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09-18 投稿


jadeite 发音

英:[ˈdʒeɪdaɪt]  美:[ˈdʒeɪdaɪt]

英:  美:

jadeite 中文意思翻译



jadeite 相似词语短语

1、jadelike ─── 贾德里克

2、Gadite ─── n.迦得的后裔;迦得族人

3、Babite ─── n.巴比泰(拉脱维亚地名)

4、Janeites ─── 珍妮特。

5、Baalite ─── n.崇拜邪神的人

6、jadeites ─── n.翡翠;[宝]硬玉

7、Cassite ─── 锡石

8、Cavite ─── n.甲米地(菲律宾吕宋岛南部港市)

9、Janeite ─── n.简·奥斯丁的崇拜者

jadeite 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This paper discusses the main reasons why jadeite jade culture was developed in a short time during the middle-late Qing dynasty. ─── 文章讨论了导致翡翠玉文化在我国清代中晚期形成的主要原因,认为满族民俗的影响,皇室权力结构改变及宫廷文化的推动;

2、The contents of jadeite's mineral composition and rock types will influence the refractivity and specific density of jadeite directly. ─── 摘要翡翠的矿物组成、岩石类型不同,将会对翡翠的比重、折射率产生直接的影响。

3、Jadeite, is also called jade, the proportion reached 3.33, harder than nephrite. ─── 二是硬玉,俗称翡翠,其比重达到3.33,硬度高于软玉。

4、Light blue goose to lake lay quietly on the green encircle, like a natural jadeite enchased in a blue gems on. ─── 淡蓝色的雁归湖静静地躺在绿色的环抱之中,就像是镶嵌在一片天然翡翠上的一块蓝色宝石。

5、Bangles are one of the most popular forms of jadeite jewelry, symbolizing unity and eternity. ─── 手镯是翡翠首饰类最受欢迎的一个款式之一了,它象征着圆满与永恒。

6、The results show that the characteristics of the marketing on internet of jadeite jade jewelry is of rich varieties, low price and low profit of the products. ─── 从淘宝网和易趣网上选取部分翡翠卖家,调查一段时间内消费者购买其翡翠饰品的主要品种及价位情况。


8、Cataclastic texture which came from brittle deformation made the jadeite quality bed, but the mylonitic texture which resulted from ductile deformation made the jadeite quality good. ─── 在强大剪切应力和钠质流体的共同作用下,铬铁矿的淡化作用是形成绿色的主要原因。

9、We are offering valued faceted stone and plain work including Jadeite, Opal, Tourmaline, Aquamarine, etc so that you can choose any of them to book your favorite style. ─── 本店提供翡翠,欧泊,碧玺,海蓝宝等珍贵刻面、素面等原料供您挑选,并按照您喜欢的款式来定制成您心意的首饰。

10、An amphibole mineral consisting of calcium magnesium silicate in monoclinic crystalline form,a source of jade that is less valuable than from jadeite,once believed to cure kidney disorders. ─── 一种含钙、镁硅酸盐的闪石,属单斜晶系,作为玉的来源,不如硬玉贵重,曾被认为可以治疗肾功能紊乱。

11、4.Mineral constituents consist mainly of jadeite, aegirine-augite, magnesio-riebeckite, winchite, magnesio-hornblende, actinolite, quartz, albite, rutile and sphene. ─── 主要组成矿物为硬玉、霓辉石、镁纳闪石、蓝透闪石、镁角闪石、阳起石、石英、钠长石、金红石和榍石。

12、By the contrast of the correlation parameters, the negative influence of the black tone to the colour of jadeite jade can be also judged. ─── 对比相关参数的变化,可以判断黑罩对翡翠颜色的负面影响。

13、Study on Ancient Theories about Colours of Jade and Early History of Application of Jadeite Jade ─── 古代玉符之说与翡翠早期应用历史探讨

14、Based on the investigation, inclusions in jadeite from Burma are divided into four types. ─── 显微分析表明,缅甸硬玉中的包裹体分为4种类型:固体包裹体、流体包裹体、流体-熔融包裹体和熔融包裹体。

15、High grade black jadeite is a kind of upscale and fashionable jade material that has become one of the jadeites characterized by fastest growing values in the past 20 years. ─── 摘要优质的黑色翡翠(墨翠)也是一种稀有、高档和时尚的玉石材料,是20年间价值增长最快的翡翠品种之一。

16、Rich Jade's glass jadeite in the design concept of Victorian style antique jewelry with retro aesthetics. ─── 富御珠宝玻璃种翡翠手镯,以维多利亚式古董珠宝为设计概念,复古唯美。


18、It's main mineral is jadeite with some amphibole and pyroxene. ─── 显微结构以粒状镶嵌变晶结构为主;

19、Jadeite, is also called jade, the proportion reached 3.33, harder than nephrite. ─── 是硬玉,俗称翡翠,其比重达到3.33,硬度高于软玉。

20、However, the present priority theory of Jadeite study is based on the special theory, and it"s related less to the administrative area. ─── 但目前有关翡翠的理论研究基本以翡翠专业知识为主,涉及到管理方面的甚少。

21、The jadeite's quality with cataclastic texture is also poor because its hardness with this texture will decrease. ─── 具碎裂结构的翡翠硬度将略有降低,因而也会影响翡翠的质量。

22、A New Type of Reconstructed Product of Jadeit Jade ─── 一种新的翡翠再造品

23、Fluid inclusions in coesite-bearing eclogites and jadeite quartzite from Shuanghe and Bixiling in Dabie Shan have been studied in details. ─── 对大别山双河和碧溪岭含柯石英榴辉岩和硬玉石英岩进行了详细的流体包裹体研究。

24、a semiprecious gemstone that takes a high polish; is usually green but sometimes whitish; consists of jadeite or nephrite ─── 一种次等宝石,需要高度打磨,通常呈绿色,但有时也带白色,含硬玉或软玉

25、Keywords primary jadeite jade orebody;jadeite;prismatic interlocking texture;veinlike green jadeite jade;origin of magma;Nammaw;Myanmar; ─── 关键词翡翠原生矿体;硬玉;柱状交织结构;岩浆成因;纳莫;缅甸;

26、The jadeite pendant is of the emerald glassy category with fine texture,translucency and color.It is with setting made of 18K gold. ─── 18K黄金爪镶一颗翡翠坠,翠色为祖母绿色,种老水足,款式简洁,独具魅力。

27、It is the less prized but more common of the two types of jade and may be distinguished from jadeite by its splintery fracture and oily luster. ─── 在两种玉中较常见,但价值不高,它与硬玉的区别在于具参差状断口和油脂光泽。

28、The Discovery of a New Species of Jadeite ─── 一个翡翠新品种的发现

29、Our gallery deals with only Grade A jadeite carvings, supported with certificates of authenticity issued by a reputable authority. ─── 兴艺东方艺术品中心经营的翡翠雕刻,均属A货。

30、Wear can have big good fortune expensive feeling, represent to make a great fortune , it has the value worn and collected , Ms. whose jadeite bracelet is popular now wears product! ─── 佩带起来会有大福大贵的感觉,代表着财源滚滚来,具有佩带和收藏的价值,翡翠手镯为当今最为流行的女士佩带产品!


32、The Application of the Raman Spectroscopy in Jadeite Determination ─── 显微拉曼技术在翡翠检测中的应用

33、All of our products are certified natural jadeite Grade A by registered gemologists. ─── 我们的产品均经专业鉴定,保证为天然翡翠。

34、There's huge gap of concept over jadeite that we are talking about. ─── 还有巨大的差距超过翡翠的概念,我们正在谈论。

35、He has a jadeite ring passed down from his ancestors. It is worth a lot of money now. ─── 他家有个祖传的翡翠扳指儿,很值钱。

36、Indonesia is praised for"a string of jadeite of equator", is one of the most beautiful nations in the world. ─── 印度尼西亚被誉为“赤道上的一串翡翠”,是世界上最美丽的国家之一。

37、The jade that compatriots says at ordinary times, divide nephrite and jadeite. ─── 国人平时所说的玉,分软玉和硬玉。

38、Keywords petrology;gemology;jadeite jade; ─── 岩石学;宝石学;翡翠;

39、When I was living from paycheck to paycheck, eking out a living just like 90% of this country working class, I fell in love with the mysterious absolute beauty of old mine jadeite. ─── 我一直记得这句话“仓廪实而知礼仪”。

40、How to Choice Jadeite Jewelry ─── 如何挑选翡翠饰品

41、R: I saw famous Jadeite Cabbage with Insects and Meat-shaped Stone. ─── 我看到了有名的翠玉白菜和东坡肉形石,你知道吗?

42、The superior management team of Jadeite Health is very professional and experienced, and leading one group with abundant experiences in health management aspects. ─── 公司高级管理人员拥有丰富的行业经验和职业特长,并有着一支汇集了具有丰富经验的医疗健康业界专家团体。

43、Shop No preblem.Here is jadeite which is nore valuable than agate and amethyst.The green color is pleasant and amethyst. ─── 售货员:没问题,您看这是翡翠,比玛瑙和紫水晶更值钱,绿色多赏心悦目啊。

44、The genetic relation between good-quality jadeite and microstructure ─── 优质翡翠与显微构造的成因关系

45、The marketing of jadeite jade jewelry from Taobao. com and Ebay. com which are two main domestic sale webs is investigated. ─── 摘要利用统计分析和抽样调查的方法,对国内两大主要网络销售平台(淘宝网和易趣网)上的天然翡翠饰品的价位及消费情况进行了调查。

46、Source of High-grade Jadeite Jade Ask for Emergency Help ─── 告急!高中档翡翠资源

47、Kuan Yin jadeite pendant is usually worn as an amulet to bring good fortune and as protections against harm and evil. ─── 人们通常挂着观音挂坠是为了带来好运和驱邪避害的。

48、Sunflower Jadeite With Amber Pistil Necklace ─── 向日葵琥珀花蕊项链

49、According to its different mineral compositions, jadeite jade is divided into 14 rock types. ─── 据其矿物成分不同,翡翠的岩性可分成14种类型。

50、The process will let you experience the heartquake of the trading of jadeite raw materials. ─── 使您享受翡翠交易过程中的惊心动魄。

51、4. The jadeite pendant is of the emerald glassy category with fine texture,translucency and color.It is with setting made of 18K gold. ─── 18K黄金爪镶一颗翡翠坠,翠色为祖母绿色,种老水足,款式简洁,独具魅力。收藏指正

52、People cann't directly observe and determine the internal quality of a feicui (jadeit) raw material because it is covered by a crust. ─── 因为翡翠毛料外部有一层皮壳,人们无法直接观察判别内部的质量。

53、4.a semiprecious gemstone that takes a high polish; is usually green but sometimes whitish; consists of jadeite or nephrite. ─── 一种次等宝石,需要高度打磨,通常呈绿色,但有时也带白色,含硬玉或软玉。收藏指正

54、Daintiness, texture, light or translucence and shades of color became then of the first importance, as also in the case of stone, jade and jadeite snuff bottles, which came later. ─── 所以雅致、构造、半透明和色泽变成最重要的质素;关于后来盛行的石鼻烟壶,玉鼻烟壶,和硬玉鼻烟壶,情形也是如此。

55、Shoper: No preblem. Here is jadeite which is nore valuable than agate and amethyst. The green color is pleasant and amethyst. The green color is pleasant and they're flawless and of good quality. ─── 售货员:没问题,您看这是翡翠,比玛瑙和紫水晶更值钱,绿色多赏心悦目啊。而且质地好,没有瑕疵。


57、As the economy in China is developing, China has been the biggest market of jadeite jade in the world. ─── 随着中国经济的腾飞,中国已经成为全球最大的翡翠消费市场。

58、This paper begins with the present jadeite market analysis, reveals the causes of internal problems, analyses the countermeasures to resole these problems. and forecasts the development trend of jadeite market. ─── 本文试图从目前翡翠市场分析入手,揭示存在问题,分析其原因并提出解决思路,进而预则翡翠市场的未来发展态势及市场机会。

59、2、main scenic spots: mirror lake, jadeite gallery, waterfall, aerial catwall and ancient temple. ─── 2、主要景点 :镜湖、翡翠长廊、水景瀑布、悬空栈道、千年古寺等。

60、Study on Mineral Elements in Jadeite Shellfish, Dried Shrimps, Oyster of Three Coastal City of Southwest of Guangdong Province ─── 广东省西南部沿海三市的翡翠贻贝、虾米、蠔中矿物质元素的研究

61、Rich Jade's glass jadeite in the design concept of Victorian style antique jewelry with retro aesthetics. ─── 富御珠宝玻璃种翡翠手镯,以维多利亚式古董珠宝为设计概念,复古唯美。

62、The jadeite of eclogite in the Sesia-Lanzo zone (west Alps)has been stuned by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) in this paper. ─── 本文所研究的硬玉采自Sesia-Lanzo带(阿尔卑斯意大利段)。

63、The water scene is most enchanting at the Jadeite Pool, which, it is said, used to be the bathing place of the ocean dragon princess. ─── 翡翠池的池水最为迷人,以前据说是海中女沐浴的地方。

64、On each week Tuesday, 317: 15 in Hong Kong jadeite Taiwan broadcast that (has telecast finishes).Mr./Mrs. ─── 在每周星期二、三17:15在香港翡翠台播出(已播映完毕)。

65、Jadeite jewelry is decorous, if the symbol of the holy oil, long-term exposure to it is easily smeary adhere to the surface, influence. ─── 翡翠首饰是高雅圣洁的象征,若长期使它接触油污,油污则容易粘在表面,影响光彩。

66、The traditional jadeite identification methods mainly relied on refractometer,gemological microscope,Chelsea color filter and spectroscope,all these methods identified bleached jadeite(so called B jade) is very difficult. ─── 传统的翡翠鉴定方法 ,主要依赖于折射仪、宝石显微镜、滤色镜和分光镜进行检测 ,而所有这些方法对于鉴定处理翡翠 (所谓的 B货翡翠 )十分困难。

67、FTIR spectrometer technique has been found to be a useful,fast,non-destructive and accurate method for identification of bleached jadeite. ─── 傅里叶变换红外光谱技术可以有效、快速、无损和准确地鉴定处理翡翠。

68、The bid auctions of jadeite raw materials: The process will let you experience the heartquake of the trading of jadeite raw materials. ─── 企业文化活动:富有个性的企业文化推广活动,模特秀珠光宝气的表演让您感受珠宝慑人心魄的魅力。

69、The objective colour measurement of jadeite jade is required for colour appraisement of high quality jadeite jade. ─── 摘要为了满足高档优质翡翠颜色评价的需要,对翡翠的颜色进行客观测评非常必要。

70、The results show that the LPOs of jadeite are similar to those of omphacite.Their LPOs are L-and LS-type. ─── 晶格优选方位(LPO)测量成果表明:硬玉组构类型与绿辉石相近,为L,LS型;

71、This paper discusses the definition and the texture types of jadeite jade. ─── 摘要翡翠的结构是决定翡翠质量的重要因素。

72、For the most part, the jadeite used in carvings is of lower quality than that used for other cutting styles, but nevertheless there are some spectacular carved jadeite pendants and objects ’art. ─── 一般来说,用来做成翡翠雕刻品的料子并没有做成其他样式翡翠的质量好,但是无论如何也还是有令人叹为观止的作品----一些雕刻出来的翡翠挂件和小工艺品。

73、It is shining, the Ming Dynasty afterwards jadeite just spreads into our country. ─── 光彩照人,明代以后翡翠才传入我国。

74、Their colors are also generated after the formation of jadeite crystals, often found in the red layer, caused by disseminated limonite. ─── 它们的颜色也是硬玉晶体生成后才形成,常常分布于红色层之上,是由褐铁矿浸染所致。

75、imagined absorption of jadeite ─── 噏翠霞

76、Therefore, we analyzed the jade through a modern scientific method in terms of its composition, then we got two kinds, one is nephrite and another is jadeite. ─── 因此,我们用现代科学方法对其矿物质成分进行分析,把玉大致分为两类。

77、Color difference of green jadeite jade in even color space ─── 均匀色空间中绿色翡翠的色差

78、Broadly speaking, the jadeite jade is the name of reaching to gem grade jadeitite which have lots of colours and have high commercial value. ─── 从广义上讲,翡翠是指具有商业价值,达到宝石级硬玉岩的商业名称,是各种颜色宝石级硬玉岩的总称。

79、Mention jadeite, people usual think it has strong classical colour. ─── 提及翡翠,人们通常认为其具有浓厚的古典色彩。

80、Carbonic inclusions occur mainly along and/or near micro-shear zones, or in strongly deformed jadeite quartzite.Low-salinity aqueous inclusions are limited within retrograded UHP rocks. ─── CO2包裹体沿榴辉岩中微剪切带分布,或存在于强变形的硬玉石英岩中,而低盐度流体包裹体分布较为局限。

81、The jadeite's quality with the micro-crystalloblastic fiber texture is high, whereas that with the metasomatic texture is poor because there are sodium amphibole, albite or chlorite in it. ─── 具交代结构的翡翠中常因含有钠质闪石、钠长石或绿泥石,且使翡翠的粒度不均匀而使其质量变差;


83、The texture of jadeite jade can be classified into three types according to their geological origin: crystalloblastic texture, replacement texture, deformation texture. ─── 变晶结构是翡翠的主体标型结构,交代结构、碎裂及变形结构对翡翠质量也有很大的影响。

84、4.a semiprecious gemstone that takes a high polish;is usually green but sometimes whitish;consists of jadeite or nephrite. ─── 一种次等宝石,需要高度打磨,通常呈绿色,但有时也带白色,含硬玉或软玉。

85、Based on the differences in transmission spectrum for different minerals, the mineral components of jadeite such as chalchiguite, aegirine, aegirine_augite and diopside are analyzed. ─── 分析硬玉、霓石、霓辉石和透辉石等主要矿物,以天然翡翠的特征红外光谱为依据,鉴别市售翡翠的真伪和类别(A、B货);

86、Visiting Jadeite Holy Land Pagan ─── 朝觐翡翠圣地帕敢

87、Founded in November 1994,Huibaotong Handicraft Factory is mainly engaged in all kinds of jadeite white jade and agate handicrafts with many shapes , such as bottles , stoves, flowers , birds , persons , etc . ─── 创建于1994年11月的北京市汇宝通工艺品厂主营造型新颖别致的瓶、炉、花鸟、人物等翡翠、白玉、玛瑙工艺品。

88、Shop No preblem. Here is jadeite which is nore valuable than agate and amethyst. The green color is pleasant and amethyst. The green color is pleasant and they're flawless and of good quality. ─── 售货员:没问题,您看这是翡翠,比玛瑙和紫水晶更值钱,绿色多赏心悦目啊。而且质地好,没有瑕疵。

89、This paper will study the colour and flaw in raw jadeite by surface analysis method and intersecting discipline method. ─── 文章通过分析皮壳以及运用交叉学科的有关原理来探讨赌石内部色彩及裂隙的存在问题。

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