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09-18 投稿


jockeys 发音

英:[ˈdʒɒkiz]  美:[ˈdʒɑːkiz]

英:  美:

jockeys 中文意思翻译




jockeys 短语词组

1、disc-jockeys (disc-jockey ─── 的复数) n. 唱片骑师;电台 ─── 的音乐节目主持人(等于D.J.)

2、disk jockeys ─── 圆膜片

3、disc jockeys n. ─── 唱片骑师;电台的音乐节目主持人(等于D.J.)

jockeys 词性/词形变化,jockeys变形

动词现在分词: jockeying |名词复数: jockeys |动词第三人称单数: jockeys |动词过去式: jockeyed |动词过去分词: jockeyed |

jockeys 相似词语短语

1、jockeyed ─── n.赛马的骑师;(非正式)操作员,驾驶员;v.当赛马骑师;驾驶;耍手段图谋;欺骗;移动

2、jockeyish ─── 骑师

3、jockey ─── n.赛马的骑师;(非正式)操作员,驾驶员;v.当赛马骑师;驾驶;耍手段图谋;欺骗;移动

4、jockeyism ─── 赛马主义

5、mockneys ─── n.模仿伦敦东区人讲话

6、hockeys ─── n.曲棍球;冰球;n.(Hockey)人名;(英)霍基

7、cockeyes ─── n.斜眼,斜视;adj.喝醉的;扭曲的

8、cockneys ─── n.伦敦腔;伦敦人(cockney的复数)

9、sockeyes ─── n.红大马哈鱼;红鲑

jockeys 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Bribery, especially the bribing of disc jockeys to promote records. ─── 贿赂贿赂,尤指贿赂流行音乐节目主持人以促销唱片

2、Mr.Au's clientele is a who's who of professionals from careers that favor the short of height, with jockeys, astronauts and jet pilots among them. ─── 区应钟的主顾包括一些声名显赫的专业人士,这些人来自那种更青睐矮个人士的行当,有赛马骑师、宇航员、飞行员等等。

3、A inquiry into the fall held yesterday exonerated the jockeys who rode in the race and said the state of the track played no part. ─── 马会昨日展开调查,证实堕马事件和其他参赛骑师无关,亦和赛道程况无关。

4、And when disc jockeys speed up or slow down songs, they alter the frequency profiles that Shazam relies on. ─── 而且,音乐节目主持人有时会让歌曲加快或放慢,这就会改变沙札姆所仰赖的频率特性。

5、David is in front in the jockeys' title race. ─── 大卫在马术冠军赛中居领先位置。

6、1.I go to the racetrack, watch the pageantry of the ho`rses, jockeys an`d silks, an`d enjoy the spectacle mo`re because I have a $ 2 o`r $ bet on the outcome. ─── 我到赛场去,观看马匹、骑手以及骑手们穿戴的彩色绸制赛马服组成的盛大华丽的场面,并享受着这样的壮观景象,更多的是因为我对结果投了2块或5块钱的注。

7、Next.Roadside jockeyed to also cause an effect to the traffic capacity of roundabout.Express as follows: Because roadside jockeys,cause traffic discharge to reduce. ─── 如下表: 由于路边停车造成交通流量降低.驾驶时间增加.造成的经济损失十分巨大。

8、Conclude related working process, operation guide and make management labels finished and modified on time, ensure the jockeys work according to the guide strictly; ─── 及时完成和修改相关的工作工艺、操作规程和管理标牌,确保操作人员严格按要求执行;

9、But people looked at it and realized that's not weird enough, so they decided to put little dolls like pig jockeys, to spice things up. ─── 显然是人们觉得看起来不够怪异,所以他们决定在猪背上放些娃娃,使之看起来象骑士,以达到丰富内容的目的。

10、Jockeys turn tail during the Grey Goose Breeders' Cup Juvenile thoroughbred horse race at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia, Calif.November 7. ─── 骑师在转灰雁育马者杯少年圣阿妮塔公园纯种马在阿卡迪亚,加州11月7日的比赛尾巴。

11、Elite Entertainment - Talent agency in Boca Raton offering a variety of bands, disc jockeys, and consulting services. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

12、The generous surface and wraparound label provide ample room for the jockeys to "race" around the bottle. ─── 慷慨的表面和周边的标签提供足够的空间,为骑师,以“种族”周围的瓶子。

13、Moreover, American disc jockeys were brought in to program American music nights. ─── 此外,该公司还专门邀请电台的音乐节目主持人开办美国音乐之夜。

14、Nineteen people, including two jockeys and other employees of the Hong Kong Jockey Club, have been arrested by the ICAC in connection with rigging of horse races and illegal bookmaking activities. ─── 廉政公署拘捕十九人,包括两名骑师以及名马会职员,他们涉嫌操控赛事,及经营外围马。

15、5.But a lot of times I'll go out for nights where Their are live disc jockeys, which is good for dancing. ─── 5、然而我想无数次地外出过夜,到直播迪斯科比赛的现场去,这是很适合跳舞的场所。

16、The first to ride. good fun! All the Jockeys partners made a 1000 hands goddess of mercy. ─── 第一次去骑行!好开心!所有的骑行伙伴做了个千手观音!

17、And I sincerely hope that WJC can give more opportunity to the local jockeys in Singapore to be invited to the racing festival again. ─── 也诚挚的希望武汉赛马俱乐部可以提供更多的机会给新加坡本地的骑师再次参加赛马节。

18、You know, there are a lot of night people among newspaper men and disc jockeys. ─── 你知道的,很多新闻工作者和音乐节目主持人都是夜猫子。

19、Two of the jockeys were thrown in the race. ─── 在这次赛马中,有两位骑士从马上摔了下来。

20、Then came a lot of brown jockeys and ponies so I cannot tell who came fourth or last. ─── 这样,我很难判断谁是第四名,谁是最后一名了。

21、If your child hears you to boast he jockeys to did not pay fee, or lie to open working meeting in order to avoid, you yourself are establishing bad model carefully. ─── 如果你的孩子听到你吹嘘自己停车没付费,或撒谎以避开工作会议,你要小心自己在树立坏榜样。

22、People watch as pigs with woollen jockeys attached to their backs race along a track during a community fete in Cushendun, a small village north of Belfast, Northern Ireland July 18 ,2009. ─── 在北爱尔兰首府贝尔法斯特北部的一个村子里,人们正在举行由小猪参加的赛跑比赛。

23、Two jockeys were thrown in the second race. ─── 有两个骑师在第二场赛马时摔了下来。

24、And I sincerely hope that WJC can give more opportunity to the local jockeys in Singapore to be invited to the racing festival again. ─── 也诚挚的希望武汉赛马俱乐部可以提供更多的机会给新加坡本地的骑师再次参加赛马节。)

25、Two of the jockeys were thrown in the race . ─── 在这次赛马中,有两位骑士从马上摔了下来。

26、An advantageous place or location: jockeys maneuvering for position. ─── 是指有利的地点或范围。

27、Hip hop disc jockeys select, play and create music with multiple turntables, often to back up one or more MCs. ─── 比如说,结婚典礼上的DJ除了播放音乐外,他们也必须扮演典礼主持人的角色,要去介绍新人、带领大家跳舞或者邀请来宾玩游戏等等。

28、"Exploding from the gate, young jockeys spur their mounts in a race outside Muscat. ─── 在马斯喀特城外的一场比赛中,年轻的骑师们驱策着他们的骆驼,从大门中奔涌而出。

29、Those squadrons of white-collar workers in India, the Philippines, and China are scaring the bejesus out of software jockeys across North America and Europe. ─── 不是我们所有人明天都将失去工作。

30、Few jockeys continue race-riding beyond the age of 40. ─── 很少有骑师在40岁以后还继续赛马。

31、Reinvigorated horses and jockeys have already prepared themselves to sprint off with the best of their ability and compete fiercely for the highest standing in 2008/2009 horse racing season! ─── 2009年度马季即将开锣,各路名驹骏骥、骑师、练马师养精蓄锐、整装待发,务求以最强状态迎战新马季,势要驰骋马场,争夺新一季马王宝座!

32、Amateur riders can take part as well as professional jockeys. ─── 业余骑手和专业骑手都可以参加。

33、Farmer “jockeys” stand on a wooden cart behind the bulls, steering them with a rope strung around their necks. ─── 农民“骑士”会站在公牛后头的木制拉车上,用牛脖子上的缰绳驾驭它们。

34、This sounds a little like a racetrack allowing a gambler to select horses and jockeys to run in a race, without informing the other bettors. ─── (这听起来有点像跑马场让个赌徒选赛马和骑手,压根没向赌马的人知会一声)。

35、Children are favoured as jockeys because they are small and light enough not to slow the camels. ─── 大家喜欢用小朋友当骆驼骑师,因为他们轻巧,不会因为重量而减慢骆驼的奔跑速度。

36、Jockeys are forbidden to bet on the outcome of races. ─── 职业赛马骑师们被禁止对比赛结果下注。

37、Just like those head-pumped cabbies and piano jockeys, you can build up various areas of your brain by putting them to work. ─── 就像那些head-pumped cabbies和弹钢琴的,你可以通过使大脑的不同区域工作来增大它们。

38、Jockeys maneuvering for position. ─── 使用手段而取得优势

39、He also paid the jockeys to cross the finishing line in a particular order. ─── 他还给每个骑师钱让其按不同顺序跨过终点线。

40、The horse was boxed in against the rails by two rival jockeys. ─── 这匹马被两个竞赛的骑师围在栏栅旁边。

41、AV Companies, Theatre, Light Jockeys, Post Production, ─── 影音公司,剧院,轻骑师,后期制作,

42、at last I took the boldness to reach my hand towards his neck with a design to stroke it, using the common style and whistle of jockeys, when they are going to handle a strange horse. ─── 那声音极富表情,我都觉得我听明白了它是什么意思。

43、Visual Loop library for Video Jockeys, Mobile Phones, ─── 视觉循环库视频骑师,移动电话,

44、Unfortunately, the race meeting was by the sea and a mist came in and covered the entire course.The jockeys couldn’t see each other and the judges couldn’t make out who had won. ─── 不幸的是,该比赛是在海边进行的,突来大雾迷漫使得骑师们无法看见彼此,裁判辨认不出谁胜谁负。

45、All this adds up to a true test for horse and jockey and that is why The Grand National is the race that most jockeys owners and trainers want to win. ─── 综上所诉,英国国家越野障碍赛马是一项真正检验马匹和骑手的比赛,这也是为什么不论是骑手,马匹的拥有者还是驯马师都想赢得一场比赛。

46、He says the use of imported children as jockeys in camel racing first brought the issue to the fore in the UAE. ─── 他说,让从外国买来的儿童充当骆驼比赛的骑手,阿拉伯联合国酋长国是由此开始关注这个问题的。

47、Highly detailed graphics including realistic horses and jockeys , weather effects, and accurately modelled international race courses. ─── 高度详细的图形,包括现实的马匹和骑手,天气的影响,并准确地仿照国际竞赛课程。

48、Dunwoody is in front in the jockeys' title race. ─── 伍迪在职业赛马冠军赛中处于领先位置。

49、Indeed, one study even suggests that a shift from tight-fitting jockeys, which can press the scrotum against the body, to boxers, which allow it to dangle, can improve some factors of sperm quality. ─── 的确,曾经有研究建议,男性由紧身内裤改穿平口内裤,让阴囊不受挤压而自然垂吊于体外时,可让精子的品质提升。

50、Most jockeys are quite short. ─── 很多骑士都很矮。

51、" Mr Wang says not without great, "I like car joint strip of the friend most, think of the appearance that they waste idea jockeys one minute to be not gotten, I feel amused. ─── 王先生不无得意地说,“我最喜欢给朋友的车贴条,想到他们白费心思停车一分不得的样子,我就觉得好玩。”

52、There are some obvious examples: Tall basketball players, huge sumo wrestler, small jockeys, and long-armed swimmers are but a few. ─── 这里有一些明显的例子:他们包括身材高大的篮球运动员,巨大的相扑选手,身材矮小的赛马骑手,及手臂较长的游泳选手但并不多。

53、If you think the Internet is for message board jockeys, blogs for late nights in pajamas, and social media for dating;you are missing point. ─── 如果你认为互联网仅仅是网上留言板,穿着睡衣写写的网络日志,和网恋的社交媒介,那你可能忽略了某些东西。

54、The generous surface and wraparound label provide ample room for the jockeys to “race” around the bottle. ─── 慷慨的表面和周边的标签提供足够的空间,为骑师,以“种族”周围的瓶子。

55、We don't yet know if a couple of desk jockeys are really ready to walk for a month.We're not entirely sure we know how to use this website. ─── 作为文字工作者,我也不知道我们这几个人能否步行一个月,我还没完全搞懂如何让这个网页运作起来。

56、After the car jockeys, happy about Xue Folan wind has the problem of peculiar smell. ─── 关于雪佛兰乐风车停车后有异味的问题.

57、Indeed, security pros are less likely to be judged on the merits of their output than are, for example, code jockeys. ─── 事实上,安全的利弊,不太可能作出判断的优点,其产出比,例如,代码骑师。

58、Trustee lunches for the Injured Jockeys'Fund--often jockeys who have ridden for her--are held at various gentlemen's clubs,and the Queen Mother is the only woman present. ─── 受伤赛马骑师基金会的成员大多是为她效过力的骑师,其董事会在各种男士俱乐部举办午餐会,王太后是在场的惟一女性。

59、Exclusion zones isolated trainers, jockeys, stewards and farriers from the crowd. ─── 隔离区域把驯马师、骑手、管事与马医同人群分隔开来。

60、The prize presentation ceremony of The International Jockeys Invitation Race. Cedric Segeon is the champion of this event. ─── 武汉国际骑师邀请赛的颁奖典礼,赢得冠军的骑师为施其安。

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