Moscow 发音
英:[ˈmɑːskaʊ] 美:[ˈmɒskəʊ]
英: 美:
Moscow 中文意思翻译
Moscow 短语词组
1、moscow' nyborg ─── [医] 尼堡沙门氏菌
2、moscow' paratyphi ─── [医] 副伤寒沙门氏菌, 甲型副伤寒沙门氏菌
3、moscow' narashino ─── [医] 习志野沙门氏菌
4、stranger in moscow ─── 莫斯科的陌生人
5、moscow' newington ─── [医] 纽因吞沙门氏菌
6、moscow' oranienburg ─── [医] 奥兰宁堡沙门氏菌
7、moscow' panama ─── [医] 巴拿马沙门氏菌
8、moscow' orion ─── [医] 俄赖翁沙门氏菌
9、moscow' niloese ─── [医] 尼罗耶斯沙门氏菌
10、moscow' onarimon ─── [医] 俄那里蒙沙门氏菌
11、moscow' orientalis ─── [医] 东方沙门氏菌
12、moscow' ─── [医] 莫斯科沙门氏菌
13、moscow' onderstepoort ─── [医] 翁得斯泰浦尔特沙门氏菌
14、moscow' new brunswick ─── [医] 新布伦兹威克沙门氏菌
15、moscow' new york ─── [医] 纽约沙门氏菌
16、moscow' oslo ─── [医] 奥斯陆沙门氏菌
17、moscow' napoli ─── [医] 那波利沙门氏菌
18、moscow' muenster ─── [医] 明斯特沙门氏菌
19、moscow' newport ─── [医] 新港沙门氏菌
Moscow 相似词语短语
1、Moscow ─── n.莫斯科(俄罗斯首都)
2、myoscope ─── n.肌缩观测器
3、Roscoe ─── n.左轮枪;罗斯科(男子名)
4、mudscows ─── 泥鳅
5、to scowl ─── 怒容
6、mosso ─── adj.(意)快速的;adv.(意)快速地;n.(Mosso)人名;(英、意、葡)莫索
7、to cow ─── 牛
8、moo-cow ─── 母牛
9、mudscow ─── 泥鳅
Moscow 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、For many years she was editor-in-chief of the Moscow News, which she founded. ─── 多年来,她担任由她创办的莫斯科新闻报主编。
2、A polar bear cub plays near his mother at the Moscow Zoo. ─── 在莫斯科动物园里,一只小北极熊在他妈妈身边嬉耍。
3、Why Jerusalem, and not London, Beijing, New York, Rome or Moscow? ─── 为什么是耶路撒冷,而不是伦敦、北京或纽约呢?
4、She stopped in Moscow to buy a present. ─── 她在莫斯科停下来买一件礼物。
5、It's 2 AM ". She said that she'd travelled from Dagestan to Moscow for 2 days to see me. " ─── 她说她花了两天时间从塔吉克斯坦到莫斯科来看我。
6、So did foreign investors, sending the Moscow stockmarket soaring. ─── 在外国投资者的推动下,莫斯科股市大涨。
7、After several years in London, he was posted to the embassy in Moscow. ─── 他在伦敦任职几年后被派往驻莫斯科大使馆工作。
8、In Moscow, speculation was rampant in what some called the "Wild East. ─── 在莫斯科,投机现象非常猖獗,有些人把这称为“疯狂的东方”。
9、Do you know what time the plane arrives in Moscow? ─── 你知道飞机什么时候抵达莫斯科吗?
10、It is a week's ride in train from Beijing to Moscow. ─── 从北京到莫斯科乘火车需要一星期。
11、I went to Paris,London,Vienna,Warsaw,Berlin and Moscow. ─── 到过巴黎,伦敦,维也纳,华沙,柏林和莫斯科.
12、He has also visited Moscow and Sarajevo on behalf of Unicef. ─── 他还曾代表儿基会访问莫斯科和萨拉热窝。
13、He flew from Beijing to Moscow. ─── 他从北京坐飞机去莫斯科。
14、Moscow must sheathe its sabre before the Arctic turns into a colonial scramble. ─── 在殖民争夺战在北极上演之前,莫斯科的马刀一定不能出鞘。
15、He seemed to be deliberately trailing his coat when he published the confidential exchanges in Moscow. ─── 他在莫斯科发表互换机密文件是时,似乎是在有意挑起事端。
16、He had arrived in Moscow with an outstanding reference. ─── 他带着极高评语来到莫斯科。
17、From Moscow, Rupert Wingfield-Hayes reports. ─── W.从莫斯科发回的报道。
18、He spent his sabbatical year doing research in Moscow. ─── 他花了他的教师休假年在莫斯科做研究。
19、She was the first foreigner to fly to China over the new route from Moscow to Chongqing. ─── 她是第一个沿着新开辟的从莫斯科至重庆的航线到中国去的外国人。
20、She works at the American Embassy in Moscow. ─── 她在莫斯科的美国驻俄大使馆工作。
21、Visits American exhibition in Moscow. ─── 在莫斯科访问美国展览会。
22、He has been flirting with the idea of going to Moscow . ─── 他一直有去莫斯科的遐想。
23、Results and is the same as I would like to see Sir Alex's disappointment, I suddenly thought of the 2007 Moscow night! ─── 结果和我想的是一样的,看到爵爷的失望,我突然想到了07年莫斯科之夜!
24、But it petered out in the next few years as Brezhnev took a grip in Moscow. ─── 但随着勃列日涅夫(Brezhnev)在莫斯科掌握领导权,这盏明灯在随后几年里逐渐失去了光芒。
25、An American who finds himself in Moscow wants to know the time. ─── 一位身在莫斯科的美国人想打听一下时间。
26、In 1955, Moscow exonerated her, stating the charges before had been groundless. ─── 1955年,莫斯科给她恢复了名誉,说以前对她的控告是毫无根据的。
27、He drew on his imagination to write about Moscow. ─── 他靠想像力描写莫斯科。
28、And a sense of this, and more, a foreboding that Moscow would be taken by the enemy, lay in the Russian society of Moscow in 1812. ─── 这种预感,尤其是对莫斯科将被占领的预感,在一八一二年,即存在于俄国的、莫斯科的社交界。
29、Washington, D.C. was oddly quiescent, regarding the Moscow embassy bombardment. ─── 对于莫斯科大使馆被攻击,华盛顿方面是出奇的平静。
30、He is Russian and from Moscow. ─── 他是俄罗斯人,来自莫斯科。
31、He works at the American Embassy in Moscow. ─── 他在莫斯科的美国驻俄大使馆工作。
32、She said that she'd travelled from Dagestan to Moscow for 2 days to see me. ─── 她说她花了两天时间从塔吉克斯坦到莫斯科来看我。
33、They are filming in Moscow right now. ─── 目前他们正在莫斯科拍电影。
34、I spet half a month in Moscow last year. ─── 去年我在莫斯科呆了半个月。
35、When will you fly to Moscow? ─── 你什么时候将飞往莫斯科?
36、He lives in Moscow. ─── 他生活在莫斯科。
37、He was so impressed by this strange fruit that he decided to let his colleagues in Moscow have a taste of it too. ─── 后来,赫鲁晓夫才明白了这种水果的可贵之处。于是,他决定让莫斯科的同事们品尝一下这种名果。
38、Washington and Moscow have abided by the START-One provisions. ─── 华盛顿和莫斯科都遵守阶段的一个条款。
39、France's president, Nicolas Sarkozy, who chaired the summit, said he would visit Moscow and Tbilisi to check on Russian compliance. ─── 欧盟轮值主席国法国总统萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)宣称,将会访问莫斯科和第比利斯调查俄国是否遵守协议。
40、Do you know what time the plane *arrive* in Moscow? ─── 你知道飞机什么时候抵达莫斯科?
41、He took his request to Moscow, only to have the door slammed in his face. ─── 他向莫斯科提出这个要求结果被驳了回来。
42、One of his flights would take him from Moscow to Montreal. ─── 其中一次飞行是从莫斯科飞到蒙特利尔。
43、The Chinese fashion show caused a sensation in Moscow. ─── 中国时装表演在莫斯科引起轰动。
44、The NMCC helpfully told him we were somewhere between Moscow and Tel Aviv. ─── 全国军事指挥中心笼统地告诉他我们在莫斯科至特拉维夫之间的某处。
45、Communication with Moscow was difficult, but possible. ─── 和莫斯科通信是很困难的,不过还是办得到的。
46、" And when asked by reporters if Moscow was planning to take revenge, he said: " It is incorrect to ask about it. ─── 当被记者问道莫斯科是否打算报复时,普京说:“这么问是不对的。”
47、After they had left Moscow, two peasants went out to search for treasures. ─── 他们从莫斯科撤走后,有两个农夫上街寻找财物。
48、The forests outside Moscow were quiet, fresh and verdant in June 1971. ─── 一九七一年的七月,莫斯科郊外的树林安静怡人,空气清新,一片青翠。
49、He joined a flying school in Moscow. ─── 他进了莫斯科一所飞行学校。
50、The Queen is on a state visit to Moscow. ─── 女王正对莫斯科进行国事访问。
51、He had made passes at her in Moscow. ─── 在莫斯科时,他曾向她大献殷勤。
52、The most poorly attended modern Olympic Games since 1964 were the 1980 Games in Moscow. ─── 1964年以来参加国家最少的奥运会是1980年莫斯科奥运会。
53、Fourth, Sets up the branch in the Russian Moscow. ─── 四、在俄罗斯莫斯科设立分会。
54、In Poland, Army Group Center was to drive east to Smolensk, then on to Moscow. ─── 在波兰,中央集团军群将一直向东前进,先占领斯摩棱斯克州,然后到达莫斯科。
55、He aspired to anything grander than Moscow State University. ─── 他寻求比莫斯科国立大学更高目标的踪迹。
56、London, Moscow, Vienna, Washington, Madrid and Paris have all benefitted. ─── 伦敦、莫斯科、维也纳、华盛顿、马德里和巴黎全都受惠。
57、But they met their masters in propaganda in Moscow's press. ─── 但是他们在莫斯科报纸上遇到了他们宣传上的敌手。
58、She all but collapsed into the embassy car that met her at the Moscow airport. ─── 大使馆派车到莫斯科机场来接她,她一上车就几乎垮了。
59、The president decided to put Moscow on notice. ─── 于是总统决定提请莫斯科注意。
60、Located in Moscow 71 kilometres outside the firm GeErKe is worth a visit. ─── 位于莫斯科71公里外的扎戈尔克也是值得一游的地方。
61、Madame Karagin invited Nikolay to come to Moscow. ─── 卡拉金娜邀请尼古拉到莫斯科去做客。
62、He has sent a succession of senior officials to Moscow to mollify Russia, with little success. ─── 他已经派出一连串高级官员前往莫斯科对俄罗斯进行安抚,成效甚微。
63、Is there any seat available for train to Moscow today? ─── 今天去莫斯科的列车是否还有空位?
64、You were transferred from Moscow for being too partial toward Jews. ─── 你太偏向犹太人,就从莫斯科调任了。
65、It's eleven o'clock at night in Moscow. ─── 现在莫斯科是晚上11点。
66、I doubted that the President could come to Moscow if we suffered a defeat. ─── 如果我们吃了败仗,我怀疑总统还能否到莫斯科来。
67、Negotiations would probably be opened again with Moscow. ─── 可能将再次与莫斯科进行谈判。
68、He acknowledged "Russian sensitivities" over the shield but said he hoped Moscow would "become a partner in the project" . ─── 他理解“俄罗斯对此事的敏感”,但希望莫斯科能成为“这计划的一个合作者”。
69、The rightists are demanding Moscow return the disputed islands. ─── 右端分子要求莫斯科归还那些有争议的领土。
70、Annie: It is said that the result will be known in July 2001 in MOSCOW. ─── 安妮: 听说2001年7月在莫斯科就有结果了。
71、Jere Longman of The Times was in Moscow for that vote in 2001. ─── 奥运会是笔大买卖,而中国正是这些生意争相前往的中心。
72、Napoleon I of France retreats from Moscow. ─── 1812年的今天,法国拿破仑一世从莫斯科撤退。
73、The upper right-hand segment, carries the insignia of the Moscow Olympics. ─── 奖牌背面表现的是,圣火在体育场背景的衬托下熊熊燃烧,右上角是莫斯科奥运会会徽。
74、A city of western European U.S.S.R. on the Dnieper River southwest of Moscow. ─── 基辅:苏联西欧部分一城市,位于莫斯科西南第聂伯河边。
75、One's most likely to eat regularly in Moscow when food grows in the back yard. ─── 今天在莫斯科,只有在后院种些什么吃的才能糊口。
76、On July 19th Russia retaliated by expelling four diplomats from Moscow. ─── 七月十九号,俄国报复性的驱逐了英驻俄四名外交官。
77、After several years in London,he was posted to the embassy in Moscow. ─── 他在伦敦任职几年后,被派往驻莫斯科大使馆工作。
78、In 1955, went to Moscow's Stalin Automotive Factory in the USSR for training. ─── 一九五五年赴苏联莫斯科斯大林汽车厂实习。
79、For nearly 30 years, between her frequent trips, she made Moscow her residence. ─── 在几乎三十年的时间里,她把莫斯科作为自己常住之地,其间也经常到外地旅行。
80、Libya is Moscow's biggest, and most conspicuous, Third World client. ─── 利比亚是莫斯科在第三世界的最大、最突出的主顾。
81、What's the weather like in Moscow today? ─── 今天莫斯科的天气怎么样?
82、Soon Ho was roaming the earth as a covert agent for Moscow. ─── 不久之后,胡志明以墨思科秘密特使的身分游走世界各地。
83、"The great red-walled Kremlin is the core of Moscow, and of all Russia. ─── “被红色围墙环绕的克里姆林宫是莫斯科乃至整个俄罗斯的中心。
84、Horsey was a resident of the Russia Company in Moscow from 1572 to 1585. ─── 1572-1585年间何塞住在莫斯科的莫斯科公司。
85、He lose no opportunity to signal his attitude to Moscow. ─── 他不失时机地把他的态度转达给莫斯科。
86、's been bitterly cold here in Moscow. ─── 在莫斯科这里,天气一直极其寒冷。
87、How many flights are there to Moscow every day? ─── 去莫斯科的航班每天有几次?
88、The gunman started shooting at a courthouse in Moscow, Idaho late Saturday. ─── 周六傍晚,歹徒从一所位于爱达荷州的莫斯科法院开始行凶。
89、Moscow is a very cold place in winter. ─── 冬季的莫斯科是个十分寒冷的地方。
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