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09-18 投稿


lisle 发音

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英:  美:

lisle 中文意思翻译




lisle 网络释义

n. 莱尔线织物;莱尔线adj. 莱尔线的n. (Lisle)人名;(法)利勒;(英)莱尔

lisle 短语词组

1、lisle thread ─── 丝光双股棉线

2、Lisle sur Tarn ─── 塔恩上的李尔

3、lisle joyeuse ─── 快乐的读书

lisle 词性/词形变化,lisle变形


lisle 相似词语短语

1、aisle ─── n.通道,走道;侧廊

2、hirsle ─── 操作数

3、lisse ─── n.极薄全丝绉;n.(Lisse)人名;(德、塞)利塞;(法)利斯

4、Lisle ─── n.莱尔线织物;莱尔线;adj.莱尔线的;n.(Lisle)人名;(法)利勒;(英)莱尔

5、inisle ─── 伊尼斯勒

6、enisle ─── vt.置于岛上;使成岛;使孤立

7、fissle ─── 沙沙声

8、birsle ─── vt.焙烤

9、isle ─── n.岛;vt.使成为岛屿;vi.住在岛屿上;n.(Isle)人名;(英)艾尔

lisle 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Rouget de Lisle ─── Claude Joseph Rouget de Lisle 鲁日·德·李尔(法国军官、作曲家,马赛曲的作者)

2、De Lisle ─── 德莱尔

3、Tony Lisle, of the UN's AIDS organisation, says that since the raids stopped, HIV-prevention efforts have resumed with more success. ─── 联合国艾滋病组织的TonyLisle说从“扫黄”活动停止以来,艾滋病预防工作重见成效。

4、1836 Rouget de Lisle, French Army officer and composer of La Marseillaise, died. ─── 法国陆军军官、《马赛曲》作曲者鲁热·德利勒逝世。

5、Lisle Von Rhoman: You are scared of yourself. Of the body you once knew. ─── 莱尔:你害怕自己,害怕你曾经熟悉的身体。

6、shot lisle ─── 细麻纱袜子

7、lisle stocking ─── 棉线袜

8、a fabric woven with lisle thread. ─── 用莱尔线制成的纤维。

9、An officer called Rouget DE Lisle wrote a song for the republican army the Marseillaise, which has become the national song of France. ─── 一位名叫鲁歇。得。里尔的军官为共和军写了一首歌曲《马赛曲》,成了法国的国歌。

10、Lisle Von Rhoman: You are scared of yourself. Of the body you once knew. ─── 莱尔:你害怕自己,害怕你曾经熟悉的身体。

11、Lisle stockings ─── 莱尔长统袜

12、Lisle Von Rhoman: But first, a warning! ─── 莱尔:但是首先,有一个注意事项。

13、All Lisle hotels are located within three miles of the Benedictine University. ─── 所有莱尔酒店位于三英里的伯纳狄汀大学。

14、All Lisle hotels are located within three miles of the Benedictine University. ─── 所有莱尔酒店位于三英里的伯纳狄汀大学。

15、Leconte de Lisle ─── Gharles Marie Leconte de Lisle 勒贡特·德·列尔(1818-1894,法国诗人)

16、An officer called Rouget de Lisle wrote a song for the republican army The Marseillaise, which has become the national song of France. ─── 一位名叫鲁歇。得。里尔的军官为共和军写了一首歌曲《马赛曲》,成了法国的国歌。

17、Lisle said. The firm has 30 bankers in Australia, so the Perth office could end up representing nearly 20% of its national presence. ─── 该公司在整个澳大利亚有30位银行家,因此,珀斯办事处最终的员工数量将占全国员工总数的近20%。

18、lisle thread ─── 丝光双股棉线

19、Composed by Claude-Joseph Rouget de Lisle, a young engineer stationed with the army of the Rhine, it was written in a single night in 1792. ─── 由莱茵军中的一位年青的工程师Claude-JosephRougetdeLisle作曲,该曲目在1792年的一夜之间便宣告诞生。

20、lisle thread singlet ─── 线笠衫

21、With this wedding, the public's relationship with the royals has changed. Tim de Lisle explains why most of the coverage misses the point . ─── 因为这次婚礼,公众和皇室的关系改变了。蒂姆·徳·莱尔解释了为什么大多数报道没有切中要点……

22、The value investment core is carries on the reasonable appraisal to be lisle’s stock investment value, thus instruction investment behavior. ─── 价值投资的核心就是对上市公司的股票投资价值进行合理的评估,从而指导投资者的投资行为。

23、Mr. Lisle, a 31-year-old Perth native, returned home last year after stints in Hong Kong and Melbourne. ─── 现年31岁的利尔是珀斯本地人,在香港和墨尔本工作了一段时间后,于去年返回家乡。

24、William Pennington and Lisle Updike formed their business partnership about 1908 and opened a portrait studio in Durango, Colorado. ─── 威廉宁顿和莱尔乌迪克形成了自己对1908年的商业伙伴关系,开创了杜兰戈,科罗拉多州肖像工作室。

25、Coquelin de Lisle ─── 德利尔

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