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09-18 投稿


witchery 发音

英:[ˈwɪtʃəri]  美:[ˈwɪtʃəri]

英:  美:

witchery 中文意思翻译



witchery 词性/词形变化,witchery变形


witchery 相似词语短语

1、bewitchery ─── 蛊惑

2、stitchery ─── n.刺绣品;针线活

3、ditcher ─── n.挖沟机,开沟机;挖沟人,挖沟工

4、twitchers ─── n.抽搐的人(或物);稀有鸟类观察者

5、cutchery ─── 卡特奇里

6、botchery ─── 博奇里

7、butchery ─── n.残杀,屠宰;屠宰场;肉铺

8、bitchery ─── n.贱人行为

9、witchetty ─── 木蠹蛾幼虫

witchery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To be a witch is to change the world around you, and yourself. ─── 做为一个女巫,意味着改变你所处的世界,改变你自己;

2、"You silly girl," cried the witch, "Look! ─── "你这个傻孩子,"巫婆叫道,"看!

3、Legend has it that the whole village had been cursed by a witch. ─── 传说整座村庄遭到了巫婆的诅咒。

4、The witch gives her only bread to eat. ─── 女巫却只给她面包裹腹。

5、I was changed into a frog by a wicked witch, so I had to live in the fountain. ─── “我被一个坏巫婆变成一只青蛙,所以我只能住在喷水池里。

6、There is no need to tell you about it,@ said the old witch. ─── “我没有必要告诉你,”老巫婆说。

7、Witch: What subjects do you study at school? ─── 你们在学校读什麽科目?

8、Primitive religion includes worship of natural, totem and ancestor, Manitou concept, witchery, taboos, religion festival and folk tales. ─── 原始宗教包括自然崇拜、图腾崇拜、祖先崇拜、神灵观念、巫术、禁忌、宗教节日以及民间传说等。

9、Between ourselves, the fat ugly witch is on a diet. ─── 别说出去,那个丑陋的胖女巫在节食呢。

10、The witch charmed the prince. ─── 女巫对王子施了魔法。

11、Why have women such eyes of witchery ? ─── 女人的眼睛为什么如此富于魅力?

12、The evil witch Weevil, stole Wendy, good small ved'moch... ─── 一款英雄就美人类的游戏.

13、The evil witch in this story is cursed by everyone. ─── 人们都咒骂这个故事中那邪恶的女巫。

14、So I respect the witchery of every political form and party because they built the happiness of the world together. ─── 所以,我尊重每一种政治形态和政党的魅力,因为它们共同促成了全人类的幸福。

15、Your brother is in my stable,@ says the witch. ─── “你哥哥在我的马厩里,”女巫回答。

16、Witch casts spell on the little princess. ─── 女巫对小公主施了一个咒语。

17、The witch put a curse on him,ie used a curse against him. ─── 女巫念咒诅咒他。

18、He agrees to give his child to the witch. ─── 便答应把他小孩送给这个巫婆。

19、Another witch came into Renee's life. ─── 另一个女巫生效蕾妮的生活。

20、You lose the,the witch and her two little brats in one swoops. ─── 你忽然间就可以见不到一个巫婆和她的两个小鬼了.

21、To be a witch is to be the teacher and the student. ─── 作为一个女巫,意味着同时是师长,又是学生;

22、The witch charmed the prince . ─── 女巫使王子中了魔法。

23、The nephews are happy now.Goodbye.Goodbye, witch. ─── 侄子们现在高兴了。再见。再见,巫师。

24、To be a witch is to live with the earth, not just on it. ─── 作为一个女巫,意味着真正的自由。

25、Perhaps she was a witch or a gnome? ─── 也许她是个女巫,或者是个精灵?

26、To be a witch is to know the ways of old. ─── 作为一个白袍魔法师,意味着知道古老的方法;

27、The wretched witch watched a walrus washing. ─── 可怜的巫婆看海象洗衣服。

28、Ding-ding, the Wicked Witch is dead. ─── 叮咚,坏女巫已死。

29、Witch: Where do you guys come from? ─── 你们从那儿来的?

30、Cauldrons are a basic item for any witch or wizard. ─── 不论对女巫或是男巫来说,坩埚都是一种基本的用品。

31、In a fairy story, an ugly witch charmed a handsome prince. ─── 在童话故事里,丑陋的女巫对英俊的王子施了魔法。

32、The girl dressed herself up as a white witch at the ball. ─── 在化装舞会上那个姑娘装扮成一个做善事的女巫。

33、What a wedding Gawain and the witch had! ─── 加文和巫婆举办了什么样的婚礼啊!

34、The witch doctors were bedizened in all their gaudiest costumes. ─── 女巫医穿上她们最绚丽的衣服,打扮得俗不可耐。

35、For I am a witch, you know, and I make things come true. ─── 因为我是个巫婆子,你知道,我可以把这些梦想变成现实。

36、Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. ─── 18行邪术的女人,不可容她存活。

37、Dorothy kills the bad witch by accident. ─── 多萝西无意中杀死了东方坏女巫。

38、Some people believe that a witch can lay a ghost . ─── 一些人相信女巫能驱鬼。

39、To be a witch is to know what you feel is right and good. ─── 作为一个女巫,意味着懂得什么是好的和正确的;

40、To be a witch is to follow the moon. ─── 作为一个魔女,要遵循月亮的力量而行事;

41、The nephews are happy now. Goodbye. Goodbye, witch. ─── 侄子们现在高兴了。再见。再见,巫师。

42、You really are the brightest witch of your age I`ve ever met. ─── 你确实是我遇到过的在你这个年龄最聪明的女巫.

43、Witch match will you remember for the rest of you life? ─── 哪场比赛给你留下最深刻的印象?

44、Harassed by or as if by a witch. ─── 受女巫折磨的受女巫折磨的或好象受女巫折磨的

45、A Witch: Anything off the trolley, dears? ─── 一个女巫:要不要买点儿东西吃呀?

46、The witch changed him into a frog. ─── 女巫把他变成了一只青蛙。

47、The witch changed the prince into frog. ─── 中文:巫婆把王子变成了青蛙.

48、"They have found their witch," he said. ─── “他们已经找到了迫害的对象,”他说。

49、Ory, an ugly witch charmed a handsome prince. ─── 在童话故事里,丑陋的女巫对英俊的王。

50、Did the wretched witch watch a walrus washing? ─── 可怜的巫婆看海象洗衣服吗?

51、The witch screams because she can't get out. ─── 女巫因为出不来便大声尖叫。

52、Are you a good witch or a bad witch? ─── 你是个好巫婆,还是个坏巫婆?

53、After the evil witch spoke, she disappeared. ─── 坏女巫说完后就消失了。

54、They are ready to be taken over by any witch doctor, guru, or dictator. ─── 他们甘愿归附于巫医、古鲁或独裁者。

55、He dasn't tell! So it was a witch that done it. I just knowed it. ─── “它不说!我知道了,一定有妖魔在捣鬼。”

56、Witchery is the inherence which the God gives you and you give to others, the more you used, the more you would get. ─── 魅力是上天赋予你、又让你施与他人的天赋,用之愈多,获之愈众。

57、Witchery is also an attitude which settles the atmosphere when you be mature, is influenced by quality and intelligence . ─── 魅力亦是一种态度,奠定人最终成熟时的氛围,受品位与智慧左右。

58、Lish: Little Witch, no cuss any more, and where? ─── 丽斯:小妖婆婆,下次不要总说我们坏话了,眼镜呢?

59、He was as nervous as a witch and as cross as a bear. ─── 他象巫婆一样神经过敏,像熊一样横蛮凶狠。

60、Once upon a time, there was a witch who lived on that mountain. ─── 从前,那座山上住着一个巫师。

61、To be a witch is to be one with the gods. ─── 作为一个女巫,意味着与诸神成为一体;

62、"The witch doctor?" he repeated incredulously. ─── “巫医?”他有些不相信,又重复了一遍。

63、"Have you got my tinderbox?" asked the old witch. ─── “拿到我的火绒箱了吗?”老巫婆问。

64、Where's the washing walrus the wretched witch watched? ─── 可怜的巫婆在哪里看海象洗衣服呢?

65、They used the rack to extract an answer from the accused witch. ─── 他们拷问被指控的女巫以获取答案。

66、I am not a witch! I am not a bad queen! ─── “我不是女巫!我不是坏皇后

67、But the old witch would not tell him how to use the tinderbox. ─── 但是老巫婆仍然不肯告诉他该如何使用火绒箱。

68、To be a witch is to move amongst the stars while staying on earth. ─── 作为一个女巫,身在世间,心灵却与星辰一起游戈;

69、He embrace the witch's apron top the dog son. ─── 他把狗儿抱到女巫的围裙上。

70、To be a witch is to accept others who are not. ─── 做为一个女巫,意味着有能力接受事物的反面;

71、The witch turned the prince into a frog . ─── 女巫把王子变成了青蛙。

72、Hello, witch, do you want a cat to work for you? ─── ”那个witch说:

73、Allows a witch or wizard to appear out of thin air at will. ─── 使一个巫师或女巫的影像在另一个地方显现。

74、The witch claims to be able to summon up the spirits of the dead. ─── 女巫声称能唤来死人的灵魂。

75、We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful? ─── “家里出了个女巫,好棒啊

76、is an integrated system of witchery and ghost world in Luxun's works. ─── 鲁迅作品中的巫鬼世界是一个完整的系统。

77、Wart: Oh, what a horrible witch, I'll peck her eyes out. ─── 华特:这个可怕的巫婆。我要戳掉她的眼睛。敏巫婆:什么?

78、To be a witch is to honour the gods, and yourself. ─── 作为一个女巫,意味着尊重诸神,尊重自己;

79、To be a witch is to acknowledge the truth. ─── 作为一个女巫,意味着对真理的追求;

80、Ganqi performance in Xingtian myth contained witchery and religious factors. ─── 积淀在刑天神话中的干戚之舞,蕴含巫术宗教因素。

81、The festival traditional customs preserve pure and simple belief and witchery ceremony. ─── 其传统习俗保留着纯朴的信仰观念与远古的仪式。

82、What have you done with me, witch? Did you plan to drown me? ─── 你把我怎么了,小女巫?你打算淹死我吗?

83、What do you call a witch at the beach? ─── 你怎么称呼一个在海滩上的女巫?

84、Art can't be regarded as witchery, witchery art or entertainment art. ─── 艺术不同于巫术、巫术艺术及娱乐艺术。

85、All because I said she was a witch. ─── 全都因为我说她是个女巫。

86、The wicked witch bewitched the prince and turned him into a frog. ─── 坏女巫用魔法把王子变成了青蛙。

87、How a wicked witch had bound him by her spells. ─── 一个巫婆是如何用咒语把他束缚起来。

88、Money! @ said the old witch. ─── “钱

89、The witch put a curse on him, ie used a curse against him. ─── 女巫念咒诅咒他.





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