seminaries 发音
英:[ˈsɛmɪnəriz] 美:[ˈsɛməˌnɛriz]
英: 美:
seminaries 中文意思翻译
seminaries 词性/词形变化,seminaries变形
名词复数: seminaries |
seminaries 相似词语短语
1、luminaries ─── n.发光体;杰出人物(luminary的复数)
2、seminarists ─── 神学院学生
3、seminars ─── n.研讨会(seminar的复数);专题讨论会
4、seminarial ─── 神的
5、seminarist ─── 神学院学生
6、seminates ─── adj.(种子)散布的,散播的;v.(种子)散布,传播,播种于
7、zemindaries ─── 泽门达尔
8、seminarian ─── n.神学校学生
9、seminarians ─── n.神学校学生
seminaries 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Chinese seminaries are totally occupied in the training of students and faculties have little time for anything else. ─── 近代大多数的中国神学院的老师们也多是国外训练的。
2、Fukan, the Fortress Hill Hong Kong people will be selected by Jesus, where they built a fort, seminaries and church, commonly known as "junior Pakistan. ─── 俯看内港的大炮台山被耶稣会士选中,他们在那里兴建了炮台、神学院及教堂,俗称"大三巴"。
3、Dr.Ho holds a Ph.D from University of Wales in theology and has served as visiting lecturer at seminaries in Hong Kong and Philippines, and Sichuan University in China. ─── 何文祺博士毕业于英国威尔斯大学,曾于香港和菲律宾之神学院以及中国四川大学担任客座教授。
4、It founded many colleges and seminaries, notably Wilberforce University (1856) in Ohio. ─── 该会设立了许多学院及神学院,如俄亥俄州著名的韦尔伯佛思大学(Wilberforce University, 1856)。
5、And their seminaries are not at the intellectual level of the universities," says Dr Tan. ─── 他们的神学院赶不上大学教育水平。
6、Although this cannot be changed overnight, let us pray for the few training programs and official seminaries that provide specific training for college graduates. ─── 这情况虽不会一夜改变,但我们求神不断兴起高学历基督徒向更多知识分子传福音。
7、They would include missions, broadcasting, youth, literature, seminaries, etc.But we cannot give to all, right? ─── 他们包括差传、广播、青年、文字、神学院...等事工,但我们不能奉献给所有机构,对吗?
8、What that is, is I actually went around and studied ten different seminaries and divinity schools around the country, all Protestant seminaries, but very different. ─── 那本书是,我去访问,并研究了全国10所不同的神学院,和神学学校,都是新教神学院,但彼此非常不同。
9、Association of Christian Continuing Education Schools and Seminaries ─── 基督徒延续教育学校及研习班协会
10、Religious organizations may, in accordance with law, run seminaries and other schools, hospitals and welfare institutions and to provide other social services. ─── 宗教组织可依法开办宗教院校和其他学校、医院和福利机构以及提供其他社会服务。
11、Renaissance of true religious teachings and overhauling of religious seminaries can indoctrinate open-mindedness in the followers of various religions and school of thoughts. ─── 文艺复兴时真正的宗教教育和改良的神学院给各种宗教和学派的追随者们开放的思想。
12、Among the Catholic nations of Europe, Poland stands out as the only place where seminaries are full and priests abound. ─── 在欧洲天主教国家,波兰尤为出众,这里是唯一一处神学院爆满,神甫比比皆是的地方。
13、Ask the students to say the Chinese Valentine's Day and tell the seminaries and differences . ─── 引导学生说出中国的情人节(七夕节)并讨论两个节日之间的异同。
14、Religious organizations may, according to their previous practice, continue to run seminaries and other schools, hospitals and welfare institutions and to provide other social services. ─── 宗教组织可按原有办法继续兴办宗教院校、其他学校、医院和福利机构以及提供其他社会服务。
15、We take this time to lift up all who teach the Bible in seminaries, training classes, and churches.May the Lord give them wisdom, a powerful life witness, and an example of humility . ─── 让我们记念在圣经学院、培训班、和众教会里担任教职的人,求神厚赐他们智慧、能力与谦卑,以及有力的生命见证,为众人树立典范。
16、Korean churches have given generously and sacrificially for Chinese churches and have supplied many seminaries throughout China. ─── 韩国教会一向慷慨供应中国人福音的需要,并支持国内近十多所神学院。
17、those women who teach in our seminaries, academies, and public schools for a miserable pittance; ─── 再加上那些在我们的私立女子学校、高等学府和公立学校任教,却仅仅换来微薄收入的女子;
18、Will laypeople, after tasting the wisdom of Reformed teaching, become overly disillusioned with existing pulpits and seminaries, and end up in despair? ─── 海外华人教会呢?一些尝过改革宗宝藏的智慧的平信徒,会不会对现有的教会讲台与神学院失望,甚至绝望?
19、Missionary-training seminaries all over China are training missionaries specifically for the Islamic world, many of whom are learning Arabic and Farsi. ─── 遍布中国的传教-训练神学院已经以穆斯林世界为对象进行专门训练,很多人在学习阿拉伯语和法斯语。
20、analyzes on status quo of the education in the information technology environment, but also seminaries the teaching practice based on theories. ─── 对当今信息环境下教育现状的分析,也有根据理论的指导对教学实践的总结概括。
21、Actively participate in school's meetings, seminaries and open house. You are encouraged to provide any constructive suggestions or criticism to school management. ─── 九、积极参加中文课家长教师会议和家长大会。听取教学、办学、财务等报告。随时向校务组与家长会提出有关意见和建议。
22、Seminaries and Centres of Higher Studies ─── 修道院及高等学院
23、Micro_Grupa_d_o_o_ Zatvoreni (in-house) seminari, otvoreni seminari, baza znanja, poslovno savjetovanje. ─── 北京房地产北京地区免费房源信息平台,房产常识文章,房地产律师的法律支援服务。
24、Seminaries : courses for the graduates of Yale College, a master's degree awarding theology, a master's degree in religious literature, the best students may pursue a master's degree in theology. ─── 神学院:为耶鲁学院毕业生开设课程,授神学硕士,宗教文学硕士学位,优秀学生还可攻读神学硕士学位。
25、In this paper, I examine the accreditation policy and try to find a solution that fits the specific need of the seminaries. ─── 本文检讨这个宗教政策,并试著提出一套解决研修学院特殊需要的方案。
26、The anticipation of Chinese believers visiting churches and seminaries in Taiwan opens a new chapter too. ─── 这机会也为两岸信徒的交流展开新的契机,大陆信徒能借此机会来参观台湾的神学院和教会。
27、Thinking much like Comrade Ren Bishi of the Education of Party Character in Seminaries for Party Members ─── 像任弼时同志那样重视党校的党性教育
28、While he was in this country, a student at one of the seminaries said,” Dr.Barth, what is the greatest truth that ever crossed your mind? ─── 他在美国时,在一间神学院有个学生问他,“巴特博士,你想你曾发现的最伟大的真理是什么?”
29、They would include missions, broadcasting, youth, literature, seminaries , etc. But we cannot give to all, right? ─── 他们包括差传、广播、青年、文字、神学院…等事工,但我们不能奉献给所有机构,对吗?
30、In recent years Chinese churches have sent quite a number of students to study abroad and invited foreign lecturers and scholars to teach in China's theological seminaries. ─── 近年来,中国教会向国外选派了相当数量的留学生,并聘请外国教师和学者到国内的神学院校讲学。
31、She has served in several Chinese churches as well as seminaries since she was called to full-time Christian service over 30 years ago. ─── 大学毕业从事建筑专业四年后蒙召,卅多年来曾在四间华人教会全职事奉,并在数间华人神学院当客座讲师。
32、The pope ordered what is known as an "apostolic visitation" of "certain" dioceses, seminaries and religious orders. ─── 教皇还对“某个”教区、神学院和叫职人员安排了一个“宗坐探视”。
33、In the first half of the 20th century, Beijing became a center of catholic activity and learning with the foundation of?Furen University, the Printing Press at the Beitang, various seminaries and schools. ─── 二十世纪初期,北京因辅仁大学,北堂的印刷厂,数间修院及学校而成了一个重要的天主教学术中心。
34、My personal opinion is that there is actually a sufficient number of graduates from seminaries;the question is whether they have a clear calling from God to serve. ─── 其实真正问题在那里呢!我个人却有不同的看法,每年从 神学院毕业的人其实不少,问题只是他们清楚是 神呼召献身事奉 神的麽?
35、Despite the hyper-sexualization of our culture, few seminaries are providing pastors adequate training to counteract the sexual lies bombarding Christians every day. ─── 尽管超sexualization我们的文化,很少学院牧师提供适当的培训,以抵消性谎言轰炸基督徒每天。
36、Jealousy and resentment are not strangers to seminaries any more than they are to secular institutions. ─── 妒忌、猜疑和怨恨在神学院里也是司空见惯的,并不比世俗的学校少。
37、It is the largest of the eight seminaries in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). ─── 网站简介 : Luther Seminary educates leaders for Christian communities across the country and around the world.
38、Female students still outnumber males in all seminaries and especially in the underground seminaries. ─── 在所有退修训练会中,女学员人数往往远低于男性,尤其在家庭教会里更明显。
39、Church authorities contributed to the spread of racist theories mainly through the schools and seminaries over which they exercised control. ─── 教会当局主要通过他们控制的学校和布道会宣扬种族主义。
40、set famous calligraphic and painting seminaries, professor, seminars, invitation, landscape, Flowers, grass, wild waterfowl, etc. ─── 设立书画研究班,邀请名家,教授,讲习山水,人物,花鸟,走兽,水禽,草丛等。
41、America has several thriving rent-a-chaplain companies, and two seminaries that offer degrees in corporate chaplaincy, yet demand still exceeds supply. ─── 美国有几家生意红火的牧师租借公司,两个神学院为这些公司的牧师提供企业牧师职位所需的学位证书,然而仍然供不应求。
42、It's no wonder that while we have more money, buildings, books, seminars, seminaries and support groups than ever, 80 percent of our North American churches have either plateaued or are declining. ─── 难怪当我们前所未有地拥有更多金钱、建筑设施、书本、研讨会、和支持组等培育年轻下一代的温床时,而我们80%的北美教会的信徒却处于饱和或面临下降的情况。
43、Theoretical studies are enriched by seminaries and field work. ─── 从我校经济学院毕业的学生有着广泛的就业选择面,就业率非常高。
44、The children's tutors were replaced by new teachers and students from the pedagogy seminaries. ─── 孩子们的辅导员由新老师和教育学研究班的学生接替。
45、We have also made efforts to support seminaries: providing seminarian internship opportunities for the training of God’s servants, and use our resources to help the poor and needy at home and abroad. ─── 我们也尽力支持神学院:如提供实习工场给神学生和运用我们的资源去帮助本地或国外的贫乏人士。
46、To be recognized as an approved church workers means completion from state-approved seminaries or one year worth of training classes. ─── 近年来的经济改革开放,成千上万的工人、农人、解放军却没有从中获益,他们是中国最大一群的未得之民。
47、They have registered pastors, and no access to seminaries: But they have youth, and future, and money. ─── 他们有注册的牧师,不能去神学院,但是他们年轻,有未来,有资金。”
48、Jealousy and resentment are not strangers to seminaries any more than they are to secular institutions ─── 妒忌、猜疑和怨恨在神学院里也是司空见惯的,并不比世俗的学校少。
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