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09-18 投稿


lackeys 发音

英:[ˈlæki]  美:[ˈlæki]

英:  美:

lackeys 中文意思翻译





lackeys 词性/词形变化,lackeys变形


lackeys 相似词语短语

1、blackens ─── vt.使变黑;诽谤,诋毁;vi.变黑;n.(Blacken)人名;(英)布莱肯

2、lackey ─── n.男仆;侍从;马屁精;vt.侍候,服侍;奉承;n.(Lackey)人名;(英)拉基

3、latchkeys ─── n.(房子或公寓大门的)碰锁钥匙;adj.挂钥匙的

4、lackeyed ─── n.男仆;侍从;马屁精;vt.侍候,服侍;奉承;n.(Lackey)人名;(英)拉基

5、lackers ─── n.瓷漆;漆

6、flackers ─── 马屁精

7、flackets ─── flackets公司

8、lacqueys ─── n.仆从;侍从;走狗;vt.侍候(等于lackey)

9、clackers ─── n.噼啪声;嗒嗒声

lackeys 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Neither could I wonder at all this, when I saw such an interruption of lineages, by pages, lackeys, valets, coachmen, gamesters, fiddlers, players, captains, and pickpockets. ─── 我看到皇家世系中断原来是因为出了这么些仆人、佣人、走卒、车夫、赌棍、琴师、戏子、军人和扒手,对以上种种也就一点不觉得奇怪了。

2、I will strive to Lackeys! ─── 我要努力喽!

3、A semi-feudal, semi-capitalist dictatorship of the masses of the people running dog lackeys will eat people swear to the great revolution in the end! ─── 一个半封建,半资本主义专政的人民群众的走狗的走狗,会吃人宣誓向伟大的革命到底!

4、"That man Wheeler's sick," reported one of the lackeys to the night clerk. ─── “那个叫惠勒的人病了,"一个茶房向夜班办事员报告说。

5、Eight or nine of the ten victims, labeled lackeys, were poor people. ─── 有些被杀的所谓狗腿子,十有八九是穷人。

6、The singer was surrounded by the usual crowd of lackeys and hangers-on. ─── 那个歌手让那帮总是溜须拍马、 前呼後拥的人给围住了

7、This is sweet! Now we've got a bunch of lackeys to hang out and do stuff for us! ─── 太好了!现在我们有了一帮小弟能在身边给我们干活了!

8、You are to use this room, Miss Madenda," said one of the stage lackeys. ─── 你用这一间吧,麦登达小姐,”一个后台侍役说。

9、More 50%lackeys raise class and about 30%dominants can keep them class in strange colony at breeding period. ─── 繁殖期,50%以上的从属鼠在陌生鼠群中提高了序位,30%优势鼠可在陌生鼠中保持高序位。

10、'e says, "lackeys of the bourgeoisie! ─── 他说。 ‘资产阶级的走狗!

11、In every conceivable way U. S. imperialism and its lackeys are trying to extinguish the revolutionary flames of people's war. ─── 美帝国主义及其走狗正在用尽一切办法,企图扑灭人民战争的革命烈火。

12、here some traitor lackeys of the Japanese right-wing. ─── 这里有些汉奸走狗、日本右翼。

13、“You don’t decide anything,” he told the judge.“You are servants of the occupiers and their lackeys! ─── “你决定不了什么事,”他告诉法官,“你是侵略者的奴仆和他们的马屁精!

14、Mr Obama can now label opponents of his plans as corporate lackeys , not to mention enemies of the working man. ─── 现在奥巴马能给他计划的反对者贴上企业走狗的标签,不要用说,这些人当然是工人们的敌人了。

15、Which is why his lackeys waited months before telling him about the famine. ─── 这也就是为什么他手下那邦走卒喽啰拖到无法再拖下去了才向他坦白全国的饥荒。

16、Leave them alone, you politicians and your lackeys, and you anti-Chinese movements.Leave them alone, they belong to us.Stop trying to wreck these Games. ─── 亲爱的政客们,反对中国的那些政治势力的走卒们,请停止你们对于奥运的污染。

17、"Your troops have barely had time to reach Karbarra, to pick up forces from the garrison there for the attack on Tirol, much less reach Tirol itself," one of the lackeys managed to get out, trembling. ─── “您的部队应该刚刚到达卡巴拉星,从驻地集结兵力准备袭击泰洛;他们还不够时间到达泰洛星。”侍从中有一位努力推测道,声音颤抖。

18、MM shellfish lovely Oh well, her clothes certainly no exception Lackeys! ─── 贝壳MM好可爱哦,她的衣服当然也不例外喽!

19、When the bosses send their lackeys out to cheat us? ─── 当资方派出走狗欺骗我们的时候?

20、'At least we'll die glorious deaths!'bellowed the curly-bearded Shaker Wu.'Faithful to our master the Satrap!Not filthy Tartar lackeys!' ─── 那虬髯汉子吴立身大声道:“我们为平西王尽忠而死,流芳百世,胜于你们这些给鞑子做奴才的畜生万倍。”

21、More anyone who wants to serve as lackeys of the aggressors do? ─── 更有谁想充当侵略者的走狗呢?”

22、The singer was surrounded by the usual crowd of lackeys and hangers on. ─── 那个歌手让那帮总是溜须拍马、 前呼后拥的人给围住了。

23、The Tartars, the Mongols and the Manchus simply took over a ready-made apparatus and allowed the Confucian administrators to act as their political lackeys. ─── 鞑靼人、蒙古人、满洲人只是简单地接管了一个现成的机构,而让儒士充当他们的政治扈从。

24、Our experience has always shown that it takes a strong determined attack against the sworn lackeys of the enemy to win over people who are wavering. ─── 经验都证明,只有真正痛击那些坚决反动的敌人的爪牙,才能争取那些动摇的分子。

25、They escaped and were taken down in a wild shoot-out on the streets of Seoul, depicted as high noon between true heroes and spineless government lackeys. ─── 他们逃亡,然后被乱枪击倒在首尔的大街上,这一段是描写真正的英雄和软弱无能的政府走狗两者的高潮部分。

26、The judges sacked by Mr Musharraf are little more distinguished than the army-picked lackeys who replaced them. ─── 穆沙拉夫予以解职的法官们和精心选拔用以取而代之的马屁军官们并无二致。

27、lackeys and compradors in the service of foreign bosses ─── 洋奴买办

28、* The singer was surrounded by the usual crowd of lackeys and hangers-on. ─── 那个歌手让那帮总是溜须拍马、 前呼后拥的人给围住了.

29、Caesar is stabbed by the senators;Christ is cuffed by lackeys. ─── 恺撤被元老院议员刺死,耶稣挨了奴仆的巴掌。

30、USA may give you some weapons, but that will be too little. How your lackeys can use a simple gun to fight against tanks, plane of PLA? ─── 美国也许会给你一些武器,但那只是杯水车薪,在解放军的坦克,飞机之下,你的爪牙难道靠一把步枪抗衡?

31、Why simply punish CIA lackeys, rather than those who oversaw them? ─── 为什么只惩罚中情局的底层人员而非其监管者呢?

32、The general said that his treatment was "despicable" , that officials have become lackeys, and that basic freedoms are being stamped out. ─── 他声称自己受到的待遇是“可耻的”、那些官员都成了走狗,连一些基本的自由都被剥夺。

33、"You are to use this room, Miss Madenda," said one of the stage lackeys. ─── “你用这一间吧,麦登达小姐,”一个后台侍役说。

34、1. The singer was surrounded by the usual crowd of lackeys and hangers-on. ─── 那个歌手让那帮总是溜须拍马、前呼后拥的人给围住了.

35、that man wheelers sick , " reported one of the lackeys to the night clerk" . ─── “那个叫惠勒的人病了,”一个茶房向夜班办事员报告说。

36、The two on the left are Qin Hui and his wife who master-minded the whole thing and the two on the right are Zhang Jun and Mo Qixie who were their lackeys. ─── 北面两个是秦桧和他的妻子王氏,南面的两个是张俊和万俟卨(音“莫其屑”)。

37、and my lackeys prove that clemency is not a duty, ─── 那些东西究竟怎样才能证明慈悲不是一种美德,

38、Various sketchy theories suggest illuminati derivations are reptilian "shape-shifters, " demon worshipers, or government lackeys of aliens. ─── 多种粗略的理论提出光明会源自爬虫“变形人”、恶魔崇拜者、或外星人的政府走狗。

39、Mr Obama can now label opponents of his plans as corporate lackeys, not to mention enemies of the working man. ─── 现在奥巴马能给他计划的反对者贴上企业走狗的标签,不要用说,这些人当然是工人们的敌人了。

40、unimportant followers; lackeys; underlings ─── 小喽罗

41、When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter.; When the boss falls from power, his lackeys disperse. ─── 树倒猢狲散。

42、On the drive, they talked.Rundstedt had already told Hitler's lackeys to “make peace. ─── 路上两人谈到,伦斯德特已经告诉希特勒手下,要“寻求和平”。

43、But that would waste more time, since new lackeys would have to be trained from scratch. ─── 不过这样的话要从头开始训练新的侍臣,又会浪费不少时间。

44、That man Wheeler's sick," reported one of the lackeys to the night clerk. ─── 那个叫惠勒的人病了,“一个茶房向夜班办事员报告说。”

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