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liniment 发音

英:[ˈlɪnəmənt]  美:[ˈlɪnəmənt]

英:  美:

liniment 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 擦剂


liniment 网络释义

n. [药] 擦剂,[药] 搽剂

liniment 短语词组

1、neocalamine liniment ─── [医] 新炉甘石搽剂

2、medicinal liniment ─── [医] 药用软皂搽剂

3、chloroform liniment ─── [化] 氯仿搽剂

4、Kentish liniment ─── [医] 松节油搽剂

5、hartshorn liniment ─── [医] 氨搽剂, 挥发性搽剂

6、pick's liniment ─── [医] 皮克氏搽剂(由西黄蓍、甘油和水组成)

7、liniment aconite ─── [医] 乌头搽剂

8、liniment anodyne ─── [医] 止痛搽剂, 鸦片搽剂

9、drying liniment ─── [医] 干性搽剂

10、liniment Canada ─── [医] 加拿大搽剂(复方鸦片搽剂)

11、calamine liniment ─── [医] 炉甘石搽剂

12、dental liniment ─── [医] 牙搽剂

13、camphor liniment ─── [化] 樟脑搽剂

14、liniment of mustard ─── [医] 芥子搽剂

15、Saint John Long's liniment ─── [医] 圣约翰朗氏搽剂(醋酸松节油搽剂)

16、A.B.C. liniment ─── [医] A.B.C.搽剂, 乌头颠茄氯仿搽剂

17、liniment chloroform ─── [医] 氯仿搽剂

18、mercurial liniment ─── [医] 汞搽剂

19、lime liniment ─── [医] 石灰搽剂

liniment 词性/词形变化,liniment变形


liniment 相似词语短语

1、muniment ─── n.契据;不动产所有权状;防卫手段

2、ointment ─── n.药膏;[药]油膏

3、lineament ─── n.容貌;相貌;面部轮廓

4、liniments ─── n.[药]擦剂,[药]搽剂

5、diriment ─── adj.使无效的

6、liniest ─── adj.细的(liney的变形)

7、alinement ─── n.排列,排成直线

8、ligament ─── n.韧带;纽带,系带

9、lineaments ─── n.轮廓(lineament的复数形式);v.使有轮廓(lineament的第三人称单数)

liniment 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You should rub this liniment in hard. ─── 你应该使劲地将这种搽剂揉进皮肤里去。

2、Keywords Compound Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Liniment;diphenhydramine hydrochloride;benzocaine;RP-Ion pair HPLC; ─── 复方苯海拉明搽剂;盐酸苯海拉明;苯佐卡因;反相离子对高效液相色谱法;

3、Keywords First Order Derivative Spectrophotometry;Minoxidil;Alopecia Areata Liniment; ─── 一阶导数光谱法;米诺地尔;斑秃搽剂;

4、Saint John Long's liniment ─── [医] 圣约翰朗氏搽剂(醋酸松节油搽剂)

5、Keywords Toupizhiyi liniment;seborrheic dermatitis;pityriasis capitis; ─── 头皮脂溢搽剂;脂溢性皮炎;头皮糠疹;

6、Determination of sublimate in compound sublimate liniment ─── 复方升汞搽剂中升汞的含量测定

7、Preliminary researches for determination of the principal components contents in Anti- allergy Liniment ─── 抗敏搽剂中主药含量测定的初步研究

8、Analgetic Liniment ─── 克痛王搽剂

9、Keywords erfukang liniment;infantile eczema;clinical study; ─── 儿肤康搽剂;婴儿湿疹;临床研究;

10、Keywords Preventive intervention;Hepatitis B virus;Vertical transmission;Levamisole liniment;HBV immunoglobulin;Viral transcript; ─── 孕期干预治疗;乙型肝炎病毒;宫内传播;左旋咪唑涂布剂;乙肝免疫球蛋白;病毒转录体;

11、liniment of mustard ─── [医] 芥子搽剂

12、ABC liniment ─── (=aconite, belladonna, chloroform liniment) ABC搽剂:乌头、颠茄、氯仿搽剂

13、For pain in your knee or other sore spots, rub in some liniment and wrap the area with plastic wrap. ─── 对于膝盖或其他疼痛的地方,用一些搽剂涂抹,然后用保鲜膜包覆。

14、Compound Ornidazole Liniment ─── 复方奥硝唑搽剂

15、calamine liniment ─── [医] 炉甘石搽剂

16、liniment chloroform ─── [医] 氯仿搽剂

17、Compound dexamethasone liniment ─── 复方地塞米松搽剂

18、Compound Camphor and Menthol Liniment ─── 复方樟脑薄荷脑搽刺

19、The act or process of moistening and rubbing a part of the body with a liniment or lotion. ─── 涂擦用涂抹油或洗液湿润或摩擦身体的一部分的动作或过程

20、Objective: To prepare the fluconazole liniment. ─── 目的:研制氟康唑搽剂。

21、Determination the content of betamethasone liniment by spectrophotometry ─── 分光光度法测定倍他米松搽剂的含量

22、With bright powder eye shadow or liniment, enhance eye brightness, but never too much, it would be counterproductive. ─── 也可搽一点带亮粉的眼影,加强眼部亮度,但千万别上太多,会适得其反。

23、Lovely lemon liniment. ─── 可爱的柠檬搽剂。

24、Betamethasone Liniment ─── 倍他米松搽剂

25、Pharmacodynamic Study of Tranquility Liniment ─── 宁静的药效学研究

26、Keywords Hepatitis B virus;Mother infant vertical transmission;Levamisole liniment;Immunization;Caesarean section; ─── 乙型肝炎病毒;母婴垂直传播;左旋咪唑涂布剂;免疫;剖宫产术;

27、Keywords Gas chromatography;Liniment;Camphor;Menthol;Content determination; ─── 关键词气相色谱法;搽剂;樟脑;薄荷脑;含量测定;

28、Liniment of compound Jin Yinhua ─── 复方金银花擦剂

29、Keywords Compound Huangmaodaofuchai liniment;Immunoenhancement;Mononuclear macrophages; ─── 复方黄毛豆腐柴搽剂;免疫增强;单核巨噬细胞;

30、compound resorcinol liniment( Ⅰ) ─── 复方雷琐辛搽剂(Ⅰ)

31、5. a resin obtained from the camphor tree;used in making celluloid and liniment. ─── 取自樟脑树的树脂,用于制赛璐珞和擦剂。

32、neocalamine liniment ─── [医] 新炉甘石搽剂

33、Determination of Minoxidil in alopecia areate liniment by first order derivative spectrophotometry ─── 一阶导数光谱法测定斑秃擦剂中米诺地尔的含量

34、Lovely lemon liniment. ─── 可爱的柠檬搽剂。

35、A.B.C. liniment ─── [医] A.B.C.搽剂, 乌头颠茄氯仿搽剂

36、Clindamycin Hydrochloride and Metronidazole Liniment ─── 克林霉素甲硝唑搽剂

37、Determination of chloramphenicol content of the compound chloramphenicol cod liver oil liniment by first derivative spectrophotometry ─── 导数光谱法测定复方氯霉素鱼肝油搽剂中氯霉素的含量

38、hartshorn liniment ─── [医] 氨搽剂, 挥发性搽剂

39、Keywords Aescine Sodium Liniment Sofe Tissue Scathe Treatment; ─── 七叶皂甙钠搽剂;软组织损伤;治疗;

40、Keywords Hepatitis B virus Moter-infant vertical transmission Levamisole liniment Hepatitis B virus immunoglobulin; ─── 乙型肝炎病毒;宫内传播;左旋咪唑涂布剂;乙肝免疫球蛋白;

41、The room stank of old sweat, liniment, cigar smoke ─── 屋子里充满了一股陈旧的汗酸、涂抹油和雪茄烟的味道。

42、Keywords Weichi liniment;soft-tissue injury;therapeutic effect; ─── 威弛搽剂;急性软组织损伤;治疗作用;

43、Compound minning liniment ─── 复方敏宁擦剂

44、Keywords piroxicam;liniment;clinical effect; ─── 吡罗昔康;搽剂;临床疗效;

45、Keywords Oral ulcer;Povidone iodine;H_2O_2;Levamisole liniment; ─── 口腔溃疡;碘伏;双氧水;左旋眯唑涂布剂;

46、liniment, drying ─── 干性搽剂

47、Experimental study on pharmacodynamics of anti-inflammatory, detumescence and acesodyne of compound Huangmaodoufuchai liniment ─── 复方黄毛豆腐柴搽剂的药效学

48、Mom asked Dad one night as she bent over him and rubbed his aching shoulders with a strong smelling liniment. ─── 一天晚上我妈为我爸涂气味很浓的搽剂,俯身为他按摩酸痛的肩膀时问道。

49、Effect of Chinese medicinal liniment pourmask and smearing in treatment of acne ─── 中药倒膜联合外搽治疗痤疮的疗效观察

50、Danchong liniment ─── 丹重搽剂

51、lime liniment ─── [医] 石灰搽剂

52、Compound Huangmaodaofuchai liniment ─── 复方黄毛豆腐柴搽剂

53、Topical liniment as a 25 percent match to stimulate drugs, and are still in the role of acid, used for insect bites, and so on. ─── 外用配成25%搽剂作为刺激药,尚有中和酸的作用,用于昆虫咬伤等。

54、Seborrhea liniment ─── 头皮脂溢搽剂

55、Can you use the liniment to expunge those letter on the side of this page? ─── 你能用涂改液涂去这一页边上的这些字母吗?

56、Observation of the efficacy of clindamycin phosphate liniment in treatment of acne vulgaris ─── 克林霉素磷酸酯搽剂治疗寻常型痤疮的临床疗效

57、Objective: To determine chloramphenicol content of compound chloramphenicol cod liver oil liniment. ─── 目的:建立复方氯霉素鱼肝油搽剂中氯霉素的含量测定方法。

58、The room stank of old sweat, liniment, cigar smoke. ─── 屋子里充满了一股陈旧的汗酸、药膏和雪茄烟的味道

59、He rubbed his aching legs with liniment. ─── 他用软膏揉擦发痛的双腿。

60、a resin obtained from the camphor tree; used in making celluloid and liniment ─── 取自樟脑树的树脂,用于制赛璐珞和擦剂

61、Keywords compound Huangmaodoufuchai liniment;anti-inflammatory;detumescence;acesodyne;pharmacodynamics; ─── 复方黄毛豆腐柴搽剂;抗炎;消肿;止痛;药效学;

62、Alleviating Pruritus and Deswelling Mechanisms of Kekeyang Liniment ─── 刻克痒搽剂止痒机制的研究

63、Keywords Erfukang Liniment”;delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH);crotonic oil;phosphate histamine; ─── 儿肤康搽剂;迟发型超敏反应;巴豆油;磷酸组织胺;

64、Nitrofurazone and zinc oxide liniment ─── 呋喃西林氧化锌搽剂

65、solid soap liniment ─── [医] 固形肥皂搽剂

66、HPLC method for determination of clobetasol propionate in compound Buguzhi liniment was established. ─── 建立了HPLC法测定复方补骨脂搽剂中丙酸氯倍他索的含量。

67、indomethacin liniment ─── 吲哚美辛搽剂

68、Shangke liniment ─── 伤科擦剂

69、Anthelminthic Effects of Oral and Embrocation of Liniment Levamisole on Goat Internal Parasite ─── 左旋咪唑口服剂和擦剂对山羊寄生虫的驱除试验

70、aconite, belladonna, chloroform liniment ─── ABC搽剂:乌头、颠茄、氯仿搽剂

71、Compound Camphor and Mentholum Liniment ( Ⅱ ) ─── 复方樟脑薄荷脑搽剂(Ⅱ)

72、Shandibai liniment ─── 山地柏搽剂

73、In this case, employ standard medical treatmentsbefore you sit down to meditate: take your medicine, apply your liniment, do whatever you ordinarily do. ─── 在这种情况下,在静坐之前,进行医疗处理,根据病症服用药物,按照你正常的方式处理。

74、Research on compound clindamycin hydrocholride liniment for dermatic infection ─── 复方克林霉素液治疗皮肤感染的初步临床研究

75、Compound Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Liniment ─── 复方苯海拉明搽剂

76、Keywords erfukang liniment;papular Urticaria;clinical study; ─── 儿肤康搽剂;丘疹性荨麻疹;临床研究;

77、A liniment or lotion ─── 一种涂抹油或洗液

78、Research on the Method for Determination of Two Composition in Compound Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride Liniment ─── 复方苯海拉明搽剂中二组分含量测定方法学研究

79、liniment Canada ─── [医] 加拿大搽剂(复方鸦片搽剂)

80、dental liniment ─── [医] 牙搽剂

81、Verticilum liniment compound recipe ─── 复方降压灵搽剂

82、OBJECTIVE: To establish the quality standard of Danchong liniment. ─── 目的:建立丹重搽剂的质量标准。

83、To moisten and rub(a part of the body)with a liniment or lotion. ─── 涂擦用涂抹油或洗液湿润或摩擦(身体的一部分)

84、liniment aconite ─── [医] 乌头搽剂

85、Methods: Fluconazole liniment was prepared, its quality standard was established, and its clinical efficacy was observed. ─── 方法:用紫外分光光度法测定搽剂中氟康唑的含量,制定制剂的质量标准,并进行临床疗效观察。

86、Keywords compound Huangmaodaofuchai liniment;anti-inflammatory;acesodyne;soft tissue injury; ─── 复方黄毛豆腐柴搽剂;抗炎;止痛;软组织损伤;

87、liniment anodyne ─── [医] 止痛搽剂, 鸦片搽剂

88、balm, cream, embrocation, liniment, ointment, salve, unction, unguent. ─── 膏,药膏,软膏,药膏,软膏。

89、HPLC method was established for the determination of minoxidil in compound Sangshen minoxidil liniment. ─── 建立了高效液相色谱法测定复方桑参米诺地尔搽剂中米诺地尔的含量。

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