lares 发音
英: 美:
lares 中文意思翻译
lares 网络释义
n. 拉列斯(古罗马的家庭守护神)
lares 词性/词形变化,lares变形
名词复数: Lares |
lares 相似词语短语
1、bares ─── n.(Bares)人名;(西)巴雷斯
2、larees ─── 家园
3、larges ─── adj.大的;多数的;广博的;adv.大大地;夸大地;n.大;n.(Large)人名;(英)拉奇;(法)拉尔热
4、dares ─── v.敢;胆敢(dare的第三人称单数);n.(Dares)人名;(阿拉伯)达雷斯
5、cares ─── abbr.中心咨询服务(CentralAdvisoryReferralService);v.care的变形
6、blares ─── v.发出响而刺耳的声音;n.刺耳的鸣响;绚丽
7、flares ─── n.喇叭裤
8、glares ─── v.怒目而视,瞪眼看;发出刺眼的光;n.怒视,瞪眼;刺眼;耀眼的光;受公众注目;张扬;俗艳;adj.光滑的
9、ares ─── n.(Ares)阿瑞斯(希腊神话中的战神);n.(Ares)(美、西、阿根廷)阿雷斯(人名)
lares 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Keywords Magnetic resonance imaging;Avascu lar necrosis of the femoral head;Experimental study;Clinical study; ─── 关键词股骨头缺血坏死;磁共振成像;实验研究;临床研究;
2、My mom's nagging really "displeases my dad's feet" lar... ─── 整句话翻成英文就是:
3、DoNno HoW 2 DEsCriBe MysElf lAR... ─── 从一爱上你到现在,就是越来越爱你。。。
4、1 L inkage m ap of shanyou 63(F2popu lation)based on 151 m o lecu lar m arkers and M app ing QTL s of y ield and itscom ponen ts on chrom osom es. ─── 标题: 图1用汕优63的F2群体对151个分子标记构建的遗传连锁图以及产量和产量构成性状的QTL在染色体上的位置。
5、every great drummer have their own significant style/groove/tone lar...when you really listen to one drummer's tone ... ─── 对啊!我也是觉得这是真的,每个乐手奏出的音乐,只要熟悉的话,是听得出的。
6、When Hong Kong Consumers Meet Japanese Pop lar Culture: Case Studies of Japanese Comics and Yaohan Spreading to Hong Kong after the World War II ─── 当香港消费者碰上日本流行文化:战後日本漫话与商场在香港的扩散
7、Me too lor...But nevermind lar...Is their MV then can liao... ─── 我也喜欢“爸爸的草鞋“。。可是我不是很喜欢那个MV.
8、L-arginine,a precursor to nitric oxide, has been proven to pport i a healthy cardiovac Mona lar system. ─── 左旋精氨酸是一氧化氮的先驱,已被证明能保护心血管系统。
9、i really want to be the volouteer arh!but i am a working mami, so i can't join lar!!I asked my husband (he's on shift) to join but he refused! ─── 我都会做家长义工,至于我填哪一项,我要问问昊爸会否参与,因为他都有时间做义工.
10、Two Lares might be portrayed standing on either side of Vesta or some other deity. ─── 在维斯太或其他某个神祇的身旁常分立两个拉尔。
11、White Enameled Toaster Oven.Multi-use: Toasts, Bakes, Broils, & Top Browns . Lar... ─── 求购面包电烤箱2009-2-17江西.宜春有效期:3个月
12、Disfunctional causes of the bellows connecting with LAr pump and their remedies ─── 与液氩泵相连波纹管失效原因与对策
13、Hylobates lar ─── n. 白掌长臂猿
14、Simulation results show that LAAR not only achieves smaller control overhead compared to LAR with increasing velocity but also outperforms LAR over a large density of nodes on delivery rate. ─── 同时在节点密度较大情况下,LAAR能获得更高的分组投递率。
15、In a short term,the Russia-EU economic relations will still focus on energy cooperation accompanied with others.In a long term,the breakthrough in economic relations depends lar... ─── 欧盟是全球最具活力和最成功的经济一体化组织,拥有雄厚的资金、先进的生产技术和现代化的经济管理体制。
16、P16 Protein Expression in Human Hepatocellu Lar Carcinoma and Clinical Significance ─── P16基因产物在人类肝细胞癌中的表达及临床意义
17、haiya...small matter lar...hehe...will appear again in final kua ─── "呱"....就是会还是不会在决赛出现啊??
18、LAR ( Location - Aided Routing) protocol ─── LAR路由协议
19、Info:All the spindles have Electronic Yarn Clearer. The yarn is Automatic Winding. Package size is lar ...... ─── 主要材质:棉次要材质:棉颜色:本白用途:梭织品种:普梳棉纱
21、8 T he m o lecu lar structure of CEM C. ─── 图8光控取向材料CEM C的分子结构 F ig.
22、Saleswoman: That is the small size. We also have medium size and lar ge size. ─── 女售货员:那是小号。我们还有中号和大号的。
23、There are left ventricu- lar band in 123(4.73%)patients. ─── 检出率为4.73%。
24、locus activation region(LAR) ─── 座位激活区域
25、Lik those evergreen or eveb those fr. Winnie the Pool or those fr. Disney already good enough to improve a non-nativ tongue lar! ─── 但系有时D歌词无论用词或文法,很多都并不正规,就如如果听现在的广东歌学中文,死梗!
26、Me: no lar, I think I will still consider NTU as one option for university, and I heard you are going to credit our diploma. ─── 我:没有拉,我想我还是会考虑南洋理工的。并且我听说你们将要评估我们的文凭。
27、oil lar dispersion ─── 分子色散
28、do yae 1 bat thet a tway twe bar lar... ─── 是什么意思?谁懂缅就帮我这个忙...
29、lares et penates ─── 家神
30、Lares calarifer ─── 尖吻鲈
31、 is too late here.......i gonna go la.......hope you guys like here hard! ─── 当影子跟随着你,他/她永远是你最大的守护神,也是你最亲近的朋友,尽管她也许只是虚无缥缈的等待着她爱的人。。。
32、The Parametric Measurement of Blood Flow of Vertebral Artery and Basi lar Artery and Its Significance ─── 椎基底动脉血流参数的测定及意义
33、Methods: This surgical approach is designed in two ways.Operative cutting begains at posterior auricu lar forsa,then hypertrophic mandibular angle bone and masseter are removed. ─── 方法:针对不同病例外耳后进路切口设计为两种曲线切口。
35、single for too long lar....want a girlfriend right lonely in the summer.... ─── 11刚跟女朋友分开,发现原来单身的日子是很幸福的。
36、nvm lar,then today v can tok at her back lor...hahaha...izzit a good idea??? ─── 你可以在此和大家分享你的感想,让你最真的感觉随意奔驰!
37、Memory is the hour of clothes, though no longer lares and useful. ─── 回忆是小时后的衣服,舍不得丢弃,虽已不再有用。
38、when i come back i will call you lar.... ─── 呵呵,,,不是回去不回来...
39、The result shows that the permeability decreases with the increase of the tortuosity fractal dimension,and the permeability increases with the increase of the surface fractal dimension and the lar... ─── 应用分形理论可以获得煤层孔隙发育程度和分布特征比较精确的定量信息.
40、ventricu lar septal defect ─── 单纯性室间隔缺损修补术
41、good night lar... ─── 华兄都系...
42、Only by developing modern agriculture can Henan province solve the developing problem of a lar... ─── 只有发展现代农业,才能切实解决农业大省的发展问题,加快河南的工业化、城镇化和现代化进程。
43、The aim of this study was to optimise the ovalbumin (OA) sensitisation conditions, for achieving EAR, LAR, AHR and cell influx, in a guinea-pig model of asthma. ─── 因此,一种理想的动物哮喘模型应该至少提供这4种常规和再生特征。
44、nevermind lar, lady driver always like that one, this is normal to us...even my wife also very lousy, i never let her drive when i am in the car... ─── 嗯。。。这么不给面子啊??大把人想坐我的车,我还不让他坐呢!也没想想看,你们是多么的荣幸!
45、Simulation Technology of Fluid Flow And Heat Transfer in Lar ge Heat Exchanger with Longitudinal Flow of Shellside ─── 大型纵流壳程换热器三维流动与传热数值模拟
46、4、It adopts partict,lar gasbag discharging device,which can avoid knotting of stick materials. ─── 4、采用独特的气囊式的卸科装置,为您彻底消除粘性物料;"架桥"的烦恼.
47、The HVAC Design of Lar Vale Residential Quarter in Beijing ─── 北京朗琴园小区暖通空调工程设计
48、The bleeding time of Group B was longer than those of Group A and Group C(40.70+6.53 min vs20.75 +2.44min,25.10+3.95min,respectively p
49、my bf is 12 yrs older than me lar. ─── 我地属同一个生肖,可以一齐睇下运程八卦下,几得意。
50、lar spot ─── 极斑
51、lar guard ─── 标准型切割器护刃器
52、2、He sat for a scho lar ship and got one. ─── 他参加了争取奖学金的考试,并得到了奖学金。
53、Methods: Anti HBs antibodies were measured by ELISA titers ,and lymphocyte proliferation was detected through 3H TdR incorporation. Humoral and cellu lar responses of different groups were then compared. ─── 方法 :以ELISA法检测免疫小鼠血清抗HBs抗体 ,另用3 H TdR掺入法测定淋巴细胞增殖活性 ,初步研究不同组的体液和细胞免疫应答。
54、u so evil lar... u wan a day to come when u canot touch others and they u? ─── 如果有一个人整天都吵着你,一天无缘无故静了下来,世界虽然宁静得多了,但是你则会怀念那个声音。
55、Aya, you go back to reinstal the system lar, def. the software lar, system coooruptteee ler.. ─── 好,乖乖回家重装系统,花了一个周末,费劲周章,总算重装完了
56、Keywords Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. polysaccharide;high performance gel filtration chromatography;evaporative light scattering det ector;weight average molecu lar weight; ─── 关键词商陆多糖;高效凝胶过滤色谱法;蒸发光散射检测器;重均相对分子质量;
57、Oooo, no wonder only at night, Me c, Me un, Me c & the "end lar G" for the rainy, I meant needy days lor... ─── 前路那怕只要自强我继续独自寻路向..常为梦想发狂耐心摸索路途上....途人路上回望我只因我怪模样..途人谁能明白我今天眼睛多雪亮..人是各有各理想奔向目标不退让..
58、A prayer was said to the Lar or Lares every morning, and offerings were made at family festivals. ─── 人们每天早晨要向拉尔祈祷,在家庭节日时要向拉尔奉献供物。
59、For buffet or for a lar carte? ─── 您要用自助餐还是单点?
60、Thats the problem!!But watever lar... ─── 慢慢来...反正都不赶著的...
61、ok.. then KK give him my phone number...hahaerm... quite handsome lar, 19 years old also... live at bandar utama de... ─── 在想我没有读了是不幸还是幸?也许我又是每天不及格吧?但是可以和你们一起很开心的玩,好怀念。。
62、large amounts of redemption (LAR) ─── 大额赎回量
63、Probe into relationship between primary hypertensive left ven- tricular hypertrophy with ventricular arrhythmias and ventricu- lar late potentials ─── 原发性高血压左心室肥大伴室性心律失常与心室晚电位关系探讨
64、Originally gods of cultivated fields, Lares were later worshiped in association with the Penates, the gods of the household. ─── 最初是耕地的神,后来与家神珀那忒斯一起受人崇拜。
65、lares and penates ─── 拉瑞斯和珀那忒斯,家神(古罗马的家庭守护神), n. 个人或家庭的(珍贵)财物或珍藏
66、O...Nothing lar...Hehe...Faster tell me who tell u to call me durian?My credit want finish le... ─── 我:我会被人打死,所以我不要讲,他还讲你叫榴连哥哥...哈哈
67、Methods Forty cases of femoral supracondylar fracture were treated with dynamic condy lar screw. ─── 方法对40例股骨髁上骨折采用动力髁螺钉(DCS)治疗。
68、BP120/62 lar ─── (=blood pressure 120(systolic), 62(diastolic), left arm reclining or recumbent) 左臂血压120(收缩压)/62(舒张压)(斜依或斜卧位)
69、But if can less more better lar cause can save more mar. ─── 对不起,留言功能关闭,如果你真的有话非说不可,请依猫给我,麻烦之处请多原谅。
70、The Research of Architecture Design of Popur Lar House in City ─── 城市大众住宅建筑设计研究
71、According to the vascu lar image level,CDEI were divided into four grades. ─── 根据肾内血管显像水平,将CDEI分为四级。
72、Newer NBZ anti- a nxiety agents were more widely applied for treating SP because it possesses simi lar anti-anxiety efficacy with less adverse reactions comparing to BZ. ─── 一些新型的非苯二氮艹卓类抗焦虑药因疗效好,不良反应少,应用日趋广泛。
73、Public Lares presided over local districts marked by a crossroad; ─── 公众的拉尔护标祐标有十字街的地区;
74、The little mythography that belongs to the Lares seems inventive and poetic. ─── 属于拉列斯的神话传说似乎富有创造力和诗意。
75、fenny - i know lar...just kidding also...ayu - i so guai got gift or not..??Hmmm...i prefer to talk to a gal with personality and her own i say no need to fake it if u don have it... ─── 也没说什么不开心的,我只是不喜欢别人这样说人而已..我希望大家在还没说出你所要说的话之前,应该回想下这句话的意思吧。。别自以为自己就是最好最美的那个。。
76、The correlation between hyperglycemia after acute cerebral infarction and the changes of serum intercellu- lar adhesion molecule-1 ─── 急性脑梗死超负荷血糖与细胞黏附分子-1相关性研究
77、We cannot bring ourselves to leave behind those lares and penates. ─── 我们舍不得丢弃那些传家之宝。
78、haha, no lar....coz stay here too long time, dunno where can go again,haha.... ─── 其实沙巴有什么旅游胜地啊?如果没有什么特别,说真的我没有什么兴趣。。。
79、If long long one time, still ok lar. ─── no 麻烦 lar.If everytime, then 麻烦 lar.
80、Latin American Real Estate Society, LARES ─── 拉丁美洲房地产协会
81、Try to think for those who stays at lower levels, they need to suffer the ashes, smells &smoke... btw, is it safe to cook wif windows closed? pls lar! ─── 在开放式的焚烧,风一吹,到处都是烟&灰,在组屋门前焚烧更是让其他邻居有口难言的难受。不同宗教的也不可能或不好意思去劝阻他们,以 免起冲突。
82、Molecu lar docking serves as a method to simulate the interactions of two molecu les (such as ligand and receptor) and to predict their binding mode a nd affinity. ─── 分子对接是研究分子间(如配体和受体)相互作用,并预测其结合模式和亲合力的一种理论模拟方法。
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