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09-18 投稿


impeller 发音

英:[ɪm'pelə]  美:[ɪm'pɛlɚ]

英:  美:

impeller 中文意思翻译



impeller 网络释义

n. [动力][机] 叶轮;推进者

impeller 词性/词形变化,impeller变形

动词现在分词: impelling |动词过去分词: impelled |动词第三人称单数: impels |动词过去式: impelled |

impeller 短语词组

1、impeller hub ─── [化] 叶轮轮毂

2、close impeller ─── [化] 封闭式叶轮

3、centrifugal impeller mixer ─── [化] 离心叶轮混合器

4、backward-bladed impeller ─── [化] 后弯叶轮; 后弯叶片叶轮

5、axial-flow impeller ─── [化] 轴流式叶轮

6、impeller labyrinth ─── [化] 叶轮迷宫密封

7、closed impeller ─── [建] 隐闭叶轮

8、impeller pump ─── [化] 叶轮泵

9、back impeller ─── [化] 后弯叶轮; 后弯式叶轮

10、impeller breaker ─── [化] 叶轮式粉碎机; 叶轮式破碎机

11、impeller boss ─── [化] 叶轮轮毂

12、impeller output ─── [化] 叶轮排出量

13、impeller blade ─── [化] 叶轮片

14、forward inclined type of impeller ─── [化] 前弯型叶轮

15、enclosed impeller ─── [化] 闭式叶轮

16、impeller agitator ─── [化] 叶轮搅拌器

17、impeller plate ─── [化] 叶轮板

18、impeller channel ─── [化] 叶轮道; 叶轮流道

19、fan impeller ─── [化] 风扇叶轮

impeller 相似词语短语

1、repeller ─── n.反射极;退回器

2、impelled ─── v.冲动;抛;推进(强迫)

3、compeller ─── 强迫者

4、cupeller ─── 库佩勒

5、impellers ─── n.[动力][机]叶轮;推进者

6、impeder ─── 阻抗器

7、expeller ─── n.榨油机;开除者;驱逐者;发射机

8、impellent ─── adj.推动的;强迫的;n.推进力

9、dispeller ─── 驱散者

impeller 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The author s implantable pulsatile impeller pump can assist the circulation of the calves for several months. ─── 我们研制的可植入式搏动流叶轮型人工心脏可辅助试验小牛血液循环数个月。

2、Zarya A N.Motions of Phases of the Mixture in a Centrifugal Impeller Fluid[J].Mechanics-Soviet Research, 1975,4(4). ─── 彭维明,程良骏.水涡轮机械中轴对称固液两相流动的研究[J].水利学报,1994(4).

3、Install close fitting neck bushing at the bottom of seal chamber to isolate the heat from the impeller end. ─── 在密封腔底部安装喉部衬套用来隔离从叶轮传出的热量

4、In an agitated reactor with hydrofoil impeller,effects of draft tube structure and solid content on power consumption and gas holdup were investigated. ─── 在高径比为1.0的搅拌反应器中,研究了导流筒结构及固体含量对翼型轴流桨功耗与气含率的影响。

5、Our main products are valve accessories, the body, the impeller, pipe, marine hardware and other architectural hardware, and so on. ─── 我们的主要产品有阀门配件、泵体、叶轮、管件、船用五金以及其他建筑五金等。

6、The structure of DAV is merely an impeller fixed to a magnetic rotor while held by a central shaft hanging from a rigid supporti ng cage. ─── 我们对动力瓣的结构进行了改进,并采用了远距离磁驱动技术。

7、Cause plastic casing or plastic package easily to be out of shape into boiled water, also can cause impeller axis sealed and undesirable, form slack. ─── 倒入开水轻易造成塑料箱体或塑料组件变形,也会造成波轮轴密封不良,形成漏水。

8、The resonant frequency of the impeller blades of APU load coInPressoris a target index necessary to be controlled in the process of themaintenance of iIllPeller. ─── APU负载压气机叶轮叶片的共振频率是维修叶轮过程中需要控制的一项指标。

9、The liquid has been pre-swirled at the inlet of impeller. ─── 在叶轮进口处,液流已有预旋,流动撞击损失较大;

10、The ERMS was composed of multiple reaction cells, in one of which was set with ultrafiltration membrane and an impeller. ─── 分别采用平板、刮刀、凹槽型式的叶轮在不同转速下进行实验,并在多级膜分离式酶解反应器中进行了验证。

11、The rotation direction of impeller is based on the direction indicated by rotation arrow. ─── 叶轮旋转方向,以转向箭头所示方向为准。

12、Variable Angle adjustment from the structure, the axial flow pump impeller with enormous wheels, easy to install adjustable angle blade. ─── 变角调节从构造来看,轴流泵叶轮具有巨大的轮毂,便于安装可调角度的叶片。

13、The backside of impeller:due to special design of backside impeller,the pressure on the stuffing box is minimum. ─── 叶轮背部:由于叶轮背面的特殊设计,将填料箱上的残余压力减到最小。

14、Eccentric structure Of impeller and pump casing applied. ─── 叶轮与泵壳偏心布置。

15、We are eager to cooperate with customers in home and abroad so as to impel the stone business and welcome to contact us any time! ─── 三极公司始终秉承"用户至上、誉第一"的经营宗旨,竭诚与海内外客商携手合作,共创美好的明天!

16、Two or more results of a thing may impel the thing towards the direction of wrong or right, so we can not judge a thing decisively sometimes. ─── 一件事情的两种或者多种结果都有可能促使事情往好的或不好的方面发展,所以有时我们不能果断的对一件事情做出判断。

17、Excellent water cycle system, Adopting large impeller water pump, make sure the whole engine heat emission. ─── 优化的水循环系统,采用大叶轮水泵,提高了低速泵水的能力,保证了整机的散热效果更好。

18、Use one impeller when mixing thin materials, Use two or three impellers on thicker materials. Made of stainless steel. ─── 搅拌稀材料用一款搅拌器,稠状液体使用两到三个搅拌器,所有的推进器均采用不锈钢材质。

19、Introduce the situation of using high pressure water jet washing sinter exhauster impeller in sinter plant of Angang. ─── 介绍了安阳钢铁股份有限责任公司烧结厂采用高压水射流清洗技术清洗烧结抽风机叶轮的实践及应用效果。

20、Foreign body in the inlet, impeller or flow deflector inside the shell will be employed to reduce water. ─── 异物留在进水管、叶轮或导流壳流道内,都将使出水量减少。

21、The hub of impeller in 2BE1 series liquid-ring vacuum pump was manufactured by casting according to the technique of Siemens in Germany. ─── 2BE1系列水环真空泵叶轮轮毂按德国西门子公司工艺是采用铸造生产的,其铸钢轮毂质量不稳定,生产周期长。

22、And other pumps, the impeller, the pressurized water chamber, pump sewage two core components. ─── 和其它泵一样,叶轮、压水室、是污水泵的两大核心部件。

23、Before assembling, inspect whether the fasteners are tight and make sure there are no foreign bodies blocked in the runner to avoid the damage to pump impeller and casing. ─── 安装前应检查机组紧固件有无松动现象,泵体流道内有无异物堵塞,以免水泵运行时损坏叶轮和泵体。

24、The changes in the attributes of product variables also impel the transformation of channel structure. ─── 产品属性的变化也推动了渠道结构的变革。

25、Using the new techniques of pendular impeller and wind guide turbo, the decumbent wind power engine can use the wind power energy more efficent. ─── 在横卧式风力发动机上利用摆动式风叶和导风涡轮等新技术,能更高效地利用风力资源。

26、Corrosion phenomenon of gas blower impeller is introduced, the corrosive reason is briefly analyzed,and 8 items of improving measures are put forward. ─── 介绍了煤气鼓风机叶轮腐蚀现象,并简单分析了腐蚀原因,还提出了8项改进措施。

27、All blades on the fan impeller of the fan impeller device are made into a sectional structure in the axial direction of the fan impeller. ─── 其风扇叶轮上的各个叶片、沿风扇轮的轴向方向制成分段的结构。

28、trim exponents vary with the fluid viscosity and impeller diameter ratio at same time. ─── 切割指数同时随着切割后的直径比和液体粘度变化而变化。

29、To move or impel to action,effort,or speed;spur. ─── 催促,力劝促使行动、努力或加速;剌激

30、After the eccentric cam turning impeller, per unit volume reduction of the cavity. ─── 叶轮转过偏心凸轮后,每单元空腔的容积减少。

31、Here the air and water discharged from the return valve to the back entrance of the impeller. ─── 在这里空气排出而水又从回流阀返回到叶轮入口。

32、Communicative activities impel mankind to form cognitive structure and help to develop human cognitive competence. ─── 交际活动促进人类认知结构的形成,也促进人类认知能力的发展。

33、Therefore, television viewer's change is the main power to impel the television lens time rhythmic variation . ─── 因此,电视镜头时间节奏变化的主要动力是电视观众的变化。

34、Axial flow type and ballistic type. The speed of impeller depends on the speed of wind. ─── 叶轮有两种:轴流式、冲击式。叶轮受到大小不同的风力就有不同的转速。

35、Kinetic pumps pass kinetic energy to the fluid by means of a rapidly rotating impeller (Blade). ─── 动力泵依靠高速旋转的叶轮(叶片)将动能传给流体。

36、This invention relates to an impeller for data acquisition in a flow. ─── 本发明涉及一种用于在流动物中采集数据的叶轮。

37、After tilting the ministry with impeller blade. ─── 叶轮带有后倾式的上下叶片。

38、Impeller Balancing require to do, otherwise the impact of one impeller life, the impact of two pumps running, this will result in equipment accident. ─── 叶轮动平衡都要求做,否则一影响叶轮使用寿命,二影响泵的运行状态,会造成设备事故。

39、It is not only used to design centrifugal pump impeller and diffuser, but also used to design non_clogging pump impeller and diffuser, radial diffuser, space diffuser, etc. ─── 它除了可进行清水泵的叶轮、蜗壳水力设计外,还可设计无堵塞泵的叶轮、蜗壳以及径向导叶、空间导叶等水力件的水力设计。

40、A novel permanent magnetic bearing has been designed,and used in an impeller TAH(total artificial heart)in the aulhors laboratory. ─── 将这种永磁轴承应用于叶轮式全人工心脏的结构设计,现已完成了样机制作和初步测试。

41、But the flow in vaned diffuser is complex because it is influenced by not only the rotating impeller upstream but also the block of its own blades. ─── 但是由于受到其上游旋转叶轮的影响,以及本身叶片对流动的约束,其内部的流动情况是非常复杂的。

42、Whirlpool Qibeng the impeller similar large gas turbines impeller. ─── 漩涡气泵的叶轮类似庞大的气轮机的叶轮。

43、Backward curved impeller manufactured in galvanised steel, dynamically balanced. ─── 后曲叶轮由镀锌钢制成,动态平衡。

44、The invention relates to a radiator fan, which comprises a fan frame, an inner rotor motor, at least an impeller and a circuit wafer. ─── 一种散热风扇,其包含一个扇框、一个内转子马达、至少一个叶轮及一个电路板。

45、Foreign company begins to adopt integrated compressor impeller in their series of turbo-chargers. ─── 国外公司在其系列增压器中开始采用整体式压气机叶轮。

46、The main pump consists of casing, impeller, rectifier, shaft, bearing, mechanical seal and half-coupling. ─── 主泵由泵壳、叶轮、整流器、轴、轴承、机械密封、半联轴节等组成。

47、Consist of housing, impeller, motor, base and connection box. ─── 圆形管道风机系列主要由外壳、叶轮、电机和接线盒组成。

48、Impeller or after the middle of a good tune, should be on the mark, indicating the order of assembly in order to **oid a mistake. ─── 叶轮或中段调好之后,应当作上记号,注明次序,以免装配时弄错。

49、If impeller rotating counterclockwise, called inverse Tornado aircraft, "inverse" said. ─── 如叶轮逆时针旋转,称为逆旋风机,以"逆"表示.

50、Meanwhile, the area is fully utilizing the advantage of the port to impel its economic growth too. ─── 同时,区域也在充分利用港口的优势促使其经济的增长。

51、For the assembly and connection of aerator composed of reducer, electromotor, cover, impeller, strut bar, and floating ball, please refer to Fig. 1. ─── 增氧机的减速箱、电动机、罩壳、支撑杆、叶轮和浮球等六大部件的整机装配连接方法参见图一。

52、FSB series fluoroplastic alloy pump is composed of pump body, impeller, back cover, seal, support, pump shaft, bearing, coupling, fasten bolt, nut and base plate. ─── FSB系列氟塑料合金泵由泵体、叶轮,后盖,密封性,支架,泵轴,轴承,连轴器,吊紧螺栓,螺母,底板组成。

53、Protect the specific executant of the project and impeller as gold, liability of information center director is great. ─── 作为金保工程的具体执行者和推进者,信息中心主任责任重大。

54、The main factors to IGV-impeller interaction were also discussed to analyze the influence of unsteady flow effect upon flow field of impeller. ─── 分析了非定常性应对叶轮内流场结构的影响。

55、A central zone, provides rapid flocculation, with mixing by an axial-flow impeller, which recirculates the flow within the reactor. ─── 中部絮凝速度快,由一个轴流叶轮进行搅拌,该叶轮使水流在反应器内循环流动。

56、These methods are impeller boundary conditions approach, inner-outer approach, MRF approach, sliding grid approach, snapshot approach and LES meth... ─── 并通过分析各种方法的优缺点提出了进一步的研究方向:修正湍流模型,发展大涡模拟法等。

57、In order to impel the consumption, China introduce the Golden week in 1999. ─── 我国在1999年推出“黄金周”是为了大力推动内需的增长。

58、The wake separated should be weakened or eliminated to improve the hydraulic performance while the impeller handling viscous oils. ─── 为了提高叶轮输送粘油时的水力性能,应该削弱或消除分离的尾流。

59、YL gear impeller aerator is one of farming machines widely used in aquaculture at present. ─── YL型齿轮式叶轮增氧机,是目前水产养殖业广泛采用的养殖机械之一。

60、There is a relationship between the trim exponents and impeller diameter ratio, namely the exponents vary with the ratio. ─── 叶轮切割指数与直径比的确存在着某种关系,也就是切割指数随着切割后的直径比的变化而变化。

61、Impeller of model BF floation cell is composed of the dosed double section cones and ot can produce strong slutty cycle doumward. ─── BF型浮选机叶轮是由闭式双截锥体组成,可产生强的矿浆下循环,其特点:(1)、吸气量大,功耗低。

62、He has endeavored to impel the trading between China and Japan for years. ─── 他多年来一直为推动中日两国贸易的发展而努力。

63、China's peaceful rising should follow this road and impel regionalization of East Asia. ─── 中国的和平崛起也需遵循这一路径选择,主动、积极地推动东亚区域合作、倡导东亚区域一体化。

64、In the lobed impeller the measuring chambers are the space between the lobes and the meter housing. ─── 叶轮式测量室是叶轮和流量叶壳体间的空间。

65、Take the recycle hydrogen compressor for example,the influence of impeller runner scale deposite on centrifugal compressor property is analized. ─── 以加氢裂化车间循环氢压缩机为例,分析了离心压缩机叶轮流道结垢对其性能的影响。

66、The writing of a book, say a novel, is again due to a species of worms which impel and urge the author to create for no reason whatsoever. ─── 一部小说里说,一个人写一本书也是由于一种虫在作祟,激动他无缘无故创造一本书出来。

67、HQDL pump impeller is optimally designed to reduce eddy-current and friction loss,this making flowing more streamlined. ─── 慧泉HQDL泵叶轮采用了最为先进的设计,通过减少涡流和摩擦损失,使流动更趋于流线型。

68、Generation of tool-path on the hub surface of impeller is researched. ─── 对整体叶轮轮毂面的刀位轨迹排布进行了研究。

69、The ground to impel the association valuable doesn't count on itself but the respective value of the associators. ─── 使一种交往具有价值的不是交往本身,而是交往者各自的价值。

70、Model ZB sprinkling pump is a self-priming centrifugal motor pump which mainly consists of impeller, pump casing, seal and bearings. ─── ZB型喷灌自吸泵为自吸式离心泵,主要由叶轮、泵体、密封、轴承体等部件组成。

71、To move or impel to action, effort, or speed; spur. ─── 催促,力劝促使行动、努力或加速;剌激

72、He say he have is impel to crime by poverty. ─── 他说贫困逼得他犯罪。

73、The new applications of Web 2.0 such as Blog, Wiki, SNS, RSS etc. , impel the Internet to a brand-new stage. ─── 以Blog、Wiki、SNS、RSS等为代表的技术与应用的出现,使得互联网进入了一个全新的发展阶段。

74、The relative velocity in different impeller passages in the volute circumferential direction varies in magnitude but shared the same tendency. ─── 在相对蜗壳的不同位置处叶轮流道内部的相对速度大小有所不同,但速度分布规律基本一致。

75、Luo Sheng,Qi Datong,Zhao Furong,et al.Measurement and analysis of impeller inlet prewhirl flow in a centrifugal fan[J].Fluid Machinery,2002,30(8):6-7. ─── [7]罗晟,祁大同,赵复荣,等.离心风机叶轮进口预旋的测量和分析[J].流体机械,2002,30(8):6-7.

76、The correlation formula of gas holdup was obtained when the holes area ratio of draft tube was 16.4% and the hydrofoil impeller was upward. ─── 并得到在开孔率为16.4%条件下,翼型轴流桨上提操作时的气含率关联式。

77、A mixed-flow pump with unshrouded impeller was manufactured, and the flow in the impeller at design and off-design flow rates was measured by particle image velocimetry (PIV). ─── 为探讨混流式叶轮内部的流动机理,设计了一半开式叶轮混流泵实验装置,利用PIV技术对设计流量及变流量工况下叶轮内部的流动进行了测量。

78、A genetic algorithm has been employed for the structure optimization of a centri fugal compressor impeller. ─── 利用遗传算法对离心压气机叶轮的结构进行优化设计。

79、It was shown that the value of mixing time was dependent on the speed and position of impeller. ─── 对于不同的搅拌转速而言,随搅拌转速的增大,相同体积分数对应的混合时间逐渐减小。

80、Halidarre almost bucked Rem into the air, filling with her wings and cutting hi her impeller fields. ─── 哈丽达尔弓背挺身,差点将雷甩到天上,它鼓起双翼,在推进力场里不停扇动。

81、My final goal is to impel the China's renaissance! ─── 我的最终目的是推动中华民族屹立于世界民族之林!

82、The result show the impeller"s distortion and residual stress.For the discontinuous welding case, the paper found a predigest impeller model. ─── 建立简化模型,模拟计算了连续焊接和八种间断时间条件下焊接的温度场、应力场和位移场分布。

83、In need of special is that the liquid particles in the body within the flow rate is less than the circumference of a circle impeller speed. ─── 需要特别指出的是,液体质点在泵体流道内的圆周速度小于叶轮的圆周速度。

84、Hereby,we introduce its appearance,development,and main research areas so as to impel this kind of research in China. ─── 为此,本文就保护遗传学的产生和发展及其研究内容和意义作一简要介绍,以推动我国在该方面的研究。

85、Aim to impel knowledge especially tacit knowledge tied in individual or group coming out flowing, sharing, updating in organization. ─── 使得个体和群体的知识,尤其是隐性知识从深度个人缠绕、队情节的束缚中解脱出来,实现流动、享和不断更新。

86、Xu H Y, Lu D R, Luo X W, et al.Study on abrasive wear rule of impeller of centrifugal slurry pump[J].Tribology, 1998, 18 (3): 248-253. ─── [4]许洪元,卢达熔,罗先武,等.离心式渣浆泵叶轮磨损规律研究[J].摩擦学学报, 1998, 18 (3): 248-253.

87、Models XCF and KYF are enforced aeration flotation machine.It has a smaller diameter of impeller, thus lower peripheral speed, saving 30%-50% of power. ─── XCF型与KYF型浮选机均属充气型浮选机,叶轮直径小,圆周速度低,可降低功率30-50%;

88、Instead the pump impeller should be trimmed or valves located else where in the system to partially throttle the flow. ─── 代替泵叶轮应该经过修整,或者阀门应该位于系统部分节流的地方。

89、Its wearless impeller is suspended in the pump housing through a combination of passive magnets and hydrodynamic thrust bearing. ─── 它利用被动式磁轴承和水力轴承的共同作用使无磨损的血泵转子悬浮并旋转起来,产生离心力,推动血液流动。

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