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09-18 投稿


jewellery 发音

英:[ˈdʒuːəlri]  美:[ˈdʒuːəlri]

英:  美:

jewellery 中文意思翻译



jewellery 词性/词形变化,jewellery变形

名词复数: jewelfish |

jewellery 常用词组

costume jewellery ─── 人造珠宝饰物;服装饰物

jewellery box ─── 首饰盒;饰品盒

jewellery 短语词组

1、jewellery designer ─── 珠宝设计师

2、jewellery box ─── 珠宝盒

3、jewellery city ─── 珠宝城

4、freeman jewellery ─── 弗里曼珠宝

5、anklet jewellery ─── 脚镯首饰

6、larus jewellery ─── 拉鲁斯珠宝

7、jewellery collections ─── 珠宝收藏品

8、universal jewellery ─── 万能珠宝

9、a piece of jewellery ─── 一件珠宝

10、jewellery insurance ─── [经] 珠宝保险

11、jewellery you are en ─── 珠宝你是en

12、jewellery series ─── 珠宝系列

13、jewellery shop ─── 珠宝店

14、jewellery collection ─── 珠宝系列

15、jewellery show ─── 珠宝展

16、jewellery design ─── 珠宝设计

17、costume jewellery ( ─── 缀于服装上的)人造珠宝饰物

jewellery 相似词语短语

1、jewellers ─── n.[贸易]珠宝商;宝石匠;钟表匠(jeweller的复数)

2、jewelled ─── adj.镶有宝石的;带首饰的;vi.嵌以宝石

3、jeweler ─── n.珠宝商;宝石匠;钟表匠;钟表商

4、jewellery box ─── 首饰盒;饰品盒

5、jewelers ─── n.珠宝商;宝石匠;钟表匠;钟表商

6、jeweller ─── n.珠宝商;钟表匠,宝石匠

7、jeweller's ─── 珠宝店

8、crewellery ─── 仓库

9、jewelry ─── n.珠宝;珠宝类

jewellery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Most of her jewellery is stored in bank vaults. ─── 她的大部份首饰都存放在银行的保险库里。

2、Take good care to lock away your jewellery before going away on holiday. ─── 去度假前,把你的珠宝小心锁好。

3、She has redeemed her pawned jewellery. ─── 她赎回了当掉的珠宝。

4、She enjoys lipstick, scarf, jewellery and so on. ─── 她喜欢口红、巾和珠宝等女性的东西.

5、Everything from jewellery to underwear can be stored in the small upper drawer. ─── 可将从首饰到内衣等所有的东西放在上面的小抽屉中。

6、You can borrow money from the bank against your jewellery. ─── 你可以用珠宝首饰作抵押向银行借款。

7、Can' t you borrow some jewellery from a friend ? ─── 可不可以向你的朋友借点首饰呢?

8、At his request Mathur provided him with woman's dress and jewellery. ─── 在他的请求下,马图尔向他提供了妇女衣服和珠宝。

9、Gold jewellery and accessories are making a comeback, fuelled by classier design and better marketing. ─── 在更出色的设计以及更好的宣传的推动之下,黄金首饰和配饰正在复归流行。

10、YiYing: What is your opinion of the current Jewellery market and design? ─── 你如何看待现今的珠宝市场和珠宝设计?

11、Everybody else will be wearing jewellery. ─── 别人都将戴着首饰。

12、Her jewellery is all in hock. ─── 她当掉了所有的首饰。

13、She never wears jewellery. ─── 她从不戴首饰。

14、She wore so much jewellery that she seemed to be covered in gold. ─── 她戴了那么多首饰,看上去象是包在金子里似的。

15、Her sparkling jewellery served as the perfect foil for her fine complexion. ─── 她戴着闪闪生辉的首饰,更显得容貌姣好。

16、His wife raised the money by selling her jewellery . ─── 他的妻子靠变卖珠宝首饰来筹集这笔钱。

17、Ladies come here to shop for exquisite saris and expensive jewellery. ─── 女士们来这里选购华丽的印度纱丽和名贵的首饰。

18、She run a jewellery concession in the hotel lobby. ─── 她在饭店大厅经营着一个获特许权的珠宝店。

19、They hid all their jewellery in a big trunk. ─── 他们把所有的珠宝都藏在1个大箱子。

20、To let her son continue his study of music, she sold all her jewellery. ─── 为了让儿子继续学习音乐,她卖掉了所有的珠宝。

21、You know someone who can get you a good deal on jewellery or electronics. ─── 你认识可以在你买首饰或电器上给于优惠的人。

22、Don’t accessorise such a dramatic dress with itsy-bitsy jewellery. ─── 不要收佩带有戏装式样的小颗宝石类附属饰物。

23、Do you know the duties of a jewellery salesman? ─── 你知道珠宝销售员的工作职责吗?

24、She wears expensive clothes and jewellery, but when she starts talking you realize that she's as common as muck. ─── 她穿着华丽的服装,戴着昂贵的首饰,但是当她讲话时,你会发现她很粗俗。

25、She appeared at the reception wearing her finest jewellery. ─── 她戴着她最好的珠宝首饰出现在招待会上。

26、EG, She thought some of here jewellery was missing. ─── 她认为自己的一些珠宝丢失了。

27、She brought all her jewellery for me to choose from. ─── 她拿出自己所有的首饰让我从中挑选。

28、Her jewellery sparkled in the candlelight. ─── 烛光下,她的首饰光彩熠熠。

29、She has some lovely pieces of jewellery. ─── 她有几件漂亮的首饰。

30、At the ball most ladies wore jewellery, only Mary wore a flower. ─── 在舞会上,大多数女士戴着首饰,唯独玛丽别着一朵花。

31、Makes and repairs fine gold articles, and makes all kinds of mounting for jewellery. ─── 制作及修理足金饰物,珠宝首饰底胚。

32、Beijing Rui Jing Hang Jewellery Accessories Co., Ltd. ─── 北京瑞景行珠宝首饰有限公司。

33、He claim that the steal jewellery find in his house is a plant. ─── 他声称在他家中发现的那些失窃的珠宝是有人给他栽赃。

34、When he left he smuggled away some jewellery. ─── 他临走时裹走了一些首饰。

35、Premier Annual Jewellery Event in China Invites You to Enjoy the Huge Business Opportunities! ─── 中国珠宝业界最具影响的年度盛会邀您共享巨大商机!

36、Allison Taylor used to ask her husband and family for vouchers for luxury body-care products and Tiffany jewellery for special occasions. ─── 艾莉森·泰勒(AllisonTaylor)过去常常向丈夫及家人索要一些豪华身体护理品代金券和蒂芬妮(Tiffany)珠宝等,用于一些特殊场合。

37、Does your jewellery clip on? ─── 你的珠宝饰物夹牢了吗?

38、She was wearing her diamonds(= jewellery with diamonds in it). ─── 她戴着钻石首饰。

39、Coins, buttons, jewellery, zips - the list is endless. So many things have it in. It does make shopping a bit of a nightmare. ─── 硬币,纽扣,珠宝,拉链——列出清单来实在是没完没了。太多的东西含有镍了。它让购物变成了一场噩梦。

40、Take good care to lock away your jewellery in a strongbox before going away on holiday. ─── 假期外出之前要把珠宝首饰锁藏在保险箱里。

41、Other major exports items include textiles, chemical products and jewellery. ─── 其他主要出口项目包括纺织品、化学产品及珠宝首饰。

42、He stole some jewellery worth ninety thousand dollars. ─── 他偷走了价值九万美元的珠宝。

43、Sell organza bag,jewellery pouches,ect. ─── 卖纱袋,珠宝袋等。

44、She opened a wooden chest and found all sorts of jewellery inside it. ─── 她打开了一个木制的箱子,发现里面有各种各样的首饰。

45、But the inspector found a dirty red bundle that contained jewellery which the old lady said was not hers. ─── 却发现了一个装有珠宝的、肮脏的红包袱。老妇人说那不是她的。

46、She was greatly stupefied to find her son stealing her jewellery. ─── 发现儿子偷她珠宝,她大吃一惊.

47、What kind of jewellery do you like to have? ─── 你想买哪种首饰?

48、Are you sure that your jewellery has clipped on? ─── 你肯定你的珠宝饰物夹牢了吗?

49、She has bequeathed me her jewellery. ─── 她把珠宝遗赠给我了。

50、Women like wearing all kinds of jewellery. ─── 女士喜欢佩带各种各样的珠宝首饰。

51、Are you familiar with the jewellery industry? ─── 你对珠宝行业了解多少?

52、Land, houses, or in some cases stocks, bonds or even fine jewellery. ─── 土地、房产、某些股票、债券,以至高级首饰。

53、Did you report the loss of your jewellery to the police? ─── 你有向警方通报你的珠宝遗失吗?

54、Mm, jewellery, a necklace, yes, why not? Scarfs, yes, sure. ─── 嗯,珠宝,项链,也会的,为什么不呢?围巾,是的,当然会砍价的。

55、Cash, jewellery and other assets, as well as food stocks, have been buried under collapsed houses. ─── 倒塌的房屋掩埋了现金、首饰、其它财产和粮食。

56、How much do you know about the sales of jewellery ? ─── 你对珠宝销售了解多少?

57、She went in a jewellery store to buy jewels for her girls. ─── 她走进一家珠宝店为女儿买几块宝石。

58、She likes feminine things like brushes, lipsticks, scarves and jewellery. ─── 她喜欢画笔、口红、围巾和珠宝等女性的东西。

59、She herself had very little jewellery. ─── 她自己的首饰很少。

60、Lock your jewellery up before you go away . ─── 在你离开前把你的珠宝好好锁藏起来。

61、Mr Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display. ─── 一家珠宝店的老板泰勒先生正在欣赏一个新陈列的橱窗。

62、SO there she was with a stunning ring on each finger. To please her, I tried on her rubbish jewellery. ─── 这样,她的每个手指上都戴上了璀璨夺目的戒指。为了取悦她,我也试着戴上她那些廉价的首饰。

63、Are you sure that your jewellery has clipped on ? ─── 你肯定你的珠宝饰物夹牢了吗?

64、Her sparkling jewellery serve as the perfect foil for her fine complexion. ─── 她戴著闪闪生辉的首饰,更显得容貌姣好。

65、Something borrowed could be an item of bridal clothing, a handkerchief or an item of jewellery. ─── 一些借来的可以是一件婚礼服饰、一片手帕或是一件首饰。

66、Larry Jewelry fully explores the potential of diamond and sapphire jewellery in its new collection. ─── 俊文宝石店的全新蓝宝石美钻首饰系列演绎蓝与白的奇妙经典。

67、His wife raised the money for his research by selling her jewellery. ─── 他的妻子卖掉了首饰为他的研究工作筹集资金。

68、Which customers ordered more jewellery? ─── 哪批顾客定购珠宝更多呢?

69、She would request such items as costly perfumes and jewellery. ─── 她会要求像昂贵的香水和珠宝这样的东西。

70、They, dressed to the nines in showy outlandish garb and flashy jewellery, took part in the New Year's float parade. ─── 他们身穿异相的花俏装束,配戴俗不可耐的珠宝,盛装参加新年花车巡游。

71、"Jewellery in a retail environment is locked up in a glass case, " says Jessica Herrin, the company's chief executive and founder. ─── “零售的首饰通常放在玻璃橱窗内,”公司CEO兼创始人杰西卡•赫林(JessicaHerrin)说。

72、Her pose is compact yet dynamic... Her hair is partly undone and falls in little curls. Her dress is very simple and she wears no jewellery. ─── 她的坐姿端庄义充满活力。她的头发有些散乱,带着小卷披下来,衣着极简单,也没有戴首饰。

73、We are having the jewellery valued for insurance. ─── 为保险我们将珠宝估价。

74、She immediately recognised the highly sought-after brooch, which had been gathering dust at the bottom of her jewellery box for 40 years. ─── 她立刻认出了这枚专家们正在寻找的珍宝,就是她珠宝盒中蒙尘40余年的别针。

75、Are you familiar with jewellery sale? ─── 你对珠宝销售了解吗`?

76、All her jewellery was in pawn. ─── 她把首饰全典当了。

77、Wearing too much jewellery could be an attempt to tell others you are rich, but actually implies that you are having money problems. ─── 佩戴过多的珠宝或许可以告诉别人你很富有,但是实际上却告诉别人你目前正有财务问题缠身。

78、In Hong Kong, jewellery sells at favourable prices. ─── 在香港,珠宝以优惠的价格出售。

79、A neo-politan contess with a taste for jewellery. ─── 一位时髦的对珠宝有品味的伯爵夫人。

80、She has redeemed her jewellery from pawn. ─── 她从当铺赎回了珠宝。

81、Most of the contents of the safe are jewellery. ─── 保险箱里的大多数东西是珠宝。

82、At the restaurant I could see my jewellery was attracting attention. ─── 在饭店里,我看得出自己的珠宝非常引人注目。

83、She likes feminine things like lipsticks, scarves and jewellery and so on. ─── 她喜欢口红、围巾和珠宝等女性的东西。

84、Beijing Shi Ji Wen Li Jewellery Co., Ltd. ─── 北京世纪雯莉珠宝有限公司。

85、She was forced to sell her jewellery. ─── 她被迫卖掉首饰。

86、She enjorys feminine belongs like lipstick,scarf,jewellery and so on. ─── 她喜欢口红、围巾和珠宝等女性的东西.

87、For storing anything from jewellery to lingerie and T-shirts. ─── 可存放珠宝,内衣,T恤衫等各种物品。

88、There is hardly any other gemstone in modern jewellery design which is refined in such a variety of ways as aquamarine. ─── 几乎没有任何其他宝石如同海蓝宝石般在当今珠宝设计界能以多种形式被呈现。

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