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09-17 投稿


interlamellar 发音


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interlamellar 中文意思翻译



interlamellar 短语词组

1、interlamellar fibril ─── 层间原纤维

2、interlamellar spaces ─── [医] 层板间隙(角膜)

3、interlamellar seta ─── 叶间毛

interlamellar 相似词语短语

1、interlinear ─── adj.行间书写(或印刷)的;(书)用不同语言排行对照的;n.用不同语言排行对照的书

2、intercalar ─── 立交桥

3、interlobular ─── adj.小叶间的

4、intermaxilla ─── adj.上颚骨间

5、interstellar ─── adj.[航][天]星际的

6、intermaxillary ─── adj.上颔间的;下颚间片的

7、interlaminar ─── adj.层间的

8、interlacedly ─── 交错地

9、interlayer ─── n.夹层,隔层

interlamellar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The effects of different compounding conditions (rotor speed and feeding rate) on the interlamellar space and mechanical properties of the composite were analyzed. ─── 分析了不同工艺条件(主要为转子转速和喂料速率)对复合材料层间距及其力学性能的影响。

2、The translamellar fracture and interlamellar fracture are the dominant fracture mode and the crack path is very rough. ─── 在整个断裂过程中断裂是穿层断裂和沿层断裂的混合体,裂纹路径较曲折。

3、interlamellar link ─── 片间联系物

4、interlamellar spaces ─── [医] 层板间隙(角膜)

5、interlamellar spacing ─── 层间距

6、Treatment of perforating corneal ulcer by lamellar keratoplasty combined with interlamellar padding ─── 角膜板层移植联合层间填垫术治疗溃疡性角膜穿孔

7、interlamellar adsorption ─── 界面薄层吸附

8、According to the characterization results, the interlamellar arrangement of surfacetant molecules was proposed. ─── 基于实验结果,提出了相应的超分子结构模型;

9、Study Design. Microstructural investigation of interlamellar connectivity. ─── 研究设计:板层间连接的微观结构研究。

10、The remaining visual acuity of patients was reserved.ConclusionCorneal interlamellar dissection is simple, safe and practical method, especially in the ... ─── 结论该手术是在缺乏角膜材料时,治疗角膜大泡病变比较理想的一种简单、安全、实用的手术方法。

11、Conclusion lamellar keratoplasty combined with interlamellar padding is an effective method to treat perforated corneal ulcer. ─── 结论角膜板层移植联合层间填垫术是治疗角膜溃疡穿孔的有效方法。

12、ObjectiveTo observe the clinical outcome of corneal interlamellar dissection for irreversible bullous keratopathy. ─── 目的临床观察不可逆性角膜病变行角膜层间分离术的疗效。

13、exteral interlamellar space ─── 外鳃间隙

14、Establishment of a method for dissecting large aorta and analysis of the interlamellar shear stress in media ─── 人主动脉中膜分层方法的建立及其层间剪应力分析

15、ObjectiveTo observe the clinical outcome of corneal interlamellar dissection for irreversible bullous keratopathy. ─── 目的临床观察不可逆性角膜病变行角膜层间分离术的疗效。

16、Keywords pearlitic colony;the finite element analysis;interlamellar spacing;Meso-structure;fatigue life; ─── 珠光体团;有限元分析;片层间距;微观结构;疲劳寿命;

17、interlamellar hair ─── 叶间毛(甲螨)

18、Corneal interlamellar dissection for treatment of bullous keratopathy ─── 角膜层间分离术治疗大泡性角膜病变

19、interlamellar cracks inclined to the compression axis with a small angle; ─── 与压缩轴方向成较小角度的纵向沿层裂纹;

20、The lower finish cooling temperature, the shorter interlamellar spacing in pearlite colonies and the higher tensile strength and ductility are. ─── 终冷温度越低,珠光体片间距越细,强度和塑性越好;

21、TG and WAXD results show that MMT modified by co-intercalating agents has more larger interlamellar spacing and higher thermal decomposition temperature. ─── TG和WAXD实验结果表明,采用共插层剂改性的蒙脱土的片层间距显著增大,且热分解温度较高;

22、interlamellar attachment ─── 层间连接

23、Establishment of a method for dissecting large aorta and analysis of the interlamellar shear stress in media ─── 人主动脉中膜分层方法的建立及其层间剪应力分析

24、Such fibers may have row-nucleated lamella superstructure and the paraffin oil exists in the interlamellar region. ─── 这种部分结晶的弹性纤维可能具有平行排列的片晶结构,石蜡油存在于片晶之间。

25、Analysis of Interlamellar Structure of Xinjiang Vermiculite Modified by Pillared Quaternary Ammonium with Different Chain Length ─── 不同链长季铵盐柱撑新疆蛭石的层间结构分析

26、interlamellar junction ─── 瓣间联系(动)

27、interlamellar effect ─── 层间作用

28、interlamellar padding ─── 层间垫片

29、interlamellar deformation ─── 层间形变

30、Treatment of perforating corneal ulcer by lamellar keratoplasty combined with interlamellar amniotic membrane padding ─── 部分板层角膜移植联合层间羊膜填垫术治疗穿孔性角膜溃疡

31、Although intralamellar disruption occurred in the mid annulus, interlamellar disruption occurred in the outer posterior annulus. ─── 纤维环中部发生板层内破裂,而纤维环外环后方发生板层间破裂。

32、interlamellar scleral resection ─── 巩膜层间切除术

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