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09-18 投稿


separateness 发音

英:[ˈseprətnəs]  美:[ˈseprətnəs]

英:  美:

separateness 中文意思翻译



separateness 短语词组

1、separateness of agents ─── 代理人的独立性

2、separateness of persons ─── 人员分离

separateness 词性/词形变化,separateness变形


separateness 相似词语短语

1、desperateness ─── n.拼命;奋不顾身

2、separativeness ─── 分离性

3、spareness ─── n.缺乏;瘦弱;贫乏

4、disparateness ─── 轻视

5、sedateness ─── n.安详;镇静

6、separableness ─── n.可分离性;可分辨性

7、temperateness ─── n.节制,适度;温和

8、separates ─── n.分体式泳衣;单件衣服(指妇女不配套的衣裙,separate的复数);v.分离(separate的三单)

9、sparseness ─── n.稀疏;稀少

separateness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In a world where fear, protectionism, and separateness seem to rule, Don reversed those conditions in his little shop on a country road. ─── 在这个似乎被恐惧、保护主义和相互隔离所统治的世界里,唐在他那乡村公路旁的小店里依然保留了这些美好的品德。

2、In these schools he that gives and he that receives are both responsible and so they can never indulge in this peculiar quality of separateness. ─── 在这些学校里,教师与学生,二者都需要负责,这样他们才不会沉浸于分离感这种特殊的氛围里。

3、the effect of separateness ─── 间离效果

4、(2) insistence on the importance of the separateness of persons, so that the moral community or community of faith is a relation among distinct individuals; ─── (2)坚持个人分立性的重要性,这样道德共同体或信仰共同体是不同个体之间的关系;

5、Putting functions in a dialog box emphasizes their separateness from the main task. Putting the brightness and contrast adjustment in a dialog box works just fine, but it creates an awkward interaction. ─── 将功能放在对话框中的重点是把它们和主任务分开来,在对话框中调节亮度和对比度是可以的,但就交互而言却是蹩脚的。

6、Japan's long-standing sense of separateness and uniqueness ─── 日本那种由来已久的自成一体、孑然独立的意识

7、The balance between the prototypical male and female ways of relating is a balanced state of love I call Intimate Separateness. ─── 男女相处之道的真正平衡点在于一种本人称之为“亲密距离”的情感状态。

8、Some subcultures do not experience discrimination yet differ from the mainstream enough to generate a "we" feeling among members and sense of separateness. ─── 某些亚文化并不受(来自社会的)歧视,但它们与主流文化间的偏离足以产生一种圈子内部的"自俺"认同感以及隔阂感.

9、The spirit of rejection finds its support in theconsciousness of separateness; the spirit of acceptance finds its base in the consciousness of unity. ------Tagore ─── 你可以通过一个人的朋友,也可以通过一个人的敌人来判断的为人。-----约瑟夫。康拉德

10、Love makes one overcome the sense of isolation and separateness. ─── 爱可以使人战胜孤独和分离之感。

11、QJ-C carbon dioxide filter is applied to improve purity of CO2 and separ ... ─── 简 介: QJ-C二氧化碳过滤器用它来提高CO2纯度,分离杂质。

12、It is appears that the evolution between the amalgamation operation and separateness has experienced two times. ─── 从西方发达国家的金融发展显示,银证分业经营与混业经营之间经历了两度过渡。

13、Love is an active power in man .Love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness. ─── 爱是活跃于人心中的一种力量。。。它使我们战胜孤独无助。。。

14、Through the proposition that people of housing district is the people of droit, the article attempts to analyze three kinds of conformations of owner's ownership, that is possession of singleness, separateness and communion. ─── 通过业主是住宅小区所有权人这一命题分析了业主所有权的三种形态,即单独所有、共有和区分所有。

15、It is this screen of thought that creates the illusion of separateness, the illusion that there is you and a totally separate “other. ─── 它是一个思想的屏幕,创造了分裂的幻相,就是有一个你,和其它所有的存在隔离。

16、242.The spirit of rejection finds its support in theconsciousness of separateness; the spirit of acceptance finds its base in the consciousness of unity. ----Tagore ─── 你能从一个人的朋友来评定他,同样能从他的敌人来评定他。

17、"love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness, yet it permits to be himself, to retain his integrity--Erich Fromn" ─── 爱使我们战胜孤独无助,却仍使我们保持自我个性的独立完整--埃立克·弗洛姆

18、Those of us who have not been trained, we continue to stay and suffer in the lokadhatu, suffer because our view of separateness, or our lack of insight of interbeing. ─── 我们中那些没有受到训练的人,依旧停留在尘世并饱受苦痛。这苦痛来自于我们这样的见解:世界是分裂,或者是我们缺乏对互即互入的内省。

19、Independence doesn't mean separateness from others or being blind to advice from other people. ─── 独立不意味着与人隔绝,不意味着固执己见。

20、This is a way of seeing that brings the darkness of a world of separateness to be dissolved in the light of the Holy Spirit's Vision of oneness. ─── 这种看的方式将分裂世界的黑暗带入圣灵一体慧见的光明中,那黑暗顿时消散。

21、When the chitta becomes absorbed in that which is the reality (or idea embodied in the form), and is unaware of separateness or the personal self, this is contemplation or samadhi. ─── 当心神依专注而得见真实(知觉体现于形态中)而无有分别和自我意识,这就是静虑或叫三摩地。

22、we can also be saved.The threats come from our egoic separateness;and the salvation from the rediscovery of our unity: the unity that is prior to all other facts and considerations. ─── 这威胁来自我们的人我分别;这拯救来自对我们的一体性的重新发现:先于所有其它一切事实和考量 的一体性。

23、with the increasing of processing time, more efficient results of separ ation are obtained. ─── 保温时间对杂质颗粒分离净化的效果也有显著影响。

24、Let us pray for that...to the one who are still waiting for his/her true love...there will be no more pain, no more sadness and no more separateness in love. ─── 至少,在将来的某一天,如果,如果.....失去了最深爱的人,我都可以因此而告诉自己要坚强,因为已经尽了全力,所以不再感到伤痛。

25、love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness, yet it permit him to be himself, to retain his integrity. ─── 爱使人能够忍受孤立和分离之苦,同时让人找到自我、保持自我!

26、Separateness and Directional Adipocyte Differentiation of Murine Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells ─── 小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞的分离及其诱导定向脂肪细胞分化

27、The Separateness of Producing Colloid Gene XanA from Xanthomonas campestris ─── 野油菜黄单胞菌产胶XanA基因的分离

28、If the apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory, it means that at a deeper level of reality all things in the universe are infinitely interconnected. ─── 如果次原子粒子的表面分离是一种幻象,这表示在现实的更深层次,宇宙中的一切最终都是相互关连的。

29、the separateness of classes ─── 阶级之间的分离

30、Separateness adjust the chain of the paper arm ─── 接纸臂皮带单独调整松紧度

31、love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness, yet it permit him to be himself, to retain his integrity. ─── 爱可以使人克服孤寂感,还能够展现自我,做一个完整的人。

32、seeking complete political separateness for Taiwan. ─── 台湾从祖国分离出去是绝对不行的。

33、Dualism of practical reason implicates the conflict between moral impartiality and separateness of persons, so Sidgwick's problem shows the inner dilemma of modern moral philosophy. ─── 实践理性二元论内涵着道德的不偏不倚性与个人分立性之间的对立,西季威克对实践理性二元论的揭示恰恰凸显了现代道德哲学的内在困境。

34、Separateness and Cooperation: The Change of Xiang-yiin Song Dynasty ─── 分工与合作:两宋乡役职责的演变

35、love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness yet it permits to be himself to retain his integrity. ─── 它使我们战胜孤独无助,却仍使我们保持自我个性的独立完整。

36、but the illusion of separateness. ─── 但幻想的分离。

37、On the Separateness between Electronic Information and Its Carrier ─── 论电子文件信息与载体的可分离性

38、The Separateness and Conformity of Economic Ethic under the Structure of "Synchronicity" ─── "共时性"结构下经济伦理的分析与整合

39、The Separateness of Overlapping Insect Images Based on Mathematical Morphology ─── 基于数学形态学的重叠昆虫图像分离的研究

40、If society accepts homosexuality, does the need for separateness dissolve, and with it, gay identity? ─── 如果社会接受同性恋,确实有必要将分离消融,但是同志身份也要一起消融么?

41、To live by them is like giving in to the illusion of separateness and accepting it as reality. ─── 认同它们的生活就像对分离的幻象投降,并认为它们是现实。

42、and to the extent the overcoming of separateness remains incomplete. ─── 同时到了对于疏离的克服的范围依旧是不完全的。

43、?Nothing in this material is intended to override the corporate separateness of local entities. ─── 本材料中任何内容均无意否定各地方单位作为独立企业行事之地位。

44、Human separateness may not be diminished by levelling, averaging, or amalgamating different human ends into a composite public welfare. ─── 人类的分离不能通过拉平或混合不同目的而将其压入一个合成的公共福利。

45、I used to believe that this separateness was the exclusive problem of the timid, introverted shys . ─── 我以前常以为这种孤僻心理是胆小内向的害羞人士独有的问题。

46、The egotistic separateness is perhaps the very root of the degeneration of the wholeness of the mind with which we are deeply concerned. ─── 自我的分离感或许就是破坏头脑完整性的根源,这点正是我们深切关注的。

47、The economical law theory about the definition of restraining offer a possibility for macroscopic regulation legislation to break through the restriction of finance separateness. ─── 经济法理论关于规制的界定,为宏观调控法制冲破金融分业经营的限制提供了可能。

48、PZ population was separateness, but had genetic relationship with the former; ─── 邳州菌群(PZ)单独分为一支,但与前一分支有一定的亲缘关系;

49、A newli separ father ha to learn how to date again with help from hi teenag son who himself dream of conquer on girl" heart. ─── 一个刚刚离婚的父亲要跟儿子学习如何再次约会,同时这位儿子也正在梦想征服一个女孩的心。

50、In his masterpiece A Passage to India, Forster takes the relations between Anglo-Indians and Indians in the subcontinent as a background for the most searching and complex of all his explorations of the separateness of human relationships. ─── 摘要在《印度之行》中,福斯特以人与人之间的关系为背景,描述了英国-印度人与印度人之间的隔离感,以及不断恶化的关系。

51、The DLL pattern is adopted to design the whole system, and design separateness module for important data structure, for example about the public/private key pair information and the certificate information. ─── 在系统设计上,采用可方便使用的动态链接库的形式,对重要的数据结构,如密钥信息、证书信息,采用单独模块设计。

52、Keywords cas chromatograp;preciseness degree;nicety degree;separateness degree;relative random uncertainty; ─── 气相色谱法;精密度;准确度;分离度;相对不准确度;

53、Non-surrender hardens your psychological form, the shell of the ego, and so creates a strong sense of separateness. ─── 不托付会强化你的心理的“形”--那个“自我”的壳,从而制造出一个强大的隔离感。

54、On the one hand,it indicates that the men of letters at that time viewed “handwriting” as an aesthetic activity which was separ... ─── 书法创作以文学作品作为书写内容从而与文学相互交融的现象,在书法发展史以及整个艺术发展史上,是有重要意义的。

55、love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness,yet it permits to be himself,to retain hid integrity. ─── 它使我们战胜孤独无助,但仍使我们保持自我个性的独立完整。

56、A kind of new thought with regard to impurity removal is brought forward, by which the impurity and the purified melt are automatically comparted on line, and the separ... ─── 设计了一套自动化程度较高的连续电磁净化处理铝熔体系统,该系统既提高了净化效果,又提高了生产效率。

57、love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness,yet it permits to be himself,to retain his integrity. ─── 它使我们战胜孤独无助,却仍使我们保持着自我个性的独立完整。

58、The spirit of rejection finds its support in the consciousness of separateness; the spirit of acceptance finds its base in the consciousness of unity. ─── 拒人千里源于分裂的意识,宽容大度源于统一和谐意识。

59、Beloveds, it is only your wrong understanding, which is the concept of separateness, which is the reason for your concern. ─── 亲爱的朋友们,你们的错误理解,也就是“分离”的概念,是需要你们真正考虑的。

60、She revelled in "a special state of separateness from everyone and everything". ─── 她沉醉于“置身万事万物之外的独特分离状态”。

61、The spirit of rejectionfinds its support in the consciousness of separateness; the spirit ofacceptance finds its base in the consciousness of unity. ─── 1竭尽全力掌握各种语言,结交各式朋友,精通各类技艺及行业,如此努力方能成为一个完整的人。

62、neither separ ation to make it up. ─── 也不要,等分开了,才来挽回 ...

63、Love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness. ─── 爱是活跃于人心中的一种力量。它使我们战胜孤独无助。

64、Application of separateness technology in Chinese traditional medicine ─── 现代分离技术在中草药有效成分分离中的应用

65、It's the sense of otherness, separateness. ─── 它是相异,分离的感觉。

66、greater separateness ─── 进一步分裂

67、maternal separateness ─── 母亲分离

68、And as you walked, climbed, there was no sense of separateness, no sense of being even a human being. ─── 在你漫步,爬山时,没有分离感,甚至没有自己身为一个人类的感觉。

69、I was not satisfied till that barrier was broken down, till that separateness was destroyed. ─── 我无法满足,直到那个障碍被拆除,直到那个分别被摧毁。

70、Remember that the ego needs problems, conflict, and "enemies" to strengthen the sense of separateness on which its identity depends. ─── 记住,自我需要问题、冲突和‘敌人’来强化它身份赖以生存的孤立感。

71、.. neither separ ation to make it up. ─── 也不要,等汾开了,材来挽回 .

72、The illusion of separateness is the cause of pain, and it is also part of the cause of all the works of beauty people have created. ─── 分离的幻象是造成痛苦的原因,也是人们创造美的作品的部分原因。

73、Being used in high-speed heavy railcar.This type of the Hydraulic Transmission Box has three circularities and higher efficiency in work scope.It is level separateness, and double outputs. ─── 用于高速重型轨道机车,该液力传动箱为三循环园,具有宽广的高效率工作范围和强劲的牵引特性。

74、It 's the sense of otherness, separateness. ─── 它是相异,分离的感觉。

75、Because---Love is an active power in man.Love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness. ─── 爱是活跃于人心中的一种力量,它使我们战胜孤独无助!

76、The train integrality detection system is a new type of on-hoard equipment.Its application greatly alleviates the trouhle of train separateness. ─── 摘要列车完整性检测系统是新型车载设备,对防止列车抛车有重要意义。

77、A fuzzy PID is designed;the technologies of integrator separateness and pre-control for high pressure governing are added;the control strategy and realizing means are introduced. ─── 针对共轨压力控制,设计了模糊PID控制器,增加了积分分离与轨压预控制技术,给出了共轨压力的控制策略和实现方法。

78、Instead of trying to change him, we tried to stand apart --toseparate us from him -- and to sense hisidentity, individuality, separateness, andworth. ─── 不试图改变他了,我们尽量不干涉他,让他独立,找到自己的价值。

79、Moreover, formerly, he had free and separateness, but now he can’t care for himself, and also have to undergo the remedy to failure again and agian. ─── 就像一些癌症病人,每十多分钟就要打一次针,当一切治疗失败的时候,难道他们没有选择安乐死的权利吗?

80、The spirit of rejection finds its support in theconsciousness of separateness; the spirit of acceptance finds its base in the consciousness of unity. ─── 拒人千里源于分裂的意识,宽容大度源于统一和谐意识。

81、The spirit of rejection finds its support in theconsciousness of separateness;the spirit of acceptance finds its base in the consciousness of unity. ─── ------Tagore 拒人千里之外源于分裂的意识,对人宽容大度则源于统一和谐的意识。

82、Interlanguage is the separateness of language learners' system in their second language acquisition, and five factors contribute to interlanguage. ─── 摘要中介语是第二语言习得者在学习目的语过程中所使用的一种独特的语言系统,它的形成和发展受到五个方面因素的作用。

83、love makes him overcome the sense of isolation and separateness yet it ermits to be himself to retain his integrity. ─── 它使我们战胜孤独无助,但仍使我们保持自我个性的独立完整。----埃里克。

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