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09-18 投稿


rhyolite 发音

英:[['raɪəlaɪt]]  美:[['raɪəˌlaɪt]]

英:  美:

rhyolite 中文意思翻译



rhyolite 词性/词形变化,rhyolite变形


rhyolite 短语词组

1、alkali rhyolite ─── 碱性流纹岩

2、soda rhyolite ─── 钠疗岩

3、albite rhyolite ─── 钠长流纹岩, ─── 钠长石流纹岩

rhyolite 相似词语短语

1、phyllite ─── n.[岩]千枚岩;硬绿泥石

2、nahcolite ─── n.苏打石

3、rhodolite ─── n.铁镁铝榴石,红榴石

4、rhyolitic ─── 流纹质

5、hyalite ─── n.玻璃蛋白石;玉滴石

6、ophiolite ─── n.[岩]蛇绿岩,[矿物]蛇纹石

7、chrysolite ─── n.贵橄榄石

8、ichnolite ─── n.化石足迹

9、cryolite ─── n.[矿物]冰晶石

rhyolite 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、This material is a new find from Madagascar. The deposit formed as a rhyolite flow but has been completely silicified . ─── 海洋石是从马达加斯加发现的,它的沉积物是流纹岩,但已完全硅酸化。

3、Experimental Data Analysis on Full Diameter Rhyolite Cores from Daqing Deep Layers ─── 大庆深层流纹岩全直径岩心实验数据分析

4、Geochemistry and petrogenesis of the middle Jurassic rhyolite, southern Jiangxi: trace element and Pb-Nd-Sr isotope geochemical constraints on the upper crustal origin ─── 赣南中侏罗世流纹岩地球化学及成因研究:上地壳成因的的微量元素和Pb-Nd-Sr同位素地球化学制约

5、Test and study on alkaline activeness of rhyolite aggregate ─── 流纹岩骨料的碱活性试验研究

6、rhyolite landform ─── 流纹岩地貌

7、The pyroclastic rock fragments comprise quartzite, schist, gneiss, basalt, andesite, rhyolite and quartz. ─── 火成岩的碎块成分主要为石英岩、岩、麻岩、武岩、山岩和流纹岩.

8、The rock types include rhyolite, dacite and sedimentary volcaniclastic rocks, among which the lava tuff breccia was newly discovered in the 1:50000 region. ─── 岩石类型为流纹岩、英安岩和沉火山碎屑岩,其中的熔结角砾凝灰岩是本次1:5万区调中的新发现。

9、Keywords geological beackground;rhyolite porphyry of the Crectaceous period;mineralization geological feature;Sipingshan region; ─── 地质背景;流纹斑岩;成矿地质特征;四平山地区;

10、The volcanic rocks belong to high kalium calc alkalic series and can be divided into andesite, dacite, trachydacite and rhyolite by petrochemical composition. ─── 据岩石化学成分,金刚台组火山岩可划分为安山质、英安质、粗面英安质和流纹质几种类型,并属于高钾钙碱性系列。

11、Topaz occurs in the igneous rock rhyolite. ─── 黄晶通常产于火成岩岩石纹。

12、The dome building is being driven by the rhyolite magma under the vent continues to rise and extrude onto the domes. ─── 基因遭污染的二代台湾画眉外观多元且不完整,常具备部分陆眉特徵,且每一个体不太相同。

13、igneous rock produced by eruption and solidified on or near the earth's surface; rhyolite or andesite or basalt. ─── 火成岩产生于火山喷发和在地表或接近地表的地方凝固;流纹岩或安山岩或玄武岩的。

14、Keywords Zn-Mo deposit;rhyolite porphyry;Dawan of Hebei province; ─── 锌钼矿床;流纹斑岩;河北大湾;

15、People come to this area in order to see the colorful rhyolite mountains. ─── 人们来到这个地区是为了观看那里五彩缤纷的流纹岩山脉。

16、You should note how the enhanced potassium values over the rhyolite plug within the area of basalts become progressively less obvious with increasing broader smoothing. ─── 你应当注意的是,处于玄武岩区内的流纹岩岩颈上较高的钾浓度值,随着平滑程度的增大而逐渐变得不明显了。

17、Major volcanic rock types of Carboniferous times are andesitic basalt, dacite, rhyolite, characterized by a bimodal volcanic suite. ─── 石炭纪火山岩主要为安山玄武岩和英安岩、流纹岩类,略具双峰式火山岩特点。

18、potash rhyolite ─── 钾碱疗岩钾疗岩

19、But Iceland has various kinds of volcanoes, many of which produce more evolved lavas such as rhyolite and andesite. ─── 但是冰岛有各种各样的火山,其中很多生产更逐步形成的象流纹岩和安山石那样的熔岩。

20、altered rhyolite ─── 蚀变流纹岩

21、rhyolite gas reservoir ─── 流纹岩

22、The silicic volcanic rocks of Carboniferous times has similar REE and trace elemental geochemistry as continental rhyolite. ─── 石炭纪酸性火山岩的稀土和微量元素地球化学特征与陆内流纹岩相似。

23、While those of the Carboniferous are rhyolite-dacite-andesite formation of transitional-continental environment with crustal compositions. ─── 石炭系火山岩主要是流纹岩-英安岩-安山岩建造,它们产出于海陆过渡相-陆相环境,属于地壳成分。

24、rhyolite or andesite or basalt. ─── 流纹岩或安山岩或玄武岩的。

25、The orebodies are confined to Yanshanian metamorphosed rhyolite porphyry and felsite. ─── 矿体赋存在燕山期变质流纹斑岩、霏细岩中。

26、The result was that volcanics of this area could be divided into rhyolite and andesite; ─── 其结果:本区火山岩储层可划分为流纹岩、安山岩两类;

27、The first rock is mainly andesite clinkering agglomerate, andesite breccia, dacite breccia, rhyolite breccia and rhyolite clinkering tuff. ─── 正常火山碎屑岩亚类岩石类型主要为安山质熔结集块岩,安山质、英安质及流纹质火山角砾岩以及流纹质熔结凝灰岩。

28、The main types of volcanic rocks of the Yingcheng Formation in Santai area, southeastern uplift of the Songliao Basin are perlite, rhyolite, hydrothermal breccia, breccia conglomerate, tuff and so on. ─── 摘要松辽盆地东南隆起区三台营城组火山岩岩石类型主要为:珍珠岩、流纹岩、隐爆角砾岩、角砾熔岩和凝灰岩等,其脱玻化的岩石类型主要为珍珠岩和流纹岩。

29、Ophiolite and rhyolite ─── 蛇绿岩和流纹岩

30、Perlite, obsidian and pitchstone are volcanic glass having the same compositions commonly with rhyolite as well as andesite and basalt. ─── 珍珠岩、黑耀岩和松脂岩等玻璃质熔岩以酸性为主,中基性者也常见。

31、The extrusive equivalent of granite is rhyolite. ─── 而流纹岩则是与花岗岩成分相同的酸性喷出岩。

32、The features and the development law of rhyolite landforms are unique. ─── 流纹岩地貌有其独有的特色和发育规律。

33、Keywords geologic park;paleovolcano;rhyolite prismat ic joint;basalt prismatic joint;ancient city remains of the Yehe;ancient city remains of the Yan Country of Erlong Lake; ─── 地质公园;古火山;流纹岩柱状节理;玄武岩柱状节理;叶赫古城遗址;二龙湖燕国古城遗址;

34、Banded Rhyolite ─── n. 带状流纹岩(岩浆岩)

35、Based on density, natural gamma and nature spectrum of logging response the andesite, rhyolite and tuff in this area can be divided clearly; ─── 测井响应中的密度、自然伽马、自然能谱可将该区的安山岩、流纹岩和凝灰岩很好的区分开;

36、igneous rock produced by eruption and solidified on or near the earth's surface; rhyolite or andesite or basalt ─── 产生于火山喷发的火成岩,在地表或接近地表的地方凝固;流纹岩或安山岩或玄武岩的

37、Keywords gold deposit rhyolite porphyry geological characteristics Tongling Ggichi Anhui; ─── 金矿;地质特征;斑岩型;安徽;铜陵-贵池;

38、The rock assemblages of the Bayinbuluke formation are mainly alkaline basalt-thick andesite-alkaline rhyolite. ─── 火山岩岩石组合以碱性玄武岩-粗安岩-碱性流纹岩为主。

39、The prismatic joint characteristics of the Mesozoic rhyolite of the Shanmen, Siping, Jilin Province and its origin significance ─── 吉林省四平市山门中生代流纹岩柱状节理特征及成因意义

40、The original rocks of the mineral deposit are rhyolite and tuff.Due to hydrothermal alteration under proper conditions the ore can be formed.It is also shown that the bentonites are calcareous ones. ─── 综合研究表明,该矿床是以流纹岩及凝灰岩为成矿原岩,在特定的条件下,经热液蚀变改造而形成的矿床。

41、, volcanic lava and pyroclastic rocks, of which the lithophysa rhyolite, pellets rhyolite and ignimbrite are favorable reservoirs.Lithofacies can be divided into 5 facies and 16 subfacies. ─── 研究表明:该区火山岩划分为火山熔岩和火山碎屑岩两大类,其中石泡流纹岩、球粒流纹岩及熔结凝灰岩为有利储层。

42、Integral rhyolite specimens have high compression strengths and obvious brittleness. ─── 完整的流纹岩抗压强度高且脆性特征明显;

43、Research of the Reservoir Physics Properties Characteristics of the Volcanic Rocks of Rhyolite Type ─── 流纹岩类火山岩储层物性特征研究

44、Stars streak behind the ruins of the Cook Bank building in the Nevada ghost town of Rhyolite as a Perseid meteor traces a near vertical line across the early morning sky on August 13, 2007. ─── 2007年8月13日,当英仙座流星雨以近乎直线的轨迹划过清晨的天空时,繁星在内华达州流纹岩鬼镇的库克银行废墟身后划出一条条光迹。

45、Large scale planar geological mapping, profiling survey and microfabric analyses proved that lithophysa structure was developed in rhyolite in Yingcheng coal mine area, Jiutai City. ─── 摘要通过大比例尺平面地质续图、剖面测量和显微组构分析,九台营城煤矿区流纹岩中石泡构造发育。

46、Six refractory elements mobility was studied for altered rhyolite weathering profile in Longtang,Guangxi. ─── 对广西龙塘蚀变流纹岩风化剖面中六个难溶元素的活动性进行了研究。

47、a type of the rhyolite. ─── 也是流纹岩的一种。

48、Typical felsic rocks include granite and rhyolite. ─── 典型的长英质岩石有花岗岩及与流纹岩。

49、Keywords Rare earths;Geochemistry;Rhyolite;Erdaogou glod deposit; ─── 稀土;地球化学;流纹岩;二道沟金矿床;

50、Raw materials include breccia,siliceous rhyolite,quartzite,jasper,agate,dacite,obsidian and crystal,with breccia and siliceous rock being the most important stone materials. ─── 两类细石核所采用的原料包括火山角砾岩、硅质岩、流纹岩、石英岩、碧玉、玛瑙、英安岩、黑曜岩及水晶等9种,以火山角砾岩和硅质岩为主,原料利用方面没有大的差别。

51、This material is a new find from Madagascar.The deposit formed as a rhyolite flow but has been completely silicified. ─── 海洋石是从马达加斯加发现的,它的沉积物是流纹岩,但已完全硅酸化。

52、Determination and Application of Mercury- injection Capillary Pressure Curve in the Volcanic Rocks of Rhyolite Type ─── 流纹岩类储层压汞毛管压力曲线测定和应用

53、Mountain mainly by rhyolite and tuff composition, there are local granite. ─── 山体主要由流纹岩和凝灰岩构成,局部有花岗岩。


55、Carboniferous volcanic rocks in Altay, Xinjiang, mainly exist in its northeastern part. They consist of rhyolite, dacite and cataclastlava. ─── 新疆阿尔泰石炭纪火山岩主要分布在东北部,主要由流纹岩、英安岩和碎斑熔岩组成。

56、soda rhyolite ─── 钠疗岩

57、Rhyolite with columnar joints has been found in the lower Cretaceous Yingcheng Formation, in an uplift area of the southeastern Songliao Basin. ─── 摘要松辽盆地东南隆起区下白垩统营城组出露柱状节理流纹岩。

58、Keywords rhyolite gas reservoir;full diameter rock;experimental data;gas-bearing saturation;slowness of rhyolite matrix; ─── 流纹岩;全直径岩心;实验数据;含气饱和度;流纹岩骨架时差;

59、The geologic features of the early Cretaceous rhyolite in the Shanmen area, Siping, Jilin province ─── 吉林省四平山门早白垩世流纹岩地质特征


61、Keywords Russia;uranium;Streltsovsky;rhyolite;granite; ─── 俄罗斯;铀;斯特列措夫;流纹岩;花岗岩;

62、The eruption of Chaiten is unique because it is one of the very few rhyolite eruptions that has occurred in the last 300 years (so, since the birth of modern geology). ─── 农委会特生中心与师大生命科学系合作调查发现,受污染比例已逾两成,如不及时控制,台湾画眉恐将灭种。台湾画眉基因渗漏现象,已引起国际重视。

63、Study on REE Geochemical Incipient Weathering of Altered Rhyolite in Longtang, Guangxi, China ─── 广西龙塘蚀变流纹岩风化作用初期稀土元素地球化学研究

64、Hydrocarbon reservoir is discovered in the Mesozoic rhyolite by drillin... ─── 经钻探,在该区中生界流纹岩中发现了油气藏。

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