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09-18 投稿


lambaste 发音

英:[læmˈbæst]  美:[læmˈbæst]

英:  美:

lambaste 中文意思翻译



lambaste 网络释义

vt. 痛打;严责;鞭打

lambaste 词性/词形变化,lambaste变形


lambaste 相似词语短语

1、namaste ─── n.(印度的)合十礼

2、lambastes ─── vt.痛打;严责;鞭打

3、alabaster ─── n.雪花石膏;adj.以雪花石膏制的;(像雪花石膏一样)光洁雪白的;n.(Alabaster)阿拉巴斯特(人名)

4、barbastel ─── n.宽耳蝠

5、lambasted ─── vt.痛打;严责;鞭打

6、to lambaste ─── 痛斥

7、lambast ─── v.狠打;猛烈抨击

8、lambasting ─── v.(公开地)猛烈抨击;痛打(lambaste的现在分词)

9、lambasts ─── 不断地狠打某人;严厉斥责某人(lambast的第三人称单数)

lambaste 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Everyone suddenly realize the sort lambaste. ─── 大家恍然大悟般大骂起来。

2、Only months ago, the idea that Mr Bush would publicly lambast America 's corporate bosses was laughable. ─── 可是就在几个月前,布什公开抨击美国大公司老板的想法却是荒谬可笑的。

3、The Kobe Haters lambast him for everything from selfish play to his poor moral choices of years past. ─── 科比憎恨者不断地从各方面攻击着他,包括了球风自私,前些年品行上糟糕的决定。

4、Some sceptics feel so strongly they have started airing advertisements of their own to lambast CCS. ─── 一些人由于对CCS技术使用前景极度怀疑,开始自己着手进行广告宣传指责CCS技术。

5、Get up.Result:Too early, lambaste dishonest trader to cheat sleeping pills. ─── 起床。结果:起得太早,大骂奸商做假安眠药。

6、On the whole, performance is very unusual, LinWenLong hear "hacken lee's" three word after the start, then to lambaste reporter, but sitting aside guo ke be filled with indifference. ─── 当天林文龙全程表现十分离谱,听到“李克勤”三个字后就开始发飙,随后一路大骂记者,但郭可盈坐在一旁却漠不关心。

7、Much time's explaining didn't use, I felt not to defend to listen to, listen to after and very angry of, can lambaste, that needs a scolding, scolding out an in the mind comfortable! ─── 很多时候解释没有用,我觉得不防听听,听了之后很生气的,可以大骂一顿,那是欠骂的,骂出来心里舒服!

8、I have met people that praise my country for its equality freedom and wealth and I have met others that lambaste it for its inequality tolerance of iniquity and selfishness. ─── 我见过由于平等、自由和财富赞成美国的人,我也见过由于不平等、宽容邪恶和自私、强烈斥责我的国家的人。

9、These two Amherst professors scathingly and hilariously lambaste book culture and intellectuals, leaving absolutely no stone unturned and nothing sacred. ─── 图书性质:平价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)

10、Listen to a wife toward a telephone a burst of to lambaste:"Having no affair don't loose hair message, you have mental derangement!" ─── 只听老婆对着电话一阵大骂:“没事情就不要乱发短信息,你有神经病啊!”

11、to lambaste the thief as hard as you can ─── 使劲揍那个贼

12、Get up. Result: Too early, lambaste dishonest trader to cheat sleeping pills. ─── 起床。结果:起得太早,大骂奸商做假安眠药。

13、The cool president has turned hot on the stump, stripping to shirtsleeves to lambaste doubters in New Jersey Thursday. ─── 周四,一向冷静的总统发了火,在新泽西的演讲台上把质疑者们一顿痛骂。

14、APUNTIL a few years ago it was easy for critics of South Africa's government to lambast its inadequate efforts in fighting AIDS. ─── 几年前,批评家很容易抓到南非政府的把柄,来抨击他们抗击艾滋病不力。

15、Kurt teether lambaste Tom. . . In Kurt thoroughly despairing, miracle -- a coast appeared in front. ─── 库尔咬牙大骂汤姆……就在库尔彻底绝望时,奇迹出现了——一片海岸出现在眼前。

16、They lambast tax havens for sucking in the money of foreigners and multinational companies. ─── 他们严厉斥责避税港吞噬了外国人和跨国公司的钱。

17、The right may lambast McCain for failing to vote for Bush's tax cuts or for seeking restrictions on guns, but that makes the senator appealing in the eyes of moderates. ─── 右翼也许会痛斥麦凯恩不投票赞同布什减税,或是反对他赞同对私人拥有枪支的限制。但这些政策让麦凯恩参议员获得温和派的支持。

18、lambaste "vt. ─── 痛打,严责"

19、I originally think to say so, she will be definitely very bashful, Adidas JS Teddy Bear, again or is lambaste my sex maniac. ─── 我本以为这么说,她一定会非常的害臊,又或者是大骂我色狼。

20、And you can be sure that when the referee cheats our boys, I'll be ready to lambaste him. ─── 而且你可以放心,如果裁判对孩子们不公平,我会公开斥责他。

21、But they reckon he can keep voters waiting only a little while longer before they start to wonder if he is no more to be trusted than the government he loves to lambast. ─── 否则那时,人们将会认为他和他喜欢大加挞伐的政府一样不再值得信任。

22、Run to the big gorilla cage of zoo front of, beat breast and stamp feet, put a voice to lambaste:"You this conscienceless thing!!" ─── 跑到动物园的大猩猩笼跟前,捶胸顿足,放声大骂:“你这个没良心的东西!!”

23、"You think what?""Miss you!"I hence answer.Teacher's silent half point at me and lambaste after ring:You are a smelly rascal! ─── “你们想什么呢?”“想你呢!”我于是回答。老师沉默半响后指着我又大骂:你就是一个臭流氓!

24、Haven't you heard Tae lambast me on Thirsty Thursdays about that? ─── 你没有听太渴了周四就揍对我吗?

25、lambaste v. ─── 痛打;

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