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09-18 投稿


jocundity 发音


英:  美:

jocundity 中文意思翻译



jocundity 同义词

cheerful | merry | jolly | gay | mirthful | jovial |comic

jocundity 词性/词形变化,jocundity变形


jocundity 反义词

melancholy |gloomy

jocundity 相似词语短语

1、fecundity ─── n.[生物]繁殖力;多产;肥沃

2、iracundity ─── 脾气暴躁

3、jocundly ─── adv.愉快地;快活地

4、rotundity ─── n.圆形物;圆胖;声音的洪亮;文体的浮夸(等于rotundness)

5、orotundity ─── 宏亮

6、facundity ─── 传真

7、profundity ─── n.深刻;深度;深奥

8、jocundities ─── n.欢乐;快活

9、jocularity ─── n.滑稽;幽默;诙谐的言行

jocundity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、People look for jocundity, I just wanna know where it has gone. ─── 众人寻找快乐,我探寻快乐的去向。

2、The waves beside them danced,but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A Poet could not be but gay In such a jocund company! ─── 涟漪在它们身边轻泛,但它们的 愉悦让粼粼波光也为之逊色: 诗人禁不住沉浸在欢欣里, 因身旁有它们快乐相伴!

3、All that is jocund and sparkling, the brooks running, ─── 那容光焕发的一切,奔流的小河

4、I can not but be happy in the jocundity of your company. ─── 有您的欢乐陪伴,我只能高兴。

5、I could not but be happy in the jocundity of your company. ─── 有您的欢乐陪伴,我只能高兴。

6、I pray that the dings would bring blessedness and jocundity to your family.Merry Christmas! ─── 希望圣诞的钟声给你全家带来幸福和快乐,圣诞快乐!

7、It is irresistible forces in your mind, like inexhaustible sorrow accompanying wandering, like immeasurable hollowness after jocundity . ─── 那是内心深处无法扭转的力量;那是游荡中无限的悲伤;

8、When I was back to the chamber where my bed lies and sensed the jocund atmosphere permeated when the inmates shuffle off everything after class every day ,I couldn't help but sighed secretly . ─── 每日回到寝居,感觉到同室们在课后摆脱一切的欢愉氛围,不免暗自叹息。

9、" A poet could not but be gay, / In such a jocund company(William Wordsworth. ─── “诗人的心中充满欢乐/为有这样的朋友与之相伴”(威廉 华兹华斯)

10、I could not but be happy in the jocundity of your company. ─── 有您的欢乐陪伴,我只能高兴。

11、I can not but be happy in the jocundity of your company ─── 有您的欢乐陪伴,我只能高兴

12、"A poet could not but be gay,/ In such a jocund company(William Wordsworth. ─── “诗人的心中充满欢乐;为有这样的朋友与之相伴”(威廉·华兹华斯)

13、I just write insoucintly, audience just follow me, let us spend a jocund journey. ─── 我慢慢写,您慢慢看,英语就是这么提高的。

14、1. Her jocund character made her the most popular girl in the county. ─── 她快乐的个性使她成为这个郡最受欢迎的女孩。

15、I can not but be happy in the jocundity of your company. ─── 您的欢乐陪伴,我只能高兴。

16、Michael,speed up and flying high.Your jocundity is mine. ─── 舒米,加油冲刺吧,你的快乐是我的快乐。

17、I can not but is gay in such a jocund company ─── 我和如此快乐的同伴在一起岂能不乐

18、All that is jocund and sparkling, the brooks running, ─── 那容光焕发的一切,奔流的小河,

19、"A poet could not but be gay,/In such a jocund company" (William Wordsworth). ─── “诗人的心中充满欢乐/为有这样的朋友与之相伴” (威廉·华兹华斯)

20、It is irresistible forces in your mind, like inexhaustible sorrow accompanying wandering, like immeasurable hollowness after jocundity. ─── 那是内心深处无法扭转的力量;那是游荡中无限的悲伤;

21、Jocund offers more than 100 products to make sure it matches the preferences of our clients. ─── 中央工厂主要生产各类中西式冷冻水浴式调理包及固体速溶饮料。

22、A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company; ─── 伴有这等喜悦, 诗人如何不快!

23、jocund n. ─── 欢乐的;

24、In such a jocund company! ─── 诗人怎能不满心欢乐!

25、Jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops. ─── 愉悦的一天又踮脚站在云雾弥漫的山顶。

26、Act iii. Sc. 5. Night‘s candles are burnt out,and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain-tops. ─── 夜晚的星光已经烧烬,愉快的白昼蹑足踏上了迷雾的山巅。

27、What a jocund face, what a contented heart!MB and BMW is nothing in front of such a bike. ─── 春风得意,形容丰盛,一架单车胜过“千奔万马”。

28、I was relieved to discover that he was his usual jocund self when he met me for coffee. ─── 在喝咖啡时遇见并发现他还是一如往常的快乐时,我感到非常欣慰。

29、"A poet could not but be gay, /In such a jocund company"(William Wordsworth). ─── “诗人的心中充满欢乐/为有这样的朋友与之相伴”(威廉·华兹华斯)

30、The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:-- A Poet could not but be gay In such a jocund company! ─── 粼粼湖波也在近旁欢跳, 却不如这水仙舞得轻俏;诗人遇见这快乐的旅伴, 又怎能不感到欢欣雀跃;

31、He is such a jocund company. ─── 他与人做伴时总是兴高采烈的。

32、How jocund did they drive their team afield! ─── 他们多么欢欣地赶牲口下地!

33、Love weal + jocundity + enthusiasm. ─── 她=幸福;篮球=欢乐;摩托车=激情!

34、How jocund did they drive team afield! ─── 他们逐放牛羊时何等欢欣!

35、An old locust is singing "la, la, and la!" it is the last jocundity. -yes, the winter is coming! ─── 一只老蚱蜢在唱着它的“啦啦啦”之歌,这是它最后的欢乐,——啊,冬季将要来临!

36、"A poet could not but be gay, / In such a jocund company(William Wordsworth. ─── 与这样快活的伴侣为伍,诗人怎能不满心欢乐!

37、Michael, speed up and flying high. Your jocundity is mine. ─── 舒米,加油冲刺吧,你的快乐是我的快乐。

38、A poet could not but be gay,/ In such a jocund company(William Wordsworth. ─── 诗人的心中充满欢乐/为有这样的朋友与之相伴(威廉·华兹华斯)

39、be gay in such a jocund company. ─── 我和如此快乐的同伴在一起岂能不乐。

40、I pray that the dings would bring blessedness and jocundity to your family. Merry Christmas! ─── 希望圣诞的钟声给你全家带来幸福和快乐,圣诞快乐!

41、In such a jocund company ─── 在这样欢乐的盛会上

42、3. A poet could not but be gay in such a jocund company. ─── 一个诗人在这种兴高采烈的同伴中自然而然地会快乐。

43、Thus came the jocund Spring in Killingworth, ─── 百八年以前,有传奇色彩的年代里,

44、a poet could not but be gay, in such a jocund company- Wordsworth; ─── 在这样的欢乐伴随下,诗人不得不快乐-沃兹沃斯;

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