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09-18 投稿


landfall 发音

英:['læn(d)fɔːl]  美:['lænd'fɔl]

英:  美:

landfall 中文意思翻译



landfall 网络释义

n. 着陆;[水运] 初见陆地;到达陆地

landfall 短语词组

1、make landfall ─── 登陆初见陆地 ─── 登上陆地

2、Landfall (meteorology) ─── 登陆(气象)

landfall 词性/词形变化,landfall变形


landfall 相似词语短语

1、landrail ─── 陆铁

2、flag fall ─── 起步价

3、landfill ─── n.垃圾填埋地;垃圾堆

4、landfills ─── 填埋

5、land rail ─── 陆上铁路

6、landfast ─── adj.附着于陆地的

7、landfalls ─── n.着陆;[水运]初见陆地;到达陆地

8、landrails ─── 陆地铁路

9、windfall ─── n.意外之财;被风吹落的果子;意外的收获

landfall 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Several days after Alex made landfall, tar balls started turning up in Lake Pontchartrain, which flanks the northern side of New Orleans. ─── 阿莱克斯登陆几天后,位于新奥尔良北侧的庞恰特雷息湖开始出现焦油团。

2、landfall and rock fall ─── 崩塌落石

3、Typhoon Fung Wong made landfall on the east central coast just before daybreak, packing winds of 105 miles per hour. No casualties had been reported four hours later. ─── 凤凰台风于黎明前在台湾东部沿海登陆,风速达到105英里/小时。四小时后没有人员伤亡报道。

4、After making landfall in Oman, Phet dissipated somewhat, but remained organized enough to move back over the Arabian Sea toward Pakistan. ─── 在阿曼登陆后,“钻石”略有减弱,但仍保持力量再次经阿拉伯海向巴基斯坦方向移动。

5、The forecast philosophy for SEPAT remains almost the same, with the track of SEPAT being more WNW after making landfall at Taiwan due to the extending subtropical ridge now anchored at western Japan. ─── 对于圣帕的预测方向大致不变,由于副热带高压脊将预计稍为向西伸展,圣帕将会在登陆台湾后采取较为西北偏西的方向移动。

6、The NW edge of the subtropical ridge retreated a bit last night. NEOGURI is expected to recurve after crossing the ridge axis and move in a NNE direction near landfall. ─── 影响浣熊的副热带高压脊西北沿于昨晚稍稍东退。预料当浣熊横过脊线后将会沿副热带高压脊西北部转向东北偏北移动。

7、However as LINFA travelled progressively northwards later on June 19th, they amended their forecasts to put the storm into Taiwan Strait or even a landfall in southeastern China. ─── 但由于莲花于19天开始向偏北移动,它们都改为预测莲花于台湾海峡经过或于中国东南部登陆。

8、Sep 28) The most intense typhoon of the year, Jangmi, made landfall at Ilan, Taiwan. The second strongest instantaneous gust in 15 years was recorded there. ─── 9月28日)本年最强的台风蔷薇于台湾宜兰登陆,当地录得十五年来第二大瞬间最大阵风。

9、It decelerated that night and made its second landfall at Thanh Hoa at about 10:20 HKT on September 12th. ─── 它于当晚减速,并于12日上午10时20分登陆越南清化。

10、Ali: I really hope not. We came for ocean breezes, but if the hurricane makes landfall, we'll have gale winds of up to 50 miles per hour! ─── 我可不想!我们来这是为了海边的微风,但是如果飓风着陆的话,我们就会见到50米/时的阵风。

11、We made a landfall at duskafter three weeks at sea. ─── 在海上航行三周後的一个黄昏,我们看到了陆地。

12、An island of the central Bahamas in the West Indies. It is generally identified as the first landfall of Christopher Columbus(October12, 1492). ─── 圣萨尔瓦多,沃特灵斯岛西印度群岛中巴哈马的一个岛屿,普遍认为它就是克里斯多弗?哥伦布航海中见到的第一片陆地(1492年10月12日)

13、Felix is on track to make a direct landfall on Belize by Wednesday. ─── 按照它目前的行进路线,费利克斯将会在周三前在伯利兹登陆。

14、A mid-latitude trough will erode the western ridge sufficiently to allow poleward movement near its second landfall in Fujian Province. ─── 另一道西风槽将到达并令西面副高东退,从而令蔷薇于登陆福建时向转向偏北方向移动。

15、We made a landfall at dusk after three weeks at sea ─── 在海上航行叁周後的一个黄昏,我们看到了陆地

16、All coastal regions are being evacuated. This storm makes landfall, we're going to see a tremendous storm surge. ─── 所有沿海地区正被疏散,这场风暴强强势着陆,我们马上会见到一场巨大的风暴潮。

17、The Diagnosis Analysis of Heavy Rain in the Northern Seashore of Zhejiang Province Caused by the Landfall of Matsa (0509) ─── 0509号台风登陆造成浙北特大暴雨的诊断分析

18、Eight weeks later, plus on day, the Hannah made landfall and the Love family disembarked in America and became American newest immigrants. ─── 八个星期零一天之后,“汉纳”号靠岸,洛夫一家在美国登陆,成为美国最早的移民。

19、MSW landfall ─── 填埋场

20、Cyclone Mala was moving northeastward at 18 kph and was expected to make landfall on the Myanmar coast Saturday afternoon. ─── 旋风Mala 是行动northeastward 在18 k.p.h. 和被预计做初见陆地在Myanmar 沿海星期六下午。

21、HKO assessed Neoguri weakened into a tropical storm before making landfall on Guangdong. ─── 天文台指浣熊在登陆广东前减弱为热带风暴。

22、The system was blamed for at least one death in North Carolina after it made landfall just before midnight on the heels of thunderstorms that already had drenched the state. ─── 午夜前登陆的热带风暴至少造成了北卡罗来纳州一人死亡,紧随其后的是早已席卷全美的雷暴。

23、On Florida west coast barrier islands, the maximum surge will typically occur to the south of landfall under the eye wall and decreases in elevation with distance away from the eye wall. ─── 在佛罗里达西海岸的堰洲岛上,最大的汹涌波涛通常产生于风眼附近,浪涛会达到初见陆地的南边,而在距离风眼很远的地方平息。

24、Our next landfall should be Jamaica ─── 我们下一靠岸处应是牙买加.

25、CMA assessed Neoguri made landfall on Hainan island near Wenchang. ─── 中国中央气象台认为浣熊在海南省文昌市的龙楼镇登陆。

26、Hurricane Alicia became the last major hurricane (Category 3 or higher) to strike Texas until the stronger Hurricane Bret in 1999 made landfall. ─── 在1999年飓风布雷特登陆以前,飓风艾丽西娅是德州最大一次飓风(飓风级别为3级,甚至更高)。

27、"Some strengthening is expected today, and Dean is likely to become a category 5 hurricane (prior to) making landfall over the (Yucatan peninsula) very early Tuesday morning." ─── “今天就要做好加固措施,星期二一大早,‘迪安’在尤卡坦半岛登陆之前,有可能升级为5级飓风。”

28、Local officials say Humberto caused power outages and damage to homes as it made landfall earlier Thursday on the coast of Texas. ─── 当地官员说,飓风温贝托星期四早些时候在德克萨斯州沿海登陆之后导致电力中断并造成房屋损害。

29、He acted in two movies--Landfall and Ashes(both in 1975)before gaining prominence co-starring with Warren Oates in Sleeping Dogs (1978),a political thriller directed by Australian Roger Donaldson. ─── 他参加了两部电影的演出--《着陆》和《废墟》(均在1975年拍摄)--继而取得了一个重要角色,在澳大利亚人罗杰·唐纳森导演的政治惊险片《睡狗》(1978年)中同沃伦奥兹演对手戏。

30、Talim made landfall over Fujian and moved inland that afternoon. It degenerated into an area of low pressure the next day. ─── 同日下午,泰利在福建登陆后,进一步移入内陆,翌日减弱为一低压区。

31、Typhoons, drawing strength from warm water, roar into China from the South China Sea every year between May and September, losing power once they make landfall. ─── 台风,从暖水海洋吸取能量,每年五月至九月间咆哮着从中国南海进入中国大陆,一旦登陆后其能量就开始消耗了。

32、This paper explores the evolution of the helicity and Q vector before and after landfall of the typhoon and the formation cause of rainstorm during the typhoon in Zhejiang and Fujing provinces. ─── 应用螺旋度和Q矢量的理论与方法,着重研究了台风登陆前后螺旋度和Q矢量散度场的演变特征,探讨了台风在浙闽地区造成的强降雨的基本成因。

33、However, extended period forecasts call for landfall in the vicinity of Hong Kong adjacent waters, which should be noticed if one engages in water activities. ─── 可是,根据72小时后的预测浣熊有可能靠近香港邻近水域,参与水上活动人士应该加倍注意安全。

34、FUNG-WONG will continue to track NW along the SW periphery of the subtropical ridge, and will make landfall at Fujian tonight. ─── 凤凰将沿副热带高压脊的西南部向西北移动,并于今晚稍后登陆福建。

35、Hurricane Dolly has made landfall just north of Brownsville, Texas as a Category Two storm with winds more than 160 kilometers an hour and heavy rains. ─── 2级飓风“多利”,以时速超过160公里的速度狂风暴雨般登陆美国德州布朗斯维尔北部。

36、Our next landfall should be Jamaica. ─── 我们下一靠岸处应是牙买加。

37、Tembin made landfall over the eastern coast of Luzon that evening and dissipated over the South China Sea the next day . ─── 它于十一月十日早上增强为一热带风暴,傍晚在吕宋东岸登陆,翌日在南海消散。

38、Ike made landfall in Texas more than four months ago. ─── 艾克四个多月以前在德克·萨斯登陆。

39、When Sam weakened into a severe tropical storm and made landfall over the eastern part of Sai Kung at around 6 p. M., Winds over Sha Lo Wan subsided a bit. ─── 当森姆于下午6时登陆西贡东部并减弱为一强烈热带风暴后,沙螺湾的风势亦稍为减弱。

40、Affected by the extension of a subtropical ridge, SOUDELOR will travel W to WNW and will make landfall in Vietnam tonight. ─── 受副高西沿影响,预料苏迪罗将向西或西北偏西移动,于今晚登陆越南。

41、three weeks they made landfall on the coast of Ireland. ─── 三个星期之后,他们登上了爱尔兰的海岸。

42、Hawaii is the most remote island chain in the world, over 2,000 miles from the nearest 3)landfall. ─── 夏威夷群岛是世界上最偏远的岛链,它们离最近的陆地相隔超过两千英里。


44、we had made landfall the boat looked ten years older! ─── 我们登陆时,这艘船看似已老了10年!

45、Now a Category 5 Hurricane, Dean made landfall in Mexico's state of Quintana Roo on the Yucatan Peninsula on August 21st. ─── 2007年8月11日,在周围低气压延伸的影响下,迪安飓风生成于非洲西海岸的大洋上。

46、Numerical experiments of three landfall tropical cyclons and analysis of moist potential vorticity during their heavy rain processes ─── 三个登陆浙江热带气旋数值试验及暴雨过程的湿位涡分析


48、Landfall is expected late Tuesday or early Wednesday. ─── 暴风雨预计会在周二晚或周三早上着陆。

49、Other discoveries suggest that others first made landfall in California and San Jacinto, Colombia. ─── 其他发现表明,他们最初是在哥伦比亚的圣哈辛托登陆的。

50、Some strengthening is expected today, and Dean is likely to becoming a category 5 hurricane prior to making landfall over the Yucatan peninsula very early Tuesday morning. ─── “预计今天风势将继续加强,迪安可能演变为5级飓风并率先在周二清晨登陆尤卡坦半岛。”

51、A mid-latitude trough should arrive at that time to weaken the ridge so that a recurvature scenario could be observed with the storm making landfall in Guangdong. ─── 一道西风槽将会于较后时间到达并令副高减弱,从而令海高斯转向,移近广东。

52、Hurricane Felix made landfall as a category five storm, with heavy rainfall and maximum sustained winds of 260 kilometers per hour. ─── 伴随着强降雨和每小时风速260千米的持续强风,强度5级的飓风F日前已着陆。

53、KETSANA made landfall in central Vietnam yesterday and gradually weakened into a tropical storm. At 08 HKT, KETSANA was centred about 210 km (110 NM) WSW of Da Nang. ─── 凯萨娜昨日登陆越南中部,并逐渐减弱为热带风暴。在08HKT,凯萨娜集结在岘港西南偏西约210公里(110海里)。

54、Guided by the low-level easterlies, it is forecast that 24W will travel west before making landfall at the Philippines. ─── 受到低层偏东气流影响,24W将于登陆菲律宾前向西移动。

55、English colonists of the Jamestown settlement make landfall at Cape Henry, Virginia. ─── 1607年的今天,詹姆斯敦殖民地的英国殖民者们在美国弗吉尼亚的亨利角着陆。

56、We make a landfall at dusk after three weeks at sea. ─── 在海上航行三周后的一个黄昏,我们看到了陆地。

57、The company has larger ambitions, but first focused on making landfall in the new Web retail world and securing a niche for itself on the Web. ─── 亚马孙公司虽雄心勃勃,但是它首先着眼于在网上零售业这一崭新的领域登陆,然后逐步巩固在网络领域的地位。

58、21W was named HIGOS by the JMA today and has made landfall at the Philippines. At 20 HKT, HIGOS was centred about 340 km (180 NM) ESE of Manila. ─── 21W被日本气象厅命名为海高斯,并于下午登陆菲律宾。在20HKT,海高斯集结在马尼拉东南偏东约340公里(180海里)。

59、Gustav, which made landfall southwest of New Orleans earlier Monday, may provoke unwelcome memories of the Bush administration's botched response to Hurricane Katrina three years ago. ─── 周一早间已在新奥尔良西南方向登陆的古斯塔夫可能让人回想起三年前布什政府对飓风卡特里娜应对不力的不愉快往事。

60、As for geographical distribution, the first-landfall and last-landfall TCs made landfall frequently in coasts of Guangdong, Haitian and Taiwan of China, especially in the southeast coast of Hainan. ─── 初、终旋在广东、海南和台湾等地登陆最为频繁,尤其以海南岛东南部最为突出。

61、Forecasters say Fay could move out into the Gulf of Mexico and then come ashore again in Florida's Panhandle.That would make a fourth landfall for Fay. ─── 天气预报表示,费怡可能移出至墨西哥湾,然后重新在佛罗里达半岛第四次重新登陆。

62、In an average year, two typhoo will make landfall in Japan. ─── 一般来说,每年会有两个台风登陆日本。

63、An island of the central Bahamas in the West Indies.It is generally identified as the first landfall of Christopher Columbus(October12, 1492. ─── 圣萨尔瓦多,沃特灵斯岛西印度群岛中巴哈马的一个岛屿,普遍认为它就是克里斯多弗 哥伦布航海中见到的第一片陆地(1492年10月12日)

64、MUJIGAE made landfall at northern Vietnam this morning. At 14 HKT, MUJIGAE was centred about 140 km (75 NM) SSW of Hanoi. ─── 彩虹今早于越南北部登陆。在14HKT,彩虹集结在河内西南偏南约140公里(75海里)。

65、Circulation features associated with the record-breaking typhoon landfall on Japan in 2004 ─── 与日本2004年破记录台风着陆有关的环流特征

66、Abstract: The working of laying sewage drain pipes resulted in periphery soil displacement seriously, partly landfall, partly soil loss and contortion of steel tubes. ─── 摘 要: 针对深圳市污水排水放流钢顶管已施工部分,因顶管施工过程中周围土体位移严重,局部出现过塌方,造成部分土体流失,引起钢顶管扭曲变形。

67、Their ship, the Mayflower, had intended to go to Virginia, but it made its landfall far to the north. ─── 他们乘坐的"五月花"号船原本是要去弗吉尼亚的,但却在很北的地方靠了岸。

68、GUANGZHOU, June 26 (Xinhua) -- The fourth tropical storm this year, Nangka, made landfall at 10:30 p.m. Friday in Huizhou City in south China's Guangdong Province, local authorities said. ─── 广州(新华社)-今年第四个热带风暴浪卡于6月26日星期五上午10;30登陆中国南部的广东省惠东地区,当地政府报道。

69、However uncertainties exist regarding the degree of recurvature - there is also a chance that WIPHA will make landfall at Eastern China if it is not picked up by the arriving mid-latitude trough. ─── 可是,韦帕转向的幅度如何很大程度要看究竟韦帕会否被西风槽牵引---如果影响较小,韦帕有机会在中国东部登陆。

70、A mid-latitude trough is expected to weaken it and allow a poleward movement, possibly followed by NE movement near landfall. ─── 一道西风槽将逐渐东移并令该区的高压系统减弱,令莲花向北转东北移动。

71、But making landfall off the zodiac, scuba diving, or climbing an iceberg (only to snowboard down it) more than fulfilled any childhood dreams of adventure and voyaging the great outdoors. ─── 我们在极地上登陆,氧气潜水、或者爬上冰山(为了想玩滑雪),超出了小时候对探险的梦想、傲游于伟大的野外世界。

72、An island of the central Bahamas in the West Indies. It is generally identified as the first landfall of Christopher Columbus(October12,1492). ─── 圣萨尔瓦多,沃特灵斯岛西印度群岛中巴哈马的一个岛屿,普遍认为它就是克里斯多弗·哥伦布航海中见到的第一片陆地(1492年10月12日)

73、The forecast calls for Hanna to make landfall early Saturday morning, then marching up the Atlantic seaboard, dumping inches of rain. ─── 天气预报称汉纳会在周六早晨登陆,然后沿着美大西洋沿岸前行,并带来几英寸的降雨。

74、Utor was unusual in that it took more than 40 hours to dissipate after landfall, breaking the previous record of 30 hours set by Typhoon Hope in 1979. ─── 尤特与其他热带气旋不同,在登陆后超过40小时才消散,打破一九七九年台风荷贝所创的30小时记录。

75、The National Weather Service says Felicia will be downgraded to a tropical storm or depression before it makes landfall. ─── 国家气象局称费莉西亚在登陆之前将会降级为热带风暴或者低气压。

76、We made a landfall at dusk after three weeks at sea. ─── 在海上航行三周后的一个黄昏,我们看到了陆地。

77、Unfortunately,the remainder of the path makes no major landfall; ─── 不幸的是,剩余的路径上都不是陆地,都是海洋;

78、an island of the central Bahamas in the West Indies. It is generally identified as the first landfall of Christopher Columbus(October12,1492) ─── 圣萨尔瓦多,沃特灵斯岛,西印度群岛中巴哈马的一个岛屿,普遍认为它就是克里斯多弗·哥伦布航海中见到的第一片陆地(1492年10月12日)

79、HALONG made landfall at central Luzon last night and has weakened into a tropical storm. At 14 HKT, HALONG was centred about 990 km (540 NM) SSW of Okinawa. ─── 夏浪昨夜登陆吕宋中部并减弱为热带风暴。在14HKT,夏浪集结在冲绳岛西南偏南约990公里(540海里)。

80、Tembin made landfall over the eastern coast of Luzon that evening and dissipated over the South China Sea the next day. ─── 它于十一月十日早上增强为一热带风暴,傍晚在吕宋东岸登陆,翌日在南海消散。

81、When famed explorer Christopher Columbus made landfall in the western Bahamas in 1492, it is believed that the indigenous Lucayan Indians had already been there for centuries. ─── 当著名的探险家哥伦布于1492年首次到达西巴哈马群岛时,这里的土著卢卡扬印第安人已经在此繁衍生息了好多个世纪了。

82、Improved track forecasting of a typhoon reaching landfall from four-dimensional variational data assimilation of AMSU-A retrieved data ─── 从AMSU-A反演资料的四维变分资料同化改进台风登陆的路径预报

83、Talim made landfall over Fujian and moved inland that afternoon. It degenerated into an area of low pressure the next day. ─── 同日下午,泰利在福建登陆后,进一步移入内陆,翌日减弱为一低压区。

84、"Some strengthening is expected today, and Dean is likely to become a category five hurricane prior to making landfall over the Yucatan peninsula very early Tuesday morning." ─── 今天风暴预计会更强,周二清晨,飓风“迪安”很可能在登陆优卡坦半岛前形成五级飓风。

85、Forcasters predicted the storm could landfall over Cuba as a hurricane by Sunday . ─── 天气预报说,风暴在古巴着陆后在星期天之前形成飓风。

86、During its landfall, the topographic countercheck and friction are able to significantly affect the moving track and velocity of the storm. ─── 在风暴登陆过程中,地形的阻挡和摩擦作用能较明显影响风暴的移动路径和速度。

87、HALONG has intensified further into a typhoon and is about to make landfall at Luzon. At 20 HKT, HALONG was centred about 200 km (110 NM) NNW of Manila. ─── 夏浪进一步增强为台风并即将登陆吕宋。在20HKT,夏浪集结在马尼拉西北偏北约200公里(110海里)。

88、KETSANA is making landfall at eastern Luzon. ─── 凯萨娜即将登陆吕宋岛。

89、The Numerical Simulation of Orographic Effect on the Rain and Structure of Typhoon Rananim During Landfall ─── 台风Rananim登陆期间地形对其降水和结构影响的数值模拟试验

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