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09-18 投稿


pausing 发音

英:[ˈpɔːzɪŋ]  美:[ˈpɔːzɪŋ]

英:  美:

pausing 中文意思翻译




pausing 同义词

breath | quit | lull | wait | breather | hiatus | standstill | hesitate |recess | tarry | intermit | break off | intermission | end | interval | break | linger | stop | gap | relaxation | interpreter | cease | silence | interlude | interruption | suspension | respite | truce | hover | rest | halt

pausing 常用词组

pause and ponder ─── 踌躇;停下来好好想一想

give pause to ─── vt. 使人踌躇

pause button ─── 暂停键;暂停按钮

pausing 反义词


pausing 短语词组

1、pacing and pausing ─── 踱步和停顿

pausing 词性/词形变化,pausing变形

动词第三人称单数: pauses |动词过去式: paused |动词过去分词: paused |动词现在分词: pausing |

pausing 相似词语短语

1、passing ─── n.(时间)流逝;(事物的)结束;亡故;通过;(体育比赛中的)传球;adj.暂时的;经过的,过往的;及格的;(时间)流逝的;快速的;(相似性)微小的;adv.极其,非常;v.经过;通过;沿某方向移动;使达到;及格(pass的现在分词)

2、spousing ─── n.配偶;vt.和…结婚;n.(Spouse)人名;(英)斯波斯

3、-plusing ─── 冲洗

4、causing ─── vt.成为…的原因(cause的现在分词形式)

5、-apsing ─── 后拱

6、parsing ─── n.语法分析;剖析;v.解析(parse的ing形式)

7、perusing ─── n.精读;v.精读,研读;详细考察,仔细查看(peruse的现在分词)

8、-aising ─── 还原

9、pausingly ─── 停顿地

pausing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You have to think those people have a lot of confidence in Pau Gasol. ─── 但是,你必须知道很多人对加索尔都抱以很大的信心。

2、If you check this option, pausing the mouse pointer over an icon on the screen will automatically select that icon. ─── 04如果您使用这个选项,鼠标指针在屏幕上的图标上停留会自动选中图标。

3、Changed: Pausing processing no longer distorts the time estimation. ─── 变化:暂停过程将不会被计算在估算的时间里.

4、Pau Gasol takes his eyes off the TV screen and notices Chris Paul dishing him a piece of paper. ─── 加索尔的视线从电视屏幕上转移到克里斯.保罗递给他的一张叠好的纸条上。

5、Pausing, Ben Carson turned to his mother who was sitting in the front row. ─── 本•卡森停顿片刻,朝坐在前排的母亲望去。

6、Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house. ─── 他只停下来穿了件毛衣就冲出了屋外。

7、Every afternoon when I came on duty as the evening nurse, I would walk the halls of the nursing home, pausing at each door to chat and observe. ─── 作为夜班护士,每天下午我值班的时候,都要走过养老院的大厅,在每个门口停下来看一看,聊一聊。

8、Jordan Farmar tied a career-high 21 points and Pau Gasol added 15 and 10 rebounds as the Lakers were able to overcome a sluggish start. ─── 乔丹·法玛尔追平本赛季最高的21分,保罗·加索尔的15分10个篮板,帮助湖人熬过了那个艰难的开局。

9、Our ability to mute our hard-wired reactions by pausing is what differentiates us from animals: dogs can think about the future only intermittently or for a few minutes. ─── 我们能够通过暂停来消除我们固有的反应,这是我们与动物的不同之处:狗思考未来只能断断续续地或只能维持几分钟。

10、He put up a hand between his eyes and the light, very bones of it seemed transparent. So he sat, with a steadfastly vacant gaze, pausing in his work. ─── 他一直用手挡住眼前的光线,那手似乎连骨头都透明了。他就像这样坐着,停止了工作,直勾勾地瞪着眼。

11、Pausing just inside this cavernous temple, we are dazzled and stunned. ─── 一踏进这个深幽幽的圣殿,我们就眼花缭乱,目瞪口呆了。

12、Some accused Pau of fatting up and leaving his faceup game in Memphis. ─── 一些人指责加索尔说他养肥了而且自从离开孟菲斯灰熊之后就状态大不如前。

13、Without pausing, they followed along the edge, of the grove where it skirted the lake and proceeded towards the "Lakeside Retreat" building. ─── 众人并不去细看,就沿着湖滨傍着松林往水阁走去。

14、Wrapping is embedded after pausing, want seasonable its restoration, use gimmick restoration first commonly. ─── 包皮嵌顿后要及时将其复位,一般先采用手法复位。

15、After pausing she added ,”besides ,you have to remember the God knows exactly what he's cooking up in your life . you've got to trust him with the recipe . ─── 停顿了一下,她补充道,“除此以外,你必须记住,上帝知道他在你生活烹饪什么样的汤,你只要学会相信他,接受他。”

16、He puzzled as he thought of these things, then pushed in the drawers and closed the door, pausing with his hand upon the knob, which might so easily lock it all beyond temptation. ─── 他想着这些,感到困惑。 然后他推进抽屉,关上门,手放在锁钮上停住了。 这锁钮只消轻轻一旋,就可以将保险柜锁上,也就不再有什么诱惑了。

17、"Raccoon?" I said, pausing in my flight. ─── “浣熊?”我停下来问道。

18、"I wish you would go with me, Newland, " his mother said, suddenly pausing at the door of the Brown coupe. ─── “希望你跟我一起去,纽兰,”母亲在布朗马车的门前突然停步说。

19、Hardly could anyone help pausing to admire her beauty. ─── 几乎所有的人都禁不住止步观赏她的美丽。

20、"Us getting Pau, Phoenix getting Shaq, that should make things fun," Odom said. ─── “我们得到了保罗,而太阳得到了大鲨鱼,这将会变得非常有趣,”奥多姆说。

21、"He is a low fellow," Ieremia declared, pausing in the polishing of his spectacles. ─── “他是一个不知廉耻的家伙,”正在擦拭眼镜的耶利米停了停,说道。

22、As you write, enter entire words without pausing after each letter, and leave space between words. ─── 书写时,不必每写完一个字母后作停顿,可输入整个单词并在单词之间留出空格。

23、"We should continue chest compressions as much as possible, only pausing to do things that are proven to be medically beneficial. ─── “我们应该尽量维持按压不被打断,除非是去做对病人更有益处的事。”

24、He suddenly found his tongue again, and pausing only to ask if it was a shark. ─── 他突然再次张口,仅仅询问它是否是个鲨鱼。

25、But it is perhaps worth pausing to consider whether there is anything intrinsically different about e-banking which demands special attention from the central bank. ─── 不过,或者我们值得停下来思考一个问题,就是电子银行本质上有些甚么特异之处,需要中央银行分外注意。

26、Not even pausing to put on warm coats , they ran out of the door . ─── 他们顾不上穿棉大衣就跑出屋去。

27、Pau Gasol - The gift from the Memphis Grizzlies. ─── 加索尔--灰熊送来的大礼。

28、His defense on Pau or Odom will be key as well, so he must sprint the floor in defensive transition. ─── 他对加索尔或者奥多姆的防守也很关键,因此他必须在防守轮转换位中快速移动。

29、Pausing the SQLdiag service is not supported. ─── 不支持暂停SQLdiag服务。

30、Tim Duncan continues to plow through whoever is guarding him -- be it Pau Gasol or Lamar Odom. ─── 不管是保罗-加索尔还是拉马尔-奥多姆防守他,邓肯照打不误。

31、But there was scarcely another eye that could behold this living picture of health and beauty without pausing on it with pleasure. ─── 但是别人看到这副健康与美丽的化身,无不欣然瞩目。

32、Mr. Watson, let me introduce you to Miss Chu-ming Pau, who is going to sit next to you tonight. ─── 华生先生,我介绍今晚将坐在你旁边的鲍秋明小姐给你认识。

33、Panteleyev A A,Paus R,Wanner R,et al. keratin 17 gene expression during the murine hair cycle[ J]. J Invest 缺项? ─── 卓明英,杨军.鼻息肉上皮细胞角蛋白的表达及临床意义[J].临床与实验病理学杂志.1995,11(3):213-214.

34、Pausing in the shadow of the massive doorway, he took a deep breath. ─── 他在门廊巨大的阴影里停了下来,深深地吸了一口气。

35、He obeyed, in the old mechanically submissive manner, without pausing in his work. ─── 他服从了,是以前那种机械的、驯服的态度,活儿却没有停。

36、He spoke solidly for twenty minutes, barely pausing to draw breath. ─── 他足足讲了20分钟,几乎都没有停下来喘一口气。

37、"Pau has got scared," Odom said, smiling. ─── “保罗的到来让人们大吃一惊,”奥多姆笑着回答。

38、He has spoken down again after slightly pausing. ─── 他在略作停顿后又讲了下去。

39、Kevin Garnett and Pau Gasol are in uncharted territory, and the one who is first to find his groove in the Finals will give his team the advantage. ─── 凯文-加内特和保罗-加索尔是在一个未知的领域,谁在总决赛第一个找到他们的最佳状态将会给予他们球队以团队的优势。

40、"It's a team that presents a lot of tough matchups," Lakers forward Pau Gasol said. ─── “这样的对手让我们感觉到比赛将会多么艰难,”湖人大前锋枷锁说。

41、It would be a mistake to write to Liege for corks, and to Pau for gloves. ─── 写信到列日去买软木塞,到波城去买皮手套,那才荒唐呢。

42、So he sat, with a steadfastly vacant gaze, pausing in his work. ─── 他就像这样坐着,停止了工作,直勾勾地瞪着眼。

43、Bryant's newest teammate, Pau Gasol, has never won in 10 career games at Arco Arena -- all with Memphis. ─── 不过科比的新队友加索尔在为灰熊效力时,作客阿科球馆十次都输掉了比赛。

44、He hit a three-pointer, then thought about another one but rifled a pass under the basket to Pau Gasol for a dunk. ─── 他先是射入了一个三分,然后在人们都以为他要再投一个的时候,妙传给篮下的加索尔暴扣。

45、Last year, the Lakers were the trade deadline winners because Mitch Kupchak fleeced Memphis for Pau Gasol. ─── 去年,湖人是交易截止日的赢家,因为库普切克从孟菲斯灰熊手里抢夺到了保罗加索尔。

46、Pau Gasol took it a step further after the 112-111 loss to the Spurs, proclaiming the importance of the Lakers' next half-dozen games. ─── 加索尔在111-112输给马刺的比赛后把这些比赛的意义说得更深一层,宣告着湖人接下来这半打比赛的重要性。

47、He rarely moved through the forest without pausing to dwll on some peculiar beauty that gave him pleasure. ─── 他在林子中间闯荡时,常常会停下来欣赏一番大自然的奇观美景,这往往使他赏心悦目。

48、An unusually tall man in a slick grey suit uncoiled onto the sidewalk, pausing to adjust a jet-black ponytail against the nape of his neck. ─── 一个穿着华丽的灰色西装,看着不同寻常的高个子,下车也走到了人行道上。高个子略微停了一下,整理了一下脖子后面的黑马尾巴辫子。

49、Judging by the huge nights Zach Randolph and Pau Gasol have had recently against Brown, he is not close to 100%. ─── 兰多夫和加索尔最近几场面对布朗都把他打爆了,由此可见他并没有完全恢复。

50、It can be easy to run through the maze of life without pausing to think of its meaning. ─── 人生是一座迷宫,要时不时停下脚步思索人生的意义。

51、Abruptly he grinned, pausing for effect. ─── 他突然咧嘴笑了起来,还顿了一下以加强效果。

52、The person was bent over forward, brushing from the nape of the neck, then pausing to grab the hair and brush it to the tips. ─── 人向前地被弯腰,从脖子的项疏刷, 然后暂停抓取头发而且疏刷它到顶端。

53、It's amazing how much better the Lakers are with Pau Gasol as starting center, compared to Kwame "No Hands" Brown. ─── 与夸梅"无手"布朗相比,加索尔在中锋位置上发挥得如鱼得水,湖人也因此平步青云。

54、THE global economy has stopped sinking and central bankers are pausing for breath. ─── 全球经济已经不再下滑,各国央行也开始停下来喘口气。

55、Pau Gaol, Luke Walton and Lamar Odom all sat out for a second consecutive night. ─── 加索尔,沃顿和奥多姆三人连续第二场比赛作壁上观。

56、He told me a bunch of things about Canada that were just wrong, then after pausing to learn some things from me about Colorado, he took over again. ─── 他告诉我很多东西加拿大是错误的,然后停下来后,学习一些东西,我的科罗拉多州,他接管了。

57、LOS ANGELES -- He looks a little odd donning purple and gold -- Lakers colors -- but Pau Gasol says he's perfectly suited for Los Angeles. ─── 他看上去像是一个临时加进的紫金成员,但是他之于洛杉矶,却是这样的完美。

58、A “high scores” and help screen can be called up at any time (pausing the game and the clock). ─── 一个“高分” ,并帮助屏幕可称为在任何时间(暂停比赛的时钟) 。

59、Pau Gasol enrolled in medical school before signing his first professional basketball contract. ─── 保罗加索尔在签下第一个职业篮球合同之前曾被医学院录取.

60、He lavished money and effort on education and health, rarely pausing long enough to see if the last lot had worked. ─── 他(布莱尔)浪费大笔金钱在教育和医疗服务上,却很少暂停下来,用足够的时间想想这最后一张牌是否起效。

61、A broad ray of light fell into the garret, and showed the workman with an unfinished shoe upon his lap, pausing in his labour. ─── 一大片光线射进阁楼,照出鞋匠已停止了工作; 一只没做完的鞋放在他膝头上;

62、Pau Gasol's matador defense on Carlos Boozer down the stretch? ─── 保罗加索尔对卡洛斯布泽尔斗牛士般的防守?

63、"The Chinese economy is pausing for breath after spectacular GDP growth," said Tom Albanese, the chief executive of Rio Tinto. ─── “中国的经济在取得了宏伟的GDP增长后,现在要停下来喘口气。”

64、His team's going on and your team's going home, but there he is in the NBA," George Karl said, before pausing for several seconds. ─── 他的球队将继续季后赛,自己的球队需要回家,但是他现在在NBA联盟”,乔治-卡尔有几秒的停顿,然后接着说。

65、They received help along the way thanks to the infamous lop-sided trade that brought Pau Gasol to L. ─── 他们通过那个“丑恶的,不平衡的”交易将加索尔弄到洛杉矶。

66、My daughter always invites me to live with her family, but I feel embarrassed to be with them,” said, pausing from her tales. ─── “我的女儿经常和她一家来看我,但是我觉得给她们添麻烦。”她停了一下。

67、Pau Gasol had 22 points and 11 boards in that matchup, and he led the Lakers with 26 points on Tuesday. ─── 加索尔在这两只球队赛季首次对决中砍下22分11个篮板,本周二的晚上他拿下26分,并且带领球队获得胜利。

68、Pausing in her lamentations, she surveyed him with a glance of awe and horror, then burst forth anew. ─── 她不再哀哭,用一种惧怕的眼光打量他,跟着又重新哭起来。

69、Pau Gasol had 15 points and 10 rebounds, but wasn't a bankable offensive force for much of the game. Sasha Vujacic added 12 points. ─── 加索尔拿下15分,10个篮板,但更多的时候防守并不如人意。沙沙拿下12分。

70、Last year Lamar Odom and Pau Gasol balled out during the Western Conference playoffs.Then the Finals came. ─── 去年喇嘛和枷锁在西部季后赛中熬了过来,但是到了总决赛却迷失了自我。

71、You can perform a variety of standard administrative tasks on a service, including starting and stopping it, pausing it, and restarting it. ─── 可以对服务执行各种标准管理任务,包括启动、停止、暂停和重新启动服务。

72、His city was named Pau, and his wife's name was Mehetabel daughter of Matred, the daughter of Me-Zahab. ─── 他的妻子名叫米希他别,是米萨合的孙女,玛特列的女儿。

73、Take walks together at the child's pace, pausing to notice things and talk about them. ─── 以孩子的速度一起散步,途中停下来观察一些东西并谈论一下。

74、He covered the forest road with an easy, measured pace, pausing here and there to brush aside vines and low branches. ─── 他迈着轻松、精确的步伐走上了林中道,不时停下来拨开拦在身前的藤蔓与低垂的树枝。

75、Whether you're talking about food, basketball, medicine or what have you, Lakers forward Pau Gasol generally has something interesting to offer. ─── 不管你谈及到食物,篮球,医学等等等,湖人队前锋加索尔都能很有兴趣的为你提供建议。

76、Pau Gasol traipsed through a depleted Clippers frontline, scoring 23 points, and Lamar Odom totaled 20 points and 10 rebounds. ─── 保罗加索尔,本场比赛防守非常积极,抢下4个后场篮板,拿到23分,奥多姆也拿到20+10.

77、He scrambled to his feet and, pausing to squint at the track, found his lines and started again, limping slightly on his left foot. ─── 他扰乱了对他的脚和,停留斜眼看在轨道,发现了他的线和再开始了,轻微地跛行在他的左脚。

78、Pau Gasol has admitted that his increased minutes have taken a toll. ─── 作为代价保罗加索尔已经增加了上场时间。

79、After years of calling for a bona fide second scorer, #24 finally got his wish when the Lakers brought Pau in from Memphis. ─── 几年来都想得到一名稳定的2号得分手的帮助后,24号的科比终于在湖人得到加索尔后实现他这个愿望。

80、Every afternoon when I came on duty as the evening nurse,I would walk the halls of the nursing home, pausing at each door to chat and observe. ─── 作为晚班护士,每天下午来上班,我都会沿着疗养院的走廊,推开每一扇房门例行视察,并同老人们聊天。

81、The people are pausing in the river left bank,Outside this,Similarly also has is living joyfully in the right bank the people. ─── 人们在河的左岸停留着,在这之外,同样又有在右岸快乐生活着的人们。

82、Pau has mastered the rare combination of a lethal mid-range game and a potent post game. ─── 加索尔既拥有精准的中距离投篮,又有出色的低位进攻能力,像这样的球员在篮球比赛中可不多哦。

83、He scrambled to his feet and, pausing to squint at the track, found his lines and started again, limping slightly on his left foot. ─── 他挣扎地站起来,停下斜视着赛道,找到了自己的跑道,左脚略跛着又跑了起来。

84、He talked for two hours without pausing for breath. ─── 他谈了两个小时,没有停下来喘口气。

85、Pau Gasol couldn't get any shots to fall, so he began filling up another category. ─── 保罗.加索尔既然不能保证投篮,所以他开始去选择自己的另一法宝.

86、Pau is the perfect fit for the triangle, as his unselfish approach has the Lakers flying high. ─── 加索尔天生就是打三角进攻的球员,他的无私作风让湖人就此登顶,湖人也会因此越飞越高。

87、Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house. ─── 他只停下来穿了件毛衣就冲出了屋外。

88、Pau will bere-assessed in the next few days to determine the full extent of the injury. ─── 加索尔会在未来几天接受伤患的再度评估,以便更充分地确定他受伤的程度。

89、"Wild grass," he said, pausing for emphasis."It can be beautiful.It's very modern. ─── “野草”,他停顿了一下强调说:“野草可以是很美的,也很现代。”

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