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infeasible 发音

英:[ɪnˈfizəbəl]  美:[ɪnˈfiːzəb(ə)l]

英:  美:

infeasible 中文意思翻译



infeasible 网络释义

adj. 不可实行的

infeasible 同义词


infeasible 反义词


infeasible 短语词组

1、infeasible path method ─── [化] 不可行路径法

2、infeasible solution ─── 不可行解

3、infeasible point ─── 不可行点

4、infeasible method ─── 不可行法

5、infeasible region ─── 不可行区域

6、infeasible path ─── 不可达路径

infeasible 常用词组

infeasible solution ─── 不可行解

infeasible 相似词语短语

1、infusible ─── adj.不熔化的;不熔化性的

2、defeasible ─── adj.可作废的,可废止的

3、unfeasible ─── adj.不可行的,难实现的

4、inerasible ─── 不可能的

5、feasible ─── adj.可行的;可能的;可实行的

6、indefeasible ─── adj.不能废弃的;不可剥夺的;难使无效的

7、inferrible ─── adj.可推论的;可推断的

8、insensible ─── adj.昏迷的;无知觉的;麻木不仁的

9、inferible ─── 可推断的

infeasible 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is usually infeasible to label all the examples in the stream. ─── 由于数据采集的实时性,往往难以为采集到的所有数据提供标记。

2、, the occluding wire meshes nets, pillars, and fences, with the result that to hint the occluding objects manually is infeasible. ─── 况且,在许多情况下,欲移除物体的外形并非封闭而且可能分布于整个场景,导致于要在视讯中手动指出欲移除的遮蔽物几乎是不可行的。

3、Clearly, such an array is infeasible for a spacecraft that must weigh less than 20 tons in total. ─── 显然,这种阵列不可能应用于总重量不能超过20公吨的太空船上。

4、infeasible personal best ─── 不可行历史最优

5、Deferent fitness function was built for the feasible and infeasible individual in the population, respectively. ─── 为群体中的可行解和不可行解分别定义不同的适应度函数。

6、Complex method is inserted into genetic algorithm, to process the feasible and infeasible individuals in order to improve the qualities of the colony.It is beneficial for searching the best solution. ─── 把复合形法嵌入到遗传算法中,利用复合形法对群体中的可行个体和不可行个体分别进行处理,可提高遗传算法种群的品质,有利于最优解的搜索。

7、A Globally Convergent Primal-dual Infeasible Interior Point Algorithm for Convex Programming ─── 全局收敛的凸规划的原始-对偶不可行内点算法

8、The infeasible degree of solution was locally optimized through simulated annealing, to make it gradually approach feasible solution. ─── 应用模拟退火算法,对解的不可行度进行局部优化,使其逐步逼近可行解。

9、"Feasible thesis" has already been a normal rule when the decision of important projects is made, but the "infeasible thesis" hasn't been taken seriously. ─── 摘要重大项目决策前进行“可行性论证”已经成为一项常规制度,但“不可行性论证”却尚未引起必要的重视。

10、However, characteristics of collaborative tagging systems and their folksonomy make them infeasible for organizing resources in personal environment. ─── 但是,协同标记系统的特徵和他们通俗分类的特性,并不能直接适用于个人环境。

11、the fitness function of the infeasible individual reflected the degree of which the constraints were satisfied. ─── 不可行解的适应度函数反映约束条件的满足程度。

12、For human players, the backtracking techniques employed by computer programs would be infeasible; ─── 不过就人类玩家而言,想要运用电脑程式所使用的回溯演算法,相当困难,需要极端强韧的耐性。

13、infeasible individual ─── 不可行个体


15、combined homotopy infeasible interior-point method ─── 不可行的内点同伦方法

16、It was infeasible for the coercer to determine if a coerced voter complied with the demands in the scheme,so it improved coercion-resistance of electronic voting. ─── 由于强制者无法判断受迫者是否按照自己意愿投出选票,从而提高了电子投票的抗强制性。

17、Infeasible Interior-point Algorithm for Monotone Linear Complementarity Problems ─── 一个求解单调线性互补问题的不可行内点算法

18、One parameter concerns with the ratio of the number of infeasible individuals to the population size, and the other concerns with the degree of constraint violation in the population. ─── 一个参数为非合理区个体数目与族群大小之比例,另一个参数为族群违反限制条件之程度;

19、For the reason that potential energy curve can not be overlapped the enantiotropy reaction of fulgides in the ground state was infeasible and fulgides were thermostable. ─── 在第一单重激发态 ,有利于发生开环反应 ;

20、The Issue of Public Bonds by Local Governments is infeasible ─── 地方政府发行公债尚不具备可行性

21、It may be infeasible to say whether an observed magnetic anomaly results from structural relief or from a lateral change in susceptibility. ─── 不可能指出一个观测磁异常是构造起伏还是磁化率的横向变化所引起。

22、The current sequential quadratic programming (SQP) type algorithm may fail if the QP subproblem is infeasible. ─── 摘要序列二次规划方法(SQP)是解决非线性规划问题最有效的算法之一,但是当QP子问题不可行时算法可能会失败。

23、Infeasible Interior-point Homotopy Method for Non-convex Programming under Normal Cone Condition ─── 法锥条件下非凸规划的非内点同伦方法

24、A processing method of displacement is proposed, so the displacement restrictions are satisfied and the number of infeasible solutions is reduced. ─── 同时在操作过程中,给出了泵排量的处理方法,使各水量约束条件得到满足,减少了不可行解的产生。

25、With such rules, a dictionary attack becomes infeasible, but passwords also become harder to remember. ─── 使用此规则,词典攻击变得不可行,但密码同时也变得更难记。

26、A primal-dual inexact infeasible interior-point algorithm for the second-order cone program (SOCP) was presented. ─── 摘要给出了二次锥规划的一种非精确不可行内点算法。

27、Global Convergence of a Primal- Dual Infeasible Interior Point Algorithm for Convex Programming with Box Constraints ─── 框式凸规划的原始-对偶不可行内点算法的全局收敛性

28、If that conception were correct, one would expect many more catastrophic, voluminous eruptions, because it is mechanically and thermally infeasible to keep monster magma bodies in the crust without emptying them frequently. ─── 如果这个看法是对的,那麽应该会有更多大规模的灾难性爆发才对,因为无论是由力学或热能的观点来看,把大量的岩浆保存在地壳内却不经常清空它们,都是不合理的。

29、Keywords Infeasible interior point;Polynomial complexity;Potential function;Inexact computing;Predictor-corrector; ─── 不可行内点算法;多项式复杂性;势函数;非精确计算;预估-校正;

30、We've seen far too many designs that simply assume the identity is known when practical technologies make this infeasible. ─── 我们已经见到太多的设计直接假设标识为已知,而实际技术却使得这变得不可行。

31、2.A monetary policy expansionary enough to stabilize NGDP growth may be politically infeasible. ─── 2. 能够稳定NGDP增长的货币政策可能在政治上行不通。

32、Moreover, the SNR threshold for correctly identifying type parameter is so high so that it is infeasible in complex environment. ─── 另外,鉴别散射中心类型要求非常高的信噪比,在复杂环境下难以实现。

33、The plan drafted by your team is infeasible. ─── 你们组起草的方案是行不通的。

34、It can preserve some infeasible solutions with high quality. ─── 用概率论的有关知识证明了算法的收敛性。

35、infeasible thesis ─── 不可行性论证

36、7. Most missile technologists consider speed increases significantly beyond that point to be infeasible because the missile would disintegrate on contact with the surface. ─── 大多数的飞弹技术专家认为,不可能将速度大幅提高到超过这个程度,因为如此一来,飞弹接触地面时将会解体。收藏指正

37、A secure hash algorithm is designed so that it is computationally infeasible to construct a different assembly with the identical hash value by either an accidental or malicious attempt. ─── 安全哈希算法的设计使以相同的哈希值构造不同的程序集在计算方面是不能实现的,不管这种尝试是意外的还是恶意的。

38、It has two populations, which are feasible population and infeasible population. ─── 新算法引入两个种群:可行种群和不可行种群。

39、Wish to repayment is infeasible. ─── 想多还款是不行的。

40、infeasible solution ─── 不可行解

41、It may be infeasible to say whether an observed magnetic anomaly results from structural relief or from a lateral change in susceptibility ─── 不可能指出一个观测磁异常是构造起伏还是磁化率的横向变化所引起。

42、Nevertheless, IDSs are faced with a serious problem on a huge number of false alarms.It is really infeasible for security analysts to investigate lots of these alarms. ─── 然而入侵侦测系统会有产生大量虚警量的严重问题,资讯安全人员要分析这些警报是非常不可行地。

43、thesis proposes an efficient screening algorithm to solve the inexact sub-graphisomorphism problems by incrementally reducing the infeasible search space. ─── 化问题,本文提出一个快速筛选法来求解非精确子图同构问题;

44、However, when the order of ARMA model is very high, to compare every candidate model's criterion value is computationally infeasible. ─── 但是,当模型的阶数很高时,无法计算并比较每一个备选模型的准则函数值。

45、A more efficient anti-obesity tax, in principle, but utterly infeasible politically, would be a head tax measured by weight. ─── 从原则上讲最高效,但从政治上讲最不可行的反肥胖症税种,应当是根据体重来收的人头税。

46、This paper presents a infeasible interior-point primal-dual affine scaling algorithm for linear programming. It is shown that the method is polynomial-time algorithm. ─── 摘要本文对线性规划提出了一个不可行内点原始-对偶仿射尺度算法,并证明了算法是一个多项式时间算法。

47、It is found infeasible to overcome the polarization-induced fading influence on output signal through AGC circuit which uses peak or peak-peak signal of interferometric detection method to control the gain of AGC circuit. ─── 提出了不能通过干涉信号的峰值或峰峰值检测来控制自动增益控制(AGC)电路增益的方法消除偏振衰落对输出信号的影响。

48、infeasible interior point algorithm ─── 不可行内点算法

49、However, witnessing the honest operation of authorities and verifying the election result are infeasible, so a verifiable mechanism built into balloting systems is indispensable. ─── 然而网路无法眼见为凭的特性,使得网际网路上投票过程的公正性与结果的正确性不易验证,因此在选务单位与投票者之间建立双向可验证的机制十分重要。

50、The Optimum Currency Area Is Infeasible to Build up in Eastern Asia ─── 东亚建立最优货币区的不可行性

51、A Primal-dual Infeasible Interior Point Algorithm for Separable Convex Quadratic Programming with Box Constraints ─── 框式可分凸二次规划的不可行内点算法

52、It would also be infeasible to base admission on an individualized determination of whether the applicant was likely to have a full working career. ─── 不管申请者将来是否有较大可能以全职工作为事业,而是基于因人而异的决心来准予其入学,此方法同样是行不通的。

53、A cryptographic hash function has the property that it is computationally infeasible to find two distinct inputs that hash to the same value. ─── 加密哈希函数有这样一个属性:在计算时不可能将两个不同的输入通过哈希算法取为相同的值。

54、As it may be politically infeasible to continue to expect savers to bear all the investment risk, some benefits may have to be guaranteed. ─── 由于继续指望储户承担所有投资风险在政治上不可行,因此必须保证一定的收益。

55、However, due to the resource constraints on sensors, it is infeasible to use traditional key management techniques. ─── 但是由于节点资源的限制,传统的密钥管理方法在传感器网络中并不适用。

56、The encryption using crypto algorithms is ensured by the fact that it is computationally infeasible to generate plaintext that matches the hash value. ─── 使用加密算法的保密性由这样一个事实保证,即生成与哈希值匹配的明文在计算上是不可行的。

57、25. Thus, noncontinuous emission limitations were appropriate only when continuous controls were infeasible. ─── 因此,非持续性排放限制只有在持续性控制技术变得不可行时才是适当的。

58、The negotiation drafted by your team is infeasible in operation. ─── 你们团队起草的计划在操作中是不可行的。

59、Due to the resource constraints of sensor nodes, many traditional key distribution schemes are infeasible for WSN. ─── 由于传感器网络的资源限制,许多传统的密钥分发方案不能直接使用。

60、Unfortunately, laboratory tests are infeasible. ─── 可惜实验室的试验是不可能的。

61、Inexact Infeasible Interior Point Algorithm for the Second-order Cone Program ─── 二次锥规划的一种非精确不可行内点算法

62、In fact, “fidelity” to the form of the original is infeasible in practice. ─── 当代许多翻译研究大家也仍旧坚持以“忠实”为翻译标准第一要义。

63、Most missile technologists consider speed increases significantly beyond that point to be infeasible because the missile would disintegrate on contact with the surface. ─── 大多数的飞弹技术专家认为,不可能将速度大幅提高到超过这个程度,因为如此一来,飞弹接触地面时将会解体。

64、An infeasible path-following algorithm is constructed, and its polynomial complexity is analyzed. ─── 基于这组方程,文中建立了一个求解线性互补的不可行内点算法,并分析了它的多项式复杂度。

65、This would eliminate frequent redesign of parts, after being assessed as infeasible or costly for manufacture in the design stage. ─── 因此,如何有效将设计品质抽象要求转化为可供衡量的型态便成为值得探索的议题。

66、Your price is feasible (infeasible). ─── 你方价格是可行(不可行...

67、infeasible program ─── 不可行规划

68、He or she also needs to understand the nuances of European politics, to avoid pressing for genuinely infeasible actions. ─── 他或她还需要理解欧洲政治的微妙之处,以免要求欧洲推行完全不可行的举措。

69、When genetic algorithm(GA) is used to solve the problem of power distribution network reconfiguration,it may result in the part best solutions or make a lot of "infeasible solutions". ─── 双亲遗传算法用于配电网重构计算时,使搜索陷入局部最优,有较多“不可行解”产生等问题。

70、A Primal-dual Infeasible Interior Point Algorithm for Convex Quadratic Programming Problem with Box Constraints ─── 框式凸二次规划的原始-对偶不可行内点算法

71、As for the financing matter of the project XXX, we confirmed that it is infeasible to solve it through increasing favourable credit line after negotiation with XXX Bank. ─── 关于XXX项目的融资问题,经与XXX银行联系,可基本确认通过增加优惠贷款额度的方式解决项目融资的途径不可行。

72、There are at least two considerations which make such a scheme both mathematically and logically infeasible. ─── 至少有两点需要说明的是,无论从数学上还是逻辑上这样的计划都是不可行的。

73、infeasible region ─── 不可行区域

74、BR>Your price is feasible (infeasible). ─── 你方价格是可行(不可行)的。

75、Infeasible paths ─── 不可达路径

76、Infeasible Interior-Point Algorithm Based Optimization Method for Geometric Programming ─── 基于不可行内点算法的几何规划优化方法

77、For example, cryptographic keys need to be as random as possible so that it is infeasible to reproduce them. ─── 例如,加密密钥需要尽可能地随机,以便使生成的密钥很难再现。

78、infeasible linear program ─── 不可行线性规划

79、infeasible selection area ─── 不可落脚区域

80、infeasible path method ─── [化] 不可行路径法

81、infeasible method ─── 不可行法

82、I once mentioned I would like somewhat to do postgraduate study abroad;they still disagreed, saying the younger sister will have to spend lots of money and it is infeasible to afford both of us. ─── 我有一次稍微说了一下我想去国外读研究生,他们还是不同意,说妹妹这次要花不少钱,没那么多钱供我们俩。

83、The key concept behind this algorithm is that it is infeasible to ever produce two messages that would have the same message digest. ─── 在这个算法中密钥的概念是,我们不可能产生两条具有相同消息摘要的消息。

84、Although current software and information systems, such as ERP, are designed to solve this kind of problem, they neglect the limitations of capacity, and usually produce infeasible planning results. ─── 然而,这些系统皆并未考虑到企业的产能是有限的,往往造成规划的结果不可行。

85、The plan proves infeasible. ─── 那个计划不可行。

86、It is conjectured that it is computationally infeasible to produce two messages having the same message digest, or to produce any message having a given pre-specified target message digest. ─── 它被推测为在计算上使二则消息有同样的消息摘要或者是任一则消息有一个指定的目标消息摘要是不可能实行的。

87、Yet even if prices fall, the technologies may prove infeasible, at least initially, for doctors' offices or standard medical laboratories. ─── 但就算晶片的价格下降了,对医生诊所或一般的检验室来说,刚开始在技术上可能也还没办有法配合。

88、Duplicate ideas and obviously infeasible solutions are removed. ─── 去除重复的设想和显然难以实现的设想。

89、Library Industrialization: A Prevalent but Infeasible Proposition ─── 图书馆产业化:一种流行但实践上不可行的理论主张



adj. 不能吃的

Expired food is inedible.



adj. 不能吃的;不适于食用的

The fresh-cut Artemisia selengensis was stored at 0℃ after removing unedible part, cleaning in ice water and cutting.




- infeasible通常用于表示一个计划或方案在技术或实际层面上不可行,难以实现。例如:这个项目的时间表是不可行的,我们需要更多的资源来完成它。

- unfeasible则更多地强调一个计划或方案在经济、政治或社会层面上不可行,不符合实际情况或不合理。例如:这个提议的成本是不可行的,我们需要一个更经济实惠的方案。


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