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09-18 投稿


scarious 发音

英:[[s'keərɪəs]]  美:[[s'keərɪrs]]

英:  美:

scarious 中文意思翻译



scarious 词性/词形变化,scarious变形

异体字: scariose |

scarious 相似词语短语

1、scabious ─── n.山萝卜;山萝卜属植物;adj.感染疥癣的;结痂的

2、sanious ─── adj.腐脓液的

3、vicarious ─── adj.替代的;代理的;发同感的

4、curious ─── adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的

5、ovarious ─── 子房

6、carious ─── adj.龋的;骨疡性的;腐烂的

7、-arious ─── 五花八门的

8、scorious ─── 轻蔑的

9、corious ─── 革质的

scarious 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、bracts initially small, 1 bract becoming much enlarged in fruit, scarious, reticulate veined; ─── 最初小的苞片,1苞片非常放大在果期,干膜质,网状的脉;

2、Calyx cylindric, apically 5-toothed, veins 7, 9, or 11, without scarious commissures. ─── 圆筒状的花萼,顶部5齿,脉7,9,或11,没有干膜质接合点。

3、scarious bracts; a scarious tongue. ─── 干膜质苞片;干鳞状舌

4、bracts setiform, scarious, basal one ca. 2.5 mm. ─── 苞片刚毛状的,干膜质,基部的那个约2.5毫米。

5、Inflorescences of solitary or clustered flowers subtended by scarious bracts and bracteoles. ─── 单生或簇生花的花序以干膜质的苞片和小苞片被包着。

6、Petals almost free, broadly ovate, densely punctate, glabrous, margin hyaline, scarious, entire, apex long attenuate. ─── 几乎花瓣离生,宽卵形,浓密具点,,边缘透明,干膜质,全缘,渐狭的先端长。

7、bracteoles slightly shorter than sepals, scarious. ─── 小苞片稍短于萼片,干膜质。

8、Inflorescence spicate, terminal, bracts with a scarious margin, bracteoles absent. ─── 花序穗状,顶生,苞片边缘干膜质,无小苞片。

9、Bracts subulate to linear-lanceolate, rarely to 1.2 cm, membranous, scarious, or subherbaceous with scarious margin, 1--5-veined, or veinless, or bracts absent. ─── 苞片钻形的到线状披针形,很少对1.2厘米,膜质,干膜质,或近草本具干膜质边缘,1--5脉,或,或苞片无。(5

10、pericarp thin, scarious, indehiscent. ─── 果皮薄,干膜质,不裂。

11、tunic grayish white to yellowish brown or pale lilac-gray, membranous or scarious, usually entire. ─── 鳞茎皮浅灰色的白色到淡黄色棕色或浅紫丁香灰色,膜质或干膜质,通常全缘。

12、1 Styles connate, 5-branched; stigmas on inner surface of style branches; calyx herbaceous or membranous only between ribs, never scarious, without inflated or expanded limb; corolla with long tube. ─── 花柱合生,5分开;在花柱分枝的内部表面上的柱头;只在棱之间的花萼草质的或膜质,从未干膜质,没有膨大的或膨大的瓣片;花冠具长筒部。(2

13、Styles 5; stigmas terminal, depressed capitate or terete; calyx limb scarious, inflated or expanded; corolla with petals connate only at base. ─── 花柱5;柱头顶生,下凹的或圆柱状;萼檐干膜质,膨大的或膨大;花冠具花瓣合生的只在基部。(4

14、Pedicels densely short hairy; fruit covered with stiffly scarious-processes and short hairs along ribs. ─── 浓密的花梗短有毛;沿着棱硬为干膜质的突起和短毛所覆盖的果。

15、upper lip ovate to oblate, scarious, decurrent into tube, margin reflexed; ─── 上唇卵形到扁球形,干膜质,下延进筒部,边缘;

16、bracts persistent, scarious. ─── 苞片宿存,干膜质。

17、bracts absent;rays numerous;bracteoles several, ovate-lanceolate, margin scarious. ─── 苞片无伞辐多数小苞片几,卵状披针形,边缘干膜质。

18、Outer leaves deep reddish brown when dry, not scarious; bracts elliptic to oblong, longer than pedicel. ─── 干燥时的外部叶深的红棕色,不干膜质;苞片椭圆形到长圆形,长于花梗。

19、Flowers often solitary, subtended by a scarious bract and enclosed at base by 2 short bracteoles; ─── 花通常单生,2短以干膜质苞片和内藏在基部被包着;

20、Flowers unisexual (plants monoecious or dioecious);bracts and bracteoles small, scarious. ─── 苞片和小苞片小,干膜质。

21、Sepals usually (rarely not) incrassate at base, veins usually obvious (rarely not); leaf blade variously shaped, margin and apex not incrassate, or margin scarious, apex spinose when blade aristate. ─── 萼片通常(很少不)的增厚的在基部,脉通常明显(很少不);叶片形状各异,不增厚的边缘和先端,或边缘干膜质,当叶片具芒时先端具刺。(13

22、each flower with 1 bract and 2 bracteoles, scarious. ─── 花两性每花具1苞片和2小苞片,干膜质。

23、ligules scarious, ca. 0.2 mm, margin ciliate; ─── 干膜质的叶舌,大约0.2毫米,边缘具缘毛;

24、Outer leaves whitish, scarious when dry; bracts ovate to ovate-oblong, shorter than pedicel. ─── 带白色,干膜质的外部叶干燥时;苞片卵形到卵状长圆形,短于花梗。

25、bracts present or absent, when present herbaceous, membranous, or scarious, persistent or caducous. ─── 苞片宿存或无,当存在时草质,膜质,或者干膜质,宿存或早落。

26、stipules mostly adnate to petiole, scarious, abaxially farinaceous and villous, apex long caudate; ─── 大多为的托叶贴生于叶柄,干膜质,背面谷粉制和具长柔毛,顶长尾状;

27、staminodes scarious, opposite to the perianth lobes, or absent. ─── 退化雄蕊干膜质,与花被裂片对生,或者无。

28、Tepals 5, rarely 4, free, herbaceous, often with transparent scarious margins. ─── 花被片5,很少4,离生,草本,经常具透明的干膜质边缘。

29、Petiole sheath narrow, scarious; ─── 叶柄鞘狭窄,干膜质;

30、ocrea ca. 2 cm, glabrous or muricate, scarious when dry, clasping. ─── 托叶鞘约2厘米,干燥时无毛或者粗糙,干膜质,抱茎。

31、Cyme subumbellate, few flowered;bracts with narrowly scarious margin. ─── 狭的苞片具干膜质边缘。

32、Sepals 2, free or basally connate, herbaceous or scarious. ─── 萼片2,离生或者基部合生,草质或干膜质。

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