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09-19 投稿


insulates 发音

英:[ˈɪnsjuleɪts]  美:[ˈɪnsəleɪts]

英:  美:

insulates 中文意思翻译



insulates 反义词


insulates 词性/词形变化,insulates变形

动词第三人称单数: insulates |动词现在分词: insulating |动词过去式: insulated |动词过去分词: insulated |

insulates 同义词

parochial |contracted | narrow | provincial | inward-looking | limited | alienated | narrow-minded | cloistered | blinkered

insulates 相似词语短语

1、insolates ─── vt.使曝晒

2、consulates ─── n.领事馆(consulate的复数形式)

3、inoculates ─── vt.[医]接种;嫁接;灌输

4、insulated ─── v.(使)隔热(或隔音、绝缘);(使)免受不良影响;(使)陆地成岛屿(insulate的过去式及过去分词);adj.有隔热(或隔音、绝缘)保护的

5、angulates ─── 成角

6、inosculates ─── vt.使连接,使吻合;vi.融合;结合

7、insufflates ─── v.把……吸或吹入;(神学)对……吹气(象征神灵感化)

8、insulate ─── vt.隔离,使孤立;使绝缘,使隔热

9、insulators ─── n.[电]绝缘子;[物]绝缘体;绝缘工(insulator的复数形式)

insulates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、insulates the well off from the poor, and is utilised increasingly by private as opposed to public interests. ─── 使富裕与穷人隔绝,被越来越多的个人使用去反对公共利益。(这句话好像少个主语)

2、A material that insulates, especially a nonconductor of sound, heat, or electricity. ─── 绝缘体绝缘材料,特别是声、热、电的非导体

3、One often insulates telephone wires by a covering of rubber or paper. ─── 电线通常以一层橡皮或纸绝缘。

4、Sell circuit tool, sell the circuit tool of the 35 KV KVs-500s, the circuit insulates son. ─── 出售线路工具,销售35KV-500KV线路工具,线路绝缘子。

5、The hollow body of brick wall of concrete insulates against sound performance is studied ─── 混凝土空心砖墙体隔声性能研究

6、Safe protecting circuit of 6502 electricities concentrates intrude limit insulates for orbital manoeuvre to return midway ─── 6502电气集中侵限绝缘处调车中途返回时的安全防护电路

7、It is made of a special material that absorbs shocks and insulates the hard drive and data from being damaged when you drop it. ─── 它是用某种特殊的材质制成的。这种材质可以吸震,而且当你摔到电脑的时候,它还能防止硬碟和资料受到损害。

8、These, in turn, generate a structure called the myelin sheath, which insulates nerves against leakage of the electrical signals that carry their messages around. ─── 这些,反过来,产生一种叫做髓鞘的组织,它能隔离神经细胞防止电信号周围携带的信息泄漏。

9、10. The English Channel insulates Great Britain from France and Belgium. ─── 英吉利海峡将英国同法国、比利时隔开来。

10、material which insulates well ─── 绝缘性能良好的材料

11、It is made of a special material that absorbs shocks and insulates the hard drive and data from being damaged when you drop it. ─── 它是用某种特殊的材质制成的。这种材质可以吸震,而且当你摔到电脑的时候,它还能防止硬碟和资料受到损害。

12、Buried Oxide Layer (BOX) - The layer that insulates between the two wafers. ─── 氧化埋层(BOX)-在两个晶圆片间的绝缘层。

13、Have enumerated the question that should pay attention to in the structure and design and construction of the energy-conserving wall where the common warm - keeping insulates against heat. ─── 列举了常见的保温隔热的节能墙体的构造和设计施工中要注意的问题。

14、Snow on top of the ice insulates it and slows melting. ─── 冰层上的雪有隔热效果,使冰的融化速度减慢。

15、3.It insulates heat by air. The low temperature of furnace body,confect creepage safeguard equipment,makes sure security. ─── 采用空气隔热技术,炉体表面温升低,配有漏电保护装置,使用安全。

16、Hair insulates animals against the sun by day as well as against the cold by night. ─── 毛发使得动物可以在白天抵挡阳光,在夜晚抵挡严寒。

17、The hang type insulates son to supply 45 dollars one. ─── 悬式绝缘子供应45元一片。

18、Once again, you can see that the Rails insulates developers from the differences between applications that use Ajax and those that don't. ─── 可以再一次看到,Rails使开发人员不必考虑使用Ajax和不使用Ajax的应用程序间的区别。

19、Using a connection cache also insulates the ─── 使用连接缓存也可将

20、A Process of Free Expansion in A Container Which Insulates from Heat ─── 气体绝热自由膨胀过程中温度的变化

21、The quality in New York that insulates its inhabitants from life may simply weaken them as individuals. ─── 纽约城把居民与生活隔绝的特质可能只会弱化个体。

22、The capacitive sensor consisted of two mutual insul ating copper and foil electrodes,clinging to the external w all of infusion bottle with two insulating stretch tight balteum. ─── 电容式液位检测传感器主要由两条相互绝缘的铜箔电极构成,由两条绝缘弹性锁紧带将带状传感器紧贴在输液瓶外壁,传感器与药液不接触,对药液性能不会产生影响。

23、In a way, the comfort of employment, the safety of a steady job, insulates many from the inevitable hardships of a tough marketplace. ─── 在某种程度上,工作的安逸、一份稳定工作带来的安全感,使许多人免于遭受残酷的市场中所不可避免的艰难困苦。

24、An outer silicone tube provides heat resistance that insulates you and a cupful of hot drink. ─── 盘底的洞口不只好放置杯子,当你洗好时也相当方便晾乾。

25、Under these circumstances, a joint venture merely insulates them further from independent, foreign-owned plants that would compete against them. ─── 在这种情况下,企业采取合资形式的结果只不过是使自身与那些作为竞争对手的独立外资工厂相隔绝。

26、One's sense of self as separate from, and opposed to, the World is a bar to his conducting its currents.It insulates him. ─── 一个人隔世、厌世,在他看来整个世界都碍眼。这样畸形的思想使他永远无法触摸到真实的世界。

27、Mr Orszag argues that it has two big merits: it insulates tough decisions from politics and it encourages ongoing rather than one-shot reform. ─── 奥萨格先生认为其有两大优点:第一、它能防止一些棘手的决策受到政治的干扰;第二、它能促进改革的持续性,避免虎头蛇尾的一次性改革。

28、There's the lawyer theory, that money provides the soft fatty tissue that insulates the marital skeleton; ─── 法学说认为金钱是软脂肪组织有别于作为骨架的婚姻;

29、Jean Jaequelin,A Reliable Algorithm for the Exact Median Rank Function[J].IEEE Trans Electr Insul 1993,28(2). ─── 王小平,曹立明.遗传算法-理论、应用与软件的实现[M].西安:西安交通大学出版社.2002.

30、Under the ice, cold, fresh water from the huge rivers that ring the Arctic insulates it from warmer waters that leak in from the Pacific and Atlantic. ─── 冰层之下,从北极周围的大河中流到北冰洋里的冰冷淡水将其与从太平洋和大西洋流来的暖流隔离开来。

31、Because insulates fully, this set has the quantity of heat which two room's housing disappear compared to the ordinary housing few 2/3, therefore, it uses a less energy in the heating. ─── 由于绝缘充分,这套有两个房间的住房所散失的热量比普通住房少2/3,因此,它在采暖上使用更少的能源。

32、Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a degenerative disorder of myelin, a complex fatty neural tissue that insulates many nerves of the central and peripheral nervous systems. ─── 什麽是'肾上腺脑白质营养不良-退行性疾病的神经髓鞘覆盖'?

33、In winter, female polar bears give birth to two cubs in an igloo-like den, which insulates the mother and babies against the brutal winds and frigid Arctic temperatures outside. ─── 意译:北极熊图片集。在冬天,雌雄给予出生的两只幼兽安置在圆顶似的洞穴,那是为了隔离妈妈和小兽来对抗暴风和寒冷的北极温度在洞穴的外面。

34、Lamp protection class IP65, 1 the class .electricity insulates the protection. ─── 1灯具防护级IP65,1级电气绝缘保护.

35、One class of encephalitis (including multiple sclerosis) attacks the myelin sheath that insulates nerve fibres rather than the neurons themselves. ─── 传染性脑炎最常见的病原为病毒。其中之一(包括多发性硬化)会攻击髓鞘,隔绝了神经纤维而非神经元。

36、Although adipose tissue insulates well, allowing fat people to tolerate cold water immersion longer than lean people, it's better to be physically fit. ─── 虽然身体的脂肪可以让胖的人比瘦的人更能待在寒冷的水中较长的时间,但最好还是刚刚好就好。

37、When a group of developers work on the same project, CVS insulates them from each other. ─── 当一组开发人员从事同一个项目时,CVS将他们彼此隔离开来。

38、The approach insulates specialties, so that designers and programmers can use familiar tools and languages. ─── 这种方法避免了特殊性,因此设计师和程序员就可以使用熟悉的工具和语言了。

39、Sound insulation, heat insulates, apt to maintain, lasting and durable and carrying convenient lying; ─── 隔音、隔热、易保养、持久耐用、搬运方便;

40、10.A cable containing flat metallic ribbon conductors, all lying side-by-side in the same plane and imbedded in a material which insulates and binds them together. ─── 一种含有扁平金属长条导体的电缆,这些导体并排地置于同一平面上,并灌以绝缘材料将其结合在一起而成。

41、Experts appreciate new, powerful features. Their mastery of the product insulates them from becoming disturbed by the added complexity. ─── 专家欣赏更新的且更强大功能,对程序的精通使他们不会受到复杂性增加的干扰。

42、Her family insulates her from contact with the world. ─── 她的家人使她与世隔绝。

43、A device that insulates. ─── 绝缘装置

44、There are also tilted walls, but again, it's the down which insulates, not the walls. ─── 也有倾斜,墙壁,但同样地,它的下降,其中绝缘,而不是墙。

45、Insul in resistance ─── 胰岛素抵抗

46、The system of springs and other devices that insulates the chassis of a vehicle from shocks transmitted through the wheels. ─── 弹簧和其它装置构成和系统,可以使一交通工具的底盘免受传过轮子的震动

47、This design insulates us from future changes in backends, at which point we only will have to rewrite our facade. ─── 这种设计使我们不必考虑后端中以后可能出现的修改,如果后端改变了,那么只需重新编写外观。

48、The thicker the myelin gets, the better it insulates and the faster and more accurately the signals travel. ─── 髓磷脂越厚,其绝缘性就越好。信号就传递得更快、更精确。

49、2.The CEO understands that building brand reputation reduces commercial risk, insulates the company in a crisis and provides the common purpose that can bond all the company's stakeholders. ─── 第二,CEO懂得通过树立品牌信誉来降低商业风险,避免公司陷入危机的同时,为全体股东指明一个共同奋斗的目标。

50、The volcanic rock that insulates the cave keeps the temperature at a comfortable level, between 63 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit, year round. ─── 火山岩将洞穴和外界隔绝开,是温度维持在一个舒适的水平,全年温度介乎华氏63至68度之间。

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