jurisdictional 发音
英:[ˌdʒʊrɪsˈdɪkʃənl] 美:[ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃənl]
英: 美:
jurisdictional 中文意思翻译
jurisdictional 短语词组
1、jurisdictional limits ─── [法] 管辖限度, 管辖范围
2、jurisdictional immunity ─── [法] 管辖豁免
3、jurisdictional amount ─── 管辖金额
4、jurisdictional disputes ─── [法] 管辖争执
5、jurisdictional principle ─── 管辖权原则
6、jurisdictional system ─── [法] 管辖制度, 管辖系统
7、jurisdictional privileges ─── [法] 管辖特权
8、households registry jurisdictional ─── [法] 户口管辖区
9、jurisdictional right ─── 管辖权
10、jurisdictional protocol ─── 司法程序
11、jurisdictional dispute ─── 管辖权争端
12、jurisdictional competence ─── 管辖权
13、jurisdictional privilege ─── 司法特权
14、jurisdictional agency ─── [法] 司法代理, 管辖机构
15、jurisdictional area ─── [法] 管辖区域
16、jurisdictional plea ─── 司法抗辩
17、jurisdictional conflict ─── 管辖权冲突
18、jurisdictional princple ─── [法] 管辖权准则, 司法权准则
jurisdictional 词性/词形变化,jurisdictional变形
副词: jurisdictionally |形容词: jurisdictional |
jurisdictional 相似词语短语
1、jurisdictions ─── n.司法管辖区;行政辖区(jurisdiction的复数)
2、indictional ─── 起诉书
3、jurisdictionally ─── 司法上
4、benedictional ─── adj.赐福的;使人幸福的
5、bisectional ─── 对分
6、dictional ─── 措辞的
7、jurisdiction ─── n.司法权,审判权,管辖权;权限,权力
8、jurisdictive ─── 管辖的
9、antifrictional ─── 减摩
jurisdictional 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In section three, on the basisof analysis of the jurisdictional basis, the writer proposes the principals which should be insisted in setting up the judicial jurisdiction of the electronic contract. ─── 第三节在对管辖基础进行分析的基础上提出了确立电子合同司法管辖权时应坚持的原则。
2、One large Provincial Ministry (in Canada) uses OST for various types of gatherings, from financial planning, IT implementation, cross jurisdictional community building, establishing communities of practice with regard to agility. ─── 在加拿大的一个省政府运用开放空间的科技在各种集会场合当中,从财务规划会议、资讯科技实行会议、跨司法职业的共同体建立、专业社群的建立等等。
3、a party's strict legal rights,excluding jurisdictional,personal,or technical aspects ─── 一个政党的绝对法律权威,不包括司法、私人或技术等方面
4、jurisdictional rule of reason ─── 合理管辖规则
5、Test periodically as required by local jurisdictional authorities. Replace internal components every five years. ─── 按照当地主管机关的要求进行定期检测。每个五年更换阀内件。
6、Yellow lawyer expresses, did not allude in the contract that he and Baidu Shenzhen branch sign jurisdictional . ─── 黄律师则表示,他与百度深圳分公司签订的合同中未提及管辖权。
7、China should use "place of the court session according to prosecutor" and "minimum contacts principle" as supplement of establishment of standard of jurisdictional power so as... ─── 笔者认为,我国可以将"被告就原告"&"最低限度联系"原则作为一种管辖权确立标准之补充,适用于网络纠纷之中。
8、jurisdictional coverage network ─── 管区覆盖网
9、Kunming quadrangle is done not have to case of Tan annals Wei jurisdictional. ─── 昆明中院对谭志伟案件没有管辖权。
10、While the challenges are many in policing an Indian reservation, jurisdictional clarity, and geography may be the toughest ─── 然而对于治理印度的挑战是多方面的,比如治安,司法明确,其地势也是最强硬的
11、jurisdictional privileges ─── [法] 管辖特权
12、Singapore and South Korea both recently relaxed restrictions on multi-jurisdictional work. ─── 新加坡和韩国最近都在放宽外国律师跨法域执业的工作限制。
13、The local administrative departments of civil servants above the county level shall take charge of the comprehensive administration of civil servants within the jurisdictional divisions thereof. ─── 县级以上地方各级公务员主管部门负责本辖区内公务员的综合管理工作。
14、On Principles of Solving Criminal Jurisdictional Conflicts among the Legal Territory in Contemporary China ─── 当代中国区际刑事管辖冲突解决原则检讨
15、When any jurisdictional dispute arises between local copyright administrative departments or the jurisdiction is unspecified, the disputed parties shall negotiate for solution; ─── 地方著作权行政管理部门因管辖权发生争议或者管辖不明时,由争议双方协商解决;
16、Our country has made a great effort to restrict death penalty in legislating and jurisdictional process, and achieved a big progress, but there are still some affairs that can not be neglected. ─── 我国在立法及司法方面对限制死刑适用进行了诸多努力,并取得了重大进步,但其存在的问题也是不容忽视的。
17、His story.Bonaparte had been tasked by President Teddy Roosevelt to help battle a growing wave of crime and corruption that was often beyond the jurisdictional reach of state and local authorities. ─── 当时为了应对当时不断增长的犯罪浪潮和腐败现象(尽管这在当时被认为是州等地方政府与地方司法机关的权限),罗斯福总统授权波拿帕特去采取措施作些辅助性工作。
18、Last month, american confederative Court of Cassation already expressed to be done not have to this case jurisdictional. ─── 上个月,美国联邦上诉法院已暗示对于此案件并没有管辖权。
19、But Baidu is right of this case jurisdictional raised objection, point out in its fair shown pattern contract already agreed produce a case by Beijing court administer. ─── 但百度对该案的管辖权提出了异议,指出在其公示的格式合同已约定发生案件由北京法院管辖。
20、The jurisdictional amount is set by statute and is currently $80,000. ─── 案件标的管辖权由法律规定,目前是80,000美元。
21、Because of the stringent federal jurisdictional requirements under the Act, most Magnuson-Moss lawsuits are brought in state court. ─── 因为这个法案规定了严厉的联邦斯司法管辖权要求,大部分有关马格纳森-莫斯的诉讼都在州法院提起。
22、V.All port drug administrations and port drug inspection offices shall, according to the respective actual circumstances, determine their respective jurisdictional scope and functions. ─── 五、各口岸药品监督管理局和口岸药品检验所根据所在口岸城市的具体情况,分别确定管辖范围和工作分工。
23、It is to show court of two above people has jurisdictional when, accuser can choose among them court of a people mentions lawsuit of politics of start on a journey. ─── 是指两个以上人民法院都有管辖权时,原告可以选择其中一个人民法院提起行政诉讼。
24、Judicial Consideration on Jurisdictional Interpretation ─── 对司法解释的法理思考
25、It has political power of clear legislative, travel and jurisdictional idea. ─── 它有明确的立法权、行政权与司法权的概念。
26、jurisdictional data ─── 司法材料
27、jurisdictional disputes ─── [法] 管辖争执
28、The strategy to these challenges is to reconstruct jurisdictional bases. ─── 应对这一挑战的策略是重构管辖权根据。
29、# 4 Check (quickly) for the use of jurisdictional means. ─── # 4支票(快) ,为使用司法手段。
30、This issue could become part of the emerging omnibus energy bill rather than part of the new farm bill, due largely to jurisdictional problems. ─── 由于管辖权方面的问题,这一事项将会归入公共汽车能源法案中,而不会归入新的农业法案中。
31、Since the system of jurisdictional immunities of states came into being, most countries in the world have undergone the transfer from absolute immunity to limited immunity. ─── 摘要国家管辖豁免制度形成之后,世界上大多数国家都经历了从绝对豁免立场向限制豁免立场的转变。
32、It should be noted that the APA itself cannot supply the jurisdictional basis for nonstatutory review; ─── 此外应当指出,《行政程序法》本身不能提供非法定审查的管辖基础;
33、The jurisdictional amount is set by statute and is currently $80000. ─── 案件标的管辖权由法律规定,目前是80000美元。
34、A rural land contract arbitration commission may be established in a county or un-districted city, or in a districted city or a jurisdictional area thereof. ─── 农村土地承包仲裁委员会可以在县和不设区的市设立,也可以在设区的市或者其市辖区设立。
35、jurisdictional issues ─── 司法问题
36、jurisdictional agency ─── 权力机构
37、jurisdictional immunity of foreign state vessels ─── 外国国家船舶的司法管辖豁免
38、Governance has jurisdictional boundaries with programs as well as at the enterprise level. ─── 治理具有程序和企业级的管辖边界。
39、The judge requests to make adjudication to Nuojiya's appeal, the court is besides Holand jurisdictional without judicatory. ─── 法官对于诺基亚的申诉哀求做出裁决,法院在荷兰之外没有司法管辖权。
40、Article 7 To establish or broaden a railway crossing or crosswalk, the applicant shall file an application to the administrative institution of railways with the jurisdictional power. ─── 第七条设置或拓宽铁路道口、人行过道,申请人应当向有管辖权的铁路管理机构提出申请。
41、Issues of jurisdictional immunity of State and its property are very old but important both in theory and practice. ─── 国家及其财产的管辖豁免是一个重大的理论和实践问题。
42、jurisdictional system ─── [法] 管辖制度, 管辖系统
43、Pending examination or reconsideration of a jurisdictional challenge, the enforcement shall continue. ─── 管辖权异议审查和复议期间,不停止执行。
44、Current, court of people of blessing cropland division is jurisdictional to Baidu demur is to deny hold water to had not made a ruling. ─── 目前,福田区人民法院对百度管辖权异议是否成立还没有作出裁定。
45、The world famous off-coast jurisdictional areas include British Virgin Islands,Cayman Islands and Anguilla Islands etc. ─── 世界上著名的离岸管辖区有英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛、安圭拉群岛等岛屿和地区。
46、jurisdictional demission ─── 司法解散
47、On the basis of the popularity of jurisdictional technology, how to apply the law of experience has become a totally new task. ─── 摘要基于司法技术的民众化取向,如何运用经验法则这一传统资源成为一个当前司法改革的崭新课题。
48、The jurisdiction of ICC consists of a set of jurisdictional principles, conditions and process based on the complementary jurisdiction. ─── 国际刑事法院的管辖权是以补充性管辖原则为基础的一系列管辖原则、管辖条件和程序。
49、jurisdictional immunities of states and their property ─── 国家及其财产豁免
50、Taking this into account, the author tries to analyze this important problem about jurisdictional conflict, so as to seek proper approaches to solve jurisdictional conflicts in this field. ─── 所以,本文拟对这一重要的管辖权冲突问题进行分析,并寻求解决冲突的合理途径。
51、jurisdictional immunity of foreign heads of states ─── 外国国家元首的司法管辖豁免
52、jurisdictional interpretation ─── 司法解释
53、jurisdictional limits ─── [法] 管辖限度, 管辖范围
54、Under the new regime, transactions that trigger the jurisdictional thresholds are subject to a suspension obligation and cannot be closed before clearance by the Chinese merger control authority. ─── 根据新的制度,引发司法程序启动的交易的标准值规定企业有义务暂停兼并,且不能在中国合并管制机构查清前关闭。
55、Current, court of people of blessing cropland division is jurisdictional to Baidu demur is to deny hold water to had not made a ruling. ─── 目前,福田区人民法院对百度管辖权异议是否成立还没有作出裁定。
56、Secondly, it promotes the realization of jurisdictional justice. ─── 二是其作为诉讼公正实现机制的价值;
57、In this view, government is little different from another producer in the overall economy, and law is the product.Regulatory competition across jurisdictional lines is therefore inevitable. ─── 依此观之,负责制定法律规范的政府几与一般市场上之生产者无异,而不同政府间自然就会有规范竞争的情形产生。
58、jurisdictional facts ─── 管辖(权)事实
59、jurisdictional immunity of foreign states ─── 外国国家的司法管辖豁免
60、jurisdictional princple ─── [法] 管辖权准则, 司法权准则
61、Administer the concerned regulation of legal laws and regulations according to Internet, the server is in the position, it is the only basis with clear jurisdictional administration. ─── 根据互联网管理法律法规的有关规定,服务器所在位置,是明确行政管辖权的唯一依据。
62、Test periodically as required by local jurisdictional authorities. ─── 按照当地主管部门的要求进行定期检测。
63、President of Court of Jurisdictional Dispute ─── 司法分歧法院
64、Notice of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce about Some Adjustments to the Jurisdictional Scope for the Registration of Foreign-invested Enterprises [Effective] ─── 国家工商行政管理总局关于调整部分外商投资企业登记管辖范围的通知[现行有效]
65、The Faults and the Reform of the Jurisdictional System of Administrative Reconsideration ─── 我国行政复议管辖体制的缺陷与重构
66、jurisdictional immunity of diplomatic representatives ─── 外国国家外交代表的司法管辖豁免
67、jurisdictional immunity ─── [法] 管辖豁免
68、"This jurisdictional split threatens to for ever stand in the way of rationalising the regulation of these products and markets, " he said. ─── 他说:“管理权的分裂阻碍了这些产品和市场监管的合理化。”
69、jurisdictional matters ─── 管辖事项
70、Then responds the former four chapters, finally puts proposition on perfecting Chinese relevant legislation and the resolving jurisdictional conflicts in transnational insolvency. ─── 回应前四章的内容,最终对我国有关跨国破产管辖权立法的完善和管辖权冲突的解决提出建议。
71、Incorporation of the Two Cases in Xi'an Jurisdictional Area into the Outsourcing of Central Bank's Financial Services ─── 从人民银行西安辖区两个案例看中央银行部分金融服务业务的外包
72、The Jurisdictional Issues on the Court of Arbitration for Sport ─── 国际体育仲裁中的管辖权问题研究
73、Issues of jurisdictional immunity of State and its property are very old but important both in theory and practice. ─── 摘要国家及其财产的管辖豁免是一个重大的理论和实践问题。
74、maritime jurisdictional disputes ─── 海洋管辖争议
75、The New Progress in the Rules of International jurisdictional immunity of Individual Criminal Liability ─── 个人国际刑事责任管辖豁免规则的新发展
76、Analysis on the Issues about Government- owned Entities and the Judgement of A Commercial Transaction in Jurisdictional Immunities of States and Their Property ─── 浅析国家及其财产管辖豁免中关于国有企业和商业行为判断的问题
77、The use of jurisdictional uncertainties to try and evade liability is not a new one. ─── 利用司法制度的不明确来尝试及逃避责任不是新鲜的事。
78、A Dicussion on the Soldiers Commanded by the Officers of Military Jurisdictional Area of Wei and Jin Dynasty ─── 也谈魏晋都督将军所统之兵
79、In December 2008, court of blessing cropland district makes a ruling, the jurisdictional objection that cognizance Baidu company raises does not hold water. ─── 2008年12月,福田区法院作出裁定,认定百度公司提出的管辖权异议不成立。
80、A party's strict legal rights, excluding jurisdictional, personal, or technical aspects. ─── 法律权力一个政党的绝对法律权威,不包括司法、私人或技术等方面
81、Vashon Island School District No. 402 and Vashon-Maury Parks and Recreation District share the same jurisdictional boundaries and therefore the same number of registered voters. ─── 第402号瓦逊校区及瓦逊-莫妮公园及康乐区拥有同一区域界限及同等数字的登记选民。
82、"In the event of a jurisdictional dispute between two or more people's courts, it shall be resolved by the disputing parties through consultation; ─── 人民法院之间因管辖权发生争议,由争议双方协商解决;
83、Readings that explore legal and jurisdictional dynamics of cities, the nexus between cities and nations, and the relations between or ethnic, racial, religious, or class identities, cities, and/or nations. ─── 2透过阅读来探讨城市在法律与司法上的动向、城市与国家间的关系、以及种族、文化、宗教、阶级认同、城市、与国家间的关系。
84、Environmental permitting is inefficient, rife with redundancy, agency overlap, and jurisdictional issues. ─── 环保审批程序效率低下,人浮于事、机构重叠和管辖权混乱等问题严重。
85、Study on proof losing-right system has attracted a lot attention of people in theoretical and jurisdictional field. ─── 因此,理论界和司法实践部门都密切关注证据失权制度的研究。
86、criminal procedure jurisdictional ─── 刑事诉讼管辖
87、IDB; Inter-American Draft Convention on Jurisdictional Immunity of State; ─── 关于国家管辖豁免的美洲公约草案;
88、households registry jurisdictional ─── [法] 户口管辖区
89、The jurisdictional amount is set bt statute and is currently $80,000. ─── 案件标的管辖权由法律规定,目前是80,000美元.
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