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09-18 投稿


justiciary 发音

英:[dʒʌˈstɪʃəri]  美:[dʒəˈstɪʃieri]

英:  美:

justiciary 中文意思翻译



justiciary 词性/词形变化,justiciary变形

异体字: justiciar |名词复数: justiciaries |

justiciary 短语词组

1、justiciary court ─── [法] 刑事法院

justiciary 相似词语短语

1、justicers ─── n.法官

2、justiciars ─── n.最高司法官;高等法院法官

3、justicoat ─── justicoat公司,

4、justicer ─── n.法官

5、judiciary ─── n.司法部;法官;司法制度;adj.司法的;法官的;法院的

6、justiciable ─── adj.可在法庭裁决的;应受法院审判的

7、justifiably ─── adv.言之有理地,无可非议地

8、justiciaries ─── n.高等法院法官;司法官;adj.司法上的

9、justiciar ─── n.最高司法官;高等法院法官

justiciary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The Tendency of Justiciary Supervision on Arbitration and Its Apocalypse ─── 仲裁司法监督的国际走向及其启示

2、Then the author points out the most important factor is the good profession morality of justiciary to realize justice. ─── 然后作者指出最重要的因素是法官良好的职业道德。

3、There are three criminal courts in Scotland.[1]the High Court of Justiciary; ─── 英格兰有三种刑事法院:[1]高级法院;

4、the jurisdiction of a justiciary. ─── 一个司法官的职权范围。

5、The Tendency of Justiciary Supervision on Arbitration and Its Apocalypse ─── 仲裁司法监督的国际走向及其启示

6、(1)the High Court of Justiciary; (2) the sheriff court; (3) the district court. ─── (2)郡法院;(3)区法院。

7、Law profession requires justiciary to possess not only specialized knowledge but also enough social knowledge and life experience.Only in this way can the authority of law be established. ─── 法律职业要求司法者不仅具有一定的专门知识,还必须具备相当的社会知识和人生阅历,只有这样,法治的权威才能够建立起来。

8、JPM values a lot because it can train noble character and readjust the act of justiciary and promote justice. ─── 法官职业道德对司法公正的价值主要表现在,它能使高尚的法官人格及其共同体的精神形成,能调控法官行为,促进司法公正。

9、justiciary court ─── [法] 刑事法院

10、The King's Justiciary, then making a tour of the county to see that the laws were kept, was his guest at the Abbey just then, and he sat with Hugo to see the rents paid. ─── 国王的首相,每年一次到郡中看法律的依存,这段时间他是寺里的客人,他和雨果坐下来察看付租情形。

11、Justice is the principle that justiciary be fair and just during the Judicial process and is the last profective screen for civil rights and social justice. ─── 司法公正是法官在司法和审判活动的过程和结果中应坚持和体现公平和正义的原则,是保护公民权益、维护社会正义的最后一道屏障。

12、as a idea of justice ,the objective truth couldn't be approached in justiciary practice . ─── 作为一种司法理念,客观真实在司法实践中难以实现。

13、Prosecutions in the High court of Justiciary are conducted by the Lord Advocate or one of his deputies. ─── 向高等刑事法院的诉讼是由检察长或者他的一个代表提出的。

14、Justiciary profession morality (JPM) is a question of the first importance for justice. ─── 要实现司法公正,基础或称首要条件是法官职业道德。

15、There are three criminal courts in Scotland.(1)the High Court of Justiciary; ─── 英格兰有三种刑事法院:(1)高级法院;

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