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09-19 投稿


Jovian 发音

英:[ˈdʒoʊviən]  美:[ˈdʒəʊvɪən]

英:  美:

Jovian 中文意思翻译



Jovian 网络释义

adj. 威风凛凛的;朱庇特神的;朱庇特神似的

Jovian 短语词组

1、Jovian (emperor) ─── 约维安(皇帝)

2、Jovian planet ─── [网络] 类木行星;类满江红蕨属;古罗马主神行星

3、jovian system ─── 木星系

Jovian 相似词语短语

1、Jovian ─── adj.威风凛凛的;朱庇特神的;朱庇特神似的

2、Ionian ─── n.爱奥尼亚人;爱奥尼亚群岛的人;adj.爱奥尼亚人的;爱奥尼亚的;爱奥尼亚群岛的

3、Gobian ─── 戈壁

4、jovial ─── adj.天性快活的;主神朱庇特的

5、Vivian ─── n.维维安(女子名)

6、Eolian ─── n.伊奥里亚人;伊奥里亚语(等于Aeolian);adj.伊奥里亚的;伊奥里亚人的;伊奥里亚语的(等于Aeolian);adj.(eolian)风的,风成的,风积的(同aeolian)

7、Dorian ─── n.多利安人;adj.多利安人的;多利斯地区的

8、Luvian ─── 卢威语

9、Whovian ─── n.《神秘博士》的剧迷

Jovian 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Studies of Jovian magnetosphere via local measurements of charged particle fluxes and by remote sensing of auroral emissions. ─── 研究木星磁层,测量与遥感带电粒子的数量。

2、The Jovian moons Io and Europa are about the same size as Earth’s moon. ─── 木卫一和木卫二跟地球所见的月亮是相同的大小。

3、The most obvious difference between the terrestrial and the Jovian planets is their size. ─── 地行星和类木行星之间最明显的区别是它们的大小。

4、In February of last year, New Horizons passed Jupiter and the ever-active Jovian moon Io. ─── 去年二月,新视野号飞船通过木星以及曾经很活跃的木卫一。

5、Jovian planet ─── 类木行星

6、Caption:: Orbiting around Jupiter in front of the swirling Jovian clouds at a distance of 350,000 kilometers, owing to the tidal heating between Jupiter and 3 other Jovian moons, Io is the most vocanic body in the Solar System. ─── 在木星延绵不断的云层上方35万公里处公转,因为木星与三颗木卫的潮汐加热作用,令艾奥成为太阳系中火山活动最活跃的天体。

7、Jovian atmosphere ─── 木星大气

8、Jovian Van Allen belts ─── 木星范艾伦带

9、However, Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede will appear on the same side of Jupiter as Io and Europa, though at some 3 times farther out from the Jovian disk. ─── 然而,木星最大的卫星木卫三将会出现在木卫一和欧罗巴的同一侧,虽然它距离木星近轨有三倍距离。

10、jovian planets ─── 木星型行星

11、Jovian burst ─── 木星暴

12、9 see joke: Big bright the teacher is become in elementary school, the long Gao Ma that get an ox is big, jovian, it is one nervous conversation only with respect to meeting impediment. ─── 9看笑话: 大明在小学当老师,长得牛高马大,威风凛凛,只是一紧张说话就会口吃。

13、Jovian seismology ─── 木震学

14、To test speculation that these seas hold life, ESA has started preliminary development of the Jovian Europa Orbiter, a spacecraft proposed to orbit Europa. ─── 为了验证这些海洋里存在生命的假设,欧空局已经开始了初步开发木卫二探测器,一艘围绕木卫二飞行的宇宙飞船。

15、The results are directly relevant to models of the interior structure and evolution of Jovian planets.Hydrogen and helium are the two lightest and most common elements in the universe. ─── 伊利诺伊大学的科学家们宣称,除了土星,在像木星这样主要由氢和氦两种元素组成的巨型行星上其实也存在著类似的现象。

16、Boomed with bad dreams and the Jovian voices of surgeons. ─── 胀满了噩梦,回荡着手术师天神般的声音。

17、Pluto is not classified into either the terrestrial or Jovian planets due to its special features. ─── 冥王星可算是九大行星中的蝙蝠,它不是类地行星,亦不属于类木行星。

18、Cassini arrived at Saturn in 2004, sending back data and images that have not only led to a deeper understanding of the Jovian world's atmosphere, moons, and rings, but also raised new mysteries. ─── 卡西尼飞船在2004年到达土星,传回了数据与影像,不仅仅引导人们深入地了解土星的大气,卫星和光环,还带来了新的神秘事物。

19、"In addition to being made mostly of hydrogen and helium, a characteristic of Jovian planets is that they radiate more energy than they take in from the sun. ─── 在这些气态行星上的大气运动均应看作是在行星内部发生的运动。

20、The atmospheric phenomena suggested by Jovian Cloud Tops are caused by convection, the transfer of heat from the interior of the planet to its surface and beyond. ─── 木星云顶景观显示了由热对流造成的大气现象:对流将热量从行星内部转移至表面或更远的地方。

21、The mass of Jupiter is about 300 times that of the Earth, however its density is low. In fact, these are general features of Jovian planets. ─── 木星的质量大约是地球的300倍,但和其它类木行星一样,它的密度很低。

22、Hubble's sharp view of the gas giant planet also reveals the texture of the clouds in the Jovian atmosphere as well as various other storms and vortices. ─── 嗅觉灵敏的哈勃还探测到木星大气、各种风暴和气漩的结构特征。

23、This allows us to study the motions of the Jovian moons without taking into account the motion of Mercury. ─── 明白了这个道理,我们得以研究环绕木星的卫星的运行而不计水星的影响。

24、Systems in Jovian space have been changed to true 0.0 security status to avoid standing loss issues in future tournaments. ─── 朱庇特星系将全部更改为0.0的安全等级,避免今后开放参观后玩家声望被降低。

25、So too might the Jovian moons Callisto and Ganymede. ─── 木星的卫星木卫四和木卫三也可能有水。

26、Hence, the Jovian planets are often called giants. ─── 因此,木星行星通常被称为巨行星。

27、The different characteristics of the structure and dynamics of the terrestrial, the eytherean, the martian and the jovian atmosphere have been analysed. ─── 本文分析了行星大气作为一个系统对外来热源和扰动过程的响应,分析了不同类型和周期的热源对不同行星大气的影响;

28、In fact, three jovian moons and two red spots are ultimately seen in the full video as they glide around the solar system's ruling gas giant. ─── 事实上,在这整段影像中能看到三颗木星卫星围绕着太阳系内最大的气态行星运行,还有木星上的两个红斑。

29、The mass of Jupiter is about 300 times that of the Earth, however its density is low. In fact, these are general features of Jovian planets. ─── 木星的质量大约是地球的300倍,但和其它类木行星一样,它的密度很低。

30、The Jovian planets have very thick atmospheres consisting of varying amounts of hydrogen, helium, methane, and ammonia. ─── 木星的行星有非常厚的大气层,且由不同数量的氢、氦、甲烷和氨等元素组成。

31、Studies of Jovian magnetosphere via local measurements of charged particle fluxes and by remote sensing of auroral emissions . ─── 研究木星磁层,测量与遥感带电粒子的数量。

32、jovian radiation ─── 木星辐射

33、If both Jovian hurricanes continue to survive, they will surely pass near each other again in a few years since they revolve around Jupiter at different rates. ─── 如果两个木星飓风继续存在,随着它们以不同的速率绕行木星,在今后数年里它们将再次靠近对方。

34、Its density is roughly 2.3 Times that of water. Usually, the Jovian planets have density less than 2, while terrestrial planets have density more than 5. ─── 冥王星的密度约为水的2.3倍通常来说,类木行星的密度会小于2,而类地行星的密度则大于5。

35、The jovian day flashes in 10 hours ─── 术星的一天在十小时内便转瞬即逝。

36、Some moons of Jovian planets have cryovolcanoes, and some still active and very extensive, such as lo and Triton. ─── 类木行星的卫星上主要活动的是“冰火山”,它们之中有些还有十分强烈的活火山活动(如爱莪和海卫一)。

37、The Little Red Spot, a smaller cousin of the famous Great Red Spot, formed in the past decade from the merger of three smaller Jovian storms, and is now the second-largest storm on Jupiter. ─── 这个“小红斑”是著名的“大红斑”的小表弟,在过去的十年里由三个较小的木星风暴合并而成,现如今是木星上第二大的风暴。

38、As Ganymede passes behind the gas giant, light from the planet bounces off the moon, carrying with it clues about the chemicals that make up the haze above the Jovian clouds. ─── 更深处被认为存在一个液体铁芯,为太阳系中卫星周围唯一磁场提供动力。木卫三每7天环绕木星一周,它的轨道倾斜几乎与地球正面相对。

39、This Jovian moon isn't trying to give life the cold shoulder. ─── 这颗木星的卫星并不打算用它冰冷的肩膀来承托生命。

40、Jovian ring ─── 木星环

41、In a Jovian stationary orbit, a spacecraft goes around the planet at the same speed as the ionosphere. ─── 在木星的同步轨道上,太空船环绕行星的速度与电离层相同。

42、1.Correlations of satellite positions and ring features occur in the Jovian, Uranian and Neptunian systems as well. ─── 在木星、天王星、海王星的系统中,卫星的位置也和行星环的特性密切相关。

43、Today, they are known as the Amarr Empire, the Gallente Federation, the Caldari State, the Minmatar Republic, and the Jovian Empire. ─── 数千个殖民地的人民和就世界的联系完全中断,使得他们被完全地孤立,必须自立生存。

44、Actually very simple, want to add the inspiration that nods you only, add the DIY that nods you, useless bottle not only can bring the dying back to life, and Jovian still! ─── 其实很简单,只要加点你的灵感,加点你的DIY,废酒瓶不但能起死回生,而且还威风凛凛呢!

45、The Jovian planets are all large and have low mean densities, indicating they are composed of lightweight gases such as hydrogen and helium, as well as frozen compounds such as ammonia and methane. ─── 木星类行星都有体积大密度小的特征,这表明他们成分构成不仅包括冻结复合物,如氨和甲烷,还包括重量轻的气体,如氢和氦。

46、Jovian ringlet ─── 木星细环

47、Jovian satellite ─── 木卫

48、The Jovian moon Himalia is discovered by Charles Dillon Perrine at Lick Observatory. ─── 年,木星的卫星赫马利亚在利克天文观测站被查尔斯·迪隆发现。

49、Still closer to the planet, at a radius of 100,000 kilometers, the brightness of the Jovian ring drops sharply.That happens to be the location of the 2:1 electromagnetic resonance. ─── 再更靠近行星一些,于10万公里处,木星环的光度却急遽下降,因为这里刚好就是形成2:1电磁共振之处。

50、During its encounter with Jupiter, New Horizons was able to capture new images of many Jovian moons, Jupiter's complex and ever-changing atmosphere, and Jupiter's Little Red Spot, pictured above. ─── 在与木星相遇期间,新视野号拍摄了许多张木星卫星的新影像,木星复杂而又不断变换的大气,以及上面影像中木星的小红斑。

51、Galileo went on to a historic mission uncovering many secrets and mysteries of Jupiter over the next 14 years, before performing a final spectacular dive into the Jovian atmosphere. ─── 在之后的14年,伽利略继续着自己的历史使命,揭开了许多木星的秘密,直到最终冲入木星大气坠毁。

52、Jovian magnetosphere ─── 木星磁层

53、In a Jovian stationary orbit, a spacecraft goes around the planet at the same speed as the ionosphere. ─── 在木星的同步轨道上,太空船环绕行星的速度与电离层相同。

54、The explosive impacts sent plumes of debris high into the Jovian atmosphere creating dark markings or scars, visible for a time against the cloud bands. ─── 这些强烈的撞击,造成喷发的比木星大气层还要高的烟尘,成为在云带衬托的 暗斑或撞击痕。

55、The jovian moon Io harbors a globe-girdling pool of molten rock beneath its volcano- riddled surface. ─── 木卫一布满火山的表面下拥有一个包围全球的熔岩池。

56、The Jovian moons Io and Europa are about the same size as Earth's moon.But Ganymede and Callisto are bigger, with diameters that are half again as large as the moon's diameter. ─── 木卫一和木卫二的体积与月亮的体积相当,木卫三和木卫四体积更大,其直径相当于月亮直径的一半倍。

57、In 2009 backyard astronomers saw a dark blemish on Jupiter that marked the spot where a space rock had slammed into the Jovian atmosphere. ─── 2009年,天文爱好者们在木星表面观测到一块暗斑,意味着暗斑所在处曾有一颗太空陨石坠入了木星大气。

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