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09-18 投稿


wisps 发音

英:[wɪsps]  美:[wɪsps]

英:  美:

wisps 中文意思翻译



wisps 短语词组

1、will-o'-the-wisps (will-o'-the-wisp ─── 的复数) n. 鬼火, 磷火, 捉摸不定 ─── 的东西

2、wisps of smoke were ─── 一缕缕烟雾

wisps 词性/词形变化,wisps变形

动词第三人称单数: wisps |副词: wispily |动词现在分词: wisping |动词过去式: wisped |动词过去分词: wisped |名词: wispiness |形容词: wispy |

wisps 相似词语短语

1、wiss ─── abbr.自动评分装备;工作站独立段存储体(WorkstationIndependentSegmentStorage);上海西华国际学校(WesternInternationalSchoolofShanghai);n.(Wiss)人名;(德、瑞典、阿尔巴)维斯

2、wimps ─── abbr.大质量弱相互作用粒子(WeahlyInteractin­gMassiveParticles)

3、wasps ─── n.[昆]黄蜂;[昆]胡蜂(wasp的复数形式);马蜂

4、wispy ─── adj.象小束状的,纤细的;脆弱的

5、risps ─── 里普斯

6、lisps ─── n.口齿不清;咬舌发音;vi.咬舌讲话;说话口齿不清;vt.咬着舌说;口齿不清地说

7、wispish ─── adj.微小的;虚无飘渺的;小把的

8、wises ─── adj.明智的;聪明的;博学的;vt.使知道;教导;vi.了解;n.(Wise)人名;(英)怀斯

9、wisp ─── n.小捆;小束;vt.把…卷成一捆;vi.卷成一捆

wisps 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、and a wisp of affectionate silk, at night. ─── 夤夜飘来一缕情丝。

2、A few wisps the black silk for split sway aweather in the Dian of edge of knife, it of host, have already left. ─── 几缕断裂的乌丝在刀锋之颠迎风晃着,它的主人,早已离去了。

3、For a moment a phrase tried to take shape in my mouth and my lips parted like a dumb man's, as though there was more struggling upon them than a wisp of startled air. ─── 一会儿的工夫,有一句话快到了嘴边,我的两片嘴唇像哑巴一样张开,仿佛除了一丝受惊的空气之外还有别的什么在上面挣扎着要出来。

4、A wisp of downy light, through the window, soft in the bath ark on the exterior of white cast a shadow was slightly. ─── 一缕柔和的光线,在穿越轻柔的窗纱之后,在浴柜洁白的外观上投下了斑斑略影。

5、a mere wisp of a girl. ─── 一个小物体一样的小女孩。

6、Wisp: n. A thin or faint streak or fragment, usually of smoke or clouds ─── 一缕薄或微弱的条纹或碎片,如烟、云等,可以说

7、The low, steel-grey sky and the wisps of mist created a permanent twilight. ─── 低沉,铁灰色的天空夹杂着稀疏的雾气,呈现出朦朦胧胧的亮光。

8、Looking back, I caught sight of a lonely crematorium looming out of a pine wood. Its towering red-brick chimney was giving off wisps of greyish smoke. ─── “火葬场”,“红砖”,“白而飘忽的轻烟”作者善于抓住这些能引起人们联想的死亡象征符,似乎是逝去的灵魂的升华。

9、The heat from the wisps of dead grass is terrific. ─── 丛丛枯萎的野草发出的热量是惊人的。

10、a lock (or tuft, wisp) of hair ─── 一绺头发

11、What's beautiful is, you can probably see in the limb there some faint, sort of, wisps of almost smoke rising up from the limb. ─── 很美丽的地方是,又可以在这里看到一些微弱的像烟雾一样的鬼火冉冉升起。

12、You shouldn't hope to find perfect happiness it's just a will o'the wisp. ─── 不要指望能找到十全十美的幸福 那只不过是镜花水月.

13、“Bridal Veil” in wide “American Falls” side, although only thin wisp, but self-contained teams, so the Americans “declared” its “independence. ─── “新娘面纱”在宽阔的“美国瀑布”旁边,尽管只细细一缕,却自成一支,所以美国人“宣告”了它的“独立”。

14、She felt the flow of the tide of effort and interest--felt her own helplessness without quite realising the wisp on the tide that she was. ─── 她尽管并没完全意识到自己像浮在生活大潮上的一棵小草,却充分体会到自己的孤苦无依,无可奈何。

15、A wisp of white smoke dispersed to reveal a duck falling from the sky like a stringless kite. ─── 一缕白烟消散,一只水鸭子像断线的风筝,从半空中坠下。

16、He had tied a wisp of bast round his hair, as workmen do, and his round face looked rounder and more pleasing than ever. ─── 他像工匠那样,把头发用蒡提树皮扎了起来,他的圆脸似乎比以前更圆更愉快了。

17、"That little wisp looks like it was just the best he could do," she thought, not seeing in his face the cold hard intelligence that was carrying the weight of a new nation. ─── "瞧那一小绺,好像还满得意哩! "她这样想,至于他脸上那种勇于挑起一个新国家的重任而冷静刚毅的表情,她却压根儿没有看见。

18、A wisp of hair straggled across her ear. ─── 一束头发散落在她耳朵上。

19、A wisp of grey hair stuck out from under her hat. ─── 从她的帽子下边露出一绺灰白的头发。

20、Close inspection of Dione's trailing hemisphere, pictured above, indicates that the white wisps are composed of deep ice cliffs dropping hundreds of meters. ─── 仔细检查上图中土卫四布满白色痕迹的半球,就会发现白色的束状痕迹是落差高达数百米的冰崖形成的。

21、He was wasted away to no more than a skeleton, and what had once been vigorous black hair had turned into obscene stringy wisps. ─── 他消瘦得不比一俱骷髅强,曾经精力充沛的黑发已经变成令人讨厌的枯草般的缕。

22、A wisp of gray hair stick out from under her hat ─── 一绺灰白头发从她的帽子下露了出来

23、Any wisp of cloud could cover a crescent moon. My future was dark. ─── 一点云便能把月牙遮住,我的将来是黑暗。

24、Forty fathoms up, through wisps of plankton, the moon danced on a becalmed sea. ─── 向上两百多英尺,穿过一群群的浮游生物,可以看到月光在宁静的海面上舞动着。

25、Kaboom (on Clockwerk Goblins and Goblin Sappers) has difficulty attacking harvesting wisps: The goblins cannot get close enough to their target. You must target a nearby area on the ground. ─── 地精自暴兵和口袋工厂生产的小地精很难攻击到采木头的精灵,他们不能足够K近他们的攻击目标。你必须以附近的地面为目标。

26、Looking back, I caught sight of a lonely crematorium looming out of a pine wood. The towering red-brick chimney was giving off wisps of greyish smokes. ─── 回首见松原里的一所孤寂的火葬场,红砖砌成的高耸的烟囱口上冒出了一笔灰白色的飘忽的轻烟。

27、"She was twining a wisp of hair very slowly around her fingers" (Anne Tyler) ─── “她慢慢地在手指上缠绕着一卷头发”(安妮·泰勒)

28、The spot is so sore, he says, that a bed sheet resting lightly on it, or even the wisp of a breeze, produces almost unbearable agony. ─── 他说,这个地方痛得如此厉害,就是一张床单碰到上面,或是一阵风吹来,都会痛得无法忍受。

29、as small wisps of smoke began to float out of his ears and curl towards the ceiling. ─── 同时一股烟雾从他的耳朵里出来,弯弯曲曲地冲上屋顶。

30、In front of us, a constellation of “will-o’-the wisps” twinkled. ─── 一片鬼火在前面闪闪烁烁.

31、Some wisps of wavy hair had loosened from the bands at the side of her head and were straggling over her hot, red cheeks. ─── 几绺卷发从头一侧的发带里掉了出来,在她红得发烧的脸颊上晃荡。

32、A flibbertigibbet! A will-o’-the wisp ! A clown! ─── 一只铙舌鸟!一缕轻烟雾!一个搞笑鬼!

33、One little girl in particular moved like a 7)wisp 8)in the background . ─── 一个极瘦弱的小女孩仿佛一小撮移动的干草,在不为人注意的地方走着。

34、a wisp of smoke from a kitchen chimney ─── 一缕炊烟

35、Among the forces which sweep and play throughout the universe, untutored man is but a wisp in the wind. ─── 在主宰和支配万物的宇宙各种势力面前,一个没有经验的人简直就像风中的弱草。

36、Corpse running means to run your character's ghost or wisp to the site of your fallen body to resurrect there. ─── 也就是捡尸体,跑魂的意思,引用到出团打王的结果,就是不停的跑魂,也就是灭团的意思.

37、as small wisps of smoke began to float out of his ears and curl towards the ceiling. ─── 同时一股烟雾从他的耳朵里出来,弯弯曲曲地冲上屋顶。

38、A wisp of gray hair sticks out from under her hat. ─── 一绺灰白头发从她的帽子下露了出来。

39、Wisps of smoke curled in the air. ─── 一缕缕青烟缭绕在空中。

40、Human beings simply became wisps within a house of dust; ─── 人类死亡以后便没有奖罚。

41、Meanwhile, outside every cottage, wisps of stuck: rise from tile ground oven, or umu, where the Sunday feast is baking on red-hot rocks covered with banana leaves and soil. ─── 与此同时,在每栋农舍外边,袅袅炊烟从称作乌姆的地灶上升起,星期日的美餐就在烧红了的石头上烤炙,上面盖着香蕉叶和泥土。

42、She was twining a wisp of hair very slowly around her fingers(Anne Tyler) ─── 她慢慢地在手指上缠绕着一卷头发(安妮·泰勒)

43、He stretched out his hand desperately as if to snatch only a wisp of air, to save a fragment of the spot that she had made lovely for him. ─── 他绝望地伸出手去,仿佛只想抓住一缕轻烟,从那个因为她而使他认为是最可爱的地方留下一个碎片。

44、A wisp of a smile. ─── 一丝微笑

45、She was twining a wisp of hair very slowly around her fingers ─── 她慢慢地在手指上缠绕着一卷头发

46、wisps of grey smoke ─── 一缕缕灰色的烟雾

47、As he stared at the wisp of blue smoke at the tip of the cigarette, tears suddenly started to stream down his cheeks as he thought not only of Tigress but his whole life. ─── 呆呆的看着烟头上那点蓝烟,忽然泪一串串的流下来,不但想起虎妞,也想起一切。

48、You shouldn't hope to find perfect happiness it's just a will o' the wisp. ─── 不要指望能找到十全十美的幸福那只不过是镜花水月.

49、Some wisps of wavy hair had loosened from the bands at the side of her head and were straggling over her hot, red cheeks. ─── 几绺卷发从头一侧的发带里掉了出来,在她红得发烧的脸颊上晃荡。

50、wnt - 1 inducible signaling pathway protein - 2 ( WISP - 2 ) ─── WISP-2

51、Long streamers of Northern Lights flashing blue wisps across the sky. ─── 北极光的狭长流光,闪射出蓝色的光芒,横过夜空。

52、October sky was blue, empty but for some still wisps of cloud. ─── 十月的晴空碧蓝如洗,只有几丝白云。

53、Man is more than a tiny vagary of whirling electrons or a wisp of smoke from a limitless smoldering. ─── 人的生命远非旋转的微电子那样变幻莫测,也不是无尽燃烧的焖火中升起的一缕青烟。

54、Wisps of smoke still rose into the grey sky, but no more than might have risen from Winterfell's chimneys on a cold autumn afternoon. ─── 缕缕清烟继续爬上灰色长空,和清冷的秋日午后临冬城炊烟缭绕的情景并无二致。

55、You accept any wisp (no wisper is refused). ─── 你接受任何悄悄话(没有悄悄话被拒绝).

56、As they watched, a flash of fire appeared at the root of one wisp, and then the smoke thickened. ─── 他们看到,在一缕烟的底部出现了一闪一亮的火光,随后烟越冒越浓。

57、When the wind gently touched my cheek and I pass by, the wisps cool tightly with my heart strings. ─── 当风轻轻地拂过我的面颊与我擦肩而过,那缕缕凉风紧紧扣着心我弦。

58、In the distant valley there rise wisps of pale smoke suffused with the smell of meat, and a few small human figures move about. ─── 在很远的那道山谷里,有含着肉香的淡烟飘起,还有几个小人影蠕动。

59、(of smoke and so on) a wisp; a trail ─── 一缕

60、a wisp of smoke is drifting from the chimney ─── 一缕烟从烟囱时飘出来。

61、The life is a banyan, we is a wisp of, absorb a lot of nourishments there from the friend's close relatives, also contribute an own nourishment, banyan just exuberant. ─── 人生是一棵榕树,我们是一缕枝条,从朋友亲人那里吸收很多营养,也贡献自己的营养,榕树才茂盛。

62、He knew that once he flicked his computer off that night, the insect biomorphs would be gone except for the wisp of their souls held by their portraits. ─── 他知道,一旦他那天晚上关闭了电脑,昆虫生物形态就没有了,唯余残留在其肖像中的缕缕香魂。

63、She kept pushing back wisps of hair that fell over her eyes. ─── 她不断把垂下来遮住眼的几绺头发撩回去。

64、LAN was almost afraid to look at Yee, but Yee reached out a wisp of atmosphere in comfort. ─── lan几乎不敢再看Yee,但是Yee放出了一团气雾来安慰 lan。

65、a wisp of hair/hay/straw/grass ─── 一束头发[干草/稻草/青草]

66、A wisp of beard hanging their jaws aren't a comical mark but a symbol of profundity. ─── 原来它们颌下垂挂的那一缕胡须,远远不是什么滑稽的标志,而是深刻的象征。

67、You refuse all wisps (no specifical wisper is refused). ─── 你拒绝所有悄悄话(没有特定悄悄话被拒绝).

68、Her grey hair straggled in wisps about her face. ─── 她灰白的头发一缕缕地披散在脸上。

69、A few wisps of smoke spiraled up . ─── 几缕轻烟缭缭上升。

70、Minutes before, wisps of smoke had begun flowing through cracks in his classroom door at the private Moscow Institute of Government and Corporate Management. ─── 几分钟前,私立莫斯科政府暨企业管理学院的教室大门裂缝,开始冒出缕缕细烟。

71、They were sorted in teams and Mr Deasy came stepping over wisps of grass with gaitered feet ─── 他们分好了队,迪希先生迈着戴鞋罩的脚,路过一簇簇的草丛踱来。

72、A wisp of hair had escaped from under her hat. ─── 一绺头发从她的帽下露出来。

73、This present life, engrave to stay by the side a wisp of long for, like to miss you quietly, the moderate breezes is together low to tell to say poem similar beautiful. ─── 今生,刻守着一缕相思,喜欢静静的想你,和风一起低低诉说诗一样的娇艳。

74、Snakes, spiders, beetles, and lizards can survive here only because fog delivers a wisp of vital moisture as it rolls in from the ocean most nights. ─── 大部分的夜里,从海洋涌来的雾气会带来一些水分,正是这些至关重要的水分使得这里的蛇,蜘蛛,甲虫和蜥蜴等能够存活。

75、Lan was almost afraid to look at Yee,but Yee reached out a wisp of atmosphere in comfort. ─── Lan几乎不敢再看Yee,但是Yee安慰了Lan。

76、Wisps of smoke rose continuously from the mountain village chimneys. ─── 山村炊烟缕缕上升。

77、Yet, the spirits of the Wisps lived on.Floating invisibly throughout Mount Hyjal and nearby Felwood, they began to slowly intertwine with the demons that had taken up residence there. ─── 但是,这些小精灵的精神依然存活着,它们在海加尔山以及邻近的费伍德游荡着,慢慢地,他们在那些恶魔身上纠缠,并慢慢生根在它们身上。

78、Not even a wisp of cloud will I bring away ─── 不带走一片云彩。

79、A wisp of smoke is curling up from the kitchen chimney. ─── 一缕炊烟袅袅上升。

80、At daybreak, just as it was forecast, the sun was shining, it was windless and not even a wisp of cloudlet could be seen. ─── 刚天亮时天气一如预报中的那样,太阳当空,没有风没有半片云彩。

81、A small wisp or tuft, as of wool or cotton. ─── 一束或一簇,如羊毛或棉花

82、A cavity likes a body hating a wisp cool breeze soul. ─── 一腔爱一身恨一缕清风一丝魂。

83、A minute, I must look up at sun, lets each wisp sunlight be contaminated my body, before then, I only catch a glimpse it from the eye slit. ─── 一分钟,我要仰视太阳,让每一缕阳光浸染我的身体,在此之前,我只是从眼睛的缝隙中瞥见它。

84、Two Will O'the Wisp are summoned to help their summoner in battle. ─── 在战斗中,两个鬼火将被召唤来帮助它们的召唤者。

85、She cut a wisp of hair off. ─── 她剪掉了一束头发。

86、Even the ducks and hens toiled to and fro all day in the sun, carrying tiny wisps of hay in their beaks. ─── 就连鸭子和鸡也整天在太阳下面忙碌的来回跑着,每次都用他们的嘴衔一点点牧草。

87、One silk a wisp, pass in oneself. ─── 一丝一缕,只关乎于自己。

88、A wisp of spring breeze to my hear gently from you ─── 你像一缕春风轻轻柔柔吹入我心中

89、" For example, after Cerulean Wisps resolves, the affected creature will just be blue. ─── 举例来说,在蔚蓝鬼火结算后,受其影响的生物就只会是蓝色。

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