imprimatur 发音
英:[ˌɪmprɪˈmɑːtər] 美:[ˌɪmprɪˈmɑːtə(r)]
英: 美:
imprimatur 中文意思翻译
imprimatur 词性/词形变化,imprimatur变形
imprimatur 相似词语短语
1、imprimaturs ─── n.出版许可,认可;赞许
2、implicature ─── n.含意;蕴意
3、imprecator ─── 浸渍器
4、impromptu ─── adj.即兴的,即席的;n.即兴曲;即席演出;adv.即兴地,即席地
5、imprecatory ─── adj.诅咒的
6、imprinter ─── n.印刷机;压印机
7、impromptus ─── n.即兴曲
8、implicatures ─── 含义
9、improvisator ─── n.即席演奏者;即兴诗人
imprimatur 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Most importantly, their investments offshore come with the imprimatur and encouragement of the central government. ─── 最重要的是,中央政府许可并鼓励这些公司进行海外投资。
2、A directive bearing the imprimatur of high officials. ─── 高级官员批准的指示
3、Hosts must keep in mind that many business cultures see a government imprimatur赞许as a sign that everything is above board. ─── 东道主必须记住:许多商业文化将政府的认可/批准看作是每一件事都是光明正大的一种标记。
4、Calculations by the World Bank, using direct surveys of households, carry the official imprimatur of the UN, which uses them in monitoring progress towards its Millennium Development Goal on poverty. ─── 经联合国官方批准,由世界银行运用家庭调查的方法,通过计算到来的结果去监控贫困白蜜发展目标的实施情况。
5、The SEC's imprimatur, he says, had become worthless after the Bear Stearns and Lehman debacles. ─── 他说,在贝尔斯登和雷曼兄弟相继崩溃之后,SEC的认可已经变得没有价值了。
6、It was this morning, on our way to the Post Office, that we gave the book its final imprimatur. ─── 就在今天早晨去邮局的路上,我们最后一次将这本书夸赞了一番。
7、N. imprimatur but because it was an intervention into a sovereign nation that had committed no external aggression. ─── 不仅因为北约未经联合国授权就发动战争,更因为这是对一个未采取明确侵略行为的主权国家进行了干涉。
8、But the FDA imprimatur will make it easier for Huahai to get other approvals and attract American drug partners. ─── 但FDA的认证将使华海药业能够更加容易地获得其它批准,并吸引美国的制药合作伙伴。
9、10.It is astonishing that the EPA would lend its imprimatur on this report. ─── [参考译文] 令人惊讶的是环保署竟然批准许可这份报告的出笼。
10、Mr Beck is not advocating piety so much as claiming a divine imprimatur for his own prejudice against big government. ─── 与其说贝克在鼓吹虔诚,倒不如说他在为自己对于大政府的偏见索要许可。
11、What advantage is it to be a man, over it is to be a boy at school, if we have only escaped the ferula to come under the fescue of an Imprimatur; ─── 如果我们从老师的教鞭底下逃出来又落到了出版许可制的刑棍底下,如果严肃而认真的写作不过是课堂上一个文法练习题,不经过草率从事的检查员胡乱检查一下就不能发表;
12、imprimatur system ─── 出版许可制度
13、Some lawyers refuse to recognise his appointment without the president's imprimatur. ─── 但因为没有总统的许可,一些律师拒绝承认他的任命。
14、Enlightenments of China's Imprimatur System from New Public Management ─── 新公共管理理论对我国出版许可制度的几点启示
15、Give the scheme one's imprimatur ─── 对计画表示同意.
16、report of the IMPRIMATUR, see institute orinformation law of Amasterdam, Above n 16. ─── 李扬.网络知识产权法[M].长沙:湖南大学出版社,2001.
17、A more basic problem is that even in states with no political freedom, no official imprimatur can drown the multiplicity of voices vying to influence Muslim hearts and souls. ─── 一个更为基本的问题在于,即便是在那些没有政治自由的国家,也没有官方的许可能够将竞相影响穆斯林精神与灵魂的多样化声音淹没。
18、44. If the agencies' views are given a regulatory imprimatur, they should be subject to legal challenge. ─── 如果这些“中间人”得到了法律的许可,他们就一定会或多或少的挑战一下法律。
19、With this imprimatur, other teams can go ahead with more confidence using the DNA data ─── 有了这项认可,其他团队可以更加放心地使用其中的DNA相关数据。
20、10. It is astonishing that the EPA would lend its imprimatur on this report. ─── 令人惊讶的是环保署竟然批准许可这份报告的出笼。
21、With further development of the market economy,the defects of the imprimatur system have become increasingly visible,needing urgent resolution. ─── 但在市场经济日益深入的今天,这种制度的种种缺陷日益显露,迫切需要加快行政管理体制改革来解决。
22、The budget jumped to $5 million, and prominent corporations and foundations gave the fiedgling organization their imprimatur. ─── 预算急剧增加到500万美圆,知名企业和基金都认可了这个蹒跚起步的组织。
23、In contrast, 55% of LDP candidates without the New Komeito imprimatur won their races. ─── 相反,不获公明党认可的自民党候选人则只有五成五当选。
24、10. It is astonishing that the EPA would lend its imprimatur on this report. ─── 令人惊奇的是环保署竟然批准许可这份报告的出笼。
25、Thus, rather than receiving the imprimatur of paleoanthropology's elite, the jaw from Dmanisi came away with question marks. ─── 就这样,那个德玛尼斯出土的下颚骨,不但没有得到古人类学界大老的认可,还惹了一身腥。
26、Of course, the first victims of locking down free speech about Islam with the imprimatur of the UN are ordinary Muslims. ─── 当然,在得到联合国许可的遏制与伊斯兰教相关的言论自由中, 首当其冲的受害者是普通的穆斯林 。
27、But is the imprimatur of Moody's deserving of so much unquestioning respect? ─── 然而,穆迪此次的结论真的应当受到毫无异议的尊重吗?
28、Lord Elgin claimed his imprimatur from an Ottoman sultan, who said he could remove anything from the Parthenon that did not interfere with the ancient citadel's walls. ─── 埃尔金勋爵宣称他有奥斯曼帝国苏丹王的特许证明,只要他不破坏古庙的墙体,他可以搬走庙中的任何东西。
29、give one's imprimatur to the plan ─── 批准此方案
30、They're called "incubators, " and their imprimatur is tantamount to a college degree. ─── 他们被称为“孵化器”,而获得他们的认可等同于大学文凭。
31、Best of all, the imprimatur seems to last for years. ─── 最好的在于,这种效应可以持续好几年。
32、The Report of IMPRIMATUR,Institute or Information Law of Amsterdam,Aboven16. ─── 冯晓青.知识产权法利益平衡原理[M].湖南:湖南人民出版社,2004,(2).
33、2.It is astonishing that the EPA would lend its imprimatur on this report. ─── 译文:令人惊讶的是环保署竟然批准许可这份报告的出笼。
34、If the agencies' views are given a regulatory imprimatur, they should be subject to legal challenge. ─── 如果这些“中间人”得到了法律的许可,他们就一定会或多或少的挑战一下法律。
35、That imprimatur will likely encourage more Chinese banks to apply for branches in coming months. ─── 受此鼓舞,可能会有更多中国银行提交在美设立分行的申请。
36、Other powerful individuals lending their imprimatur to Beijing also bear the burden of conscience that Mr.Spielberg described.President George W. ─── 还有一些很有影响力的人物,那些把自己的声誉借给北京政权的有影响力的人,同样有一份斯皮尔伯格先生所说的良心担当。
37、Some 80% of LDP candidates who received New Komeito endorsement this time around were elected. In contrast, 55% of LDP candidates without the New Komeito imprimatur won their races. ─── 获公明党支持的自民党候选人中有八成当选。相反,不获公明党认可的自民党候选人则只有五成五当选。
38、The two schools ultimately agreed the Lisbon MBA project could provide both, with the added cachet of the Sloan imprimatur. ─── 两所学校最终一致认为,里斯本MBA课程两者都可以做到,而斯隆的牌子还可以增加他们的威信。
39、Some lawyers refuse to recognise his appointment without the president's imprimatur. ─── 但因为没有总统的许可,一些律师拒绝承认他的任命。
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