPC葡萄籽冲剂。

60、Therapy should consist of intravenous infusion of warm isotonic saline. ─── 治疗应包括温生理盐水静脉滴注。

61、Keywords Aortic;Aneurysm;Abdominal;Interventional therapy;Blood urea nitrogen;Creatinine;Contrast medium;Isotonic;Iodixanol; ─── 主动脉瘤;腹;介入治疗;血尿素氮;肌酸酐;造影剂;等渗;碘克沙醇;

62、It can adopt general vacuum. low vacuum and isotonic vacuum filling without bubble and leakage. ─── 旋盖采用磁力驱动结构,扭矩可根据情况调节,保证了旋盖时不伤盖。

63、7.Methods Myopotential interference tests were performed in 30 patients with CAS and 30 patients with UAS during right arm isotonic exercise,all leads were implanted via right subclavian vein. ─── 方法 对导线均经右侧植入的 30例复合双极心房感知和 30例单极心房感知双腔起搏器的患者进行随访 ,活动右上臂 ,行上肢等张运动时肌电位的干扰试验。

64、isotonic Na chloride ─── 生理盐水

65、isotonic twitch ─── 等张单收缩

66、Keeps your operations running smoothly with dedicated systems engineers and field service representatives to repair and maintain juice and isotonic capping machines. ─── 敬业的系统工程师及现场服务代表愿意为您维修及维护果汁及等渗饮料封盖机,使您可以顺利操作。


68、isotonic injective mapping ─── 保序单射映射

69、Isotonic contraction was recorded by using vascular smooth muscle strips of rat in vivo. ─── 离体大鼠血管平滑肌条记录等张收缩。

70、Calculation and Generalization of Non-Adiabatic Geometric Phase of Isotonic Oscillator with Operator Decomposition ─── 用算符分解方法计算非同调谐振子几何相位及其推广

71、Responses of blood pressure and plasma lipid to isotonic exercise and isometric exercise in hypertension ─── 等张运动与等长运动对高血压患者的心血管反应及脂蛋白代谢的影响

72、The Litchi sport drinks,which is flesh red isotonic drinks,harmonize,sterling and fit to drink,has been developed. ─── 用全荔枝原汁进行调配,研制出荔枝风味突出、色泽鲜红、酸甜适口、等渗的全荔枝运动饮料,工艺简单。

73、isotonic regression ─── 保序回归

74、isotonic operator ─── 保序算子

75、isotonic lengthening ─── 等张延长

76、positive-only isotonic exercise ─── 正等张性训练

77、active isotonic movement ─── 主动等张运动

78、Keywords isotonic exercise;resistance exercise;cardiovascular response;catecholamine; ─── 等张运动;抗阻运动;心血管反应;儿茶酚胺;

79、EDTA Potash isotonic solution ─── EDTA2钾盐等渗体

80、The classic isotonic exercise is lifting free weights. ─── 标准的等张运动是自由举重。

81、Keywords Perfusion;regional;Isotonic solutions;Retina;Neurons;Cell culture;Apoptosis;Antioxidants; ─── 灌注;局部;等渗溶液;视网膜;神经元;细胞培养;细胞凋亡;抗氧化剂;

82、The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of EMG parameter both in isotonic and isometric exercise, and to study the relations among EMG parameters between athletes of different events. ─── 摘要研究目的:探讨动力性与静力性肌肉收缩时EMG各参数的变化特征及疲劳时各指标的差异,比较不同项目运动员肌肉收缩特征对EMG参数的影响及与该项目的关系。

83、isotonic sodium chlorrde solution ─── [医] 等渗氯化钠溶液

84、The AHG itself was also titrated in isotonic saline by a master doubling-dilution technique. ─── AHG本身也采用等渗盐水双倍稀释滴定测量技术。

85、Objective To provide a new method for recognizing isotonic or isometric exercise in the rehabilitation of lower residual limbs for the patients after amputation. ─── 目的提出一种面向下肢截肢患者,可实现等长和等张训练的下肢残肢康复训练识别的新方法。

86、isotonic exercise ─── 动力练习

87、Isotonic Regression,order restriction,restricted maximum likelihood estimate,iteration method,constraint optimization. ─── 01保序回归,半序约束,约束最大似然估计,迭代方法,约束最优化

88、isotonic coupler ─── 等张耦合器

89、Effect of Isotonic Contraction Exercise Training on Cardiac Function in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction ─── 急性心肌梗死患者分级等长收缩运动训练的康复护理

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