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09-18 投稿


inlaw 发音

英:[ɪnˈlɔː]  美:[ɪnˈlɔː]

英:  美:

inlaw 中文意思翻译



inlaw 短语词组

1、brother-inlaw ─── [网络] 妹夫

inlaw 相似词语短语

1、inland ─── adj.内陆的,内地的;国内的;adv.在内地,向内地;向内陆,在内陆;n.内地;内陆

2、inlay ─── n.镶嵌;镶嵌物;vt.把…嵌入,把…镶入

3、in-law ─── 在法律上;依法

4、unlaw ─── 未经许可

5、inlace ─── v.缠绕(等于enlace)

6、inlaid ─── adj.镶嵌的;嵌入的;镶饰的;v.把…镶入;用镶嵌物装饰(inlay的过去分词形式)

7、inlays ─── n.鑲嵌物(inlay的复数);vt.镶嵌(inlay的第三人称单数)

8、-in-law ─── 在法律上;依法

9、windflaw ─── n.一阵狂风

inlaw 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Your sister inlaw's an entrepreneur. ─── 你的小姨子是位企业家。

2、Tointerfere inlaw ─── 干涉律

3、I told my mother inlaw since long ago to not spoil Bibi.Kids need to be educate since little, else it's very hard to correct their bad characteristics after 3 years old. ─── 老早老早告诉家婆千万千万不可以宠坏比比,小孩不从小教,三岁过后就很难把坏本性矫正过来。

4、Inlaw In*law", v. t. [In + law. Cf. {Inlagation}.] (Old Eng. ─── 将...置于法律的保护之下,恢复法律权益

5、I'm always confused by the "inlaw" s. ─── inlaw的词总是把我搞得糊里糊涂的。

6、I hate factories, " remarked the son-inlaw. "I can't stand being stuck in one place all day. " ─── 我讨厌工厂,”女婿回答:“我受不了整天困在同一个地方。”

7、"I hate factories, " remarked the son-inlaw. "I can't stand being stuck in one place all day. " ─── “我讨厌工厂,”女婿回答:“我受不了整天困在同一个地方。”

8、His mother inlaw came to live in his home, and as time passed she came between him and his wife. ─── 他的岳母住在他家,随着时间的推移,她使他与他妻子之间产生了矛盾。

9、i thought they were bears, then my mother inlaw told me they were boy and girl!the one who has long hair is girl, and the one who has two belly bottons is boy, haha, sooooooo funny! ─── 这是婆婆烤的面包,乍一看我以为她烤的是小熊呢,后来她说那是小孩,长头发的是小女孩,有两个肚脐眼没头发的是小男孩,笑死我了,哈哈哈哈!

10、He alluded to his difficulties with his mother inlaw. ─── 他向岳母婉转地说起他的困难。

11、't as festive as traditional candles, but I didn't dare ask my sister-inlaw for help in the candle department so soon after Kevin's birthday. ─── 没有传统蜡烛有节日的气氛,但我不敢在凯文生日之后这么短时间里又叫小姑子帮忙。

12、It's also a luxury ski cabin in Utah. You own it with your sister inlaw. ─── 还是犹他州的一处豪华滑雪小屋归你和你小姨子所有。



1、音标英['dɔ:tər ɪn lɔ:] 、美[ˈdɔtərɪnˌlɔ]

2、复数daughters-in-law3、双语例句(2)Aunt Zhang, her face radiating happiness, stood at the door waiting forher daughter-in-law who was coming from town. (3)When the mother quarrelled with the daughter-in-law,the son wascaught between two fires.(4)Now it's for my daughter-in-law. 和她在一起的是她的儿子和儿媳。参考资料

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