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09-18 投稿


mathematically 发音

英:[ˌmæθəˈmætɪkli]  美:[ˌmæθəˈmætɪkli]

英:  美:

mathematically 中文意思翻译



mathematically 网络释义

adv. 算术地,数学上地

mathematically 词性/词形变化,mathematically变形

异体字: mathematic |副词: mathematically |

mathematically 短语词组

1、mathematically speaking ─── 从数学上讲

2、sets of points mathematically ─── 数学上的点集

3、mathematically similar ─── 数学上相似

4、mathematically oriented ─── 以数学为导向

5、mathematically informed ─── 数学信息

6、mathematically inclined ─── 数学上倾斜的

7、mathematically demanding ─── 数学要求很高

8、mathematically identical ─── 数学上相同

mathematically 相似词语短语

1、atheistically ─── 无神论

2、apothegmatically ─── 肉毒杆菌

3、schematically ─── adv.计划性地;按照图式

4、athematically ─── 无神论的

5、mathematical ─── adj.数学的,数学上的;精确的

6、thematically ─── adv.主题上;主题方面

7、asthmatically ─── adv.运作不良地

8、bathetically ─── 洗澡的

9、pathetically ─── adv.可怜地;感伤地;悲哀地;情绪上地

mathematically 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Another formalism mathematically equivalent to regular expressions, Finite automata are used in circuit design and in some kinds of problem-solving. ─── 另一数学形式等价于正则表达式,有限的自动控制用于循环设计和一些问题的的解决。

2、From above we can conclude that the break-even point can be computed mathematically, but the break-even chart is also widely used. ─── 从上面可以看出,均衡点可以通过数学计算求得,但均衡图仍广泛使用。

3、You may imagine, correctly, that all this is mathematically daunting. (Mercifully, Ms Athey provides a summary in plainish language on her homepage. ─── 你可以适当的想象到所有的一切都只是来自数据方面的震慑。

4、These various points can be mathematically deduced, and will, in some future of yours, serve as contact points, taking the place of space travel in some cases. ─── 可以对这些不同的点进行数学演绎,并在你们将来的某个时候,它们将被用作联络点,以在某些情形中取代太空旅行。

5、Digital signatures require the use of two distinct but mathematically-related encryption keys known as a public key and a private key. ─── 数字签名需要使用两个密钥一个是公钥一个是私钥。

6、If we win it's mathematically possible but they're still in the driving seat. ─── 如果我们胜了,理论上我们还有可能,而他们却仍然还得为冠军努力。”

7、He breakfasted and dined at the club at hours mathematically fixed in the same room at the same table never taking his meals with other members much less bringing a guest with him; ─── 他在俱乐部里吃饭,吃饭的时间制定的十分精确,在相同的房间,相同的桌子用餐。他从来不和俱乐部里其他成员一起吃饭,更不用说带来一位客人了。

8、The Petzval's portrait lens is the first mathematically calculated lens. ─── 佩兹伐人像镜头是最早的数学计算镜头。

9、There are at least two considerations which make such a scheme both mathematically and logically infeasible. ─── 至少有两点需要说明的是,无论从数学上还是逻辑上这样的计划都是不可行的。

10、In this paper, the formative mechanics of the sandwich holograhic contour is analysed and discussed, the space turning effect of the sandwich holographic contour is explained physically, and described mathematically. ─── 对夹层全息等高线的形成机理进行了分析和讨论,并对其空间旋转效应应给出了物理解释及数学描述.

11、Therefore intergrating improved perceptional structures, enhanced Mathematical mental qualities and increased intelligence quotients is the way to build up Mathematically creative thoughts. ─── 为了广泛地实施数学创造性思维的培养,讲述了在课程标准中创造性思维培养实施的方法。

12、In binary floatingpoint concepts, a value with an associated sign which is mathematically greater in magnitude than any binary floatingpoint number. ─── 在二进制浮点数中,一种带有符号的特定值,其量值大于一台计算机所能表达的任何二进制浮点数。

13、A process of linking a document mathematically to a particular private key; note that this is not the same as linking a document so signed to a particular individual. ─── 以数学方法将文档与特定私钥相关联的过程;注:这与特定个人链接到一个文档因此就签署的方式是不同的。

14、The coupled-mode equation is derived mathematically from the transmission matrices, and the validity of V-I transmission matrix formalism is proved. ─── 从传输矩阵出发,数学上推导出耦合模方程,证明了该方法的正确性,有助于加深对V-I传输矩阵方法物理机制的理解。

15、"Once you fragment ... the society into so many different ethnic origins, you make it mathematically less and less likely to meet somebody of your own ethnicity," said Wattenberg. ─── "如果你把社会拆散成一个个种族碎片,那么根据数学原理,你遇到本族人的机率会越来越小,"瓦滕伯格说。

16、English: 657. Mathematically the result C=0 follows readily from integrating (2.2) over the area enclosed by a closed streakline. ─── 中文:在数学上,这一结果,即C=0,很容易通过对式(2.2)的密纹线包围起来的区域进行积分得到。

17、She is not mathematically inclined. ─── 她对数学不感兴趣。

18、In binary floating-point concepts, a value with an associated sign which is mathematically greater in magnitude than any binary floating-point number. ─── 在二进制浮点数中,一种带有符号的特定值,其量值大于一台计算机所能表达的任何二进制浮点数。

19、Mathematically, a saturated disk's I/O queue eventually becomes indefinitely long. ─── 从纯数学的角度看,饱和磁盘的I/O队列长度最终会延至无限。

20、So we must predict the relationship of economic development and protection of marine fishery resources mathematically. ─── 因此要正确处理好经济发展与渔业资源保护之间的关系。

21、Abstract: The relationships between the refractive index increment, SEC response area and weight fraction of the monodisperse species of oligomers are analyzed mathematically. ─── 摘要: 对齐聚物中各半分散组分的折光指数增量、尺寸排除色谱响应面积与重量分数之间的相互关系作了数学分析。

22、Love , and you shall be loved . All love is mathematically just, as much as the two sides of an algebraic equation . ─── 只有爱人,才会被爱。世间的爱用数字上的关系表达就像等式两边的代数。

23、Leaving games before the final whistle never was an especially smart idea but this season it has been shown to be scientifically dumb, on a mathematically watertight basis. ─── 在终场哨子响起前就跟比赛说拜拜从来都不是一个特别聪明的主意,但今季基于一个无懈可击的数学根据,这就更加被以科学方法证明为一个愚蠢的行为。

24、Mathematically modeling of the softening point in ISP sintering ─── ISP烧结块软化点数模建立的研讨

25、In order to define this irrotationality condition mathematically, let us consider the equation of motion in terms of velocities. ─── 为了从数学上确定此无旋性条件,我们考虑以速度为未知函数的运动方程。

26、But to ensure that the best Major League Baseball team wins, a longer World Series, say 11 games, would be mathematically appropriate. ─── 但为了保证最好的大联盟棒球队赢了,一个较长的世界系列,11个说游戏将数学恰当的。

27、But today we have reached a stage at which we can formalize their ideas into game-theory models that can be analyzed mathematically and tested experimentally. ─── 但是,今天我们已经可以将他们的概念形式化为博弈理论的模型,以数学的方法作分析,并且透过各种实验来检验。

28、It sounds like a daunting amount, but if you think about it mathematically, it's actually very manageable. ─── 10000小时看起来似乎是个令人望而却步的数值,不过,如果你细加思量,这完全是可以控制和完成的。

29、This approach used in control systems has the following two merits: (1) mathematically and computationally tractable, (2) direct connection between controller implementation and closed-loop stability. ─── 因此,第二种新的方法就是我们提出一个可同时包含此二种灵敏度的量度函数,使有限字元长度效应的影响被有效的降低。

30、This can be proved to hold mathematically for any number of goods. ─── 可以证明,对任何数目的货物,这一点在数学上都有效。

31、But then only the last two tiles 14 and 15 were scrambled which made the puzzle mathematically unsolvable and made people rack their brains in vain. ─── 但是,则只有最后两个瓦片14日和15日曾试图升空,令益智数学无法解决的,并取得了人民的机架动脑筋,在徒劳的。

32、The public-key system uses a pair of mathematically related sequences, one each for encryption and decryption . ─── 公钥系统采用一对数学上相关的序列,一个用于加密,另一个用于解密。

33、Filippo Inzaghi brace enabled Milan to ease to a routine win over Livorno at the San Siro and mathematically secure second place in the league. ─── 因扎吉的爆发使得米兰在主场成功的击败利沃诺,同时理论上确保了联赛第二的位置。

34、Love ,and you shall be loved .All love is mathematically just,as much as the two sides of an algebraic equation. ─── 只有爱人,才会被爱。世间的爱用数字上的关系表达就像等式两边的代数。

35、The CDO fiasco was an egregious and relatively rare case of aninstrument getting way ahead of the ability to map it mathematically. ─── 作为工具通过数学方法进行的预测中,CDO的惨败是异乎寻常的,也会是相对少见的。

36、It simplifies analyses by dropping relatively small factors, thereby making complex equations of motions that describe the interactions between the sun and Earth mathematically manageable. ─── 它略过相对较小的因子,简化描述太阳和地球之间的复杂运动方程式,所以数学上比较好处理。

37、He breakfasted and dined at the club, at hours mathematically fixed, in the same room, at the same table, never taking his meals with other members, much less bringing a guest with him; ─── 他午餐晚餐都在俱乐部里吃,他按时吃饭,就象钟表一般精确。他用餐的地方,老是在一个固定的餐厅里,甚至老是坐在一个固定的桌位上。

38、Perhaps because the subject was mathematically complex and ran counter to classical notions of physical laws, the community of physicists who developed it was small and overwhelmingly young. ─── 或许是由于这门学科的精确与复杂,及其对于经典物理规律的叛逆,投身于此的物理学家人数寥寥,以青年居多。

39、This technique makes use of a pair of mathematically related, but different keys - a private key and a public key. ─── 该技术利用一对数学相关但不同的密码匙私人密码匙及公开密码匙。

40、My colleagues and I have shown mathematically that this airstream-driven wave sustains vibration. ─── 我与同事以数学计算指出,气流引起的波动可以让振动持续下去。

41、mathematically disabled students ─── 学困生

42、He had worked out his chances mathematically. ─── 他为自己精心设计了各种机遇。

43、Despite long-standing hopes to the contrary, landscapers now have found that singling out a universe from this array is mathematically nigh impossible. ─── 但众人长久的期盼如今却得失望了,地景模型学派的学者发现,想从如此庞大的阵列中将某个宇宙分离出来,就数学上来说几乎是办不到的。

44、The product definition shall include drawings or mathematically based data, product design reviews results, and? diagnostic guidelines where applicable. ─── 产品定义包括图样或以数学为基础的数据、产品设计评审结果、诊断指南。

45、"that is, they audited their own performances mathematically or electronically in order to avoid errors of entropy, unnecessary redundancy, or other simple hazards." ─── 即它们能以数学或电子方式审听自身行为,以避免熵、不必要的冗余和其它毛

46、As software gets more complex, gains more features, and is more interconnected, it becomes more and more difficultactually, mathematically impossibleto create a glitch-free program. ─── 当软件越来越复杂,功能越来越多,程序内部之间的关系就越来越复杂,精确度要求更高,不可能写出一个零缺陷的程序。

47、Uniformity coefficient values are determined by catching discharge from sprinklers in evenly spaced cans and evaluating the catchment mathematically. ─── 匀细度的值是由喷灌器内在均匀空罐中的俘获量决定,并对俘获量进行数学估算。


49、Mathematically the result C=0 follows readily from integrating (2.2) over the area enclosed by a closed streakline. ─── 在数学上,这一结果,即C=0,很容易通过对式(2.2)的密纹线包围起来的区域进行积分得到。

50、Compared mathematically to smoking and driving, almost everything else seems relatively risk-free, ----almost nothing seems worth regulating. ─── 如果从数学的角度与吸烟和驾车相比较,几乎其它所有的行为都显得相对地毫无危险,因此几乎没有什么行为似乎值得管制。

51、It is mathematically(modeled),and the experimental results show that the system has the advantages like wide speed range,accurate positioning,quick response,high intelligence and both dynamic and static performances. ─── 对交流永磁同步电机进行数学建模,并用实验验证了DSP控制的交流伺服系统具有调速范围宽、转子定位准确、响应速度快、智能水平高,以及良好动、静态性能等优点。

52、It is possible to model such a system mathematically. ─── 做出这种系统的数学模型是可能的。

53、Although tachyons have never been seen in earth-based laboratories, mathematically they can exist. ─── 尽管在地面的实验室中,从来没有发现过快子,但从数学上说,它是可能存在的。

54、Assuming only a basic knowledge of probability and calculus, it covers the material in a mathematically rigorous and complete way at a level accessible to second or third year undergraduate students. ─── 假定只有一个基本知识的概率和演算,它涵盖材料,在理论上严格和彻底的方式在一定的水平进入第二或第三个年头本科生。

55、This is the homepage of the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Clemson University. The faculty is divided into six subfaculties: algebra and combinatorics, applied analysis, computational mathemat. ─── 克雷蒙森大学数学科学系。

56、It's mathematically impossible. ─── 这在数学上是不可能的。

57、Teaching Mathematically Creativity Thought with Respect to Olympic Maths Competition ─── 从数学奥林匹克竞赛谈数学创造性思维的培养

58、Engineers must be able to write equations describing physical systems and use these equations to mathematically predict the performance of these systems. ─── 工程师必须能列出描述各种物理系统的方程式,并利用这些方程供用数学方法来预测这些系统的性能。

59、Pribram"s belief that our brains mathematically construct "hard" reality by relying on input from a frequency domain has also received a good deal of experimental support. ─── 与传统的招聘会不同的是:这里没有人声鼎沸的招聘大厅,没有川流不息的求职人群,没有到处飞扬的个人简历,有的却是静悄悄的招聘专间和预约前来面试的高级经理人。

60、She' s not mathematically inclined, ie not interested in mathematics. ─── 她对数学不感兴趣.

61、After my colleagues and I had worked out in a general way how the observed set of xenon isotopes was created inside the aluminum phosphate grains, we attempted to model the process mathematically. ─── 在想通了观察到的氙同位素大致如何在磷酸铝颗粒中生成之后,我和同事就试图用数学模式来模拟这个过程。

62、However, more boys than girls are identified at the upper rungs of the mathematically gifted in the United States.The researchers say this gap is narrowing. ─── 不过,就被认为具有更高数学水平的美国数学天才阶层而言,男孩子确实要比女孩子多一些,但这个差别也在日益缩小。

63、The difference between two sets is mathematically defined as the set of elements that belong to the first set but not to the second. ─── 两个集合的差在数学上定义为属于第一个集合但是不属于第二个集合一组元素。

64、be mathematically informed ─── 懂数学

65、A Study of Mathematically Describing Curves and Cambers for the Bus Bodies ─── 客车车身曲线曲面数学描述研究

66、His work remains mathematically in the realm of ordinary differential equations. ─── 他的工作在数学上就停留在常微分方程的范围。

67、"Once you fragment,the society into so many different ethnic origins,you make it mathematically less and less likely to meet somebody of your own ethnicity," said Wattenberg. ─── “如果你把社会拆散成一个个种族碎片,那么根据数学原理,你遇到本族人的机率会越来越小,”瓦滕伯格说。

68、No idea in science survives because it is esthetically pleasing, mathematically elegant, or magnificently general ─── 在科学上,没有一种观念可以因为在艺术上可爱,数学上优美,或者因为有广泛的普遍性而长久存在。

69、Number crunchers say the finding that men have substantially more bedmates on average than women is mathematically impossible. ─── 平均来说,数据处理器发现男人实际上比女人有更多同床者。

70、We have recently filed for a patent for a genetically evolved general-purpose controller that is superior to mathematically derived controllers commonly used in industry. ─── 我们最近才为一种以遗传方式演化出来的通用控制器申请专利,相较于业界目前惯用的以数学方式推导出来的控制器,我们的控制器性能更为优越。

71、"Mathematically it is still possible to lose the lead," he said. "It is just for us to keep our attitude right. We know that. ─── “就积分数字来说,他们仍然有追上的可能。我们现在应该保持心态。”

72、A mathematically rigorous formulation of scalability aspects of routing in networks is a well-studied problem in the theory of distributed computation?. ─── 对网络路由在可扩展性方面用数学上的严格公式表示,这是一个已经在分布计算理论中研究得很好的问题了。

73、Today we got the points we needed to be mathematically safe from the drop. Paolo Di Canio was a true leader today, but then again that's hardly news to us. ─── 今天我们从雷吉纳那里拿到了我们需要的可靠的分数。保罗·迪卡尼奥是今天真正的领袖,但是这对于我们几乎不再是新闻了。

74、Before treating this problem mathematically we may pause and ponder its physical origin. ─── 在对这个问题作数学处理之前,我们不妨推敲一下它的物理根源。

75、" The way to prove this heresy, Kauffman cleverly decided, was not to fight nature in the lab, but to model it mathematically. ─── 他担保:你不会得到果蝇,但会得到果蝇在自然过程中产生的怪物或畸形变种的相同顺序。

76、We say "mathematically equivalent" because we will make a subtle distinction between "orientation" and terms like "angular displacement" and "rotation" in this section. ─── 之所以说“数学上”等价,是因为在本节中,我们会对“方位”,“角位移”,“旋转”作精确的区分。

77、The SSL protocol is based on public-key cryptography where encryption keys come in pairs that are mathematically related, but one cannot be deduced from knowing the other. ─── SSL协议基于公钥密码,加密密钥成对地出现在公钥密码中,它们是在数学上是相关的,但无法由一个推知另一个。

78、The key pairs are mathematically related to one another such that using the key pair together achieves the same result as using a symmetrical key twice. ─── 密钥对在数学上彼此相关,例如,配合使用密钥对可以实现两次使用对称密钥的效果。

79、Mister Aumann developed game theory mathematically so that it can be useful for different areas of study. ─── 先生用数学的方法完善了博弈论,使得它能够运用到研究的各个领域。

80、First, the inverse kinematics of six DOF (degree of freedom) 6-3-3 parallel mechanism were modeled mathematically and the discriminant matrix about singularity of the parallel mechanism was derived. ─── 摘要建立了6自由度6-3-3并联机构的运动学逆解模型,给出了该机构奇异性判别矩阵。

81、In the basic Standard Model the shape of the valley has to be put in as a postulate, but in the SSM that shape can be derived mathematically. ─── 在基本的标准模型中,我们必须把山谷的形状当成假设,但是在SSM中,我们可以用数学推导出山谷形状。

82、The mobility method provides a complete and mathematically rigorous way for predicting the sound emission value, but is inconvenient as it contains too many elements. ─── 导纳方法提供正确预测该值的途径,但这种方法涉及到太多的物理量,在实际楼宇设备工程中完全缺乏实用性。

83、in binary floating-point concepts,a value with an associated sign which is mathematically greater in magnitude than any binary floating-point number ─── 在二进制浮点数中,一种带有符号的特定值,其量值大于一台计算机所能表达的任何二进制浮点数

84、It is mathematically proved that angular glint linear deviations are independent of radar observational range in far-field region. ─── 从数学上证明了远区角闪烁线偏差与雷达距离无关;

85、She is a mathematically gifted student. ─── 她是一个很有数学天分的学生。

86、The working mechanism of this method is discussed and the experimental data is also mathematically analyzed. ─── 对电凝聚去除浊度的机理进行了探讨,在此基础上对实验数据进行了数学分析。

87、Mathematically accomplished women react comparably, Steele has observed. ─── 史蒂尔观察到,擅长数学的女性亦有类似的反应。

88、Anyone can be an astrologer as long as they are mathematically minded. ─── 任何人都可能成为占星家,只要他们具有数学头脑。

89、"Atoms are the Basic Building Blocks of matter. Every physical entity can be described, physically and mathematically, in terms of interrelated quantities of mass, inertia, and gravitation." ─── 原子是物质的基本组分。在物理和数学上,每个物理实体都可以用与质量、惯性和引力相关的一些量来描述。

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