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09-18 投稿


leaper 中文意思翻译



leaper 短语词组

1、time leaper ─── 时间跳跃器

2、the leaper ─── 跳跃者

leaper 词性/词形变化,leaper变形


leaper 相似词语短语

1、heaper ─── n.堆;许多;累积(heap的变形)

2、leaker ─── n.水压试验时出汗;有漏元件;渗水铸件;走漏消息者

3、lealer ─── 利勒

4、leader ─── n.领导者;首领;指挥者;n.(Leader)(英)利德(人名)

5、reaper ─── n.收割者;收割机;收获者;[常the(Grim)R~]死神,死

6、leaner ─── adj.更精瘦而且健康的,脂肪更少的;更贫乏的,更不足的;更精干的,效率更高的;更低报酬的

7、leaver ─── n.离开者(常指学校毕业生);故意中途退出游戏的玩家(游戏术语);n.(Leaver)人名;(英)利弗

8、leaped ─── v.跳跃;急速移动;剧增;突然移动

9、leaser ─── n.出租人;分纱机

leaper 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He managed to leap clear of(ie out of)the burning car. ─── 他设法从燃烧着的汽车中跳了出来.

2、The Great Leap Forward started in 1958. ─── 大跃进是在一九五八年开始的。

3、She is an awesome leaper, but she needs to know when to use it. ─── Amy: 她是一个令人敬畏的跳跃者, 但是她需要知道何时去使用它。

4、He tensed his muscles for the leap. ─── 他绷紧肌肉准备跳跃。

5、Look before you leap;see before you go. ─── 三思而后行

6、One small step for man; one giant leap for mankind. ─── 对个人来说是小小的一步,对于人类来说则是极大的飞跃。

7、Out of his mouth go forth flaming torches; Sparks of fire leap out. ─── 19从??谥蟹3.錾兆诺幕鸢眩?谢鹦欠杀哦?觥

8、He got over the stream with a single leap. ─── 他一跃就跳过了小溪。

9、National income went up with a leap. ─── 国民收入猛增。

10、If he offered to help me, I'd leap at it. ─── 如果他提出帮忙,我会欣然接受的。

11、You will leap for joy when you hear the answer. ─── 假如你听到了答案,你会兴奋的跳起来的。

12、Great Leap Sideways: Some Remarks on Modern Chinese Poetry. ─── 大跃侧诗话。

13、No matter what you want to do, please look before you leap. ─── 不管你想做什么事,请三思而后行。

14、When the next player is going to be the good leaper? ─── 什么时候运动员会变成一个弹簧人?

15、Their move to Latin America was a leap in the dark. ─── 他们迁居拉丁美洲是件冒险的事。

16、Voicestream and Leap wireless are good examples. ─── 例如Voicestream和leap公司的手机就是不错的产品。

17、Kristin Marloney shows a great leap 0n beam. ─── 克里斯汀·马洛尼在平衡木表演了一个大跳的动作。

18、"In terms of styles of communication, gender differences are decreasing," Leaper said. ─── “从交流方式的角度来谈,性别差异正在减少,”里波说。

19、You must step Back to make the Better leap. ─── 后退几步才能跳得远。

20、He took a leap over an obstacle. ─── 他跃过障碍物。

21、"Look before you leap" is a familiar expression. ─── 三思而行是一个很通俗的说法。

22、So how would you pursue such a goal as a quantum leaper ? ─── 那么,你要如何抱着质变的决心来追求这样的目标呢?

23、Vendors have many deployment hurdles to leap. ─── 供应商们还有很多障碍要克服。

24、If one sheep leap over the ditch, all the rest follow. ─── 一羊跃沟,众羊随后;榜样的力量是无穷的。

25、He called the campaign the Great Leap Forward. ─── 他把这场运动叫做“大跃进”。

26、Feb. 29 is an intercalary day; leap year is an intercalary year. ─── 2月29日是闰日;闰年是有添加日的年份。

27、The year is appel leap year if there are 13 months in the year. ─── 如果某一年有13个月,这一年就叫做闰年。

28、If it's not a leap year, how many days will there be in February? ─── 如果不是闰年,二月份有多少天呢?

29、every shot in the book, clutch, a killer competitively, unique vision and passing, with a brilliant basketball mind. ─── 的弹跳,各种得分方式,关键球,杀手的竞争心,独特的视野和传球方式,再配上一个无敌的篮球大脑。

30、Out of his mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of fire leap out. ─── 从它口中发出烧着的火把,与飞迸的火星。

31、The distance cleared in a leap. ─── 一次跳过的距离

32、In leap years there are 366 days. ─── 在闰年有366天。

33、O to see you leap and beckon from the tall masts of ships! ─── 哦桅杆高耸送你纵身复而招你魂!

34、If a young dog is a reckless leaper, then keep your throws low. ─── 几个月大的狗狗就开始要跳起来玩飞盘。。

35、Two things leap out from the list, for different reasons. ─── 出于不同的原因,列表中有两件事引人注意。

36、Andrea felt his heart leap with joy. ─── 安德烈觉得他的心因欢喜而狂跳着。

37、Drivers would leap from their cars and block the traffic. ─── 司机们肯定会从汽车里跳出来,阻塞交通,

38、You are always shooting form the hip; look before you leap. ─── 你老是鲁莽行事,要三思而后行。

39、A light springy jump or leap, especially on one foot. ─── (犹指单脚)轻快地一蹦或一跳

40、Compared to the TV set, using DVD is a big leap. ─── 与看电视比较,使用dvd是一大飞跃.

41、Who is going to be the greatest leaper all the time? ─── 谁是史上弹跳最好的人?

42、He took a flying leap and jumped across the stream. ─── 他先跑几步,然后纵身跳过小溪。

43、An upward leap made by a trained horse without going forward and with the hind legs kicked out. ─── 原地腾跃一匹受驯马的向上跳跃但不向前走动,同时后腿踢出

44、The test of practice is another leap in knowledge. ─── 实践的检验是认识的又一次飞跃。

45、"More significantly, it has a chance to make another leap forward. ─── “更重要的是它拥有了一个再次大力向前飞跃的机会。”

46、All: Here you go. Let's leap the pillow under you head. ─── 对,再把枕头放到你脖子下面。

47、"Leap across the brook, naughty child, and run hither! ─── “跳过小溪来,顽皮的孩子,跑过来!

48、Her marriage to John was a leap in the dark. ─── 她与约翰结婚是贸然行动。

49、Against the bull's coming horn, the leaper touched the back of the bull gently and leaped it in gymnastics. ─── 人面对迎面奔驰过来的公牛,借助牛角的力量,轻扶公牛的背部,随即翻腾跳跃过去,类似于翻筋斗的体操动作。

50、But The English Patient was going to be a leap. ─── 但拍摄《英国病人》却是一次飞跃;

51、She took a flying leap and landed on the other side of the stream. ─── 她一个飞跃跳到小溪的对面。

52、"To fall back the better to leap forward"[2] -- that is Leninism. ─── “为了更好的一跃而后退”(2),正是列宁主义。

53、You should always look before you leap. ─── 你应该总是三思而后行。

54、If not, it could be a great leap backwards. ─── 否则,大踏步的倒退就有可能接踵而至。

55、The use of satellites represents a quantum leap for communications. ─── 卫星的使用标志着传播技术的一个飞跃发展。

56、Your Chihuahua`s quite the little leaper,young lady. ─── 你的小吉娃娃狗表现也相当不赖,女士.

57、You made me leap out of my skin. ─── 你使我大吃一惊。

58、He managed to leap clear of (ie out of) the burning car. ─── 他设法从燃烧著的汽车中跳了出来。

59、You had better look before you leap. ─── 你最好三思而后行。

60、One must draw back in order to leap further. ─── 为了挑得更远,必须暂且退后.

61、In these latter studies, men used up more time in the conversation than women, Leaper said. ─── 在这些近期的调查中,谈话间,男性比女性说得多。

62、Rest 1-2 minutes between set of leap ups. ─── 在两组半蹲跳之间休息1-2分钟。

63、He struggles to box-out, and is also not much of a leaper. ─── 他在联赛中的数据稳步提升,在队中的作用日益显著,还成为了球队进攻的利器。

64、You ought to look before you leap. ─── 你应三思而后行。

65、"Look before you leap" is a maxim . ─── “三思而后行”是一句格言。

66、When the next player is going to be the good leaper? ─── 什么时候运动员会变成一个弹簧人?

67、Jim is fond of a leap in the dark. ─── 吉姆喜欢冒险行事

68、Leaper said that these gender differences could have to do with differences in gender socialization; ─── 里波说,这些性别差异,可能都与性别社会化的差异相关;

69、He backed up three paces in preparation for his leap. ─── 他后退3步,准备起跳。

70、April bursts upon our Virginia hills in one prodigious leap. ─── 四月不知怎的一跃,就来到了弗吉尼亚的小坡上。

71、Most of the Chinese in the 1950s thought the Great Leap Forward would catapult China into the ranks of industrialized countries. ─── 五十年代的大多数中国人相信大跃进会使中国挤入工业化国家之列。

72、Men leap over where the hedge is lowest . ─── 人从篱笆低处越。

73、His heart gave a sudden leap when he saw her. ─── 他看见她时,心猛地一跳。

74、One must draw back in order to leap better. ─── 为了跳得远,先要向后退。

75、With one powerful leap he crossed the ditch. ─── 他使劲一蹦就过了沟。

76、Feb. 29 is an intercalary day,leap year is an intercalary year. ─── 2月29日是闰日,闰年是有添加日的年份。

77、Have you ever seen a rat leap through the air? ─── 你以前看到过老鼠窜跳没有?

78、In things of great importance, we commonly look before we leap. ─── 在重在事情上,我们一般都三思而后行。

79、Boy, Manny sure took a big leap with Ellie today. ─── 伙计,蛮尼跟伊丽今天进展神速啊.

80、He gave a leap and landed himself on the saddle of the horse. ─── 他纵身上马。

81、Look before you leap. ─── 三思而后行。

82、If one sheep leap o'er the dyke, all the rest will follow. ─── 一羊跳过沟,众羊跟着跳。

83、She was quick to leap to my defence(= speak in support of me). ─── 她马上挺身而出为我辩护。

84、In a way, any hypothesis is a leap into the unknown. ─── 在某种意义上,任何假设都是向未知的跳跃。

85、They leap over the treetops and chase each other's flowing clothes. ─── 她们飞跃于树端,追逐着彼此飘扬的衣袂。

86、BTW, nice capture of the kid's headlong leap. ─── 你应该“杀”他!天气太热了而且跳水非常痛快吧!冲啊!!

87、His move to America was a leap in the dark. ─── 他迁居美洲是件冒险的事。

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