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09-18 投稿


Iberia 发音

英:  美:

Iberia 中文意思翻译



Iberia 短语词组

1、Iberia (airline) ─── 伊比利亚航空公司)

2、Iberia Airlines Flight 610 ─── 伊比利亚航空610航班

3、iberia soccer association ─── 伊比利亚足球协会

4、New Iberia ─── 新伊比利亚(地名)

Iberia 相似词语短语

1、Iberian ─── n.伊比利亚人;伊比利亚语;adj.伊比利亚的

2、Iberia ─── n.伊比利亚;伊伯利亚半岛

3、Hibernia ─── n.爱尔兰(Ireland的拉丁名)

4、Tiberias ─── 太巴列

5、Liberian ─── adj.利比里亚的;利比里亚人的;利比里亚文化的;n.利比里亚人

6、Siberia ─── n.西伯利亚

7、Siberian ─── n.西伯利亚人;西伯利亚语;adj.西伯利亚的;西伯利亚人的;西伯利亚人语的

8、iberis ─── n.屈曲花属植物

9、Liberia ─── n.利比里亚(西非国家)

Iberia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Iberia was allied to Rome and later ruled by a Persian dynasty. ─── 大体相当于现在的格鲁吉亚的东部;

2、As is customary in cross-border airline mergers, BA and Iberia will merge financially, but not operationally-at least in the short term. ─── 作为航空界跨国兼并的惯例,英航和伊比利亚的合并只是财政上,而并非实际运作,至少短期内如此。

3、The legions brought home cults originating from Egypt, Britain, Iberia, Germany, India and Persia. The cults of Cybele, Isis, and Mithras were particularly important. ─── 古罗马军团带来了源自埃及、不列颠、伊比利亚(古西班牙)、德国、印度和波斯的家庭祭礼。西布莉(古代小亚细亚人崇拜的自然女神)、伊希斯和密特拉的祭礼变得尤为重要。

4、Iberia Center for Contemporary Art, the first ar... ─── 伊比利亚当代艺术中心是西班牙国际文化艺术基金会(I...

5、The smaller of the two, Iberia has lost market share in Spain and is struggling to compete with low-cost carriers. ─── 规模较小的伊比利亚已经失去了在西班牙的市场份额,并且正在于其他低成本的运输公司的竞争中苦苦求生。

6、With the order devoted to the Reconquista of Iberia from the Moors, these large chapter houses serve as major barracks and training centres. ─── 位于哈瓦纳的西班牙领事馆,所有决策均从王国利益出发,包括开拓美洲疆土以及向王国输送黄金和贸易物资,并且向征服者部队下达各项重要指令。

7、The Inaugural Exhibition of the Iberia Center for Contemporary Art consists of two sections, visual arts and independent films. ─── 伊比利亚当代艺术中心开幕展分为视觉艺术和独立影像两个部分,我们不敢贸然断定这两者是否分属于不同的趣味系统。

8、Based in Spain, the Knights of Santiago are charged with driving the Moors from Iberia. ─── 圣地亚哥骑士团以西班牙为基地,曾积极投身于将摩尔逐出伊比利亚的光复革命。

9、Cost savings and revenue gains from a merger will help BA and Iberia mitigate the pain. ─── 由合并而带来的成本降低和收入增加将有助于减轻英航和伊比利亚痛苦。

10、A native or inhabitant of ancient Iberia in Transcaucasia. ─── 古代伊比利亚人外高加索的古代伊比利亚土著人或居民

11、So even though New Iberia has loose regulations and likely no prohibitions against inside trading, Monica is required to in appliance with the CFA Institute standard 2A which prohibits the use of inside information. ─── 因此,即便新伊比利亚的制度松散,而且似乎没有禁止内部交易的规定,莫尼卡仍应遵循CFA机构的标准2A,即禁止内部信息外用。

12、The planned merger with Iberia, the Spanish airline, looked as if it would be a winning combination a year ago when it was first mooted. ─── 在一年前,与西班牙伊比利亚航空公司(伊航)的合并计划被首次提出时,似乎真是一个完美的双赢组合。

13、In business, Iberia's link-up with British Airways awaits approval from Brussels. ─── 财经方面,西班牙航空公司与英国航空公司的合并正等待欧盟的认可。

14、The planned merger with Iberia, the Spanish airline, looked as if it would be a winning combination a year ago when it was first mooted. ─── 在一年前,与西班牙伊比利亚航空公司(伊航)的合并计划被首次提出时,似乎真是一个完美的双赢组合。

15、This week, with the price of oil up 25% and BA and Iberia shares down 25% and 37% respectively, the two firms said they were in talks about an all-share merger. ─── 这周,伴随油价25%涨幅,英航和伊比利亚的股价分别下降的25%和37%。这两家公司表示他们正处于全股融合的洽谈中。

16、The most extensive damage was in Louisiana's Iberia Parish where a tornado reportedly touched down. ─── 据报道,此次受龙卷风袭击最严重地区为路易斯安那的伊比利亚教区.

17、At least two people were killed.The most extensive damage was in Louisiana's Iberia Parish where a tornado reportedly touched down. ─── 此次暴风造成至少两人死亡.据报道,龙卷风袭击了路易斯安那的伊比利亚教区,使其成为受灾最严重的地区.

18、As is customary in cross-border airline mergers, BA and Iberia will merge financially, but not operationally-at least in the short term. ─── 作为航空界跨国兼并的惯例,英航和伊比利亚的合并只是财政上,而并非实际运作,至少短期内如此。

19、However Mexicana's owners rejected the offer possibly because another Iberia-owned Latin-American airline, Viasa of Venezuela, had gone bankrupt under Iberia's ownership. ─── 作为上述设想的组成部分,项目组建立了一个灵活定价模型,以确保墨西哥航空公司仅按交易量支付服务费。

20、He must now turn his attention to Iberia of Spain or be left behind. ─── 他现在肯定已经把目光转向了西班牙的伊比利亚航空,或者干脆放弃这个计划。

21、As an action god of armies and the champion of heroes, he appealed to the professional Roman soldiers, who carried his cult to Iberia, Britain, the German frontiers and Dacia. ─── 作为古代的军中之神和英雄的冠军,他出现在罗马职业军人里面,带着他的祭礼到伊比利亚,英国,德国边境和达卡。

22、Camerata Iberia Songs and Dances from the Spanish Renaissance ─── 西班牙文艺复兴之歌舞

23、A dog from New Iberia, La., named Max, is vying for the record of world's oldest dog. ─── 目前,来自路易斯安那州新伊比利亚的一只名为马克斯的狗正在竞争世界最长寿狗的纪录。

24、Spanair is Spain's second largest airline, after Iberia. ─── 斯潘航空公司是仅次于伊比利亚航空公司的西班牙第二大航空公司。

25、Had Iberia fallen to one of BA’s European rivals, its position would have been badly weakened. ─── 假使伊比利亚成为英航的欧洲对手之一,它的地位将受到极大的动摇。

26、Until they do, expect more moves of the sort taken this week by American Airlines, British Airways (BA) and its proposed merger partner, Iberia. ─── 障碍消除以前,美国航空公司、英国航空公司及其潜在合并伙伴,西班牙航空公司在本周内会采取更多的举措推动整合。

27、In her position, Monica travels frequently to new Iberia which has had booming economic in recent years thanks to outsourcing for large international corporations for software development. ─── 出于工作原因,近年来莫妮卡频繁地往来于新伊比利亚地区。大型国际公司为了软件发展来此采购,使此地经济迅速发展。

28、So even though New Iberia has loose regulations and likely no prohibition against inside trading. ─── 所以即使新伊比利亚有着宽松的管制,也许并不禁止内部交易。

29、Had Iberia fallen to one of BA's European rivals, its position would have been badly weakened. ─── 假使伊比利亚成为英航的欧洲对手之一,它的地位将受到极大的动摇。

30、At least two people were killed. The most extensive damage was in Louisiana's Iberia Parish where a tornado reportedly touched down. ─── 此次暴风造成至少两人死亡。据报道,龙卷风袭击了路易斯安那的伊比利亚教区,使其成为受灾最严重的地区。

31、"They were from Iberia, not Siberia," Stanford told startled colleagues at an archeology conference last month. ─── 在上个月的考古学大会上史丹福是这样告诉他吃惊的同行的。

32、Geophysical evidence of a mantle derived Intrusion in SW Iberia ─── 古西班牙来自闯入覆盖物的地球物理学根据

33、Had Iberia fallen to one of BA's European rivals, and its position would have been badly weakened. ─── 假使伊比利亚成为英航的欧洲对手之一,它的地位将会被严重削弱。

34、The smaller of the two, Iberia has lost market share in Spain and is struggling to compete with low-cost carriers. ─── 规模较小的伊比利亚已经失去了在西班牙的市场份额,并且正在于其他低成本的运输公司的竞争中苦苦求生。

35、Position: Is located the European north west Iberia peninsula. ─── 位置: 位于欧洲西南部伊比利亚半岛。

36、On a recent flight home, Monica sat next to (Chark Willioms Porn???), a vice president with a large multinational, who had been in New Iberia negotiating the license arrangements. ─── 在最近一次回家的飞行中,莫妮卡坐在(人名??)的旁边。他是一家大型跨国公司的副总裁,正在新伊比利亚,进行许可证安排的谈判。

37、Iberia Airlines of Spain regret to advise a delay of two hours on their flight IB551 to Madrid. ─── 非常抱歉,前往马德里的西班牙伊比利亚航空公司的IB551次航班将延迟两个小时起飞。

38、Iberia Center for Contemporary Art presents “Ghosting: Li Qing’s Solo Exhibition”, which will open at the center on November 29, 2008. ─── 伊比利亚当代艺术中心向您隆重地介绍2008年11月29日将于本中心开幕的“重影:李青个展”。

39、"We don't give him any food from our table," added Janelle, 49, who lives with her husband Billy, also 49, in New Iberia. ─── 现年49岁的詹妮尔还说:“我们从不给它从饭桌上拿吃的。”她的丈夫比利也是49岁,他们生活在新伊比利亚市。

40、com, Iberia, Czech Airlines ... ─── 斯特拉斯堡 KLM.

41、New Iberia has very lenient security regulations, many of her best picks come from New Iberia, and she likes travel there, because her brother lives there. ─── 新伊比利亚地区对证券的规定比较宽松。她许多最好的采购都是来自此地。她喜欢去那里,因为她的兄弟住在此地。

42、Iberia Airlines ─── 西班牙航空,西班牙航空公司

43、Savings on taxi fares plus a 99% punctuality rate are usually enough to push people on to the train.Tellingly enough, Iberia is planning to cut domestic flights by 7% this year. ─── 出租车费的节省以及99%的准时率通常足以驱使人们乘坐火车。

44、From a strategic point of view, too, both ba and Iberia badly need more bulk. ─── 同样,从战略角度来看,英航和伊比利亚都急需扩大规模。

45、When he died, the empire stretched from Iberia to Cappadocia and from Gaul to Egypt. ─── 在他死时,罗马帝国的范围西起伊比利半岛(Iberia),东到卡帕多西亚(Cappadocia),北从高卢,南达埃及。

46、Anthimus of Iberia ─── 安蒂姆(?-1716),瓦拉几亚大主教、语言学家、作家。

47、High-Resolution Seismic Stratigraphy of a Narrow, Bedrock-Controlled Estuary: the Guadiana Estuarine System, SW Iberia ─── 窄基岩形成的河口高分辨率地震地层学研究--伊伯利亚西南瓜迪亚纳河口体系

48、Would passengers for the 12:10 Iberia flight IB341 to Madrid ─── 请搭乘伊比利亚航空公司于12:10起飞的第IB341次航班,前往马德里的乘客,

49、From a strategic point of view, too, both BA and Iberia badly need more bulk. ─── 同样,从战略角度来看,英航和伊比利亚都急需扩大规模。

50、The reports from Iberia are wrong though, as Galliani insists his ace will stay at San Siro. ─── 加利亚尼指出来自伊比利亚半岛的消息是错误的,米兰的王牌卡卡将留在米兰。

51、The Spanish international is on the Rossoneri's Christmas wish list and he may arrive sooner rather than later according to the very latest reports coming from Iberia. ─── 红黑军团很希望能在冬季转会将其引进,据来自伊比利亚半岛媒体的报道该笔交易很可能实现。

52、Of or relating to ancient Iberia in Transcaucasia or its peoples, languages, or cultures. ─── 古伊比利亚的在外高加索的古伊比利亚人的或其民族、语言或文化的;或与这些有关的

53、Iberia centre for contemporary art ─── 伊比利亚

54、Based in Spain, the Knights of Santiago, formally the Order of Saint James of Compostela, are charged with fighting in the Reconquista to drive the Moors from Iberia. ─── 素质:精英类型:宗教部队圣地亚哥骑士团以西班牙为基地,最初称之为圣詹姆斯骑士团,曾积极投身于将摩尔逐出伊比利亚的光复革命运动。

55、a native or inhabitant of ancient Iberia in Transcaucasia ─── 外高加索的古代伊比利亚土著人或居民

56、An ancient country of Transcaucasia roughly equivalent to the eastern part of present-day Georgia. Iberia was allied to Rome and later ruled by a Persian dynasty. It became a Byzantine province in the sixth century a.d. ─── 伊比利亚外高加索的一个古代国家。大体相当于现在的格鲁吉亚的东部;伊比利亚曾经和罗马联盟,后来被波斯帝国统治。在公元前6世纪成为拜占庭的一个省

57、The first known settlers of Britain were the Iberia . ─── 人们所知的英国最早居民是伊比利来人。

58、Captain Perez and his crew welcome you aboard Iberia flight IB341 to Madrid. ─── 机长皮尔兹先生和全体机组成员欢迎您搭乘伊比利亚航空公司IB341次班机前往马德里。

59、Just how much more is a question with ramifications well beyond those empty tracts of Iberia. ─── 只是加码多少才能处理好超过伊比利亚半岛的大片空地是一个问题。

60、heavy cavalry Recruited in Moorish Iberia, these troops are trained and well equipped heavy cavalry, capable of deadly charges. ─── 格兰纳达枪骑兵来自伊比利亚地区的摩尔族裔,是训练有素盔甲精良的重骑兵,冲锋威力惊人。

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