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09-18 投稿


lakelet 发音

英:[['leɪklɪt]]  美:[['leɪklɪt]]

英:  美:

lakelet 中文意思翻译



lakelet 相似词语短语

1、lobelet ─── n.小叶,小裂片

2、lakelets ─── n.小湖

3、bladelet ─── 传单

4、lakebed ─── 湖底;湖床;湖积层

5、platelet ─── n.[组织]血小板;薄片

6、capelet ─── n.毛皮披肩;小披肩

7、lancelet ─── n.[无脊椎]文昌鱼

8、flamelet ─── n.小火焰

9、flakelet ─── n.小薄片

lakelet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This lakelet be, perhaps, a hundred yards in diameter at its widest part. ─── 这个小湖最宽的地方大概有一百码宽。

2、Churchyard has big lakelet berth 102, have water 45000 hectare, vast water area is Hong Hu all-around development aquiculture laid solid foundation. ─── 境内有大小湖泊102个,拥有水面 45000公顷,广阔的水域为洪湖全方位开发水产养殖奠定了雄厚的基础。

3、Rural job also should be caught put common saying of lakelet north He Shijun to say greatly, rural job does not have bagatelle. ─── 农村工作也要抓大放小湖北何士军俗话说,农村工作无小事。

4、There still is a water below hill so clear that can see the lakelet of the bottom. ─── 山下还有一个水清亮得可以见底的小湖。

5、Although its brackish waters suggest it's now yesterday's flavour of the month, the lakelet had its heyday during Nantah days when it symbolised for many the heart of the university then. ─── 不再清澈的湖水告诉你南大湖已经不再风光,但它在南大时代却曾经有过一段黄金时期,对许多人来说,它象征着南大的心脏地带。

6、Although its brackish waters suggest it's now yesterday's flavour of the month,the lakelet had its heyday during Nantah days when it symbolised for many the heart of the university then. ─── 不再清澈的湖水告诉你南大湖已经不再风光,但它在南大时代却曾经有过一段黄金时期。对许多人来说,它象征着南大的心脏地带。

7、There was a luxurious garden surrounding a lakelet. ─── 有一豪华的花园围绕着小湖。

8、Lakelet sheepskin skin board frivolous softness, mao Sejie white smooth, have unique waviness figure, although via bump Piao Ke does not go former.. ─── 小湖羊皮皮板轻薄柔软,毛色雪白光润,具有独特的波浪形花纹,虽经颠朴可不走原...

9、1. More concrete are the old-fashioned stone benches studding one side of the lakelet, inlaid with pretty tiled flowers. ─── 湖的一边排列着许多旧式的长石椅,还有用砖块围起来的漂亮花朵。

10、city also has many parks, the zoo, the creek, the lakelet, weekend has very many children to go to these places to play. ─── 城里还有许多公园、动物园、小河、小湖,周末有很多孩子去这些地方玩。


划船用英文可翻译为row; paddle a boat; go boating。

row 英 [rəʊ , raʊ] 美 [roʊ , raʊ];paddle a boat 英 [ˈpædl ə bəʊt] 美 [ˈpædl ə boʊt];go boating 英 [ɡəʊ ˈbəʊtɪŋ] 美 [ɡoʊ ˈboʊtɪŋ]。


1.You can go boating or play tennis 你可以去划船或者打网球。

2.Will you go boating with me? 和我一块去划船玩好吗?3.I am fixing to go boating on sunday. 我准备星期天去划船。

4.You must go boating with us next sunday. 下星期天你一定得和我们去划船。

5.We can go boating if your work has been done tomorrow. 如果你的工作已经做完了,明天我们可以去划船!

6.Sometimes we go boating on the lake, too. 有时我们也在湖上划船。

7.We go boating on the lake every weekend. 我们每个周末都到湖上划船。

8.Let us go boating with Mrs Ford. 我们和福特夫人一起去划船吧。

9.Will he go boating? 他要去划船吗?

10.They decided to go boating on the lake last sunday. 他们决定上个星期天在湖上划。

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