kami 发音
英: 美:
kami 中文意思翻译
kami 网络释义
n. (日)神道教的神
kami 短语词组
1、is kami ─── 是我们
2、annotate with kami ─── 用kami注释
3、tutelary kami ─── 监护卡米
kami 词性/词形变化,kami变形
名词复数形式:kami 原型:kami
kami 相似词语短语
1、kai ─── abbr.韩国会计研究院(KoreaAccountingInstitute)
2、kadi ─── n.(伊斯兰国家或穆斯林社区的)法官(等于cadi);n.(Kadi)(爱)卡迪(人名)
3、kali ─── n.猪毛菜(同saltwort);n.(Kali)(印度教)卡利女神;n.(Kali)(美、印度、法、匈牙利)卡利(人名)
4、Sami ─── n.萨米人;萨米(等于Lapp)
5、-ami ─── abbr.高级材料情报(AdvancedMaterialInformation);美国食用肉类研究所(AmericanMeatInstitute);航空英里指示器(AirMileageIndicator);n.(Ami)人名;(匈)奥米;(法、西、以、德)阿米
6、kamik ─── 海豹皮艇
7、kaki ─── n.亚洲柿树;柿子
8、ami ─── abbr.高级材料情报(AdvancedMaterialInformation);美国食用肉类研究所(AmericanMeatInstitute);航空英里指示器(AirMileageIndicator);n.(Ami)人名;(匈)奥米;(法、西、以、德)阿米
9、Yami ─── n.雅美族人,耶美人;雅美语,耶美语
kami 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Kami fairly howled through his breather. ─── 卡米从他的呼吸器里发出一声大叫。
2、With that, Kami raised the club wearily and began to totter straight at the 'Cat confronting him, preferring a quick death from claws to a slow one from flame... ─── 想到这个,卡米虚弱地举起大棒,朝面前的大猫踉跄走去,与其慢慢死在火中,不如死在它的利爪下来得干脆利落。
3、Kami looked off the way the cub had pointed, feeling waves of defeat flow over him. ─── 卡米朝幼熊指出的方向望过去,阵阵挫败感涌上心头。
4、he whooped, as Kami helped him to his feet. ─── 在卡米的“帮助”下,杰克大叫一声摔倒在地。
5、Kami listened to the dull thrumming. ─── 卡米聆听着这隐约的单调的弹奏。
6、Kami squinted a bit in the early light of Yirrbisst, glancing around to orient himself to the landmarks he had seen on the map and get his bearings. ─── 卡米在耶必斯特的朝阳里眯起眼睛,四处扫视,想根据地图上的地标定位,并确定方位角。
7、For we account that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. Karena kami yakin, bahwa manusia dibenarkan karena iman, dan bukan karena ia melakukan hukum Taurat. ─── 因为我们算定了,人得称义是藉着信,与行律法无关。
8、Crysta and Lron aren't behaving as they did when we formed our alliance," Kami said. ─── 克里斯塔和勒荣现在的行事风格和我们结盟那会儿不太一样,”卡米说。
9、The strips of glory, under ur blessing Jalur gemilang. Kami semua bersatu ─── 光辉条纹,在你的庇佑下
10、Kami yanked its cable free of the backpack, threw the backpack aside, and held the gun as a club. ─── 卡米猛地拽脱背包上的绳索,把背包扔到一边,以持棍的方式握枪。
11、"I'm a Gerudan," Kami said tiredly. "Don't they teach you whelps anything in school?" ─── “我是嘎鲁达人,”卡米疲惫地说,“他们没在学校里教你们这些小崽子吗?”
12、Kami made an exasperated sound that somehow penetrated the mask. ─── 卡米透过面罩发出了激怒的声音。
13、From the gouges here and there around the compound, Kami could see that they had done it quite often to pass the time. ─── 从监狱四周随处可见的沟槽上卡米能够看出,他们经常玩这个来消磨时间。
14、But as God is faithful, our word toward you is not yes and no. Demi Allah yang setia, janji kami kepada kamu bukanlah serentak ""ya"" dan ""tidak"". ─── 但神既是信实的,我们对你们所说的话,就没有是而又非的,
15、You are our letter, inscribed in our hearts, known and read by all men, Kamu adalah surat pujian kami yang tertulis dalam hati kami dan yang dikenal dan yang dapat dibaca oleh semua orang. ─── 你们就是我们的信,写在我们的心里,是众人所认识、所诵读的,
16、Karen and Lisa wished Kami luck, and he started to move off. ─── 凯伦和丽莎祝卡米好运,随后他便出发了。
17、Kami took the opportunity to duck past it and around the building, headed for the blockhouse. ─── 卡米抓住机会,闪过了它,绕过房屋,直奔碉堡而去。
18、"We hit them now; take them by surprise, and the whole of Karbarra is ours!" Kami, the foxlike Gerudan, said from behind his breathing mask. ─── “现在就去揍他们,打得他们措手不及,整个卡巴拉都是我们的啦!”卡米,狐狸外貌的嘎鲁达人,从他的呼吸面罩后面说道。
19、Hoping for the best, Kami rolled and rolled in what he thought was the right direction. ─── 卡米一边祈祷着好运,一边朝自认为正确的方向滚去。
20、Shinto creation stories tell of the history and lives of the Kami. ─── 神道创作故事告诉的历史和生活中的上。
21、XR, Sacrifice Pain Kami: Pain Kami deals X damage totarget creature. ─── {红},牺牲苦痛神:苦痛神对目标生物造成X点伤害。
22、Kami picked up a clot of the stuff, too, made a ball of it, and heaved it disgustedly at the wall. ─── 卡米也捡起一团沙土,捏成团,厌烦地朝能量墙抛去。
23、Rick looked to his left, to Kami, the fox like Gerudan who sat there in his breathing mask that was fed from the tank on his back. ─── 瑞克看向了他左边的卡米,狐狸一样的格鲁达人坐在那里,带着呼吸面罩,面罩连着他背上的气罐。
24、She twisted around in time to see Kami and Learna picking themselves up off the floor. ─── 她身体转动一圈,刚好看见卡米和莱亚娜从地面上爬起。
25、Even the mighty Kami believes that there is no way for Goku to survive in this winner-take-all massacre! ─── 就连伟大的神仙也觉得悟空不可能在这场胜者为王的大屠杀中生还!
26、Kami shouted, training his light on something further along the corridor. ─── 卡米叫道,他的灯光瞄准了甬道的更深处。
27、Kami, exhausted and still half caked with mud, could feel it singeing the fur on his tail. ─── 卡米已经精疲力竭,半个身体上还糊着泥巴,能感到自己尾巴上的毛火烧火燎。
28、Kami saw that he had been in time;the rest of the Inorganics were outside their own wall, cut off from the hostages. ─── 卡米努力把握好时机,余下的无机兽都被围在围墙之外,与人质隔离开来。
29、Kami hadn't had to shoot up the pylons of the energy wall because he had discovered a power-system junction, over by the blockhouse where he had found his Owens gun and power pack. ─── 卡米并不是一定得击毁这些能量墙的塔架,因为之前他已经发现了一个电力系统结点,就在他找到欧文斯枪和能量弹药包的那个碉堡里。
30、How long [will it be ere] ye make an end of words? mark, and afterwards we will speak. ""Bilakah engkau habis bicara? Sadarilah, baru kami akan bicara. ─── 你寻索言语要到几时呢?你可以揣摩思想,然后我们就说话。
31、From the gouges here and there around the compound, Kami could see that they had done it quite often to pass the time. ─── 从监狱四周随处可见的沟槽上卡米能够看出,他们经常玩这个来消磨时间。
32、It took Kami a moment to realize that it was a Veritech, an armored Alpha in Battloid mode-white with red markings. ─── 卡米过了一会儿才明白,这是架变形战机,战斗员模式下的装甲阿尔法,白色机身,红色标记。
33、Kiranya Dia, Allah dan Bapa kita, dan Yesus, Tuhan kita, membukakan kami jalan kepadamu. ─── 愿我们的神与父自己,和我们的主耶稣,修直我们到你们那里去的路。
34、Some of them, like Burak and Kami, were more than willing to learn, while others-the Karbarran ursinoids and the Praxian amazons in particular-seemed unwilling to trust any small arms but their own. ─── 他们中间的一些人,比如巴拉克和卡米,就对学习新事物非常感兴趣;而其他一些人,以卡巴拉类熊人和普拉西斯女战士为代表,则根本不信任来自异族的任何小型武器。
35、Karen whirled around, hoping to catch Kami in the act, but he was way off to her left inspecting a chunk of rock near the cave wall. ─── 凯伦转向四周,希望能将卡米逮个正着,但此时卡米离她很远,正在靠近洞壁的地方研究着一块大石头。
36、"Hard-nosed little runt, that Kami," Jack said admiringly. ─── “倔强的小矮个儿,那是卡米,”杰克钦佩地说。
37、and we burned Ziklag with fire. Kami telah menyerbu Tanah Negeb orang Kreti dan daerah Yehuda dan Tanah Negeb Kaleb, dan Ziklag telah kami bakar habis."" ─── 我们侵夺了基利提人的南地,和属犹大的地,并迦勒的南地,又用火烧了洗革拉。
38、Dengan 600 orang warga Pesisir Selatan yang ada di Pulau Dewata itu, kami basidoncek mengumpulkan uang untuk diserahkan kekampung halaman. ─── 听听听听听听听听听听听 Ditambahkannya, kami di Bali cukup prihatin dengan musibah yang terjadi di Ranah Minang.
39、Kami knew that it meant a searing burn and unconsciousness to get too close to one, and Immolation to try to pass through. ─── 卡米明白,过于靠近的话,就会烧焦毛皮、人事不省;而要是想穿越过去,那就只能变成围墙的祭品。
40、And Peter, gazing at him with John, said, Look at us! Mereka menatap dia dan Petrus berkata: ""Lihatlah kepada kami."" ─── 彼得同约翰定睛看他,彼得说,你看我们。
41、Kami, ahli CRSM Pahang sebagai tuan rumah di sini telah secara mesra membawa wakil dari Taiwan bagi mengunjungi Sungai Lembing yang penuh bersejarah. ─── 对于这次的交流会,身为马华彭亨州志工团的我们,当然一尽地主之谊,向到访者介绍林明这小镇,认识林明这充满历史古迹的山城。
42、Kami went off into a small cul-de-sac so as not to disturb anyone and tried another commo call to Rem and Gnea, without success. ─── 为了不打扰别人休息,卡米走进一个小胡同里面,试着再次呼叫雷和妮雅,结果还是徒劳。
43、Lron seemed set on bringing his pneumatic musket, too, and his huge, cleaverlike knife, but Kami was apparently more than happy to carry Human weapons with their greater firepower. ─── 勒荣看上去还是要带着他的气枪,还有他那把巨型切肉刀,不过卡米显然更喜欢携带火力更加强劲的人类武器。
44、dan tidak makan roti orang dengan percuma, tetapi kami berusaha dan berjerih payah siang malam, supaya jangan menjadi beban bagi siapapun di antara kamu. ─── 也未尝白吃任何人的饭,倒是劳碌辛苦,昼夜作工,免得叫你们任何人受累。
45、Kami tidak bisa kasih harga murah lagi, 1500 Yuan adalah harga paling rendah. ─── B: 我们不能再便宜了。1500元是最低价格。
46、"Send a message," Kami told him. ─── “发消息,”卡米告诉他。
47、Kami realized blearily that he was being borne along to the clanking of mecha. ─── 卡米朦胧地意识到自己正被哐当作响的机甲携带着前进。
48、Kami and Learna had reported the emergence of yet more spheres from the cavern's internal chimney. ─── 卡米和莱亚娜报告了洞穴内部竖井出现了更多球体的情况。
49、Kami is a furry yellow Muppet, who likes nature, telling stories and collecting stuff. ─── Kami是一只毛茸茸的黄色布偶,她喜欢大自然、说故事、收集东西。
50、A joyride disguised as a scouting mission had brought Jack and Karen to a series of caves two hours out from the GMU.Lron and Kami had ridden with them. ─── 一次打着侦查名义的兜风,让杰克和凯伦离开了GMU两个小时,到达了一个山洞群,与他们一道的还有勒荣和卡米。
51、Kami saw a vision and didn't hesitate. Noiselessly gathering his equipment, he scampered down the narrow ledge leading from the cave mouth to the foot of the cliff. ─── 卡米看到了一个显像,没有犹豫,他立刻行动了,轻轻地收拾好行装,沿着从洞口通到山崖脚下的狭窄岩脊蹦跳着下山而去。
52、Outwardly, the chief resembled Kami, but there was a solemnness to his aspect that was absent in the younger Garudan. ─── 从外表看,酋长和卡米挺像,但他有着一份年轻嘎鲁达人所缺乏的庄重。
53、And they said to Him, We do not have anything here except five loaves and two fish. Jawab mereka: ""Yang ada pada kami di sini hanya lima roti dan dua ikan."" ─── 他们就对祂说,我们这里除了五个饼两条鱼,再没有别的。
54、Sehinggalah sepucuk surat dari pemancing tempatan dihantar kepada kami, terbongkarlah sebuah padang pancing muara terunggul yang tersembunyi di pedalamannya. ─── 就因为一封来之当地的钓友的信,而向世人展示了一个隐藏在荒山野领中的赵级河口钓场。
55、Dan bukan itu saja! Ia juga telah ditunjuk oleh jemaat-jemaat untuk menemani kami dalam pelayanan kasih ini, yang kami lakukan untuk kemuliaan Tuhan dan sebagai bukti kerelaan kami. ─── 不但这样,他也被众召会选出,在我们所服事的这恩典上,和我们同行,是为着主自己的荣耀,也是为着我们的热切。
56、The only problem is that the only way to get to the mysterious Kami is by using his Power Pole, and it's gone missing! ─── 可问题是,到达神仙那里唯一的途径就是使用他的如意棒,而现在如意棒却不见了!
57、And we are ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. dan kami siap sedia juga untuk menghukum setiap kedurhakaan, bila ketaatan kamu telah menjadi sempurna. ─── 并且我们已经豫备好了,等你们完全顺从的时候,要责罚一切的不顺从。
58、Because now we live if you stand firm in the Lord. Sekarang kami hidup kembali, asal saja kamu teguh berdiri di dalam Tuhan. ─── 因为现今你们若在主里站立得住,我们就活了。
59、Neither is there any daysman betwixt us, [that] might lay his hand upon us both. Tidak ada wasit di antara kami, yang dapat memegang kami berdua! ─── 我们中间没有仲裁的人,可以给我们两造按手。
60、Its hindquarters began dragging, crippled, and Kami was increasing his lead on it. ─── 它的后半部身躯开始拖曳、残废,于是卡米渐渐占了上风。
61、Who also has made known to us your love in the Spirit. Dialah juga yang telah menyatakan kepada kami kasihmu dalam Roh. ─── 也把你们在那灵里的爱告诉了我们。
62、After Goku mistakes Kami for the villainous Piccolo it is time for the young warrior to begin his grueling three year training for the next World Martial Arts Tournament. ─── 在误把神仙当作邪恶的短笛大魔王之后,小悟空又即将开始他为期三年的严酷修炼,以准备参加下一届的天下第一比武大会。
63、Kami packed the thick mud onto himself.It was gratifyingly adhesive. ─── 卡米在身上糊满了厚厚的泥巴,它具有令人满意的粘性。
64、Kami was slapping mud onto himself frantically, trying to be thorough, because any missed spot would probably get him fried, but trying to be quick, too, because time had just about run out. ─── 卡米疯狂地往自己身上糊泥巴,努力不漏掉每一个部位,任何没有涂好的地方都有可能让他被煎炸掉;但他的动作也要快些才行,因为就要没有时间了。
65、Kami tak faham bahasa yang anda guna tu. ─── 慧仪竟立刻会意,她对中国客人说:“Minta maaf.
66、Kami watched as the Hellcat rolled to the upper position, determined to bite the Alpha's throat out or rip its head off with those enormous fangs. ─── 卡米看着这场面:地狱猫滚到上方,正要朝身下阿尔法的喉咙咬去,或是想用巨大的毒牙把它的头部撕扯下来。
67、a wide-eyed Karen was saying when Teal approached her. Kami, Learna, and Gnea were trying to calm her. ─── 凯伦瞪大双眼,望着走向她的缇尔说道,卡米、莱亚娜和妮雅正努力让她安静下来。
68、Kami and Learna had yet to emerge from the orb cavern deep inside the region's now-floodlit central cave. ─── 卡米和莱亚娜还没有从被泛光灯照亮的中央岩洞内的球体洞穴现身。
69、Kami went off into a small cul-de-sac so as not to disturb anyone and tried another commo call to Rem and Gnea, without success. ─── 为了不打扰别人休息,卡米走进一个小胡同里面,试着再次呼叫雷和妮雅,结果还是徒劳。
70、And the apostles said to the Lord, Increase our faith. Lalu kata rasul-rasul itu kepada Tuhan: ""Tambahkanlah iman kami!"" ─── 使徒对主说,求主增加我们的信心。
71、Rick was prepared to believe that Kami was in the hands of the biped Inorganic grotesques of the Invid. ─── 瑞克不得不相信卡米已经落入因维双足无机兽的丑陋魔爪之中了。
72、Whimpering sounds found their way out from under Kami and Learna's breathing tubes. Rick took Teal by the shoulders. "What did he tell you?" ─── 卡米和莱亚娜的呼吸管漏出了呜咽声。瑞克扶住缇尔的肩膀:“他告诉了你什么?”
73、kami tidak berlaku licik dan tidak memalsukan firman Allah. Sebaliknya kami menyatakan kebenaran dan dengan demikian kami menyerahkan diri kami untuk dipertimbangkan oleh semua orang di hadapan Allah. ─── 乃将那些可耻隐密的事弃绝了,不以诡诈行事,也不搀混神的话,只将真理显扬出来,藉以在神面前将自己荐与各人的良心。
74、And we came to Jerusalem, and abode there three days. Maka tibalah kami di Yerusalem. Sesudah kami tinggal di sana selama tiga hari, ─── 我们到了耶路撒冷,在那里住了三日。
75、Engkau melihat sengsara nenek moyang kami di Mesir dan mendengar teriakan mereka di tepi Laut Teberau. ─── 你看见我们列祖在埃及所受的困苦,垂听他们在红海边的哀求,
76、" Kami asked, voice muffled by his mask. ─── 卡米问道,面罩下他的声音嗡嗡不清。
77、Game_Section Di site ini kami menyediakan segala hal yang anda perlukan mengenai PlayStation dan berbagai gamenya yang beredar di Indonesia. ─── 成都全搜索由成都商报投资组建,成都地区最大的娱乐生活门户网站和网络社区。
78、Kami turned to run, but they were everywhere, as big as any Battloid, reaching for him with their multiple appendages-metallic claws and segmented tentacles and waldolike Robotech hands. ─── 卡米想转身逃跑,可敌人遍地都是。它们大如战斗员机器人,金属毒爪、节枝触角和机器手掌组成的众多附肢朝他伸去。
79、Kami had to do something fast, or the slaughter would begin in seconds. ─── 卡米必须要快点了,否则屠杀几秒钟后就会开始。
80、Goku is eager to fight Junior, but Kami fears his inexperience will be his downfall. ─── 悟空迫切地期待着和新生的短笛一战,但是神仙担心他的经验缺乏可能会导致他的失败。
81、Kami rolled over with a sharp yip of alarm, to find himself looking up at a ring of furry faces. ─── 卡米警觉地尖叫一声,翻滚过身,只看到了一圈毛茸茸的脸蛋。
82、Mention Kami's capture, too. ─── 再告诉他们卡米被俘。”
83、God is witness. Karena kami tidak pernah bermulut manis--hal itu kamu ketahui--dan tidak pernah mempunyai maksud loba yang tersembunyi--Allah adalah saksi-- ─── 也没有藉掩饰而贪婪,这是神可以作见证的。
84、And having landed at Syracuse, we remained three days. Kami singgah di Sirakusa dan tinggal di situ tiga hari lamanya. ─── 到了叙拉古,我们停泊三日。
85、Creak, Kami puts down a black. ─── 咯,镜子放下黑棋。
86、and I hope that you will know unto the end, Sebab kami hanya menuliskan kepada kamu apa yang dapat kamu baca dan pahamkan. Dan aku harap, mudah-mudahan kamu akan memahaminya sepenuhnya, ─── 我们写给你们的,并不外乎你们所诵读,甚至所明白的,我也盼望你们能明白到底,
87、Thou hast made us [as] the offscouring and refuse in the midst of the people. Kami Kaujadikan kotor dan keji di antara bangsa-bangsa. ─── 你使我们在众民中成为污秽和渣滓。
88、Good morning, I'm Kami. ─── 好,我是卡米。
89、KAMI is an International company, using Japanese Nano technology and Japanese design for health products with manufacturing in Japan, Korea, China and Hong Kong. ─── 国际知名优资健康器材品牌-神石是一家应用日本纳米高科技和设计在日本,韩国,中国和香港生产优资健康器材。
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