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09-18 投稿


motherwort 发音

英:[ˈmʌðəwɜːt]  美:[ˈmʌðərˌwɜːrt]

英:  美:

motherwort 中文意思翻译



motherwort 反义词


motherwort 同义词

mommy | overprotect | relative | originate | beget | get | after | father | nurse | care | watch | for | sire |breed | generate | parent | look after | mama | produce | look | female parent | female | fuss | mom | cause | engender | bring | attend | nurture | foster | bring forth | to | about | attend to | bring about | mind | care for

motherwort 词性/词形变化,motherwort变形

名词复数: mothers-in-law |

motherwort 相似词语短语

1、moorwort ─── n.蕨属植物

2、motherboard ─── n.底板;母板

3、moneywort ─── n.铜钱状珍珠菜

4、butterwort ─── n.捕虫堇属植物

5、miterworts ─── 唢呐草

6、motherworts ─── n.益母草;茺蔚属植物

7、miterwort ─── 唢呐草

8、mitrewort ─── n.唢呐草属植物

9、masterwort ─── n.大星芹

motherwort 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、present invention relates to the method of preparing total motherwort alkaloid with motherwort material. ─── 发明涉及一种以益母草为原料制备益母草总生物碱的方法。

2、Clinical Observation Comparison of Treatment of Hemorrhage after Medicinal Abortion between Gon-xue ning and Motherwort Herb ─── 宫血宁与益母草治疗药物流产后阴道出血的临床观察比较

3、Egg Soup With Motherwort And Shang Ji Sheng ─── 益母桑寄生鸡蛋汤

4、Angelica Motherwort eggs: Angelica 10 g, 30 g Motherwort, eggs 3. ─── 当归益母草蛋:当归10克,益母草30克,鸡蛋3个。

5、Red Clover Flwrs, Motherwort Herb, Lemon Balm Lvs, Scullcap Herb, Cramp Bark ─── 含有多种保健草药,可清肝解毒,抗癌。舒解紧张情绪。

6、motherwort total alkaloids ─── 益母草总生物碱

7、motherwort fruit ─── 茺蔚子

8、Motherwort powder and honey are joined inside cucumber juice right amount, smooth. ─── 在黄瓜汁内加入益母草粉末和蜂蜜适量,调匀。


10、The control group of 50 cases, the application of oxytocin, motherwort tablets and capsules cefradine treatment. ─── 对照组50例,应用缩宫素、益母草片及头孢拉定胶囊治疗。

11、wormwoodlike motherwort flower ─── 益母草花

12、Clinical research on motherwort treating migraine during menstruation ─── 益母草注射液治疗月经期偏头痛的临床研究

13、Also motherwort herb can ameliorate myocardial ischemia, lower lipidemia and improve hemorrheology in patients with coronary heart disease. ─── 临床试验证明益母草能改善冠心病患者心肌缺血、血液流变学,降低血脂。

14、The last group was fed with totally 5 dosages of Gui Qi Yi Mu San(Power of chinese angelica,astragalus and motherwort) one medicament each day at 0.8 g/kg according to the weight at 1,2,3,5,7 d postpartum. ─── 用药组按 0 .8g/ kg体质量投喂归芪益母散 ,给药方法为产后 1、2、3、5、7d每日 1剂 ,共计 5剂。

15、Chao Z, Zhou XJ.A general review on the studies of motherwort(Leonurus L.)[J].Zhong Cao Yao(J Chin Herb Med), 1998, 29(6):414. ─── [1]晁志,周秀佳.益母草类中药的研究概况和进展[J].中草药,1998,29(6):414.

16、Motherwort: Motherwort 100 grams of fresh goods, 50 g regular rice, brown sugar appropriate, Zhuzhou consumption. ─── 益母草:益母草鲜品100克,粳米50克,红糖适量,煮粥食用。

17、Now, there are many Flora and local Flora and records of materia medica embodying it, and its function is similar with motherwort. ─── 现在许多地方药物志、植物志和中草药中均有收载,功用与益母草相似。

18、Definition: Motherwort Fruit is the dried ripe fruit of Leonurus japonicus Houtt. (Fam.Labiatae). ─── 本品为唇形科植物益母草 Leonurus japonicus Houtt. 的干燥成熟果实。

19、Motherwort powder and honey are joined inside cucumber juice right amount, smooth. ─── 在黄瓜汁内加入益母草粉末和蜂蜜适量,调匀。

20、Keywords motherwort injection;cesarean section;uterine contraction;hemostasis; ─── 益母草注射液;剖宫产;子宫收缩;出血;

21、Keywords motherwort herb;pharmacology;cardiovascular disease; ─── 益母草;药理学;心血管疾病;

22、Keywords compound prescribe Motherwort Herb capsule;ferulic acid;HPLC; ─── 复方益母胶囊;阿魏酸;高效液相色谱法;

23、Keywords Severe acute pancreatitis Motherwort Tissue factor Disseminated intravascular coagulation; ─── 重症急性胰腺炎;益母草;组织因子;弥漫性血管内凝血;

24、Now, there are many Flora and local Flora and records of materia medica embodying it, and its function is similar with motherwort. ─── 现在许多地方药物志、植物志和中草药中均有收载,功用与 益母草相似。

25、The Clinical Application of Motherwort in Treating Ischemic Diseases ─── 益母草用于治疗缺血性疾病的临床应用

26、Motherwort herb is a traditional drug in gynecology.Recent study shows the effect of motherwort herb is versatile. ─── 益母草作为一种妇产科用药,近年来的研究表明其作用是多方面的。

27、Have system way: Grind motherwort for powder, cucumber extracts juice. ─── 具体制法:将益母草碾为粉末,黄瓜榨汁。

28、Motherwort increase palace rehabilitation ─── 益母草加宫复康

29、injection of motherwort ─── 益母草注射液

30、Motherwort (Leonurus heterophfllus Sweet) ─── 当归

31、In the field of cardiovascular disease, motherwort herb can protect myocardium, inhabit blood platelet congregating, resist coagulation, restrain thrombosis. ─── 在心血管方面,基础研究表明益母草具有保护心肌,抑制血小板聚集,抗凝,抑制血栓形成等作用;

32、Keywords motherwort preparation;myocardial ichemia;cerebral infarct;ophthalmology;Fufang Dansheng preparation; ─── 益母草制剂;心肌缺血;脑梗死;眼科;复方丹参制剂;

33、Conclusion: Compound Motherwort Medicine is able to reduce the vaginal bleeding volume and shorten the bleeding time with no application of Oxytocin. ─── 结论:复方益母草冲剂可减少阴道出血量,缩短出血时间,并且不必加用缩宫素。

34、Motherwort herb is a traditional drug in gynecology.The use of motherwort herb has been expanded by relative study on it in recent years. ─── 摘要益母草是传统妇科用药,近年来的研究拓展了其用途。

35、Keywords Herba Lagopsis;Motherwort;Semen Leonuri;Spica Prunellae; ─── 夏至草;益母草;茺蔚;夏枯草;

36、This essay is to introduce the research of motherwort herb in pharmacological action and clinical ... ─── 本文就益母草在心血管疾病领域的药理作用和临床应用作一概述。

37、Definition: Motherwort Herb is the fresh or dried aerial part of Leonurus japonicus Houtt, (Fam.Labiatae). ─── 本品为唇形科植物益母草 Leonurus japonicus Houtt. 的新鲜或干燥地上部分。

38、Prevention and Inhibiting Effect of Motherwort Herb on Thrombosis of Micro - small Vessel ─── 中药益母草预防和抑制微小血管血栓形成的作用

39、Conclusion: Motherwort has significant anti - inflammatory and analgesic pharmacological effects. ─── 结论: 益母草具有显著的 抗炎 、镇痛的药理作用.

40、flase largeflower motherwort herb ─── 錾菜

41、Angelica from 15 grams, 30 grams of motherwort , three eggs, 30 grams of japonica rice. ─── 取当归15克, 益母草30克, 鸡蛋3个,粳米30克.


43、The results showed that the best combinative mode was to blend two mixed decoctions after phellodendron bark and epimedium were decocted together and so did motherwort and safflower. ─── 结果表明,以黄柏与淫羊藿合煎,益母草与红花合煎,然后合并的提取方式最佳。

44、Keyword: motherwort herb; ─── 关 键 词: 益母草;

45、Keywords Medical abortion;Compound Motherwort Medicine;Oxytocin; ─── 药物流产;复方益母草冲剂;缩宫素;

46、Why I drank motherwort to be able to grow red a knot in one's heart all over, strange extremely urticant, can did left and right sides of a hour disappear automatically again? ─── 为什么我喝了益母草会全身长红疙瘩,奇痒难耐,可一个小时左右又自动消失了?

47、Primary effects of motherwort injection on uterine contraction and hemostasis ─── 益母草注射液缩宫止血疗效初步观察

48、(22) from Dengfen soap and ash Daolan into Nizhuang motherwort, Mansion, after Tuca the affected area, three times a day. ─── (22)取等份肥皂和益母草灰捣烂成泥状,洗面后涂擦患处,每日3次。

49、Motherwort herb is a traditional drug in gyn ecolo gy.The use of motherwort herb has been expanded by relative study on it in rece nt years. ─── 益母草是传统妇科用药,近年来的研究拓展了其用途。

50、Motherwort decoction ─── 益母煎

51、The clinical study of motherwort herb on acute cerebral infarction ─── 益母草注射液治疗急性脑梗塞的临床研究

52、This essay is to introduce the research of motherwort herb in pharmacological action and adverse drug reaction. ─── 本文就益母草的药理作用和不良反应作一概述。

53、Vacuum Membrane Distillation for the Concentration of Motherwort Extract ─── 益母草提取液真空膜蒸馏浓缩试验研究

54、Keywords Carly pregnancy abortion in drugs;Motherwort decoction;Mifepristone;Misoprostol; ─── 早期妊娠药物流产;益母煎;米非司酮;米索前列醇;

55、motherwort herb ─── 益母草

56、Angelica from 15 grams, 30 grams of motherwort, three eggs, 30 grams of japonica rice. ─── 取当归15克,益母草30克,鸡蛋3个,粳米30克。

57、motherwort seed ─── 益母苹种子

58、Huoxue stasis of Chinese medicine, including drugs, such as Chuanxiong, Motherwort, etc.. Qi-jun under the drug, such as rhubarb, saponins, Yuan Hu and so on. ─── 孕期禁用的中药包括活血化淤药,如川芎、益母草等。峻下理气药,如大黄、皂角、元胡等。

59、My company produces other gynecological medicine include: Motherwort particles, liquid milk nuclear extinction, gynecological Hakuho oral solution, ointment, such as estradiol benzoate. ─── 我公司生产的其它妇科用药还包括:益母草颗粒、乳核内消液、妇科白凤口服液、苯甲酸雌二醇软膏等。

60、Keywords Motherwort herb;Micro-small vessel;Thrombosis hemorheolgy; ─── 关键词益母草;微小血管;血栓形成;血液流变学;

61、Does motherwort cream belonging to Chinese traditional medicine still is Western medicine? ─── 益母草膏属于中药还是西药?

62、The World Authority on Herbs, The German Commission E, reports that Bugleweed, Motherwort, and Lemon Balm are safe and efficacious for treating hyperthyroidism. ─── 世界草本权威,德国E委员会,报道,夏枯草,益母草,蜜蜂花对于治疗甲状腺机能亢进安全,有效。

63、HU eggs Motherwort date: HU 10 g, 30 g Motherwort, jujube 10, three eggs. ─── 元胡益母草枣蛋:元胡10克,益母草30克,大枣10枚,鸡蛋3个。

64、5.Treatable hyperlipidemia: Hawthorn taking 20 grams, 10 grams Motherwort, 5 grams of tea, brewed with boiling water, this generation of tea a day can be used. ─── 可治疗高脂血症:取山楂20克,益母草10克,茶叶5克,用沸水冲泡,每日可以此代茶饮用。

65、motherwort soft extract ─── 益母草膏

66、Vacuum membrane distillation for concentration of motherwort extract ─── 益母草提取液真空膜蒸馏浓缩实验研究

67、There are ephedra, Kwai straminea, wolfberry, licorice, Nostoc, yellow ginseng, Jue Ma, mushrooms, Motherwort and so on, are sold both within and outside the province. ─── 主要有麻黄、葵艽、枸杞、甘草、发菜、黄参、厥麻、蘑菇、益母草等,远销省内外。

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