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unavoidably 发音

英:[ˌʌnəˈvɔɪdəbli]  美:[ˌʌnəˈvɔɪdəbli]

英:  美:

unavoidably 中文意思翻译



unavoidably 反义词


unavoidably 同义词

ineluctable | obvious | obligatory | destined | certain | inexorable | necessary |inevitable | compulsory | sure | manifest | forced | inescapable | mandatory | required

unavoidably 相似词语短语

1、navigably ─── 适航的

2、unavoidability ─── n.不可避免性

3、avoidably ─── 避免地;逃避地;无效地

4、unavoidable ─── adj.不可避免的;不能废除的

5、unavailably ─── 不可用的

6、unadvisably ─── 不幸地

7、unfavourably ─── adv.不利地;不适宜地

8、avoidable ─── adj.可避免的;可作为无效的;可回避的

9、unaidable ─── 无法避免的

unavoidably 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The effect of path reliance and irreversible characteristic unavoidably exist in developing country"s economic system reform course in which the financial development is in the state of suppressing . ─── 发展中国家经济体制改革过程中不可避免地存在路径依赖效应和不可逆转的特征,金融发展处于抑制状态。

2、“because only constantly pursues the low cost, cheats on labor and materials unavoidably, `village in a mountainous area plate ' the quality definitely does not go through a strategic pass. ─── “由于只一味追求低成本,难免偷工减料,‘山寨平板’的质量肯定是不过关的。”

3、In such a competitive environment, Lenovo unavoidably face the strategy to choose again. ─── 在这样的竞争环境中,联想不可避免的面临又一次的战略抉择。

4、Eventhough the migrants has made great contribution for the economic development of cities,however,they also carried some negtive influence unavoidably. ─── 尽管民工对城市的经济发展做出了巨大贡献,然而他们也不可避免的带来了一些负面影响。

5、The following superficial, unavoidably incomplete and, in part, arbitrary chronology is meant, above all, to illustrate the interdisciplinary character of sexology. ─── 下述的性学研究大事年表是比较肤浅的、不可避免有不完善的和某些内容为一时兴起的,它意欲说明性学在本质上是多学科的。

6、But for adapting the modern life but carried on the bigger reformation, so become formalistic unavoidably, the likeness but absolute beings are not. ─── 但为适应现代生活而进行了较大的改造,因此不免流于形式,形似而神不似。

7、As a narrative production in the world of Chinese, South East Asian literature in Chinese language has unavoidably been influenced by both the classical and modern literatures of China. ─── 摘要作为汉语世界里的一种话语生产,东南亚华文文学难免受到汉语母体文学(古典或现代)的影响。

8、For assessor development is still unripe in our country, the materials of this field and research results are very limited, this text content is unavoidably not ripe and perfect enough. ─── 其次,保险法中尚无关于公估机构的管理规定,保险公估人的法律地位受到质疑,无序竞争中的公估市场主体不能得到法律制约。

9、40. People always examine and handle problems and express their views in the light of their own experience, and unavoidably they sometimes show a little one-sidedness. ─── 人们总是根据自己的经验来观察问题,处理问题,发表意见,有时候就难免带上一些片面性。

10、In this world, Whoever is burning for love, Unavoidably lives a lonely life. ─── 在这世界上谁渴望爱谁注定要孤独地生活。

11、After the Cold War, Ukraine'significant strategic location in the world geo-politics map predetermines her sandwiched position between the East and the West, and she unavoidably becomes the focal object of East-West competition. ─── 乌克兰在世界版图上重要的战略地位决定了它在冷战结束之后再度陷入东西方的战略夹缝中,成为东西方争夺的焦点。

12、When people unavoidably move, if it were you, while choosing the ideal household, which one is condition that you pay attention to most? ─── 人难免会有搬家的时候,如果是你,在选择理想住家时,哪一项是你最重视的条件?

13、Then, as you'll happily and unavoidably discover, all that "focus" business has a peculiar way of taking care of itself. ─── 然后你就会开心并且自然而然的发现,你需要的“关注”再也不是个问题了。

14、If you are working in the same office,you will almost meet him unavoidably. ─── 如果你们两个人在同一个办公室做事,你几乎免不了要遇见她.

15、Remaining in a state of confusion (ignorance), we, unavoidably, subject ourselves to this and that misfortunes and undesirable conditions. ─── 由于惑迷的状态(无明)继续存在,我们便不免要遭遇种种灾难和逆缘。

16、Unavoidably absent/delayed ─── 不得已而缺席[耽搁

17、I felt stunned by the awful event; and my memory unavoidably recurred to former times with a sort of oppressive sadness. ─── 这可怕的事件使我昏了头:我不可避免地怀着一种压抑的悲哀回忆起往日。

18、With emphasis on feasibility and efficiency, public decision-making is unavoidably confronted with various public value selections in the society. ─── 公共决策在注重决策科学性和决策效率的同时,必然面临社会的种种公共价值选择。

19、Nowadays, with the rapid development of modern cities, many conflicts unavoidably occur between city modernization and historic cultural landscape conservation. ─── 摘要当前,在城市化急速发展的背景下,城市现代化建设同历史文化保护之间不可避免地存在着许多矛盾。

20、Outliers exist in real dataset unavoidably,the detecting and eliminating of outlier is important in Data Mining. ─── 在现实数据集中不可避免地存在噪声,如何检测并去除噪声是数据挖掘中的一项重要研究内容。

21、One was presented by Nie Shuangjiang, Wang Zongmu, Wang Gen and Liu Jishan, which made investigating things almost completely in the area of consciousness, and ignored the direction of facing objectives unavoidably. ─── 一种以聂双江、王宗沐、王艮以及刘蕺山等人为代表,将“格物”完全收缩到自我意识的领域,不免取消了“格物”这一经典用语本身所具有的面对客观事物的致思方向。

22、Can have the setback unavoidably on the life path and rough, tumbled has not been fearful, fearful was again also could not crawl but actually. ─── 在人生的道路上难免会有挫折和坎坷,跌倒了并不可怕,可怕的是倒了再也爬不起来了。

23、The operation unavoidably caused the patient much pain. ─── 手术不免会导致病人更多的疼痛。

24、Simple marathon is unavoidably boring while simple entertainment just makes people decadent. ─── 单纯的马拉松难免枯燥,单纯的娱乐容易让人颓废。

25、Even if is American such economically advanced country, after the real estate develops excessively, also unavoidably injuries finally for the froth. ─── 即使是美国这样的经济发达国家,在房地产过度发展后,最终也难免为泡沫所伤。

26、Many patients simply did not know that the folk prescription, the proven prescription the medicine composition, uses muddleheaded, incurs the disaster unavoidably. ─── 很多患者根本不知道“偏方”、“验方”中的药物组成,稀里糊涂地使用,难免招致祸害。

27、The socialization of production will unavoidably cause the problem of re-socialization of the working subject. ─── 摘要生产的社会化必然带来生产主体的再社会化问题。

28、As a bridge connecting different cultures and peoples,translation unavoidably involves cultural misreading. ─── 作为跨文化交际的桥梁,翻译活动中不可避免地存在着文化间的误读。

29、Therefore, we suggest that you will let us have your order before further rises in costs, which will lead to a raise in prices very soon unavoidably. ─── 因此,建议贵方在零、部件再次涨价,并不可避免地引起成品涨价之前便向我方订货。

30、Ownership right and management right are separated in the modern enterprise system, which will unavoidably produce the issue of agency and agency cost. ─── 摘要现代企业制度下的所有权与经营权的分离,不可避免地会产生代理问题和代理成本。

31、The National Olympic Team displays bad at Beijing Olympic Games, takes one, stains side with such news, must encounter the question and the criticism unavoidably. ─── 国奥队在北京奥运会上表现糟糕,作为其中的一员,与这样的新闻沾上边,难免要遭到质疑和批评。

32、It is marvelous for China to have developed to such a high level in such a short time. Of course, unavoidably, we have many problems. ─── 中国能在这么短的时间内发展到这种水平确实是很了不起,当然,也不可避免地出现了很多问题。

33、Still, in the end, the interpretations of the oldest rocks in both Greenland and Australia are unavoidably complicated by the possibilities of both biological and nonbiological origins. ─── 截至目前为止,由于证据来源为生物或非生物均有可能,使得格陵兰与澳洲那些最古老的岩石仍然复杂难解。

34、As a bridge connecting different cultures and peoples, translation unavoidably involves cultural misreading. ─── 摘要作为跨文化交际的桥梁,翻译活动中不可避免地存在着文化间的误读。

35、Hydrogen arsenide released unavoidably during electrowinning with copper electrolyte purified conventionally pollutes the environment seriously. ─── 传统的铜电解后液净化方法电积时不可避免地析出砷化氢,严重污染环境。

36、Affected by various factors, Baoyu and EBEH OHEH exhibit tremendous tendency to be out of orientation, unavoidably they become nothing but "unnecessary man" of this sophisticated society. ─── “叛逆”是他们的主导性格,而“多余”则是他们不得不面对的宿命,同时也成为他们的非主导性格。

37、The geologist gave the quite optimistic appraisal regarding this plan, but still unavoidably had some risks. ─── 地质学家对于此计划给予相当乐观的评价,但是仍难免有一些风险。

38、What do drawing is saliva happy road no doubt, see drawing but unavoidably dim eyesight. ─── 做画的固然是津津乐道,看画的可就不免眼花。

39、The results are generally sensible and meaningful, anyway some of which are unavoidably discussable and ambiguous for the method defect of employing large samples. ─── 但突出了采用大样本进行研究的局限性,使得本文中的有些结果较模糊,需要进一步地进行深入细致地研究。

40、Mood general, next yearwill want the college entrance examination after all, therefore in theheart always unavoidably some troublesome, was disorderly, but alsosomewhat was unintelligible. ─── 心情一般,毕竟明年就要高考了,因此心里总不免有些烦琐、凌乱,还有些不知所云。

41、Meanwhile, as a Englishman, Macgowan unavoidably has many limitations, which made his many knowledge and cognitions self-contradictory, his way of "Christ Saved China" is also impracticable. ─── 同时,作为一个西方人,麦嘉湖不可避免地存在许多缺陷,使他的诸多理念和认识自相矛盾,他的基督教拯救中国的道路也根本行不通。

42、The author discovers that the view on the entity of Atomism unavoidably leads to the dichotomy of science reason and value reason. ─── 作者分析了“能力”观在理解科学理性和价值理性中的关键地位,由此揭示了近现代西方形而上学的原子主义实体观必然导致科学理性和价值理性的二分对立。

43、While grouting construction began, excavation also carded through inside the tunnel.This will unavoidably affect the stability and safety of the tunnel. ─── 在注浆加固施工的过程中,隧洞内也同时开挖,几种工序的施工扰动产生叠加,势必对隧道的稳定及安全产生影响。

44、There are unavoidably academic misconducts because of the information asymmetry of two parties, the incompleteness of contract and the limited rationality of human beings. ─── 学术失范是低投入、高收益的行为,并能形成“马太效应”。

45、inevitable, inevitably, desmodromic, necessarily, inescapably, unavoidable, inescapable, unavoidably ─── 必然的。不可避免的。(机械)强制运动的。强制的

46、In a word , the trained sagacity and untiring caution of himself were all he had to rely on, amid the critical risks he unavoidably ran . ─── 总之,在他所冒的不可避免的危险中,他除了自己那训练有素的机警和不懈的谨慎以外是一无所恃的。

47、“This bill misses the mark because it unavoidably leads to higher energy costs for businesses and consumers,” says Harman. ─── “这项法案忽略了商标,因为它不可避免地导致更高的能源成本为企业和消费者说: ”哈曼。

48、Secondly, in people"s eyes money becomes a dictator or God or a common denominator of all value unavoidably with interaction between money, money economy and the division of labor. ─── 另一方面,货币、货币经济和劳动分工,三者互相利用,互相促进,最终货币成了独裁者,不可避免地成为了个体心目中的上帝以及一切价值的公分母。

49、Japanese culture sprouted under the strong radiation of Chinese culture, has already take the characteristic of parent's culture unavoidably. ─── 在汉字文化的强烈辐射下萌发的日本文化,也就不可避免地带上母体文化的特征。

50、But, unavoidably, taxes must also go up. ─── 但不可避免的是,税收也必将随之增加。

51、Go out and then is outside to miss home unavoidably, if them can travel one side of one side with own folk together that person is born with is perfectly satisfactory. ─── 出门再外难免会想家,如果他们可以一边旅游一边和自己的家人在一起那人生就是美满。

52、The "taxi driver is hundred-percent American , see that so many Japan vehicle exceeds self USA vehicle , add that Japanese language flippant and impudent, some are unavoidably annoyed. ─── “出租车司机是百分之百的美国人,看见那么多日本车超过自己的美国车,加上那个日本人张狂的语言,不免有些恼火。

53、Certainly, places the keenest struggle, unavoidably by the person tree will always be the simulated enemy, will take the struggle object. ─── 当然,身处风口浪尖,总难免会被人树为假想敌,作为斗争对象。

54、Using for reference to the successful experiences of the other countries, contacting with the reality of our country, the business scope of our state commercial banks should be from separate operation to mixed operation unavoidably. ─── 借鉴他国的成功经验,结合我国实际,国有商业银行从分业经营走向混业经营不可避免。

55、The emergence of China has unavoidably led to short-term disruptions in the economies of many countries. ─── 中国的崛起对一些国家的经济产生短期的负面影响是不可避免的。

56、In a word, the trained sagacity and untiring caution of himself were all he had to rely on, amid the critical risks he unavoidably ran ─── 总之,在他所冒的不可避免的危险中,他除了自己那训练有素的机警和不懈的谨慎以外是一无所恃的。

57、Diligent everybody will make the action which unavoidably some will do smile. ─── 勤奋的大家难免会做出一些搞笑的举动。

58、There will be mistake and the contradictory point unavoidably, I hope that we can deliberate and criticize together. ─── 其中难免有错误和矛盾的地方,希望大家一起研讨和批评。

59、In this process, the translator, acting the role of a reader of the source text and also a writer of the target text, will unavoidably add something subjective in his translation. ─── 在这个过程中,译者要把自己作为读者对原文的理解在另一种文化中表达出来,就会不可避免的加入了自己的主观性的东西。

60、I was unavoidably delayed. ─── 我无奈被耽搁了。

61、But now the freight forwarding enterprises are unavoidably facing the cutthroat competition after China got the membership in World Trade Organization (WTO). ─── 伴随外经贸的发展,面临加入WTO以后市场的激烈竞争压力,货代企业的发展机遇和挑战并存。

62、Language testing unavoidably has potential effects or washback, either positive or negative, upon instruction and learning. ─── 摘要语言测试对课堂教学和学习总是存在不同程度的积极或消极的影响,即反拨作用。

63、But unavoidably, the heart forms , what may melt rain , wrong wrong kermes button. ─── 无奈心结,何堪化雨,错错胭脂扣。

64、Just put blame on a horary hand unavoidably, love each other to write once love each other. ─── 只是难免埋怨时间的手,把相爱写成相爱过。

65、On this issue there is a section of anti-Japanese writers and artists who do not agree with us,so the range of unity will unavoidably be somewhat more limited. ─── 在这一点上,有一部分抗日的文艺家就不赞成,因此团结的范围就不免要小一些。

66、For a century, the literary evolution has become a dominant theory in approach to the history of literature, which unavoidably brings about the literary centralization. ─── 摘要近百年来,支配我们文学史研究的是一种进化论文学史观,它必然带来一元化的结果。

67、Promulgates this kind of truth: "Perhaps we by no means all are the lucky fellow, always unavoidably receives like this, such setback puzzle, but our each people all may grasp own life. ─── 揭示出这样一个道理:“或许我们并非都是幸运儿,总不免受到这样、那样挫折的困扰,但我们每个人都可以掌握自己的人生。

68、And even this impact should be viewed skeptically: it unavoidably bundles CEO actions that were genuinely smart and skillful with those that were merely lucky. ─── 对于这一效应也应带着怀疑的目光去看待:这必须把CEO的真正是明智的、灵巧的举动和只是靠运气的举动捆绑起来。

69、As somebody who has been through passerby, Yao Ming wants to give Brother Liu Wei unavoidably to kibitz. ─── 作为过来人,姚明免不了要给兄弟刘炜支支招。

70、So a combat broke out unavoidably. ─── 于是一场争斗不可避免地爆发了。

71、Many people think it is because the large amounts of non-audit services which damage the independence of Arthur Andersen that unavoidably lead to audit failure. ─── 不少人认为,正是由于安达信向安然提供的大量非审计服务导致其独立性的丧失,从而不可避免的引致了审计失败。

72、However team spokesperson's what one says actually lets the human somewhat worry unavoidably: Yi Jianlian in the training wai the left ankle area, will have absented 7-10 day-long training. ─── 不过球队发言人的一席话却让人不免有些担心:易建联在训练中崴了左脚踝,将缺席7-10天的训练。

73、The friend separates has moved unavoidably, has shears shed not under the sentiment, has the leaving pain. ─── 朋友分开难免有伤感,有割舍不下的情,有离别的痛。

74、, still the idol were at that time massive runs to revolutionizes the theme play, also unavoidably lets the audience at first a little with difficulty adapt. ─── 所以,当时尚偶像大量“跑”到革命题材剧时,也难免让观众在最初有点难以适应。这个时候,就要看导演的功力。

75、My memory unavoidably recurred to former times with a sort of oppressive sadness ─── 我不可避免地怀着一种压抑的悲哀回忆往日。

76、China is in the period from traditional society to modem society, because concept change sharply, politics participate in channel's obstruction, will suffer to the legitimacy crisis unavoidably. ─── 摘要中国正处在传统社会向现代社会的过渡时期,由于思想观念的急剧变化、政治参与渠道受阻等因素,不可避免地道受到合法性危机。

77、State and social elite create the public order which involves Hui people unavoidably. ─── 国家和社会精英创造了公共秩序,并使得这一扶序渗透到了回民社会中。

78、Denervation will unavoidably result in atrophy of the innervated muscles, apoptosis is considered to be one of the atrophy mechanisms. ─── 摘要骨骼肌失去神经支配后将不可避免地发生萎缩,细胞凋亡被认为是其中的机制之一。

79、First, they fail to understand men, as things of natural existance, unavoidably have certain animal properties so that they deny the reasonableness of evil's occurence and existance. ─── 原因是他们没有从历史的哲学的角度来认真考察这一理论:其一,他们不能理解作为“自然存在物”的人具有无法摆脱的“动物性”,从而否定了恶的起源及存在的合理性;

80、To citify the identities of migrant rural workers is unavoidably an integral part of sound urbanization, and also an essential part of socialism harmonious society. ─── 摘要农民工市民化是城镇化健康发展的必然要求,也是构建和谐社会的重要内容。

81、PT Fong unavoidably wants to question Supp. Is this the party spirit in “serving people"? ─── 房保德不免要问,难道这就是人联党"为民服务"的精神?

82、Perhaps unavoidably, the stance taken by Amnesty's increasingly autonomous national chapters in the domestic affairs of their countries is decidedly political. ─── 或许不可避免地,大赦国际日益自主的国家分会在各自国家的内政事务上的所持有的立场是明确政治化的。

83、I have been unavoidably prevented from coming. ─── 我身不由己,不能前来。

84、I was unavoidably delayed. ─── 我无奈被耽搁了。

85、However, as a result of the class struggle rather than social contract, the state unavoidably becomes a tool, with which the ruling class plays its own game. ─── 但是,因为国家不是社会契约的结果,而是阶级斗争的结果,因此,国家不免成为在阶级斗争中获胜的统治阶级的工具。

86、In China, small industrial enterprises generally adopt paternalistic management and unavoidably have bureaucratic airs. ─── 我国小型工业企业较普遍地存在着家长式管理及官僚主义现象 ,即职工素质低 ,组织机构臃肿 ,各部门责、权、利不清等问题。

87、Denervation will unavoidably result in atrophy of the innervated muscles, apoptosis is considered to be one of the atrophy mechanisms. ─── 骨骼肌失去神经支配后将不可避免地发生萎缩,细胞凋亡被认为是其中的机制之一。

88、Postmodern brings a vaguous dual heritage to the psychology and thus metatheory will unavoidably confront many uncontrollable and contradictory difficulties. ─── 后现代主义给心理学带来了一笔模糊的二重性遗产,其元理论成果同样面临着许多难以克服的、自相矛盾的处境和陷阱。

89、If every time you requested something, I immediately accomplished it right in front of you, my ego would unavoidably grow bigger and bigger. ─── 如果每次你们要求什么,我就马上在你们面前弄给你们看的话,我的我执难免会越长越大。

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