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09-18 投稿


kumquat 发音

英:[ˈkʌmkwɑːt]  美:[ˈkʌmkwɒt]

英:  美:

kumquat 中文意思翻译



kumquat 网络释义

n. 金橘;金柑;金钱桔树

kumquat 短语词组

1、round kumquat ─── 圆金柑

2、oval kumquat ─── 金桔

3、marumi kumquat ─── [网络] 圆实金柑

4、kumquat lemon ─── 金桔柠檬

5、kumquat tree ─── [网络] 金桔树

6、nagami kumquat ─── [植物]椭圆金柑(Fortunella margarita)

kumquat 词性/词形变化,kumquat变形

名词复数形式:kumquats 第三人称单数:kumquats

kumquat 相似词语短语

1、diquat ─── n.敌草快(一种接触性除草剂)

2、kumaras ─── 库马尔

3、oval kumquat ─── 椭圆形金橘

4、kumara ─── 鸠摩罗(印度神话中的战神);库马拉(地名);库马拉(人名)

5、limequat ─── 来檬金柑

6、cumquat ─── n.金橘

7、kumquats ─── 金橘

8、asquat ─── 阿斯夸特

9、cumquats ─── n.金橘

kumquat 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Rutaceae A family of dicotyledonous trees and shrubs. They include the citrus fruits (Citrus spp.), kumquat (Fortunella ), and a number of ornamental shrubs. ─── 芸香科:双子叶植物的一个科,乔木或灌木。包括柑橘类(柑橘属),金橘(金橘属)和一些观赏灌木。

2、Keywords navel orange;kumquat;hesperidin;HPLC; ─── 关键词金桔;脐橙;橙皮甙;高效液相色谱;

3、juicy peach jujube kernel kumquat late-maturing lemon litchi litchi rind longan longan pulp loquat mandarin mango mature morello ─── 枣仁水蜜桃水蜜桃金桔晚熟的柠檬荔枝荔枝皮桂圆,龙眼桂圆肉,龙眼肉枇杷柑桔芒果成熟的黑樱桃

4、Kumquat I very much love a child, but do not know how it is growth. ─── 小时候我十分爱吃金橘,却不知道它是怎样生长的。

5、Close up of a kumquat fruit on the tree. ─── 奥兰基社团的金柑图片 Orange Kumquat.

6、Moreover、Pineapple、 Meiwa kumquat、 Changsha、 Russ navel、 Guoqing No.4 and Carter had DNA varied cells including triploids and aneuploids based on the DPAC software analyse. ─── 通过DPAC分析软件分析得知,凤梨甜橙三倍体、宁波金柑、长沙橘、鲁斯脐橙、国庆4号和卡特夏橙等6种愈伤组织的细胞DNA含量还出现了三倍增加及非整倍增加的现象。

7、nagami kumquat ─── 拿干米金桔

8、Kumquat fruit vinegar ─── 金柑果醋

9、In yesterday's inspection, completely will already have the maggot kumquat 45 box, the total more than 150 kilograms destroy completely. ─── 在昨天的检查中,已经将全部有蛆金橘45箱,共计150多公斤全部销毁。

10、meiwa kumquat ─── 金弹

11、preserved kumquat ─── 蜜金桔

12、The objection of this study is to analyzed changes of essential oil constituents in oval kumquat and calamondin. ─── 这项研究的目的是分析椭圆形的金橘和加利蒙地亚橘中的精油成分的变化。

13、Second, form the kumquat’s cultivated area , output and planting the condition that the seat is very suitable for agricultural development of area in Yilan County. ─── 二、宜兰县的金柑种植面积、产量及栽植位置来看,非常适合区域农业发展的条件。

14、Pears, kumquat, grapefruit and other fruit itself will be Runfei function, and Beigua, and the bulb of fritillary, and other medicines produced by the Senbei Beigua Oral Thick Gaodeng, are also in the Most Effective Bufei. ─── 梨、金橘、柚子等水果本身便有润肺功能,而北瓜、贝母等药材制作而成的参贝北瓜膏等,在补肺方面也有奇效。

15、they can also choose pomegranate, kumquat, Buddha's hand, watch fruit plants, fallen on flowers fall reward fruit; ─── 还可选择石榴、金橘、佛手等观果植物,春夏观花,秋冬赏果;

16、As symbols of prosperity and happiness, Kumquat trees and fushou fruit trees are placed in front of stalls of the market.These flowers and trees are decorated with red lanterns. ─── 在街头,一些好彩头的盆栽如“步步高”、“鸿运当头”等,披挂着大红的中国结和小灯笼,被放置在各大小花店的显眼处。

17、Effects of Zinc-injection in Trunk of Kumquat on Its Growth and Fruits Qualities ─── 茎部施锌对金桔生长和果实品质的影响

18、Zaiqiong the people-to-year-old North Korea for the bowl of kumquat, Several narcissus. ─── 再穷的人家也要岁朝清供一盆金橘、几株水仙。

19、Valenica sweet orange showed moderate susceptibility, and Wentan, Eureka lemon and kumquat were tolerant cultivars. ─── 经病菌单独接种试验显示椪柑、桶柑对黄龙病菌最为感病,发病速率与病徵进展最快。

20、Nancy: Oh! Did you eat some fortune foods? (like -fish, Nian Gao, longevity vegetable, pineapple, rice muffin, turnip, dumplings, hot pot and kumquat ─── 你有没有吃些年菜(像-鱼,年糕,长年菜,凤梨,发糕,菜头,火锅,金柑)呢?

21、My wife's more like a kumquat . ─── 我老婆更像个金桔子。

22、Fourth, the popularization eating the raw kumquat raises suitable help to the price and sales volume. ─── 四、鲜食金柑的推广对于价格及销售量提升有相当的帮助。

23、Reporter found yesterday, at present in Guangzhou market, by outside areas kumquat primarily. ─── 记者昨日了解到,目前在广州市场,以外地金橘为主。

24、Hongkong kumquat leaf ─── 山橘叶

25、Effects of Trunk Injection Se on Growth and Fruits Qualities of Kumquat ─── 茎部注射硒肥对金桔的生长及果实品质的影响

26、Antioxidation activity of extracts from kumquat with flavone or limonin as solvent was studied by the iodine method. ─── 通过碘量法检测金橘黄酮类及柠檬苦素类提取物的抗氧化活性。

27、, Mustard, quail, kumquat, crab, orange, wheat, crucian carp. ─── 、芥菜、鹌鹑、金橘、蟹、橙、麦、鲫鱼。

28、Put 3 pineapple leaves straight up the glass, with the kumquat in front of it. Put the stick of vanilla in the cocktail (-glass) like a stirr. ─── 将3片菠萝放入直饮杯,金橘在前面。用香草棒搅拌鸡尾酒(玻璃)杯。

29、Keywords Kumquat Ozone Postharvest physiology; ─── 金柑;臭氧;采后生理;

30、Kumquat nectar ─── 金桔果茶

31、Regularities of Kumquat flowering and fruiting and summer management techniques ─── 金柑开花坐果规律与夏季管理技术

32、preserved kumquat flattened ─── 金桔饼

33、liquorice kumquat ─── 甘草金桔

34、prune flavoured kumquat ─── 梅味金桔

35、First, before the festival, our family will make the rooms clean and tidy.We buy some plants to decorate the house, such as kumquat trees which mean luckiness. ─── 首先,在春节来临之前,全家人就要整理房间,把每一个房间都布置得干净整洁,我们还要买一些植物来装扮房间,像金橘树这种意味着幸运的树木啦。

36、fruits of the plants main categories : kumquat, citrus, pomegranate, grapes, tomatoes, etc. ─── 果实类的植物主要有:金橘、柑橘、石榴、葡萄、番茄等。

37、preserved kumquat orange ─── 蜜金枣

38、There are two pieces of “green fruits” in the cup, namely olive or kumquat which express that everything goes well. ─── 还在茶杯内放两颗“青果”即橄榄或金橘,表示吉祥如意的意思。

39、White Lotus Paste with Single Yolk, Red Bean Paste with Single Yolk,Coconut Flavored, Mixed Nut, XO Scallop, Jasmine Tea, Kumquat Paste,Blue Mountain Coffee Flavour. ─── 蛋黄白莲,蛋黄豆沙,奶油椰皇,金腿伍仁,XO干贝,茉莉花茶,金桔香莲,蓝山咖啡,八款独一无二的口味让您欲罢不能。

40、kumquat in syrup ─── 糖水金桔

41、Rongan Kumquat ─── 融安滑皮金柑

42、Liuyang kumquat production has a long history, the Qing dynasty, as "Gong fruit. ─── 浏阳金桔生产历史悠久,清朝时定为“贡果”。

43、Request color without noise, with kumquat color is the best. ─── 要求颜色不含杂色,以金橘色为最佳。

44、The kumquat were coating by different concentration of chitosan.Compared to the un-coated kumquat. ─── 用不同浓度的壳聚糖作为涂膜剂对金柑进行涂膜处理,在室温条件下贮藏保鲜。

45、In addition to using it as a decoration, you can do lots of other things with Kumquat as well, such as add it to food or tea.These features usually make Kumquat bonsai a hot item during the New Year. ─── 金桔除了适合观赏之外,还可以拿来食用或泡茶,妙用相当多,因此每逢春节金桔盆栽可说是畅销热卖。

46、salted margarita kumquat ─── 咸金枣

47、Kumquat Media - Web design and development consultancy specialising in website analysis, technical design, graphic design, on-line database development and web applications development. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

48、We can see there are a small kumquat, round kumquat this small like a ping-pong, its skin is yellow, very smooth, there is a faint smell of incense, sweet acid bite of it. ─── 打开一看里面有一个小金橘,这个小金橘圆圆的像个乒乓球,它的皮是黄色的,非常光滑,闻起来有一种淡淡的清香,咬一口它酸酸甜甜的。

49、Hongkong kumquat ─── 金豆

50、kumquat jelly ─── 金桔果冻

51、honeyed kumquat candied fruit ─── 金钱橘饼

52、Fruit, nuts, fruit-peel and other parts of plants, preserved by sugar (drained, glace or crystallised) (excluding plums, kumquat and mangoes ─── (配合修正貨名)糖漬果實、堅果、果皮及植物之其他部分(瀝乾、套以糖衣、糖霜者均在內)(李、金橘、芒果除外)

53、oval kumquat root ─── 金橘根

54、Effects of ozone on storage quality of kumquat ─── 臭氧对金柑贮藏品质的影响

55、Effects of Zinc-injection in Trunk of Kumquat on Its Growth and Fruits Qualities ─── 茎部施锌对金桔生长和果实品质的影响

56、citrus produced by Dongting Su Kumquat orange cake and cake, orange incense rich, sweet and refreshing, with an appetizer ventilation function. ─── 用洞庭柑桔制作而成的苏桔饼和金桔饼,桔香浓郁,味甜爽口,具有开胃通气功能。

57、My wife’s more like a kumquat. ─── 我老婆更像个金桔子似的脾气可大了。?

58、"Spring" characters in the corridor, lucky white turnips on the kumquat tree, and our decoration container that doubles as a firecracker. ─── 越接近过年,不管是年货大街,或是卖场里,都有著琳琅满目的年节装饰品,但这些都要花钱,所以要怎麽样才能省下这些花费?

59、kumquat marc ─── 金橘

60、oval kumquat ─── 金桔

61、Tangerine, raspberry, and kumquat have many small seeds, but no pit. ─── 橘子,红莓和金桔有许多的小种子,没有果核.

62、Pilot study of Huanglongbing for kumquat in Yangshuo County ─── 阳朔金柑黄龙病初探

63、oval kumquat leaf ─── 金橘叶

64、If stepwise type was used for pickled kumquat leaching process, 170,000 tons of water can be saved in I-Lan county each year. ─── 若改用阶段式漂水法,估计宜兰县全年约可节省170,000吨之用水。

65、round kumquat ─── 圆金柑

66、Approximately 10% of yellows samples of kumquat collected from Yilan county were examined positive of HLBB, and 60% among the HLBB-infected kumquats were co-infected with CTV or CTLV. ─── 宜兰县金柑之萎黄病株,感染黄龙病比率最低,仅有10%,当中CTLV或CTV复合感染的比率皆超过60%。

67、Effects of Trunk Injection Se on Growth and Fruits Qualities of Kumquat ─── 茎部注射硒肥对金桔的生长及果实品质的影响

68、plum flavoured preserved kumquat ─── 梅味桔

69、kumquat fruit distillate ─── 金橘露

70、Kumquat producted in GuangXi has special flavour It can help relieve internal heat, treat and clear sore throat and cure indigestion. ─── 广西金桔风味独特,具有清热解毒、嗓润肺,可治咽喉疼痛、化不良等疾症,是天然的绿色保健果品。

71、Keywords Kumquat;ozone;storage quality; ─── 金柑;臭氧;贮藏品质;

72、sugared kumquat ─── 糖金桔

73、kumquat in heavy syrup ─── 糖浆金桔

74、candied kumquat ─── 糖金橘

75、Regularities of Kumquat flowering and fruiting and summer management techniques ─── 金柑开花坐果规律与夏季管理技术

76、financial security Citrus grandis, Kumquat; ─── 融安沙田柚、金桔;

77、oval kumquat seed ─── 金橘核

78、Keywords kumquat;coating and preserving;chitosan; ─── 金柑;涂膜保鲜;壳聚糖;

79、Effect of kumquat flavone on blood glucose in mice ─── 金柑黄酮对小鼠血糖的影响

80、This candy used Natural No-pit chinese.Date or sarcocarp of kumquat etc. to refined under science prescription,makes them easier for eating and more effect.It is an ideal enjoyable health food. ─── 本品选用地道纯正的天然无核红枣、金桔等果肉,采用科学方法精制而成,使之食用更加方便、有效,是日常养生的理想食品。

81、"The Kumquat Lover's Home Page" is descriptive and likely to draw in lovers of the bitter fruit, as are "Kumquat Lover's Feedback Page" and "Popular Links Frequented by Kumquat Lovers." ─── “金橘爱好者的主页”,这就是一个描述性标题,它可能会吸引那些喜欢苦味水果的人,类似的还有“金橘爱好者之反馈页”和“金橘爱好者经常访问的链接”等。

82、Pears with kumquat and ginger ─── 姜花柑橘梨

83、Reporters bought the 25 kumquat, the majority have maggots. ─── 记者所买的25个金橘中,多数都有蛆虫。

84、The day before yesterday, Guangzhou south of Yangzi River fruits and vegetables wholesale market sale's kumquat in Haizhu District was discovered has the maggot. ─── 前天,广州江南果蔬批发市场销售的金橘在海珠区被发现有蛆。








Effect of Different Soil Managements on VA Mycorrhizal Infection of Kumquat



candied kumquat 糖金桔 ; 详细翻译

kumquat jelly 金桔果冻

preserved kumquat 蜜金桔

die Kumquat 金橘

Kumquat Island 榴柑岛

Kumquat Mojito 金橘莫吉多

Kumquat Lemonade 柠檬金桔汁

kumquat redondo 圆金桔

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