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09-18 投稿


innervation 发音


英:  美:

innervation 中文意思翻译



innervation 短语词组

1、innervation zone ─── 神经支配区

2、extrinsic innervation ─── [医] 外来神经支配

3、innervation movement ─── 神经支配运动

4、innervation processes ─── 神经支配过程

5、duplicate innervation ─── 重复神经支配

6、innervation apraxia ─── [医] 运动性运用不能, 运动性失用

7、double innervation ─── [医] 双重神经支配

8、law of contrary innervation ─── [医] 拮抗神经支配定律, 梅耳泽氏定律

9、sympathetic innervation ─── [医] 交感神经支配

10、innervation ration ─── 神经支配

11、law of reciprocal innervation ─── [医] 交互 ─── [神经]支配定律

12、innervation of the teeth ─── 牙齿的神经支配

13、reciprocal innervation ─── [医] 交互神经支配

innervation 词性/词形变化,innervation变形

动词过去分词: innervated |动词现在分词: innervating |形容词: innervational |动词过去式: innervated |动词第三人称单数: innervates |名词: innervation |

innervation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords urinary continence;innervation;urethral sphincter;immunohistochemitry; ─── 控尿;神经支配;尿道括约肌;免疫组织化学;

2、Effect of Carvedilol on Sympathetic Innervation and Ventricular Fibrillation Threshold in Rabbit Models with Dilated Cardiomyopathy ─── 卡维地洛对扩张型心肌病交感神经分布和室颤阈值的影响

3、Innervation and silence is the subject of DEFURO,No matter drawers or front boardOur stoppers can ensure softness and silence when opening and closing. ─── 动感与静音设计是DEFURO贯穿始终的主题之一,无论是抽屉还是门板,DEFURO采用的阻尼系统和静音处理都可以保证他们的关闭与开合轻柔、顺滑、静音。

4、vascularity and innervation of the platysma were investigated under operating microscope on 30 adult cadavers (60 platysmas) infused with red latex. ─── 在30具灌注红色乳胶的成人尸体上,借助手术显微镜调查了60侧颈阔肌的肌纤维、血液供应和神经的分布。

5、Keywords twelve meridians;acupoints distributed over distal end of four limbs;innervation regularty; ─── 十二经脉;远端穴位;神经的规律;

6、Study on the Canine Mode of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Induced by Selecting Stimulation of Parasympathetic Nerve Innervation to the Cardiovascular ─── 心脏血管内迷走神经丛刺激与阵发性心房颤动的动物模型制作

7、6.The FDA has recently approved extracorporeal magnetic innervation, a noninvasive procedure for the treatment of incontinence caused by pelvic floor weakness. ─── FDA最近公布一种非侵袭性的体外神经磁疗法来治疗由于盆底组织的脆弱导致的失禁。

8、Dynamic process of the expression of ciliary neurotrophic factor and the innervation and reconstitution of vagus nerve after myocardial infarction ─── 心肌梗死后睫状神经营养因子表达的动态过程与迷走神经支配及重构

9、Keywords the third cranial nerve;injury;functional recovery;selective innervation; ─── 动眼神经;损伤功能重建;特异性支配;

10、The innervation of rat thymus was observed by silver stain method. ─── 采用改良的银染色法观察了大鼠胸腺神经纤维的分布。

11、reciprocal nervous innervation ─── 交互神经支配

12、reciprocal innervation ─── 交互神经支配交互支配

13、These results indicate that the vagal innervation of the gut mediates insulin release during the cephalic phase of feeding in sheep. ─── 这些结果提示在绵羊,消化道的迷走神经支配调节进食头期的胰岛素分泌。

14、Skin of epithelial innervation area feels buttock unusual, and along buttock epithelial nerve goes to have tenderness all right. ─── 臀上皮神经分布区皮肤感觉异常,并沿臀上皮神经走行有压痛。

15、aminergic innervation ─── 去胺能神经

16、terminal innervation ratio ─── 末端神经分布比率

17、Impact of right upper pulmonary vein isolation on atrial vagal innervation and vulnerability to atrial fibrillation. ─── 最紊乱的心房颤动波在肺静脉内及其口部的分布特点。

18、She uses substantiation,visualization,vivification and other methods to highlight its innervation and quality in order to express her inspirational feelings. ─── 她用实体化、形象化、鲜活化。

19、Quantitative delineation of geological anomalies and optimized target areas has been made out by means of informational method and the model of BP artificial innervation network. ─── 利用信息量法和BP人工神经网络模型进行了地质异常的定量圈定和靶区优选。

20、How to represent innervation in sport's photographing. ─── 体育摄影中如何表现动。

21、antagonistic innervation ─── 拮抗神经支配

22、In addition, somatic motor nerves traveling through the pelvic plexus provide additional innervation to the pelvic floor musculature (Zvara et al, 1994). ─── 另外,走行于盆腔神经丛之中的自主运动神经也在一定程度上支配着盆底肌肉。

23、double innervation ─── 双重神经支配

24、Hosford Muscle Tables: Skeletal Muscles of the Human Body - details each muscle's origin, insertion, action, blood supply, and innervation. ─── 详细介绍了人体每一块肌肉的起源,动作,血流供应及神经分布。

25、cardiac sympathetic innervation ─── 心交感神经分布

26、Effect of trigeminus nerves innervation on the phenotype of MHC after facial paralysis ─── 三叉神经支配对面瘫后肌球蛋白重链亚型的影响

27、Lateral rectus muscle innervation disorder ─── 外直肌神经支配障碍

28、Keywords Flexor carpi ulnaris;Flexor carpi radialis;Intramuscular innervation;Muscle architecture;Sihler s staining technique;Functional muscle transfer; ─── 尺侧腕屈肌;桡侧腕屈肌;神经分布;肌肉结构;

29、2 out of the 29 affected members had ptosis and 7 had no aberrant innervation. ─── 患病家系中受检患者29例,2例无上睑下垂,7例无异常神经支配症状。


31、plurisegmental innervation ─── 多节段性神经支配

32、Each card features a full-color Netter illustration on the front, while concise text on the back reviews areas of origin, insertion, action, innervation, and anatomical relevance. ─── 学生已经发现这是学习和参考的一件令人惊叹的工具。有经验的开业医生将发现这是在病人临床医师相互作用期间让病人看解剖的表现用于有用的参考和一件大的工具。

33、The richer sympathetic innervation in the submandibular glands of the adult male mice is evidently related to the greater development of their convoluted tubules whose cells manufacture NGF. ─── 成年雄性小鼠的领下腺内有较丰富的交感神经末梢,显然与成年雄性小鼠的领下腺有高度分化的卷曲小管,产生大量的神经生长因子(NGF)有关。

34、Electron microscopic study of peptidergic innervation in human gastric cancer ─── 人胃癌组织中肽能神经支配的电镜研究

35、Superior oblique muscle innervation disorder ─── 上斜肌神经支配障碍

36、Surgery may relieve the pain associated with endometriosis by removal of ectopic smooth muscle metaplasia and interception of innervation. ─── 外科手术可能通过切除异常的平滑肌组织变形和阻断神经支配来缓解疼痛。

37、Chiou CW,Eble JN,Zipes DP.Efferent vagal innervation of the canine atria and sinus and atrioventricular nodes[J].Circulation,1997,95:2573. ─── 刘雄涛,郑强荪,卢延生,等.犬左上肺静脉电刺激诱发心房颤动的电生理机制探讨[J].中国心脏起搏与心电生理杂志,2004,18:466-469.

38、They are scientific inheriting, innervation harmonious, light and color syncretic, popularity, coexisting with the material, continuing and variation, syncretizing with the space, etc. ─── 方法包括科学的继承、动感调和、光色并融、流行性、与材质共存、延续与变异、与空间融合等多种手法。

39、anomalous innervation ─── 异常神经支配

40、Intramuscular innervation pattern of the biceps femoris and location of nerve entry point to the muscle ─── 人股二头肌肌内神经分布和神经入肌点定位

41、Micturition (self-study): To understand innervation of the urinary bladder and urinary tract micturition and its control. ─── 尿的排放(自学):了解膀胱和尿道的神经支配,排尿反射及排尿的调节。

42、The innervation design form can embody the design thought and spirit more vividly. ─── 具有"动感"的设计形态,更加生动地体现了设计的灵魂思想。

43、Innervation of the vibrissa pad after the rat infraorbital nerve transected and ligated ─── 大鼠眶下神经断扎后触须垫的神经支配

44、law of contrary innervation ─── [医] 拮抗神经支配定律, 梅耳泽氏定律

45、cross innervation ─── 交叉神经支配

46、ipsilateral innervation ─── 同侧神经支配

47、serotonergic innervation ─── 5-羟色胺能神经支配

48、parasympathetic innervation ─── 副交感神经支配

49、cardiac innervation ─── 心脏神经支配

50、There is a combination of peace and innervation, classicality and modern, city and nature, you can not miss such an attractive travel in your life! ─── 平静与动感,古典与现代,城市与自然的完美结合,一次令人怦然心动的北欧之旅岂容错过!

51、In this case, innervation of the small fibers in the center was lost.This is a trichrome stain. ─── 本例萎缩的肌纤维没有神经的支配(去神经性萎缩)。

52、An Anatomic Study of the Innervation in the Nippleareola: Clinic Implications for Plastic Surgery ─── 乳头、乳晕区神经分布的应用解剖学研究

53、multiple innervation ─── 多重神经支配

54、law of reciprocal innervation ─── 交互支配定律

55、The sensory innervation in the larynx below the vocal cords is via the RLN.The trachea also receives sensory innervation via the RLN. ─── 声门下感觉神经支配为喉返神经,气管也接受喉返神经支配。

56、innervation design form can embody the design thought and spirit more vividly. ─── 动感”的设计形态,更加生动地体现了设计的灵魂思想。

57、double reciprocal innervation ─── 双重相反神经支配

58、Recently, innervation of the spondylolytic tissue was reported to be one of the sources of low back pain. ─── 近来,神经分布与滑脱组织被报导为是下腰痛疼痛来源之一。

59、The Relationship Between the Nerve Innervation and the Microvessels in the Human Finger Skin ─── 人手指掌侧面皮神经分布和微血管的关系

60、The parasympathetic innervation of the heart originates in the medulla oblongata ─── 支配心脏的副交感神经发源于延髓的迷走神经核。

61、sympathetic innervation ─── 交感神经支配

62、Keywords mammalian animal;rat;monkey;innervation;synapse;immunohistochemistry;immuno-electron microscope; ─── 哺乳动物;大鼠;猴;垂体前叶;神经支配;突触;免疫组织化学;免疫电镜;

63、Because spinal anesthesia blocks innervation of the bladder, administration large amounts of intravenous fluids may cause bladder distention, and a urethral catheter may be carried. ─── 因脊髓麻醉阻滞了膀胱的神经支配,大量静脉输液会引起膀胱膨胀,因此可能需要插导尿管。

64、The parasympathetic innervation of the heart originates in the medulla oblongata. ─── 心脏的副交感神经发源于延髓的迷走神经核。

65、If traditional therapeutic options such as psychotherapy and pharmacological treatment fail, interruption of the sympathetic innervation to the face offers good results. ─── 如果传统的治疗如:心理治疗、药物治疗无效,阻断支配脸部的交感神经会有好的结果。

66、Keywords Tonic accommodation adaptation;Parasympathetic innervation; ─── 张力性调节适应;副交感支配;

67、Our business scope including footwear and shoes, automobile accessory, motorcycle, electric bike and their fitting, innervation’s picture, daily products, handicraft, hardware and so on; ─── 业务范围包括鞋类、汽车配件和摩托车、电动车整车及其配件、动感画、日用百货、工艺品、金属工具等各类产品;

68、Superior oblique muscle innervation ─── 上斜肌神经支配

69、The innervation of small intestine includes extrinsic and intrinsic component. ─── 中文摘要肠道包含内、外源的神经支配。

70、The anatomic study on the vasc-ularity and innervation of the fibulaand long peroneal muscle was carriedout on 51 sides of adult cadavers and6 cases of cast specimens. ─── 在51例成年人下肢尸体标本和6例下肢血管铸型标本上,对腓骨和腓骨长肌的形态、血管和神经进行了研究。

71、Impact of loss of sympathetic innervation on peripheral nerve regeneration: an experimental study with rats ─── 失交感神经支配对周围神经再生影响的实验研究

72、functional terminal innervation ratio ─── 功能性末稍神经分布比率

73、gabaergic innervation ─── γ-氨基丁酸能神经支配

74、Lateral rectus muscle innervation ─── 外直肌神经支配

75、Innervation of the rat endolymphatic sac ─── 内淋巴囊的神经分布

76、Experimental study of nerve fibers'distribution and innervation on the surface of dura mater of spinal cord and lamina of vertebra in rabbits ─── 兔颈部硬脊膜表面及椎板旁神经分布的实验研究

77、arterial innervation ─── 动脉神经支配

78、3.The rat soleus muscle(SOL)was given additional innervation from pre-implanted extensor digitorum longns(EDL)nerve during a period of temporarydenervation after crushing its own nerve. ─── 大白鼠比目鱼肌(SOL)在其原来神经被夹断暂时处于去神经状态期间,可以从预先埋置好的伸趾长肌(EDL)神经得到外加的神经支配。

79、Effects of pulmonary vein ablation on regional atrial vagal innervation and vulnerability to atrial fibrillation in dogs. ─── 三尖瓣环传导时间在确定典型心房扑动消融终点中的价值。

80、Abnormal innervation syndrome ─── 异常神经支配综合征

81、innervation apraxia ─── [医] 运动性运用不能, 运动性失用

82、Keywords Facial nerve Electro neurographyEN 0G Cross innervation; ─── 关键词面神经;神经电图;对侧支配;

83、dopaminergic innervation ─── 多巴胺能神经支配

84、Microanatomy and electrophysiology of iliopsoas innervation ─── 人髂腰肌神经的显微解剖和大鼠髂腰肌的复合动作电位研究

85、extrinsic innervation ─── 外在神经支配

86、Extracorporeal magnetic innervation therapy for urinary incontinence after transurethral prostatectomy ─── 体外磁场盆底神经强化治疗经尿道前列腺电切术后尿失禁

87、If the proximal 1/3 belly of the muscle was reserved, the blood supply and innervation of the complete muscle was reserved. ─── 只要保留近侧1/3肌腹便能保证全肌的血液供应及神经支配。

88、In this case,innervation of the small fibers in the center was lost. ─── 本例,中间的小细胞神经支配消失。

89、However, the Extracorporeal Magnetic Innervation (ExMI) is simple and easy to use and therefore enhances participants' motivation and compliance. ─── 因此,作者在此回顾文献中阐述该项新技术的研发史源和临床之成果,以及该项新治疗的运用准则。

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