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09-18 投稿


penetrative 发音

英:[ˈpenətreɪtɪv]  美:[ˈpenətrətɪv]

英:  美:

penetrative 中文意思翻译



penetrative 短语词组

1、non-penetrative ─── [网络] 非渗透性

2、penetrative foliation ─── 渗透叶理

3、penetrative quality ─── 渗透性质量

4、penetrative performance ─── 渗透的表现

5、penetrative rock ─── 渗透性岩石

6、penetrative fang ─── 穿透的尖牙

7、penetrative radiation ─── 穿透性辐射

8、penetrative strain ─── 穿透应变

9、penetrative deformation ─── 渗透变形

penetrative 相似词语短语

1、penetrations ─── n.渗透;突破;侵入;洞察力

2、penetration ─── n.渗透;突破;侵入;洞察力

3、non-penetrative ─── adj.非贯穿的

4、venerative ─── 崇敬的

5、generative ─── adj.生殖的;生产的;有生殖力的;有生产力的

6、penetratively ─── 深入地

7、penetrativeness ─── 贯穿本领

8、penetrating ─── adj.渗透的;尖锐的;有洞察力的;v.穿透;贯穿(penetrate的ing形式)

9、penetrate ─── vt.渗透;穿透;洞察;vi.渗透;刺入;看透

penetrative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、penetrative pressure ─── 渗透压

2、Although water molecules may pass through the cell membranes in a simple penetrative diffusion mode, this diffusion velocity is very slow. ─── 水分子虽然可以以简单渗透扩散方式通过细胞膜,但是扩散速度非常缓慢。

3、The results show that the penetrative point was advanced and the adsorbance at penetrative point was decreased with the increasing of the flow rates of the solution or the decreasing of pH value of the solution. ─── 结果表明,流速和pH值对动态吸附有很大影响,流速加快,穿透点提前,穿透点吸附量减小; pH增加,穿透点滞后,穿透点吸附量增大;

4、Keywords incident wave;penetrative efficiency;spring-two-mass-lump medel;calculation.; ─── 入射波形;凿入效率;模型;电算;

5、Sometimes I feel the penetrative power of the light gloom is not very strong, or it has a pull. ─── 有时候觉得,那种“淡淡的忧郁”穿透力是不是特别强,或者有种牵引力吧。

6、The digging well penetrative test, structure analysis and calculation and the production test are carried out before full scale construction. ─── 在正式施工之前,通过做截渗围井试验和生产性试验进行了论证;

7、Penetrative properties and speed are acknowledged in the light of the chlorpyrifos quantity in some different controlled time. ─── 根据处理后不同时间体内外的药量,确定其渗透的性能和速率。

8、penetrative mechanics ─── 侵彻力学

9、Bad penetrability ore which has high mud content is examined by adding penetrative matter in order to improve ore penetrability. ─── 对含泥量高、渗透性差的矿石,添加渗滤物质以改善渗透性能进行了研究。

10、Methods:To exercise articular genu function as early as possible after internal fixation with penetrative steel-wire binding. ─── 方法:穿入式钢丝捆绑内固定后尽早膝关节功能练习,创口愈合后加中药熏洗使关节功能恢复良好。

11、As a student of the Department of law, expect to learn the theory knowledge,the more import is to learn the consciention logical thinking,also learns penetrative observation. ─── 作为法律系的学生,除了学到法律的理论知识外,更重要的是学到一种严谨的逻辑思维方式以及敏锐的观察力。

12、penetrative polymer mortar ─── 渗透性聚合灰浆

13、Infantel has got so much public praise cause our penetrative understanding to the international standards and IT management systems and our accuracy and strict attitude to the academy study. ─── 信安泰通过对国际标准体系和IT管理体系的深刻理解和严谨科学的学术态度在同行业中赢得了口碑;在国内众多行业取得了丰硕的成果。

14、3 Though clitoral orgasm is easy to achieve, most women want to experience penetrative orgasm. ─── 3. 尽管阴蒂高潮易于实现,许多女人还是想要体验“实战冲刺”带来的性高潮。

15、A Simple Analysis on the Penetrative Instruction of Medical Ethics in the Educational Process of Pathology ─── 浅议病理教学过程中的医德渗透

16、Three methods such as the pretension element, decreasing temperature and penetrative contact methods are discussed in ANSYS by using finite element technology. ─── 论述了利用有限元技术在ANSYS中模拟螺栓预紧力的预紧力单元法、降温法和渗透接触法等方法。

17、penetrative weapons ─── 穿透性武器

18、Penetrative puncture resulted in a faster decrease in disc height, lower glycosaminoglycan content, and higher grades of histologic degeneration. ─── 全穿刺导致椎间盘高度下降,糖胺聚糖含量下降,和更高的豆状核变性。

19、penetrative crystal waterproof material ─── 渗透结晶型防水材料

20、I personally know of not a single heterosexual person who has used condoms every time they have had penetrative sex. ─── 我坚持每次都使用安全套,就我认识的直人中没有一个人有这种坚持。

21、A Penetrative Analysis of Unreasonable Educational Consumption Structure ─── 非理性教育消费价格结构的透视性分析

22、Theoretical Analysis on Underground Roadways Unstability under Penetrative Cranny ─── 贯通裂隙条件下地下巷道失稳的理论分析

23、Penetrative convection induced by the absorption of radiation with a nonlinear internal heat source ─── 对非线性内部热源的辐射吸收引起的贯穿对流

24、Sometimes I feel the penetrative power of the light gloom is not very strong, or it has a pull. ─── 有时候觉得,那种“淡淡的忧郁”穿透力是不是特别强,或者有种牵引力吧。

25、The galvanising presence of John Terry and penetrative wing-play of Arjen Robben cannot be restored quickly enough; ─── 和极有渗透性的边锋罗本都不能很快恢复健康。

26、Plant Squalene - A highly penetrative natural moisturiser, emollient and nourisher derived from olives . ─── 植物角鲨烯-一种来自橄榄的高度渗透的天然润肤霜。

27、penetrative wisdom ─── 睿智


29、penetrative coefficient ─── 透水系数

30、The diaries described 714 sexual encounters. In 322 of those encounters, a condom was not used during penetrative vaginal sex. ─── 这些日记中记录了714个性偶遇者,在与其中的322个人发生进入阴道的性行为时没有使用避孕套。

31、penetrative adj. ─── 渗透的;有渗透力的;彻骨的

32、penetrative shear ─── 透入剪切

33、During the construction of urban underground engineering ,there are some problems, such as penetrative destruction, dewatering in local, uplift pressure and corrosivity etc. ─── 城市地下工程在其施工过程中常因渗透破坏、降水、浮托力、腐蚀性等问题,严重影响地下工程的建设和周围建筑环境的安全。

34、penetrative structure ─── 透入性构造

35、penetrative performance ─── 侵彻性能

36、Although water molecules may pass through the cell membranes in a simple penetrative diffusion mode, this diffusion velocity is very slow. ─── 水分子虽然可以以简单渗透扩散方式通过细胞膜,但是扩散速度非常缓慢。

37、Abstract: Therc is an obvious and penetrative tragic consciousness in XIAO Hong' novels. ─── 文章摘要: 萧红的小说浸润着浓烈深刻的生命悲剧意识。

38、penetrative rock ─── 贯入岩

39、RA 1535 forms a transparent, thin, middle-hard and non-sticky film. It has good penetrative, adhesive and polishing properties. ─── RA 1535成膜薄、透明、中硬、不粘,其具有很好的渗透和粘着性能、优良的抛光性能。

40、Study on penetrative induced slot fracture performance of roller compacted concrete arch dam ─── 碾压混凝土工拱坝诱导缝断裂特性研究

41、The penetrative wire can prominently reduce the shielding effectiveness of the shielding chassis. ─── 贯通导线会造成机箱屏蔽效能显著降低;

42、The key to Arsenal playing well, being penetrative and dynamic, is when players turn on the ball. ─── 阿森纳踢得好的关键是要有球员能够拿球转身,这样才有穿透力和冲击力。

43、Keywords rock-mass cut by penetrative cranny;mining roadways;key block theory;supporting strength; ─── 裂隙岩体;回采巷道;关键块体理论;支护强度;

44、Both aspects of professionalism are relatively independent and mutually penetrative as well. ─── 这种精神的两个方面,既是相对独立,又是互相关联的。

45、penetrative asphalt pavement ─── 透水性沥青路面

46、His broad vision, innovative approaches and penetrative analysis helps much in resolving many major, complex and difficult disputes. ─── 其视野开阔,见解独到,对法律纠纷往往有精到的研究,尤其擅长于各类重大、复杂、疑难案件的分析与解决。

47、Waterproof Paint with Cement-Based Penetrative Crystal Applied to Basement Parking Lot ─── 水泥基渗透结晶防水涂料在地下车库工程中的应用

48、a penetrative survey ─── 全面深入的调查

49、Ryan Giggs, one of United's most penetrative players on a frustrating opening day against the Magpies, was also forced off in the second half. ─── 曼联在这场令人失望的平局中表现最好的球员之一的吉格斯下半场也不得不下场。

50、a toxic penetrative spray applied to the bark. ─── 洒在树皮上的穿透性毒雾。

51、rock-mass cut by penetrative cranny ─── 裂隙岩体

52、Successful implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) will give penetrative changes to enterprises. ─── 企业资源计划(ERP)的有效实施将给企业带来深刻的变革。

53、Keywords penetrative cranny;underground roadway;unstability; ─── 贯通裂隙;地下巷道;失稳;

54、penetrative hydatidiform mole ─── 穿透性水泡状胎块

55、penetrative pavement ─── 透水路面

56、It is features strong space distinctiveness and penetrative ness.It is an urban public openness to harmonize natural ecological system and that artificial construction. ─── 具有特色鲜明、渗透性强的空间特质,是自然生态系统与人工建设系统交融的城市公共开敞空间。

57、The water permeable ceramic brick is a kind of environmental protection product with penetrative pores made by special technology. ─── 陶瓷透水砖是一种经过特殊工艺制成的具有连续孔隙的生态型环保陶瓷砖。

58、From the angled and often deep positions that his job forced him into adopting, there were limited chances to use his greatest talents, shooting and penetrative passing. ─── 在这种位置不能发挥他最擅长的射门和有穿透力的传球。

59、It is an heavy crossbow designed with new idea and new technology, which can shoot the strong penetr... ─── 发布者:薛永飞所在地:河南焦作市行业:礼品、工艺品、饰品职位:外销员工作年限:二年以上

60、The fracture packing sand controlling technique is a kind of new recovery-enhancing measure aimed at high penetrative reserviors. ─── 压裂-充填综合防砂技术是针对高渗油藏开发中因地层出砂、地层结构破坏导致油井减产或停产而研究的一项新型增产措施。

61、Effects to HEMP induced current in circuits inside the shielding box caused by penetrative wire ─── 贯通导线对屏蔽机箱内电路HEMP耦合电流的影响

62、While the structure and penetrative and selective performances of polymer alloy membranes are highly related to the compatibility of the polymers involved, so this topic was talked over later. ─── 并讨论了聚合物材料合金化对膜结构及膜的渗透性和选择性的影响。

63、penetrative convection ─── 贯穿对流透射对流

64、penetrative embankment ─── 透水基层

65、A toxic penetrative spray applied to the surface. ─── 一种有毒的渗透性的喷雾施于该表面。

66、Liquid Deep Penetrative Concrete Hardener ─── 渗透型混凝土液体硬化剂

67、3.an acute observer of politics and politicians; incisive comments; icy knifelike reasoning; as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang; penetrating insight; frequent penetrative observations. ─── 对政治和政治家的敏锐观察者;尖锐的评论;冷静敏锐的推理;象犬牙的撞击一样锋利和尖锐;明察秋毫的观察;频繁敏锐的观察。

68、Mass Media has the penetrative influence on adolescent, so the adolescent’s contact to it determines the features and tendency of the Adolescent Subculture. ─── 大众媒介对青少年的有着渗透性的影响,青少年对大众媒介的接触行为特点决定了青少年次文化的特点和发展趋势。

69、A toxic penetrative spray applied to the surface. ─── 一种有毒的渗透性的喷雾施于该表面。

70、According to a Unicef report released this week, "5 to 10 percent of girls and up to 5 percent of boys suffer penetrative sexual abuse. " ─── 联合国儿童基金会本周发布的报告指出,“有5%——10%的女孩和超过5%的男孩遭受了插入式的性虐待。”

71、Jojoba oil is high in minerals and protein, is non-greasy and highly penetrative . ─── 荷荷巴油含有高量的矿物质和蛋白质,不油腻和具有高度渗透力。

72、The understanding of tourist culture should be based on the cultural form that can be penetrative into tourist behavior process and has realized transformation. ─── 摘要对旅游文化内涵的理解最终应落实在能渗透于旅游行为过程并实现了形式转化的文化形态。

73、penetrative sex ─── 行房事

74、Thanks to the remarkable musculature of a hydralisk (4,000 muscles compared to a terran's 629), the penetrative force delivered by a hydralisk spine is quite astounding. ─── 由于刺蛇拥有强有力的肌肉组织(4000多块肌肉,人族有629块),它们针刺的穿透力让人震惊。

75、Provided the assist for Trezeguet's goal, and was very penetrative down his side. ─── 本场比赛他在右侧的插入内切卓有成效,并助攻特雷泽盖得分。

76、Ascertaining Precipitation Penetrative Supplying Coefficient By Regression Analytical Method ─── 应用回归分析方法推求降水入渗补给系数

77、It"s features strong space distinctiveness and penetrative ness.It is an urban public openness to harmonize natural ecological system and that artificial construction. ─── 具有特色鲜明、渗透性强的空间特质,是自然生态系统与人工建设系统交融的城市公共开敞空间。

78、Study on The Method of Measuring Fixed-Point Liquid Level Based on Ultrasonic Penetrative Attenuation in the Wall of Containers ─── 超声波壁外透射衰减式定点液位测量方法研究

79、Very soon, however, his look became keen and penetrative. ─── 然而,他的目光很快就变得犀利而明察秋毫了。

80、Very soon, however, his look became keen and penetrative. ─── 然而,他的目光很快就变得犀利而明察秋毫了。

81、penetrative fang ─── 穿插枋

82、Park is targeting a more goals from United's midfield and plans to be more direct and penetrative when attacking from the left and right flanks. ─── 朴智星决心在中场的位置上打进更多的进球,计划踢得更为直接。在边路由进攻机会的时候会更多的突入对手的心脏。

83、Keywords Cracked coal and rockmass;chemical grouting;polyurethane;urea-formaldehyde resin;penetrative grouting;serosity diffusing; ─── 破碎煤岩体;化学注浆;聚氨酯;脲醛树脂;渗透注浆;浆液扩散;

84、But the content of mogroside in penetrative fluid was 0.85% of fresh Siraitia grosvenorii fruit. ─── 有机膜分离后所得透过液中甜甙的得率为鲜罗汉果果实的0.85%。

85、penetrative feature ─── 渗透特性

86、Shizuru is so penetrative. ─── 其实我并不觉得虐。

87、digging well penetrative test ─── 截渗围井试验

88、The forward shaped charge's penetrative technology and the two-stage explosion-proof technology are two key technologies in the studies of tandem warhead. ─── 前级聚能装药侵彻技术和两级隔爆技术在串联战斗部的设计研究中占有重要地位。

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