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09-18 投稿


plaid 发音

英:[plæd]  美:[plæd]

英:  美:

plaid 中文意思翻译




plaid 网络释义

n. 格子花呢;格子图案adj. 有格子图案的

plaid 词性/词形变化,plaid变形


plaid 短语词组

1、plaid model s ─── 格子图案s型

2、glen plaid 【 ─── 纺织业】格伦花格呢, 厄克特格子呢 [亦作 Glen check]

3、model x plaid x ─── 型格子呢

4、plaid cymru ─── 威尔士党

5、model s plaid s ─── 型格子呢

6、plaid shirt ─── 格子花呢上衣

7、plaid shrit ─── 收缩圆盘

plaid 相似词语短语

1、-laid ─── vt.放;铺设;安排(lay的过去分词);adj.松弛的;从容不迫的;n.(Laid)(瑞典)莱德(人名)

2、uplaid ─── 插件

3、plait ─── n.褶;辫状物;vt.编织;把…编成辫(等于pleat);给…打褶;n.(Plait)人名;(法)普莱

4、slaid ─── 斯莱德

5、laid ─── vt.放;铺设;安排(lay的过去分词);adj.松弛的;从容不迫的;n.(Laid)(瑞典)莱德(人名)

6、plaids ─── n.格子布,彩格呢;方格花呢披衣(苏格兰高地服装的一部分)(plaid的复数形式)

7、plaided ─── adj.格子花呢的;有格子图案的;披彩格披肩的

8、paid ─── v.支付;付清(pay的过去式和过去分词);adj.(工作)有薪酬的;(假期)带薪的;受雇用的;薪水(高或低)的;n.(Paid)(美)排德(人名)

9、plain ─── adj.平的;简单的;朴素的;清晰的;n.平原;无格式;朴实无华的东西;adv.清楚地;平易地;n.(Plain)人名;(英)普莱恩;(法)普兰

plaid 习惯用语

1、shepherd's check ─── 有黑白格的呢绒布; 黑白小格子花纹

2、shepherd's plaid ─── 有黑白格的呢绒布; 黑白小格子花纹

plaid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Think of a cherry red bag worn with a black and white glen plaid, or the richness of brown leather against navy herring bone. ─── 想一想,穿黑白格子呢的衣服,配一只樱桃红的包,或者褐色皮包的华美与深蓝色的人字呢衣服相配形成的反差。

2、malticolor plaid shirt ─── 复色长方格衬衫

3、Softness &comfort and good hygroscopicity &permeability are demands of bed clothes, for these demands, three-layer plaid is developed by dobby loom. ─── 床上用品布料要求柔软舒适、吸湿透气,为适应这一要求,利用多臂织机开发了三层方格布。

4、In its current form, plaid is now applied to lighter materials or incorporated into urban outfits. ─── 如今,人们已经把格子图案用到了一些较为轻便的衣料上,用到了各式各样的都市行头当中。

5、Scarlett thought she had never seen such elegant pants as he wore, fawn colored, shepherd's plaid, and checked. ─── 思嘉觉得还从没见过像他身上穿的这么雅致的淡米色方格花呢的裤子呢。

6、wool plaid skirt ─── 方格毛布裙

7、gingham plaid ─── 彩色格子布

8、wool shirt in buffalo plaid ─── 大方格毛布衬衫

9、wool plaid sport shirt ─── 方格毛布运动衬衫

10、She affects plaid coats. ─── 她老爱穿方格呢外衣。

11、"Zhangbaoquan in a plaid short-sleeved shirt built, a black trousers. ─── 张宝全平时爱穿一件格子短袖衬衫,一条黑色长裤。

12、The true flag of Scotland, tartan, is recognisable from the brightly coloured plaid patterns which are used to distinguish the various clans ─── 它色彩鲜明的花格子图案曾经是区分不同宗族的标志。

13、Specifies a hatch that has the appearance of a plaid material. ─── 指定具有格子花呢材料外观的阴影。

14、In their plaid jumpers and white blouses, the girls relied upon words rather than their bodies to win their battles. ─── 女生们穿格子花呢套衫和白裙,她们靠的是语言而不是肢体来打赢战争。

15、wool pleated plaid skirt ─── 方格绒褶裙

16、The Gaelic plaid actually means "blanket". ─── 在盖尔语中,格呢披肩其实就是“毯子”的意思。

17、The Gaelic plaid actually means "blanket". ─── 在盖尔语中,格呢披肩其实就是“毯子”的意思。

18、wool plaid cap ─── 方格绒布便帽

19、This fall, with the country popular style, the village is full of flavor and color of the plaid sofa stripes, as well as various types of cloth sofa beds by young people are welcome. ─── 今年秋季,随着田园风格的流行,充满乡村气息的格子沙发和色彩鲜艳的条纹沙发以及各类布艺床都很受年轻人的欢迎。

20、I removed the habit,there shone forth beneath a grand plaid silk frock, white trousers,burnished shoes; ─── 我帮她脱下了兔毛大衣,华丽的真丝格子长裙、白色的裤子和亮得逼人眼的鞋子,让人觉得眼前一亮。

21、The word comes from Gaelic, the Celtic language of Scotland: A plaide is a woolen blanket with a checked pattern. ─── “plaid”这个词来自苏格兰凯尔特人的盖尔语,本来是指格子图案的毛毯。

22、The plaid camouflaged my new chest, the camisole protected it and the buttons on the shirt made for easy medical access. ─── 我伪装的格子新胸部,保护它的妇女贴身背心和T恤上的按钮,便于取得的医疗服务。

23、buffalo plaid shirt ─── 大方格衬衫

24、Mixing two prominent trends preppy and traditional glen plaid with street style camouflage. ─── 将街头涂鸦风格和传统的格子布风格混合在一起。透视效果的印花。

25、rayon plaid suiting ─── 人丝长方格全套西装绒

26、Plaid design template - Templates - Microsoft Office Online ─── 方格花纹设计模板-模板-Microsoft Office Online

27、Glenurquhart plaid ─── glen plaid

28、She dressed very simply and elegantly in short plaid skirts and waists of knitted silk ─── 她身穿方格子的绒布短裙和丝织的上衣,相当朴素而入时。

29、Plaid Cymru ─── 威尔士民族党

30、From there you can branch out into a blue with a Glen plaid, a gray with pinstripes and perhaps some individualistic lighter tones. ─── 在此基础上你可以再买一套蓝色花格呢的、一套灰色细条纹的或者是更个性化的浅色调西装。

31、To lay out a pattern on an even plaid, fold the fabric on either the lengthwise or the crosswise grain, matching the plaids of both layers. Pin through both layers at 10.lcm(4 inches) intervals to prevent slipping. ─── 在均匀格子布上排料,可将面料按直丝绺或横丝绺折叠,两层面料格子对齐,并每隔10.1 cm(4英寸)用大头针将两层面料固定,以防滑动。

32、I like your plaid shirt. ─── 我喜欢你的格子衬衫。

33、In the living room, curtains, tablecloths and choice of sofa sets up, you can use cotton fabric, with plaid patterns, stripes or small flowers are appropriate, simple and easy feeling. ─── 在起居室,窗帘布、桌布与沙发套的选用上,可以用棉织物,图案用格子、条纹或细花的都很恰当,感觉纯朴又轻松。

34、“Dan Jager lion” dress for men and women use the English-style fabrics and fine tailoring skills, know-how with plaid and become sophisticated fashion clothing. ─── “雅格狮丹”男女服装服饰采用英伦式优秀剪裁技巧和布料,配合专有格子图案,成为精巧时尚的衣着。

35、1. plaid short top: boylish style , I used to mix with pants, try to mix with skirts this year . ─── 1.红色格子呢短上衣.中性风格.以往都只配裤子,今年可以尝试下配裙子.

36、If special low, only to make some small plaid, Books, newspapers, CD, toys, etc. trivial items stockpiled all characters. ─── 如果特别低矮的,只能做出一些小格子来,将书报、CD、玩具等琐碎的物品统统收纳储存起来。

37、"I'm all about the disconnect, " she said. "If I'm wearing a plaid shirt and ripped jeans, I will wear a satin stiletto. " ─── “我讲求的就是反差,”她说,“如果我穿一件格子衬衫和破洞牛仔裤,我就会配一双缎纹细高跟鞋。”

38、Eddie wore blue jeans and a plaid shirt. ─── 艾迪穿一条蓝色牛仔裤和一件彩格呢衬衫。

39、He takes along an eccentric tie and a loud plaid jacket to illustrate the "wrong" way to dress for business. ─── 他随身带着一条怪里怪气的领带和一件大花格的夹克衫,用来说明这种穿着方式对于商业人士来说是“错误”的。

40、double plaid ─── 双格子

41、block plaid ─── 大方格

42、block plaid blanket ─── 块形长方格毡

43、I think I like the striped tie better than the plaid one. ─── 我想我喜欢那条带条纹的领带胜过那条带格子花纹的。

44、i want to listen to some music,lying here,tartan plaid sofa.... ─── 如果自己和室友都失眠吃饭都没有胃口怎么办。。。

45、The upper half of the big kilt evolved into the separate plaid (or sash) which is now worn at more formal events. ─── 大格呢裙的上半身则逐渐演变为单独的格呢披肩(或肩带),如今多在较为正式的场合穿着。

46、The plaid camouflaged my new chest the camisole protected it and the buttons on the shirt made for easy medical access. ─── 宽大的衬衫掩饰了我残缺的乳房,而小背心又很好地保护了它,同时这种带纽扣的衬衫方便对伤口检查。

47、This season, plaid shirt graced the runways in two main patterns -- the buffalo and the tartan. ─── 今年,时尚界主要流行两种类型的格子:大方格子衬衫和小花格子衬衫。赶紧来看看哪款合适你吧。

48、reversible plaid rug ─── 两面用方格毯

49、caroline plaid ─── 卡罗琳格纹呢

50、When Chan arrived to meet the press, still in wardrobe-long, braided hair down to his behind, a brown plaid jacket, brown chaps and wrinkly kerchief tied around his neck---a portable heater arrived with him. ─── 成龙前来接见记者时还没有卸装--长长的辫子垂至臀部,身穿一件棕色方格夹克和棕色护腿皮套裤,脖子上系着皱皱巴巴的头巾--一个便携式加热器尾随其后。

51、It is simplest to lay out a pattern on a single thickness of an uneven plaid. The pattern of a garment to be laid out on this type of plaid should have a duplicate of each pattern piece needed to construct the garment. ─── 在单层格子布上排料最简单。要在这种格子布上排料,每块服装样板都需有一块复制样板。

52、A one-way plaid is uneven in the lengthwise direction only. Pattern. pieces are laid out in one direction. ─── 单向格子布只是经向不均匀。排料应朝一个方向。

53、Dwight: The strangest thing happened this morning. A woman in blue plaid came to my door, threw muffins at my sister, threatened her and then ran. ─── 德怀特:早上的事实在太奇怪了,一个系蓝丝巾的姑娘闯到我家,把一篮子蛋糕扔向我姐姐,骂了她,自己却跑了。

54、Practice of Developing Polyester Cotton Union Plaid on Air-jet Loom ─── 在喷气织机上开发涤棉交织方格布的实践

55、Overall :peachde yarn dyed plaid poplin w/ self linde bib&straps .Buttons,Embroidery,jacquard patch ,Ring snaps. ─── 套装,桃色色织方格府绸,自身面料做的围兜,带子,有扣子,绣花,提花贴布,五爪扣

56、I wish I could have met the lady in the plaid skirt, who looks to have tucked a flower or two behind the bow of her straw hat. ─── 我真希望我能遇见这位穿方格子裙的女士,她看上去好像把一两支花插在了她的稻草帽的帽檐后。

57、As uneven plaid is uneven both horizontally and vertically. ─── 不均匀格子布横向、竖向都是不均匀的。

58、Zhou Xun to play in the film "sister", Su Yan all the basic appearance, only wears men's plaid shirt and let the audience see a simple comparison of Zhou Xun. ─── 周迅在片中扮演“的姐”,基本都是素颜出镜,只穿男式格子衬衫,让观众见到一个比较淳朴的周迅。

59、tartan plaid ─── n. 格子花(美作:tartan)

60、Advantage Plaid by Volleyball Activities in Systematic Project of Nationwide Body-building Movement ─── 排球运动在全民健身运动系统工程中的优势

61、The Comintern plaid a rule of "midwife and guardian" in this process. ─── 共产国际在这一过程中扮演了助产士和监护人的角色。

62、fabric with a plaid pattern. See also Synonyms at calculate, form ─── 带有格子花呢图案的毛织品参见同义词,

63、woven rayon plaid ─── 人造丝长方格绸

64、wool shadow plaid sport shirt ─── 暗影方格羊毛布运动衬衫

65、"Wife,the meel tonight Oh I want to eat." "Wife, and that pieces of iron gray plaid shirt yet? ─── 婚后他们还象恋爱时那样手牵着手去看海去踏浪去看日出,也常常在月光下相互依偎着说着悄悄话。

66、rayon woven plaid frock ─── 人造丝编织长方格长外衣

67、I lay down on the examining table.I'd worn a big plaid flannel shirt and a camisole underneath. ─── 我躺到检查床上,那天我穿的是一件大的彩格法兰绒衬衣,里面穿件贴身背心。

68、A man in a plaid shirt emerges from the folds of his collapsed tent and rolls up a foam mat. ─── 周六,蒙蒙细雨。上午10点刚过,一个穿花格衬衫的男人从倒塌的帐篷里爬出来,卷起泡沫睡垫。

69、She wore a plaid shirt and blue jeans. ─── 她穿著彩格呢衬衫和牛仔裤。

70、My mother and I walked across the street to the school, looked on the sidewalks and all over the playground and in the halls, but no plaid jumper was to be found. ─── 妈妈和我穿过街道去学校,在人行道上、操场上和走廊里到处寻找,但找不到花格子的上衣。

71、The skirt-like kilt which is familiar to us today evolved around the middle of the 18th century from the more commonly worn and functional belted plaid 。 ─── 如今广为人知的短裙般的苏格兰方格呢裙最早出现在18世纪中期左右,是从当时穿着比较普遍又实用的束带格纹呢子披肩演变而来的。

72、On the second morning, they awoke and plaid happily again. ─── 天亮了,他们醒来了,又高高兴兴地玩起来。

73、The upper half of the big kilt evolved into the separate plaid which is now worn at more formal events。 ─── 大格呢裙的上半身则逐渐演变为单独的格呢披肩,如今多在较为正式的场合穿着。

74、1. She made a long plaid skirt. ─── 她做了一条格子花呢的长裙。

75、I was nervous as could be, but determined to make a good impression in my new white coat, with red plaid bow tie and cummerbund. ─── 我紧张得不得了,于是决定穿上我那件白色的新上衣,打上彩格呢红领结,系上宽腰带,希望以此给大家留下深刻的印象。

76、The upper half of the big kilt evolved into the separate plaid (or sash) which is now worn at more formal events。 ─── 大格呢裙的上半身则逐渐演变为单独的格呢披肩(或肩带),如今多在较为正式的场合穿着。

77、plaid matching ─── 对格

78、block plaid umbrella ─── 大方格伞

79、Fabric with a plaid pattern. ─── 带有格子花呢图案的毛织品

80、Plaid umbrella up, I slowly wet the line of the Avenue of the People's Bank. ─── 撑起格子伞,我慢悠悠的行在了湿湿的人行大道上。

81、It matches your plaid skirt perfectly. ─── 它很配你的格子裙。

82、block plaid shirt ─── 大方块格衬衫

83、"I am sorry I am so late," said Ellen, slipping her plaid shawl from drooping shoulders and handing it to Scarlett, whose cheek she patted in passing. ─── "这么晚才回来,很抱歉。 "爱伦说,一面将披巾从肩头取下来,递给思嘉,同时顺手在她面颊上摸了摸。

84、There, sure enough, he was introduced to his friend's cousin - a pretty girl wearing pointed green-suede shoes and a plaid coat. ─── 就在那里,有人给他介绍了他朋友的堂妹。 她果真是一位穿尖头绿色鹿皮鞋、方格花呢上衣的漂亮姑娘。

85、That night Dad had a dream. He saw a young woman wearing pointed green-suede shoes and a plaid coat. ─── 当天晚上他就做了一个梦,梦见一个穿尖头绿色麂皮鞋、方格花呢上衣的年轻女子。

86、glen plaid ─── 大格嵌细格

87、I'd worn a big plaid flannel shirt and a camisole underneath. ─── 我想穿大格子法兰绒衬衫和一个妇女贴身背心下面。

88、Development of Three-layer Plaid Cloth ─── 三层方格布产品的开发

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